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Vent! - Thaivisa Men


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Howard's husband has something to do with that totally moronic TV show "Big trouble in tourist Thailand". If you're smart, you won't go near that imbecilic program.

Thanks for that, when I want a monkey I'll rattle the chain. :D

A fat toad calling me a monkey!!! :)

I'm trying to be polite :D

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Are these men really reflective of the men in Thailand? Are they really so bitter? Why do they then not reflect many of the great western men i have met here?

I have found a disproportionate amount of westerners to be chronic malcontents. Not exclusive to Thai Visa by any means. It still bogles my mind as to why they remain here. In my experience there is an element of every population that seems to thrive on complaining. If they are not upset about something they are not complete. Unfortunately here in Thailand, many of the complaints are of a cultural nature, full of supposition and judgement. Based on their version of western values. Throw in racism, sexism, Christianity and a foreign language, along with copious amounts of alcohol. There is your recipe for discontentment.

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I have found a disproportionate amount of westerners to be chronic malcontents. Not exclusive to Thai Visa by any means. It still bogles my mind as to why they remain here. In my experience there is an element of every population that seems to thrive on complaining. If they are not upset about something they are not complete. Unfortunately here in Thailand, many of the complaints are of a cultural nature, full of supposition and judgement. Based on their version of western values. Throw in racism, sexism, Christianity and a foreign language, along with copious amounts of alcohol. There is your recipe for discontentment.

Far too simplistic.

I agree with your first sentence, "I have found a disproportionate amount of westerners to be chronic malcontents".

The funny thing is that it is quite normal for everybody to complain about something. I bet that you complain about something!

With regard to cultural complaints, I feel that most complaints are justisfied, given the fact that the Thai culture is enforced (indoctrinated) here, which means that "some people" (in power) don't want things to change.

I can clearly see the need for some people to be quite negative, given the situation here. I, myself, am not negative. I am, however, aware & vocal about the inconsistencies of things in Thailand. Does this make me "negative"?

Edited by elkangorito
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Would it be possible to start a movement for all you ladies to have your menses together on the same days each month. Life would be much easier than trying to remember each individual's :)

Further, I'm sure half of the whinges by ThaiVisa men come about because their wives/GFs/BFs/mia noi/gik etc are having their times of the month which in turn creates a far from virtuous circle... :D

Could be win-win..... just a thought.....cause and effect....

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Think most lads who say disparaging remarks on TV, would never do in person. :)

Agree with you there brit. Can't imagine too may snide remarks being made about a guy's wife etc to his face, guess some only have virtual balls :D

I speak in person, the same as I do here.

Hence the word "some' all opposed to "all" :D

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^ WhiteShrek, would you believe this is actually possible! Apparently women who live in close quarters end up synchronizing. BUT, i think its a TERRIBLE idea to have a mass synchronization .. Heaven help any poor man that crosses a group of women who are hormonally unstable! :)


Anyway, been enjoying reading this thread. Some may be playing it safe (waddaya mean "no comment" mossy? :D). Will go over a few of them again and respond, but right now i have a big bar of chocolate to get through...

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If only men had something like PMS to blame when they let off steam.

Wasnt actually meaning it as an excuse per say. But yeh..i wish men had something like PMS too, so they finally have some idea what the hel_l it feels like! :D



Anyway, can we focus on the other part of the post, rather than the hormonal side. :)

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I think this post is going to get me strung up...

Ok Guys,

Im in a pms zone, so my tolerance level gets low at this point (dontcha just hate it when women tell you that! :D ), but regardless, something has been getting under my skin: Thaivisa men!

So sorry gents, but its true. Not all of you, but many. Its like a general bad vibe, rotten apples rotting the good ones.

Ive been a part of this forum for a few years now, and although i realise many topics will get regurgitated, I had hoped that over time some of the old and nasty comments and perceptions would begin to fade. But yet, there is still the same nasty generalisations about Thai women, Thai men, other Westerners, etc, etc. I also realise its good to vent (im doing it now, aint I..so, i must be an advocate of it :D ), but why doesnt it seem possible for some to do so without spouting bigotry and BS all over the place? (Ok, women may be guilty of this too, and more members of tv are men, but still...i get the feeling some REVEL in being <deleted>!). In 5 years, 10 years, x years from now, do you think it will carry on the same way..or improve? Could it be that the younger generation of men feel less cynical and extreme?

