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Attack In Daylight On Female Jogger - Promthep Cape

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this may happen all over but this happened in broad daylight in an area where people normaly feel safe in the morning and also at 7am in the 2nd victims house. These are hours where people normally dont feel worried, paranoid.

IT was not in the Gazette because no one reported it to the Gazette. It got in the other online news blog for Phuket because someone reported it to them.

When I first received the info, less then 2 hours after it happened, it was via a woman who happened to come accross the woman after she was being helped. However at this point I did not know her name. and the emial was circulated cautioning women but there were no facts to follow up with from the papers.

We, you and I must inform the news when something happens or no one will know about it!

Obviously someone wanted to tell one media agency more then another one for whatever reasons. PM if you want to know where to find the whole story and you can't figure out by the cyptic references

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Thank you XStatic for posting this.

I feel so sad for the lady this happened to. I sincerely hope she gets proper after care both emotionally as well as physically. The attacker not only raped her body, but also her mind, due to the aftermath of the psychological trauma he will have also caused. I hope she is a strong lady and has a good support net work around her.

As for the attacker..and the people who apparently walked on past... i just cant find words for that...


Mods can you change the title of this thread? I hope that Thai Visa has a sense of social responsibility, despite media politics, to post the facts. 1 women attacked, 1 raped and 1 attempted rape.

This happened within 24 hours of each other. Both in Nai Harn, both around the same time. 7-8 am.

Mods can you change the title of this thread? I hope that Thai Visa has a sense of social responsibility, despite media politics, to post the facts. 1 women attacked, 1 raped and 1 attempted rape.

Sorry, it's Thaivisa policy to leave topic titles once the topic has been running. Topic edit screws up the search engines.


I experienced violence here when simply renting houses from corrupt landlords here in Phuket, which was doubly oppressive since when I reported literal harassment from a landlord the landlord (an expat Belgium man with his european wife) bribed the police and even threatened me while in the police station, with the police smirking and helping him. This is in addition to even worse treatment from the so-called Tourist police who can barely speak English if at all if you phone. But trying to make this "newsworthy" is impossible, since it taints the tourist industry which would like to paint Phuket as a pleasant place to relax and especially to invest or just bring your money, no worries. There are no news items about how corrupt the police or the realtors are here, and if I am the only person to have experience this, I am willing to pay 500,000 baht.

poor laosuwan and xstatic

irrespective of what several others might think or expressed here,

i wish to thank you for your posts and your concerns over the general affairs on phuket....

i visited phuket often--only when necessary--when friends and relatives from homeland coming to visit....

the geographical pictures gathered by visiting friends and relatives were immensely impressive

but other than that, everything else beginning with local attitudes--charging whatever you can....

and worst of all--who asks you to come to phuket....

if you don't like it...., if you can not afford it...., if you don't want to pay this price.... don't come.....

mostly i ended up with having to explain and apologize to my own friends and relatives that....



yes, i do have wife's side several relatives who are proprietors of large resorts, restaurants, motor cycle rentals in phuket....

they all love phuket very much, especially the high seasons.... lol

but none of them wants to talk out loud in public.... about what phuket is really like.... for fear of whatever might befall them....

we all agree on one similar thing--the changes must come from the very top reigning bureaucrates.... who can draw the STRAIGHT line on the sand for the proprietors and their hirehands to follow.... lol


PG has now picked up the story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/news/index.as...8&display=1 (This is a daily news link so you may need to scroll down as time goes on. I couldn't find a stand alone link to the story)

Like an earlier poster I decided not to put it on TV as I had no doubt I'd be attacked in the way the OP was originally attacked before the story came out, instead I too just warned friends.

I wouldn't say the OP wasn't attacked. The author of the 1st reply, laosawan, was attacked, and probably rightly so. The OP's claims were brought into question by me and others due to the odd way in which this odd and difficult to believe (and we hoped it wasn't true) story broke with very little details or sources mentioned, coupled with the fact that the OP and the 1st reply to the post, laosuwsan, were both newbies with 2 or 3 posts, and laosawan's reply was a time consuming collection of sensational Phuket headlines posted soon after the original post. It looked to a lot of us like another anti-Phuket troll. I have already apologized publicly and privately to the OP for my doubting, and maybe overbearing post, but I needed confirmation, now we have it. Were not all insensitive <deleted> at TV. Turns out the victim was someone I knew.

