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Marrying Within Class


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After discussing why farang marry the bargirls with Thais.These are my conclusions.

I donot drink or smoke so all my thai friends arenot bar scene people.

I ask them would a good thai woman marry a thai man who drank everyday ? Of course the answer is no, I ask would you marry a thai man who smoked a lot? Again the answer is no.Would you marry a thai man who goes to prostitutes? Again i get the no reply.

These are middle class thais with shops or careers and come from decent families.I have found these to be the majority of thais. They willnot marry drinking smoking thais why marry farang, with those bad habits.

They have a class structure same as us. So in reality most drunk farang marry bargirls because that is their class. Most just donot realize it, or willnot admit it.

Here a lowlife farang can have a lowlife lifestyle no problem, as long as the money holds out. But his accessability to good thais is limited. And he is kept in his class and doesnot grow out of it.

Next time a thai ask you why farang marry bargirl just say they marry within their class.

I am sure many will dispute this with stories about thai men and families. But their observations will be from their associations and again that comes down to class.

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Not a class issue, perhaps a cultural one... there is the compatibility issue in some cases is that foreigners in general don't come with a set of inlaws, often don't have a visible tangible profession (much less business/property, etc.) and sometimes that's a slight roadblock or at least imbalance when it comes to relationships with middle, upper middle, etc. classes.

For the lower classes, it's almost like 'anything would be an improvement,' hence almost no barriers to entry, and thus these relationships are the most numerous.


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May I suggest the OP. goes back to his Moronic class with his pals and stop being so judgemental of others.

Moronic - adjective - So senseless as to be laughable: absurd , foolish , harebrained , idiotic , imbecilic , insane , lunatic , mad , nonsensical


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