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I visited the Royal Thai Embassy in Georgetown, DC in 2005, 2007, 2008, and again today. The screws are tightening folks. I got a bad feeling when I walked in and recognized the guy from before, but then I was served by a fat half thai woman, who has been supersizing every day. She says max two entry tourist visa and they want to see itinerary, showing you are leaving. No way on three. I had twenty previous entries without a single overstay. I also had proof of three million thb in liquid assets. This is bullshit. We get no respect. Cambodia is looking better all the time. Maybe when i turn 50 in four years......I wonder what this is doing to condo prices in Thailand. Are there others who have called it quits on LOS, and are going someplace more open to foreign investment? BTW, the traffic around DC is horrific. :)

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I consider myself pro visa runner, so bear with me. I don't think what they offered was that bad. In the US, the embassy and also the LA consulate have a long standing reputation of being more rigid than other consulates. They wanted to see you were a real tourist. You can still play the game. Give them an itinerary. Would they take a ticket out to Malaysia, or do they insist back to the US? There are also so many Thai consulates in the US, so lots of options.

That said, there does appear to be a real crackdown at present on those living in Thailand indefinitely on tourist visas. The options for non-workers are now 30 day fly in and outers, and also the ED visa.

What are you going to do in that dump.

WHich dump are you talking about? DC or PP? One, rent is about 2000 usd per month, the other more like 200usd. I am an investor/day trader.


I wonder why people bother when all one has to do is send ones passport to an "agent' to take care of matters

I noticed that in London there was a sign saying " a criminal record is required...."!!!!

try telling me good English teachers are not required!

Honestly, I have been to 4 different places and given 6 different answers.

But I do think this kind of lameness is limited to here( although they do seem to exceed at it-reminds me of Nigeria with a smile)

Entering the USA was asked so many silly questions ( which I refused to answer) it really seems to be part and parcel of those sorts of institutions


If you have spare time and some traveling expense, try locate a honorary Thai Consulate within your region rather than

DC, LA (big cities).

I once called LA Thai embassy for some information concerning a B'Visa in which I was already sponsored by our Corporate HQ in NY and also our subsidiary affiliate in Thailand; agree, the embassy staff in LA was not nice nor helpful. So at that time, I was

living in Seattle and what I did was drive north to Vancouver BC Canada and obtained my entry Visa there.

Good Luck!

..I wonder what this is doing to condo prices in Thailand. Are there others who have called it quits on LOS, and are going someplace more open to foreign investment?

Over the past ten years, lots of expats (good ones w/ money) have left for better places........or at least places that seem like they want foreigners: Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia........in particular. Others, like Panama, are also making life good for expats. Thailand-Titanic is old news now........they have shot themselves in the foot........and they will not accept that they have made a grave mistake...........and continue to punch visa holes in the bottom of the ship in order to "fix the sinking ship problem."

..I wonder what this is doing to condo prices in Thailand. Are there others who have called it quits on LOS, and are going someplace more open to foreign investment?

Over the past ten years, lots of expats (good ones w/ money) have left for better places........or at least places that seem like they want foreigners: Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia........in particular. Others, like Panama, are also making life good for expats. Thailand-Titanic is old news now........they have shot themselves in the foot........and they will not accept that they have made a grave mistake...........and continue to punch visa holes in the bottom of the ship in order to "fix the sinking ship problem."

The OP received a double entry Tourist Visa, that with extensions, would allow him to stay for 6 months. I don't consider that particularly restrictive.

..I wonder what this is doing to condo prices in Thailand. Are there others who have called it quits on LOS, and are going someplace more open to foreign investment?

Over the past ten years, lots of expats (good ones w/ money) have left for better places........or at least places that seem like they want foreigners: Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia........in particular. Others, like Panama, are also making life good for expats. Thailand-Titanic is old news now........they have shot themselves in the foot........and they will not accept that they have made a grave mistake...........and continue to punch visa holes in the bottom of the ship in order to "fix the sinking ship problem."

The OP received a double entry Tourist Visa, that with extensions, would allow him to stay for 6 months. I don't consider that particularly restrictive.