Obviously someone wanted to tell one media agency more then another one for whatever reasons. PM if you want to know where to find the whole story and you can't figure out by the cyptic references

This is a new and interesting comment for me. I for one emailed various news sources with the link to this post asking for verification. The unmentionable news site broke it first, then PG, but nothing yes as I can see on the Phuket Post.


Phuket Post? they never have anything... In my opionin when it come to real news, breaking stores and follow up it is neither the PP nor the PG that is the best. After all it was the unmentionable news blog that broke the Rohinyan boat people story.

The Gazette was to busy with fluff about the Polish Beauty Pagent. Yawn Yawn.


Dare I say these things, hmmm, of course I dare - could it perhaps be that the likes of the PG are only suddenly aware and able to report details of these events, only once the local expat community has picked up on them and discussed them on forums such as these? It seems to me that either the expat community is acting as the catalyst for more such reporting or that the modus operandi at PG and the like is, if nobody is talking about it, don't rock the boat, controversial non?

Dare I say these things, hmmm, of course I dare - could it perhaps be that the likes of the PG are only suddenly aware and able to report details of these events, only once the local expat community has picked up on them and discussed them on forums such as these? It seems to me that either the expat community is acting as the catalyst for more such reporting or that the modus operandi at PG and the like is, if nobody is talking about it, don't rock the boat, controversial non?

I wish I could remember where I read it, but I do recall the editor of PG saying he is at the whim of the "local powers that be" as to what he can publish.

Is it really a rule that we can't mention Phuketwan here? Guess I'll fins out. Seems a strange bit of censorship.


What a load of <deleted> listing 100 bad things about phuket, you could do this about any city in the world. Every place has something wrong with it. I wonder why some people are still here if thet make it sound so bad.

What a load of <deleted> listing 100 bad things about phuket, you could do this about any city in the world. Every place has something wrong with it. I wonder why some people are still here if thet make it sound so bad.


just for your info, many are in phuket because of their personal habits which in other parts of thailand, they would stand out like a very sore thumb.

another reason, why so many remain in phuket because they are not aware that there are other utopia in thailand.... thailand of old with years ago charm and charisma.... and where crimes against farangs are practically zero.... and farangs are free to roam.... the hillsides and the virgin forests and mountains....

and a small fraction remain in phuket because there are easy ways to make quick money....

and then there are those business entrepreneurs who love the constant changing influx of tourists.... lol

and lastly there are those relatives of mine, who love phuket because they are of the impression that it is their exclusive paradise....

the land you walk on, my parents own it, the place you sleep belongs to me, the food you eat comes from my aunties' kitchens, the shorts you wear manufactured by daughters' factories and only the contaminated air you breathe is mostly free for now anyway.... lol

lastly, for pete's sake.... phuket is a major tourist town.... the haves and the haves not--they all love it.... and if john wayne were here, he could have traded his ride for a couple of you know what.... lol <i love john.... and still love to watch his movies at wee hours of the night.... lol >

and if any one of us really cares about what phuket really ought to be like....

let's do our little part, our individual part, in cleaning it up.... and getting rid of the undesirables.... BUT wait a minute, i am beginning to sound like local thai political candidate here.... geeweez.... i guess phuket's blazing sun and the shiny dollars and pounds are beginning to affect my irrationality.... lol

I cant quote the article mentioned but jesus.. Who were the two piece of weak sh1t who saw the woman being raped and kept on riding or walking away ?? I mean &lt;deleted&gt; !!

Obviously Thai and didn't have the mob to back them up.You know Thai's don't like one on one.

At least one of them was western according to the news piece.

I dont know how I could look myself in the mirror if I witnessed a attempted rape and walked on.. I mean, even if your not the fighting type, noise, attention, etc is all it takes.. To just keep out of it boggles my mind !!