Sometimes I have to take a step back from Thaivisa (I can at times be a bit of a tv addict), for although i find it informative and interesting, it can also make me feel dismayed at times. Are these men really reflective of the men in Thailand? Are they really so bitter? Why do they then not reflect many of the great western men i have met here?

The majority of western men i am friends with or have interacted with have been great, polite, friendly. Its been less common that ive met or seen one that is bitter and rude...certainly to no extent that some of you seem to be in this forum.

I might regret posting this. Maybe its a troll post?? (im never really clear on the whole troll thing..but I guess it comes under provoking a reaction..?)

Well anyway, what gives? :)

So vent! but do it like a women would?

This is what middle-ish aged blokes do really and I guess that covers most users.

Wrong forum maybe.

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Are these men really reflective of the men in Thailand? Are they really so bitter? Why do they then not reflect many of the great western men i have met here?

I have found a disproportionate amount of westerners to be chronic malcontents. Not exclusive to Thai Visa by any means. It still bogles my mind as to why they remain here. In my experience there is an element of every population that seems to thrive on complaining. If they are not upset about something they are not complete. Unfortunately here in Thailand, many of the complaints are of a cultural nature, full of supposition and judgement. Based on their version of western values. Throw in racism, sexism, Christianity and a foreign language, along with copious amounts of alcohol. There is your recipe for discontentment.

This is the reason I try to stay away from westerners in Thailand, with some exceptions. The country seems to attract too many western men who are disappointed in life and think that moving to Thailand and going on the piss and shagging will fix all.

Not so. When their dreams based on illusions are not realized, they become malcontents.

Some are not smart enough to realize that happiness does not come from superficial experiences and material things.

Having the love of a woman, does. Being content and grateful for what you have, that does promote happiness.

Easy to say, but hard to do. It took me 35 years to figure out. Very hard also if you are a westerner in the LOS, broke as <deleted> and you have been deceived for the umpteenth time.

It is universal that there will always be bitterly disappointed people. They will complain about all and sundry.

My daily mantra is: "Don't ask WHY anymore in Thailand." There is no point. Try to accept the way things are.

You will feel better.

Don't accept just anything, of course, but bitching about the heat in BKK, strikes me as not useful. Complaining about traffic, neither.

Most of all, don't present yourself as a victim.

And lastly: SMILE, dammit! :)

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Dear Eek,

I think that you should validate your rant by NAMING NAMES and without too much cross-linking, post the particular comment(s) that triggered your rage. There's a boatload of guys in TVland that seem to be born haters and don't even realize it. They are blissfully unaware of what a proper <deleted> they come over as, especially with regard to defamation of the female gender in general and the working girl in particular. I saw a couple of posts in a thread earlier today that had me on the point of posting reply due to the thinly veiled bigoted and misogynous tone... but I reckon they are just sad w^nkers and logged off and went shopping with the wife. It's our anniversary today and her birthday on Chula Day so nurturing a real, loving and working relationship is loads more fun than trying to educate pork on the internet.

Costs a bit more though...

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Are these men really reflective of the men in Thailand? Are they really so bitter? Why do they then not reflect many of the great western men i have met here?

I have found a disproportionate amount of westerners to be chronic malcontents. Not exclusive to Thai Visa by any means. It still bogles my mind as to why they remain here. In my experience there is an element of every population that seems to thrive on complaining. If they are not upset about something they are not complete. Unfortunately here in Thailand, many of the complaints are of a cultural nature, full of supposition and judgement. Based on their version of western values. Throw in racism, sexism, Christianity and a foreign language, along with copious amounts of alcohol. There is your recipe for discontentment.

