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Bee In Helmet While Going Up Doi Suthep


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I was riding home at dusk one day and decided that rather than stopping and switching face shields I'd just slow down a bit and truck on. A dragonfly straight to the eyeball (and yes I'm sure it was a dragonfly since I immediately flipped the shield down, pulled over and discovered him) made me a firm believer that insects and I should not share the same space.

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Talking about painfull's, Bee in helmet i can only image,

I had one's RED ant inside helmet and did not know that until it was INSIDE my mouth and stang,,,F^&^@$$@%^,,that was painfull under the tonque,,,,while doing abt 100KM\H

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I had an encounter with a huge beetle one day, had the face shield up ( doh) and was going about 140km/h... it hit me right under the eye, the next day i had a small blackeye.. ouch!

But a bee in the helmet i have never experienced.. lets hope it stays that way! :)

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Talking about painfull's, Bee in helmet i can only image,

I had one's RED ant inside helmet and did not know that until it was INSIDE my mouth and stang,,,F^&^@$@%^,,that was painfull under the tonque,,,,while doing abt 100KM\H

About 18 years ago i had a scooter rented in Cozumel, Mexico...drove with an open face helmet (no visier) at medium speed when a quite big bird came from side of the road and hit right into my face....lucky nothing happened just a fair amount of shock ...................so i went into "shock treatment" mexican style ...= "Tequila slammer" at Carlos'n'charlies :) most of the rest of stay there was then " shock treatment" happy days ,


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Talking about painfull's, Bee in helmet i can only image,

I had one's RED ant inside helmet and did not know that until it was INSIDE my mouth and stang,,,F^&^@$@%^,,that was painfull under the tonque,,,,while doing abt 100KM\H

About 18 years ago i had a scooter rented in Cozumel, Mexico...drove with an open face helmet (no visier) at medium speed when a quite big bird came from side of the road and hit right into my face....lucky nothing happened just a fair amount of shock ...................so i went into "shock treatment" mexican style ...= "Tequila slammer" at Carlos'n'charlies :) most of the rest of stay there was then " shock treatment" happy days ,


hahaha...you made my day!!!hahahahaha

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The FNU took a Tiger Hornet up behind her visor a few months back near CMU and it stung her near her mouth. A fast trip to Maharaj Hospital and she spent the night there. Bees are okay... Hornets scare the wee out of me!

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1976 I had a yamaha RD 200 and was warring a full face helmet through my local town with the visor up..Whach!! a wasp hit me in the face and then decided to walk around the top of the chin guard..No fun and stoped asap!! will never forget that and often think of it when riding in Thailand..funny they only sting a little but gloves on and having to undo my helmet (yes I had it strapped up) seemed like for ever.

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Had a four week break from work, night before taking off on my big bike trip decided (some beer involved) to shave my head.

Next day took ferry (New Zealand) to south island, 40 min into ride south hit swarm of bees . . . open face helmet, stings above left ear and right eye. Am mildly allergic, swelling so bad I couldn't wear sunglasses, remember stopping at tourist spot, removing helmet and frightening busload Japanese tourists, only later realised I looked like the Elephant Man - big lumps on my head.

Same trip, on return approx 3wks later got bee or wasp caught in neck-scarf, sting/s on throat swelled up - had antihistamines this time.

Gave up on open-face helmets since then.

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I can top all you...last week, at dusk, I was doing about 80 or so on the Ninja and a bat flew directly into my face, (or maybe I drove directly into it's path) either way, surprised the hel_l out of me. Luckily I had my full face mask helmet on, as I almost always do. The sound of the impact was qoute terrifying.

There is apparently a law in Thailand that not only are you supposed to wear a helmet, but you must also wear eye protection on motorbikes. I have no idea how Thais are able to ride around with no eye protection all the time, as they do here in Phuket. I've tried it just a few times and always get crap in my eyes.

Edited by Scubabuddha
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I use open face, off-road style helmet, but always use goggles.

Strangely enough never had anything in it yet, it seems like some kind of air cushion builds up at speed keeping smaller insects from getting in.

Did have a hornet sting (I think, didn't see the animal) on my right arm while driving, felt initially like somebody whacked my arm with something, after pulling over saw a stinger in my arm, extracted it and rode on.

After 10 minutes big swelling and very painful. And I'm not allergic normally to animal stings...

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I had an encounter with a huge beetle one day, had the face shield up ( doh) and was going about 140km/h... it hit me right under the eye, the next day i had a small blackeye.. ouch!
You're lucky it wasn't a stone kicked up by a vehicle.  :)  Get that visor down.
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seems doi sutthep is pretty treacherous in terms of fauna flying in the way of us and our motorbikes. i was hit by a bird up there a couple years ago, i thought i had hit an overhanging branch at first but the feathers and birdcrap on my face suggested a different story.

motorcyclists beware!!

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