Sadly when I told this story to the missus, her total non reaction was probably the biggest notable factor.

From other Thai women I have known, rape seems nearly commonplace, certainly I remember my wife of the time freaking out because a female child had been left with her own (distant) family and demanded we went immediately to go get her sure she was due to be raped (her own family !!) and another woman I knew matter of factly explaining when they were kids they used to have to play a high stakes came of hide and seek from a drunken uncle who molested them if he found them, yet the uncle was just tolerated in the village as being 'mai tem baht' !!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Morning Nai Harn jog turns into nightmare

phuket-The-road-near-Nai-Harn-lake-where-the-expat-Phuket-resident-was-attacked-while-on-a-morning-jog-1-MUSjjeU.jpgThe road near Nai Harn lake where an expat Phuket resident was attacked while on a morning jog earlier this week.

RAWAI, PHUKET: An expat Phuket resident narrowly escaped an attempted rape in the Nai Harn area of Phuket when she was attacked by a Thai man wielding a screwdriver last Friday morning.

The victim, 39, told the Gazette today that the attack came as she was out for a morning jog near Nai Harn Lake at about 8am.

She was running along the uphill section towards Phromthep Cape when a Thai man pulled up along side her on a motorbike and began talking to her in broken English.

"He offered me a ride, but I refused. He also asked if I had a boyfriend, so I said yes," said the victim, a long-term resident of the area.

According to the victim, the man then circled back and forth a few times, then got off the bike and walked straight towards her, brandishing a screwdriver.

The attacker forced her up a dirt path to a secluded area, where he began to try and rape her, pinning her down and punching her when she tried to scream for help.

When she noticed another Thai man jogging past on the main road, she summoned all her strength and kicked off the would-be rapist.

The other jogger escorted the woman back to the safety of the Nai Harn Lake area and stayed with her until she felt safe.

She then went to report the attack at Chalong Police Station.

Her assailant remains at large.

Chalong Police confirmed that a complaint has been filed and said the woman told them her assailant was a young Thai man, possibly in his teens or early twenties.

The incident has been a popular topic of discussion on the Phuket Gazette/Thaivisa.com community forum.

To follow the discussion click here. spacer.gif– Pimwara Choksakulpan


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-10-09


i am so pleased to learn that at least she remembered to scream and finally was able to deliver the kick.... effectively

the repetition of the similar incidents across the nation begin to point out the importance of feminine gender learning the fatal arts of how to effectively poke their fingers into potential assailant's eyes or kick between the legs.... particularly when the rapist was getting ready to violate....

just poke your index and/or middle fingers HARD AND DEEP into assailant's eye sockets.... and get up and run.... worry about exposed anatomy later.... do not wash your bloody hands nor shower.... you can do all that after dna is gathered at the hospital.... call your best friend to accompany you to lessen your anxiety....

most military personnel would be glad to teach you a few moves to effectively and instantaneously disable an attacker or two....

pls just ask a few crew cut fellows around you....

you'll be surprised how readily these stout men are willing to teach you....

after having learning the most damaging strikes, you'll probably be able to protect yourself regardless of territory or country.

just do not do any of these moves on your loved one, while you are sleep walking.... lol


have you ever heard of the hospital gathering DNA evidence? Have you ever heard of the police in THailand doing this besides for the tsunami?

are the police even taking this seriously?

" a complaint has been filed" while the continue to sit back and do nothing?

This is an important matter which should not be taken lightly.

I know the lady who was attacked first hand & can guarantee that this incident absolutely took place. I am not about to reveal names.

For those who wish to believe this is some sort of 'troll' message, I would recommend you choose to comment in such a way on a post of a nature which is not serious.

For those who would like to listen, please, be careful. What more can I say and why on earth would anybody make something like this up, this is NOT a joking matter.

