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On clicking the Options, top right, on somebody else's Topic, I get email notifications of Posts.

On my own Topics, there is no Options button, just Enable email notifications, at the bottom, below 'enable' signitures.

By clicking that bullet, I do not get emails of Posts. It used to work.

After visiting my Topic, there is now an Options button, top right, that was not there before. Hoping this will work, I clicked on it, but it said 'already subscribed', so that does not work, either.


I just thought of something. I will Post this Topic, then visit it, without clicking 'notify' and use the Options button to see if that works!?

If somebody could just Reply '''TEST"""

I think it will work now. The Options button gave me a screen saying I am subscribed.

The email notifications doesn't do that.

Oh this was the previous Thread. Because notify wasn't working, I could not find it, but it popped up on the List.


Mod can merge or just Delete that one, as there is not value in it.

Fingers crossed this new 'tactic' will work


tnx AP - It worked!

For me, anyway, clicking email notifications, at the bottom, to get email notice of Replies does NOT work.

Not clicking that bullet, Posting the Topic, then subscribing through Options button, top right, DOES work.

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