From the Embassy itself, he did quite well I reckon.

... but then I was served by a fat half thai woman, who has been supersizing every day.

What does that have to do with anything? Are you implying that she was less competent to help you with your visa because she was fat? It sounds like she was just doing her job, and did not deny your 3rd visa due to her size. Hmm, I wonder if you were as rude to her in person as you were behind her back? Maybe try being more polite the next time you ask someone for help!

You whine about not getting any respect as a foreigner....try giving respect! I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for someone who makes ignorant comments like you did.

... but then I was served by a fat half thai woman, who has been supersizing every day.

What does that have to do with anything? Are you implying that she was less competent to help you with your visa because she was fat? It sounds like she was just doing her job, and did not deny your 3rd visa due to her size. Hmm, I wonder if you were as rude to her in person as you were behind her back? Maybe try being more polite the next time you ask someone for help!

You whine about not getting any respect as a foreigner....try giving respect! I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for someone who makes ignorant comments like you did.

you have a very valid point, sex and size have nothing to do with it.That's a little unkind.

however, several time's I have real trouble and both times from, how can I say , a Thai lady with weight issue's!

In HK I lost my receipt and was told that I could not receive my passport back " no receit, no give back" and turned her back on me!

No male in any thai embassy anywhere else has ever done that.

Shockingly rude attitude to say the lest

Fine, I said, I will have to call the police, and why can you not refer to my photo"?

Suffice to say , I did get it back, but with some childish comments and stares, much to the amusement of the male staff!

I sometimes feel that females in 3rd world country's( over weight or not!), as if trying to prove a point, who are afforded a little more power than what they are due tend to go a little overboard forgetting that without western patronage and support their new found status would never of been realized.


I think the point is that you had trouble when dealing with ladies, or even Thai ladies. But tacking on "with weight issues" has nothing to do with it. There are lots of unhelpful, crabby skinny people too. The fact that they had weight issues was most likely a coincidence and had nothing to do with the way they treated you. I'm just tired of people referring to someone as "a mean fat lady" instead of just "a mean lady." The "fat" part is not the reason she was mean, so it's irrelevant. As a woman, I have probably had more problems with men who are rude and seem to be power-tripping than I have with women - that issue of how people treat different genders is a whole different topic. But, I have never said to a friend, "that beer-bellied man was suck a jerk!" or "that short little guy wouldn't help me." I just say "that guy was a jerk." I don't feel the need to point out people's physical "flaws" when I'm frustrated with them, and I wish other people wouldn't either.


So much complaining about nothing. Try being a Thai and asking for a US visa. Its like the Spanish inquistion and a good chance of being refused, even if you have plenty of money, especially if you are female.


Even though you had a previous history with the Washington location, I don't know why anyone would go thru the hoop-jumping the 'official embassies' make you do, as opposed to using one of the 13 odd honorary thai consulates scattered around the US.

If you call the Honorary Consulates most will issue a triple entry tourist visa with a validity long enough to actually use all three entries. They also will take applications via post and with a pre-paid envelope will mail it back to you, usually in a matter of just a few days. Denver, Houston, Portland, Florida, and I think Kansas have all been reported as 'user-friendly' as far as tourist visas.

I don't think the screws are being tightened as much as they're just enforcing existing rules better than the half-assed way they used to.

I had 3 Non-Immigrant Type O Multi Entry visas issued from the Denver Consulate, and needed one more because I wasn’t yet 50. Now before I had them issued while I waited, no questions asked, etc, but the last time I applied I was denied as I didn't meet the requirements to have that visa. It didn't matter I had 3 previous Non-O visas from them in my passport, and my qualifications or lack thereof didn't change one iota. They just said they couldn't do it.

At least you got a double entry, so you're set for 6 months, (if the validity is good for that amount of time.)

I also concur with the posters who question the snide remarks you made about the person’s appearance who waited on you, as if it had anything to do with your request or subsequent denial. People who exercise the modicum of power they are afforded by their position do it regardless of their looks, as it’s the power over you they are flaunting. I know just as many, if not more skinny power mongers as I do fat ones, and it seems to have no weight restrictions.