Just for the record I believed your post in the first instance and I agree that it's very important to spread the word for the safety of others. I find that as usual a lot of the replies are from people who are in total denial about the crime rate in Phuket. There have been numerous brutal attack on tourists over the past few years, some which have been fatal. Most have been reported on here and it always seems to be the fault of the victim when these events take place. I for one have never had a problem in Phuket or for anywhere else in Thailand over the past 10 years, but just because it has not happened does not mean that it's not going to happen. This also applies to the defenders of the faith whom temporarily reside in Phuket. I find it astounding how foreigners can vehemently defend a country that is not the country of their birth and I di beleive that they have a vested interest in doing so. Eg business owners that can do without the bad press. Also to compare the crime rate in Phuket with major first world cities throughout the globe is laughable. The only thing that they have in common is that they are on the same planet.

My two pence worth.

Cheers, Rick


So she did get away? If so, im relieved for her. Not that it makes her attack any less shocking or frightening, but im glad that the assault did not go as far as it could have.

Many of the examples given did not happen in Phuket.

WHEN will you take off your pink glasses and get real? There are a lot more criminals in Phuket as the police here can handle AND there are a lot more crimes, burglaries, beatings of tourists, break ins etc etc as in every local or other newspaper reported.

I am living in Phuket since ten years, visit it since more than 20 and wonder whats going on here. Police is more busy checking on helmets and driving licenses to make money as taking care of the security on our island. There are no save places here, doesnt matter you sleep in your house or walk on a street.

There is a road in Nai Harn where every single day many accidents happend, Orbortor of Rawai AND the police giving a sh1t about it, two years ago there was a STOP sign, it was smashed in an accident and since there is none anymore, just for example.

There are too many people here from Isaan and from South provinces which dont have a proper job.....WHAT ARE THEY DOING FOR LIVING ?

WAKE UP you pink glasses wearing Farangs which cry NO always, NOT HERE IN LOS..... if it hits you, you are the people which cry louder than everybody else.

and never forget, you are ONLY a Farang, so Police dont work the same way as other way around, in ANY CASE

they cant even catch someone if you tell them his motobike or car number or they just dont want because you are FARANG, you are fckn rich anyway!


but anyway, I wonder what the police did in the meantime about this attempted rape. Do they help the victim to create an identikit picture to find this animal`? or just writing another protocol for which the victim has to pay for and thats it`?

but anyway, I wonder what the police did in the meantime about this attempted rape. Do they help the victim to create an identikit picture to find this animal`? or just writing another protocol for which the victim has to pay for and thats it`?

If you read้ำ........ story you will see the 2 victims got together on their own to see if it was the same guy. Do it your self justice. The police should have tried to determine that. WE, the people of Phuket, need to know if there are 1 or 2 rapist on the loose in Nai Harn!

A story about the cops. my friend told me he rented out a house to a tourist who called him at 4am because he caught some little SH*t inside his house. So he locked him up somewhere. My friend got to the house and they called the police and no one came and he said they called like 3 times, even speaking some Thai explaining what happened. He said the police officer sounded so so drunk.

They never came and they had to let the kamoey go...

Last night there was a bike accident close to my house. Ambulence took ONE HOUR to come.

A call was made to the stupid 191 number and then about half hour later, after the Thai girls who were with him or stopped had been moving this guy around, trying to hold his head up, smoking cigarettes in his face while trying to help him, the police come. (If he had a neck injury he is certainly much worst today).

The cops come, light up a fag and look at the guy, determine he is drunk. But HE WAS injured! Finally the ambulance comes. (note to self: Next time call the over priced 1179 myself or direct to Karon Fire dept).

I was so upset and complainted to Thai Mrs Man about it. All she said was that if Thailand was so bad why does everyone want to live here (her idea is that everyone wants to live here) and that she is so tired about Farangs complaning about Thailand like now even at 4 am.

I guess we just get frustrated because it would not be so hard to just make it a little bit beter, safer, help people. But it is useless. a Thai will normally no listen to the suggestion of a farang just because it has come from a farang.

In the case of the rape, of course GEt a sketch, someone even posted a link soemwhere else..

www.lashface.ctapt.de to a FREE program.

USE THE PUBLIC TO HELP. PUT IT IN THE THAI PRESS.. what color bike, what shoes was he wearing, features, etc...........