This is the reason I try to stay away from westerners in Thailand, with some exceptions. The country seems to attract too many western men who are disappointed in life and think that moving to Thailand and going on the piss and shagging will fix all.

Not so. When their dreams based on illusions are not realized, they become malcontents.

Some are not smart enough to realize that happiness does not come from superficial experiences and material things.

Having the love of a woman, does. Being content and grateful for what you have, that does promote happiness.

Easy to say, but hard to do. It took me 35 years to figure out. Very hard also if you are a westerner in the LOS, broke as <deleted> and you have been deceived for the umpteenth time.

It is universal that there will always be bitterly disappointed people. They will complain about all and sundry.

My daily mantra is: "Don't ask WHY anymore in Thailand." There is no point. Try to accept the way things are.

You will feel better.

Don't accept just anything, of course, but bitching about the heat in BKK, strikes me as not useful. Complaining about traffic, neither.

Most of all, don't present yourself as a victim.

And lastly: SMILE, dammit! :)

What a sickly posting!

Just off for a quick puke.

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Q. whats the difference between a terrorist and a woman with pms?

A. you can always negotiate with a terrorist :)

enjoy the chocolate eek

I remember my sister suddenly go "off the head" in 1990. It was because she had learned about PMS & was decidedly behaving accordingly.

I aslo remember telling her, during one of her "PMS" sessions, that I was not interested in listening to her rants whilst she insisted that she was suffering PMS.

The result was...no more emotional rants!

I'm sure a lot of men suffer permanent PMS but there is a difference between a PMS rant & a logical rant. Only those who are PMS free will understand this.

Edited by elkangorito
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I think the majority of the nasty stuff your talking about eek, really comes out because the guys who post it have no other viable outlet. They can't say it in person without the premiums on their medical insurance going up post haste, or they simply don't even have a circle of friends to talk that trash with.

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^ WhiteShrek, would you believe this is actually possible! Apparently women who live in close quarters end up synchronizing. BUT, i think its a TERRIBLE idea to have a mass synchronization .. Heaven help any poor man that crosses a group of women who are hormonally unstable! :)


Let's just say I'm an optimist and would be prepared to contribute towards funding the research - the synchronizing has actually been linked to the mood swings of husband after years of marriage as well... :D

BTW The possibilty had crossed my mind that many of the whingers and moaners are not actually real guys at all, but could actually be ladies with PMS, that just logged onto Thai Visa under a pseudonym... :D

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My sincere sympathies Eek! it is truly amazing the transformation that takes place when it is that time of the month, What puzzles me is that this affliction has been with the fairer sex throughout the ages yet it seems that PMS is a modern affliction. I asked my mother about this problem and she said that when she was still menstruating it was no big deal and that the modern woman seemed to use it to excuse irrational behaviour. My mother is 83 and skypes me regularly. Not saying I don't believe there are some discomforts associate with a womans period but according to my mother the woman of the forties and fifties never experienced the wide range of maladies associated with the modern day period? I guess the male equivalent would be what is now called PTSD but used to be known as Shellshock, these days every man and his dog has PTSD but after the two world wars the men that returned were expected (and in most cases did) to return to normal life without missing a step. These days if you see someone hurt themselves you can claim that you are traumatised and of course someone else is to blame therefore they should pay you some compensation. So My rant is over, My mum is a saint. and I will never cross a woman with PMS!

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I asked my mother about this problem and she said that when she was still menstruating it was no big deal and that the modern woman seemed to use it to excuse irrational behaviour.

This is exactly what my sister did...use it as an excuse. Unfortunately, she came across me, who didn't believe in such things.

BTW, she has never done this again, even with her husband...mainly because he & I talk a lot & she knows that all will be revealed.

Anyway, this is getting a bit off topic.

Regards to on topic stuff, I think it's all about the people who are "stuck in their ways" who are negative. Most people who are mutable are not a problem. Even though, you may see arguments whereby the mutable get frustrated with the immutable.

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Very good post . there are two females with me in our home and I could never tell the day of 'Terror' was upon me unless my wife wife did not tell me "No loving tonight" , never had it with my first wife or three daughters .

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