(I won’t even go into the issue that you’re about as far from what this country considers a ‘valid tourist’ as you could be and are exploiting existing visa rules to live in thailand because that’s a whores of a different color.. whoops :) !! I mean ‘horse’ of a different color,)..

Have a great time in Cambodia.. Please turn out the light when you leave. …


Hi -

I have experience with both LA and DC. Currently DC. I too have had issues and can attest that the women in both working consular services are no charmers. I had been contacted due to lack of ticket out (2008). In 2009, I gave them exactly what they wanted and more for my meager double TR. Took too long to process BUT - I was quite worried about the return of my visa by flight date. Called and they sorted it quickly and i had it next day. 2009.

In 2008 I had a very poor experience - the woman (DC) accused me of potentially being on a blacklist (read criminal) simply because without a double TR in hand, have no idea when I would need to leave. Maybe w/ extention it's 6mos??? What a waste of money, changing discount air tickets no?

So, I called (will you give me a double?) ...."why not, you blacklist?! (you a criminal?!). This was in my own native country and I was not at all pleased about being called a criminal by a foreigner in my own country. That was quite over the top.

Big thing is to just have all your ducks in a row prior and yes i too and 4mln thb liquid and yes I still needed ticket out and blah blah blah.

Go back to using LA, that's your region and while you can go in - just do the Express Mail w/ trackers. They don't want to see you anyway so why complicate?

Bear in mind that these women are underpaid, overworked persons in a foreign country. They have to deal with all sorts of people.

PS: its doubles all round so don't complicate your life and try for a triple.

For last 2 years I had had doubles but not even used the secind as I have gone off to travel hither and yon.


The OP's observations sound just like the Thai Embassy in London.

So this is the best advice

Many times it's not necessary to travel at all, the Honorary Consul in Houston, TX and others, process many visa applications by mail.

Well this thread has served a purpose. Reminding people who don't already know, that the DC Thai embassy is best avoided unless for something super basic such as if you are a REAL tourist getting a one entry tourist visa.


Hi All,

Was in Dc, just a few months ago for an Ed visa. No problems whatsoever, even asked if I wanted MultI Entry prior to me asking. Traffic was the same in DC, the usual. They were doing construction on some of the major Highways, best way to avoid [ wait for the morning rush hour to pass].

In addition, it gives you a good opportunity to take in the historic area, while you wait. My only complaint was that I had to wait 2 days which is outlined on the paperwork they provide, other than that not so bad at all.

Best of luck all...


They don't let fat thai women work at McDonalds or Thai Airways, why should they let them represent their whole nation at one of their largest embassies. Look at the Mexican classifieds; buenas presentarse--you must have a good appearance....and that may even be to be a maid. Sorry to get off track here, but compare the chicks on Telemundo with those on the DC area news. One place is 10 times more affluent, but guess which one has the hottest chicks doing the news, and more white chicks?

Well this thread has served a purpose. Reminding people who don't already know, that the DC Thai embassy is best avoided unless for something super basic such as if you are a REAL tourist getting a one entry tourist visa.

Just a reminder..........."real tourist" as arbitrarily defined by Thai Immigration.

In reality, we are all either short stay or long stay tourists no matter what our visa says.

Other countries in the region do not define tourists in negative terms (e.g., the Philippines, Cambodia).

By arbitrarily deciding there is something wrong with long stay tourists (a very recent change), Thailand has created a problem out of a non-problem.

And to state that change was necessary for security reasons is totally bogus.

... but then I was served by a fat half thai woman, who has been supersizing every day.

What does that have to do with anything? Are you implying that she was less competent to help you with your visa because she was fat? It sounds like she was just doing her job, and did not deny your 3rd visa due to her size. Hmm, I wonder if you were as rude to her in person as you were behind her back? Maybe try being more polite the next time you ask someone for help!

You whine about not getting any respect as a foreigner....try giving respect! I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for someone who makes ignorant comments like you did.

you have a very valid point, sex and size have nothing to do with it.That's a little unkind.

however, several time's I have real trouble and both times from, how can I say , a Thai lady with weight issue's!