Unfortunately we are in a second world nation with many third world aspects, and the policing is one of them. We must accept certain risks living here, but that doesn't mean that we can't get involved in trying to improve them. Thailand will be better off because of it. The Thai's have figured out that the police are, and will remain, an ineffective wholly corrupt entity, unless they rise up and block some roads etc., the police will do nothng but continue to make thier rounds collecting thier payoffs from every business in Phuket. Only when the people rise up do the police mobilize and get things done, or at least successfully fool the masses into thinking they are getting things done. Since we don't have the numbers they do, if we want to get things done, we have the Thaivisa community to spread information and promote the dessimination of that information to the local English papers and online sources such as Phuket Gazette, Phuket Post, Phuket-info.com and Phuketwan.com. Thai's will never come out in numbers in support of an injustice to a farang like they do with their own. Justice received by a farang usually means justice served on a Thai.


we had the same experience many times with the police in our area. Its not only the fault of the police or the ambulance drivers but of the crackbrained

manner to assign housenumbers in Thailand. Its not done by thinking or in any order, its just done by the time the house was build. And in Phuket there was build a lot during the past years.

If I ever catch someone in our house again (three break ins in one year!!) and the police refuse to come, FINE, I handle it by myself, and bring him to Chalong Police station after that. A policeman I know told me once, do what you want with him, beat him up, use a cutter or whatever but DONT KILL HIM or you go to jail. In your friends case, you should report it to the governor of Phuket or his lovely anonymous box.

Another story, one of my friends mother was attacked two years ago on the way home, my friend just walked 30m in front of her with the dog when a guy stole her handbag with money telephone and some important medicine she needs. They got the Motobike Number but until today the police cant find this people.

A year ago I had an accident close to TESCO and 40m away from a traffic police box, A car drove in my motobike from behind while we were waiting for the traffic to go on. I walked to the car and the driver runs away. I run to the police box and told them the number but they were absolutely not intrested and send me to Phuket town....nothing new about the car until today, they told me they cant find out car numbers.....

so for both cases, want to bet? they got YOU after some hours because YOU are a RICH FARANG and they always make their share.


I could tell you guys of a lot break in there have been latly, and this is just people i know,,, but who cares

Where is HERE ?

if it is Phukets Nai Harn or Rawai or Ban Konti area, may be its easier to name the houses without break ins during the past years.

After I had three visits at nightime in one year I drove around a bit, just to find out I am not the only one. I know about 60+ other houses around here,

one where the blood on the floor and walls was still warm and a lot of it


The truths behold, yes the Island is understaffed with underpaid Police, and by western standards much criminal activity does not get dealt with.

Crime happens in all countries Phuket is no different than Sydney, New York, Rome.

In the relatively crime free small country town I grew up in rural Canada about 10 years ago the choice of inebriates turned from marijuana to speed (methamphetamine) All hel_l broke loose: violent crime went through the roof, Break and Entry, murder etc as it has world wide.

Based on per capita statistics Phuket is on par.

Drug related crime has gone up because the drug of choice world wide is methamphetamine: Ya Baa


"Crazy medicine".

Violent crime against Westerners has increased as there are more of us here, more of us to fall prey.

In the past, the news, if reported was mostly Thai related.

Sensationalism sells.

Recently, on the ABC (Australian televised news) I watched an interesting report that Thailand is now training for the first time in history Thai women to become police officers in order to deal with woman related crimes as it is difficult for men to address the crimes due to respect of privacy.

Men are not able to ask questions about rape/abuse etc in order to not loose face/show respect. Congratulations to Thailand. Gently the country moves ahead.

Interestingly enough I have not seen anything in local news on the matter. Maybe I missed it. Asked my wife who watches the news regularly and she has not seen any mention.

I read so much of the same here on TV, may I suggest each one of you send a well written letter to the Phuket Governor. Request a response.

I need not suggest your questions to him as we all have the same thoughts about crime against women; it must be dealt with swiftly. (Oops I guess i just did).

When we have all done this lets start a forum on what his responses are.

Recently he has publicly made an appeal for help to address the unlawfulness of his Island.

If you have the time to write to each other on TV why not take the time and write to someone who might be able to do something about it.

Provincial Governor of Phuket

PO Box 101

Phuket City


Many of the examples given did not happen in Phuket.

WHEN will you take off your pink glasses and get real? There are a lot more criminals in Phuket as the police here can handle AND there are a lot more crimes, burglaries, beatings of tourists, break ins etc etc as in every local or other newspaper reported.

I am living in Phuket since ten years, visit it since more than 20 and wonder whats going on here. Police is more busy checking on helmets and driving licenses to make money as taking care of the security on our island. There are no save places here, doesnt matter you sleep in your house or walk on a street.

There is a road in Nai Harn where every single day many accidents happend, Orbortor of Rawai AND the police giving a sh1t about it, two years ago there was a STOP sign, it was smashed in an accident and since there is none anymore, just for example.

There are too many people here from Isaan and from South provinces which dont have a proper job.....WHAT ARE THEY DOING FOR LIVING ?

WAKE UP you pink glasses wearing Farangs which cry NO always, NOT HERE IN LOS..... if it hits you, you are the people which cry louder than everybody else.

and never forget, you are ONLY a Farang, so Police dont work the same way as other way around, in ANY CASE

they cant even catch someone if you tell them his motobike or car number or they just dont want because you are FARANG, you are fckn rich anyway!

I think you have been drinking too much coffee.

How does my assertion that many of the cases quoted didn't happen in Phuket, lead you to think I wear rose tinted glasses?

Length of stay here is irrelevent. I should know, I've been here longer than you.


Some good advice above, and I'm sorry but I am going to use something you said as an example here. I know your not the only one that has said this, but:

Crime happens in all countries Phuket is no different than Sydney, New York, Rome.

is something I see people on ThaiVisa saying all the time. I am not sure the motivations for these types of comments. It seems like a rationalization excusing the crimes as well as the excusing the lazy "I don't give a shit" attitude of the poster, which unfortuantley a common trait among many expats, like that exhibited by moskito above. (not you though jay) What would you rather have us do? Remain silent and just let others be victimized while letting the police off the hook? Sorry, we may be in Thailand but we are not Thai. There is no point to these "crime happens everywhere" comments other than to generalize and minimize the problem and make the commenter feel better about doing nothing.

People, Thai and farang alike, can institute change.

People, Thai and farang alike, can institute change.

Thing is though, SB (and I feel this might come as a surprise to you), what some TV members seem to be saying here is they are content with their lives and environs here which are infinitely more agreeable to them than where they have come from (and I, personally, believe they speak for a silent majority). They are not rising up with indignation regarding Thai culture/society/perceived problems because they are inherently satisfied with their life(s) and their own ability to to live safely and happily within them. Righteous pontificating and instituting change is not something they are shying away, or hiding, from as you imply, its just that those traits, which you hold in such high esteem don't even register on the radar of a happy and content individual...


Scubabuddha - well put.

And to the comment you quite efficiently shredded

Crime happens in all countries Phuket is no different than Sydney, New York, Rome

I would add that the response to crime is different and that's the point. Murder or rape someone in most western cities and there is an immediate response. Yes, people can trot out Manchester, Detroit etc. as being violent holes, but the fact is that the police there do take it seriously and do investigate. Just at the time Chicago was trying to win the Olympics an honour roll teen was brutally beaten to death. Horrific crime, but the perps were apprehended soon after. When a rapist is on the loose in Vancouver, Florence, Nantes, the police will put resources into the investigation and the community will have people available to advocate and assist the victim. In Thailand that response is non existant. The resources are made available in the west because the community demands it. There are no powerful victim advocate or women's rights groups here.

Sure small property crimes go unattended in many western cities, just like in Thailand. The difference is that there is a calculated cost benefit analysis in the west. The police administration only has a limited amount of resources and weighs the cost of the crime vs. the cost of the response. That exercise isn't even undertaken on Phuket. In Thailand the police and judiciary are not accountable to anyone in practice and do as they please. It is a dysfunctional system and is part of the country. Can it change? Yes, but then that would require a fullscale change in society akin to what one saw in Vietnam in the 1970's.

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