In HK I lost my receipt and was told that I could not receive my passport back " no receit, no give back" and turned her back on me!

No male in any thai embassy anywhere else has ever done that.

Shockingly rude attitude to say the lest

Fine, I said, I will have to call the police, and why can you not refer to my photo"?

Suffice to say , I did get it back, but with some childish comments and stares, much to the amusement of the male staff!

I sometimes feel that females in 3rd world country's( over weight or not!), as if trying to prove a point, who are afforded a little more power than what they are due tend to go a little overboard forgetting that without western patronage and support their new found status would never of been realized.

Seems to me this is a very important factor when applying for a visa to Thailand laugh.gif


Entering the USA was asked so many silly questions ( which I refused to answer ) it really seems to be part and parcel of those sorts of institutions

I am a US citizen and was held for questioning upon entering USA last month (I have a Bob Smith-type of name and this happens on occasion)... if you had answered as above at Washington/Dulles to the guys I had to deal with, you would have been led away in handcuffs.



is this a thread about getting visas or having cheap potshots at Thai women who don't say yes to your every desire?

Forum rules:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

I visited the Royal Thai Embassy in Georgetown, DC in 2005, 2007, 2008, and again today. The screws are tightening folks. I got a bad feeling when I walked in and recognized the guy from before, but then I was served by a fat half thai woman, who has been supersizing every day. She says max two entry tourist visa and they want to see itinerary, showing you are leaving. No way on three. I had twenty previous entries without a single overstay. I also had proof of three million thb in liquid assets. This is bullshit. We get no respect. Cambodia is looking better all the time. Maybe when i turn 50 in four years......I wonder what this is doing to condo prices in Thailand. Are there others who have called it quits on LOS, and are going someplace more open to foreign investment? BTW, the traffic around DC is horrific. :)

No respect? I wonder how a Thai person feels when the U.S. embassy takes their nonrefundable 100 dollars, gives them a 2 minute interview and then denies their visa application. No respect?

I visited the Royal Thai Embassy in Georgetown, DC in 2005, 2007, 2008, and again today. The screws are tightening folks. I got a bad feeling when I walked in and recognized the guy from before, but then I was served by a fat half thai woman, who has been supersizing every day. She says max two entry tourist visa and they want to see itinerary, showing you are leaving. No way on three. I had twenty previous entries without a single overstay. I also had proof of three million thb in liquid assets. This is bullshit. We get no respect. Cambodia is looking better all the time. Maybe when i turn 50 in four years......I wonder what this is doing to condo prices in Thailand. Are there others who have called it quits on LOS, and are going someplace more open to foreign investment? BTW, the traffic around DC is horrific. :)

No respect? I wonder how a Thai person feels when the U.S. embassy takes their nonrefundable 100 dollars, gives them a 2 minute interview and then denies their visa application. No respect?

The "I wonder how a Thai person would fill if......" response always makes me laugh a bit. I can tell you for sure, if the US government decided to adopt Thai rules...the way Thais treat us..........the shit would hit the fan! In short, Thais would not like that at all and most would likely have to pack up and return to Thailand.


I wonder what the Op considers respect? The fact is, he received a double entry Tourist Visa, they could have been more restrictive, and only issued a single or nothing at all. I would say he doesn't have anything to complain about, but then again, I try to pay attention to the facts, not ignore them.

And as a matter of fact, for all the whining and complaining I've read on this forum, crack downs, red stamps, etc., I've don't recall many, if any, legitmate applications being refused.

Entering the USA was asked so many silly questions ( which I refused to answer ) it really seems to be part and parcel of those sorts of institutions

I am a US citizen and was held for questioning upon entering USA last month (I have a Bob Smith-type of name and this happens on occasion)... if you had answered as above at Washington/Dulles to the guys I had to deal with, you would have been led away in handcuffs.

I refused to answer some bloody stupid questions too. It was completely ridiculous. I dearly love the USA and hopefully it will see how pointless it is to ask some of those questions.

Next time I may just lie.

If I had of done I would of not been hassled.

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