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Rawai Attack Another, Is It The Water

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Two nights ago a foriegner attacked the owner of a bar and two of her staff, in Saiyuan area Rawai

[there were independant witnesses present] this attack was after closing time

the young man, used a steel bar,he was carrying when he returned, this after the bar was closed.

ealier He had part paid his bar bill, but did not have eniugh cash, so was told. call in when you pass no problem After the attack as the police had been called by a bye stander, he was arrested and handcuffed and put in the patrol car. The women went to chalong police station and reported it.

A local ngo that helps women in need,was called out, he took them to Vachierai Hospital after, and learnt of the attack. This is the strange thing ,one of the women who was injured has had training for the community police .she told the ngo that when the police car arrived there was no prisoner ??

and when she asked how, the police said, gone away. she was incenced and called for higher police to ask how could anyone get out of hand cuffs unaided but was told it would be looked into??

this are the main points of my post

An attack on women in any calling, with a steel bar or any other object, not on

arrested man . was seen a day later working in his bar still no arrest

when the ngo asked what progress had meen made He was told this falang must have big money and a Tanai. [Lawyer ] He get away we dont have money, we afraid he beat us again, we cant pay for Lawyer if go to court !!

Is there a probono system here where legal aid can be given ??

last year a swiss local beat an american negress and was find 500 bht Joke

but 500 baht is the fine for an unarmed attack the ngo said ??

so if armed 600 ?? Rawai is the quiet part of the island im told

but now Viset road is turning into another soi banglar

more and more bars more danger for those with in, and out and about

Good Protect and Serve is required here, not Pay and get away {if thats what it is]

please dont turn this into a free for all, this happening is wrong

help me pass on to the victims that there is a way to get justice and go to law with help

[advice needed]

So that the message gets down to the low life that resort to this. and think they are above the law

they are not Thai or foriener

sorry for the long post help please suki

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Hi Sukitandc,

This is a terrible and seemly unwarranted attack on what appear to be reasonable people. I refer to settling the bill at a later date. It pretty much cements the argument on a previous thread that in Phuket violent crime is on the rise. For him to be let go free is ridiculous and the Police should obviously take some action. It appears that at this time anyone can make an attack and not worry about the consequences. I hope that the victims make a speedy recovery.

Just out of interest was the foreigner a farang?

Cheers, Rick


Thanks for the post.

But could you clarify the motive for the attack?

It seems that the man paid part of his bar bill, but did not have enough cash to pay it all. You report that the bar staff told him not to worry, and that he could pay the rest when he got the cash.

Then all hel_l breaks loose? So something's missing from the story here. Please add some details if you know them.



If an NGO is involved, she should follow her procedures. That means an email report to the head office. Not to make light of this, but NGO's use events like this to justify their existence. It serves as a tool for fundraising and publicity. If the NGO worker is employed by a woman's service entity, then help is not too far away. There is no way that a supporting agency back in Germany, Sweden, USA etc., will sit by if there is a strong enough case. You would be amazed by the ability of these women's agencies to mobilize, but they have to be given a chance to help. The first step is for the NGO to ask for help from her sponsoring agency. Social services in Phuket town has a task force to respond to physical assaults against women, but they have to be contacted. If enough attention is brought to a case, people do act.


Was this attacker a fellow bar owner in Rawai? if so unbeliveable....is this an ongoing vendetta situation or a random event? no romance no finance involved? Don't believe police would release this guy unless it was a domestic or some other underlying situation.....


please read my post. read do not write your own unknown version of events

1/ i wanted to know if there was a pro bone legal system here for people without means.

I should have just asked that sorry

2/ the ngo is self funded and was not seeking any publicity.or money I was a witness i asked a question from them

3/ why has this attack not recieved its due attention?? was it the heading ?or the fact it was bar people, ok to beat them?? and yes the law is being followed now.it is thought

4/ the attacker a bar owner ?{ he claims to be ], is a european male in his thirties , there is no vendetta and the victims did not, and do not know, why he came back later that night with a piece of steel in his hand and attacked them

Is there a probono system here I asked, as the women were frightened and say money is the law i do not belive that but i have not been here long suki

please read my post. read do not write your own unknown version of events

1/ i wanted to know if there was a pro bone legal system here for people without means.

I should have just asked that sorry

2/ the ngo is self funded and was not seeking any publicity.or money I was a witness i asked a question from them

3/ why has this attack not recieved its due attention?? was it the heading ?or the fact it was bar people, ok to beat them?? and yes the law is being followed now.it is thought

4/ the attacker a bar owner ?{ he claims to be ], is a european male in his thirties , there is no vendetta and the victims did not, and do not know, why he came back later that night with a piece of steel in his hand and attacked them

Is there a probono system here I asked, as the women were frightened and say money is the law i do not belive that but i have not been here long suki

Like TaoNow, I would like to hear a LOT more information about this incident. A foreigner deciding to attack a bar for no reason seems unlikely. Having said that, whatever the story, if someone was hurt the attack was unforgivable. Again, more info is needed.

1. I would be v suprised if there is a pro bono system here to help people pursue a case.

3. It generally takes time for attacks to be reported - see an earlier thread about 2 Western women attacked. It was only reported a week later.


I'm sorry if this appears cynical but for goodness sake, drinking in a Thai bar in Thailand and the farang customer can't pay the bill in full, what is to be expected I wonder! And the reaction of the police, regrettably, par for the course, that's the way things are here. As for pro bono legal assistance in Thailand, for a farang, under those (or any other circumstances), phew, there's definitely a cultural understanding gap here I'm afraid.

I'm sorry if this appears cynical but for goodness sake, drinking in a Thai bar in Thailand and the farang customer can't pay the bill in full, what is to be expected I wonder! And the reaction of the police, regrettably, par for the course, that's the way things are here. As for pro bono legal assistance in Thailand, for a farang, under those (or any other circumstances), phew, there's definitely a cultural understanding gap here I'm afraid.
chiang mai==== if you read the post you will see it is for the Thai who were injured who are under the impression that the law would not take its course and the only way for them to pursue the issue was for them to go to court [they felt they would not have the money to pay,and felt it would be pointless read the post as the agressor had some how got away and they could not think why

I am lost with the stupidity of some replies Quote if a customer cant pay his bill its ok for him to attack people read the post, dont make stories up. did i ask at any time was there a pro bono lawyer for a foriegner. i did not where did you get that

just in passing the agresser repeatedly rang the bar bell so all in the place got a drink on his tab normal he was aware of what he was doing and he was with his thai girl friend who runs his bar there was no issue over his tab all was well as far as the bar staff were concered, they exspected him to return the following day but he came very late after closing read the post and attacked them they dont know why suki

I'm sorry if this appears cynical but for goodness sake, drinking in a Thai bar in Thailand and the farang customer can't pay the bill in full, what is to be expected I wonder! And the reaction of the police, regrettably, par for the course, that's the way things are here. As for pro bono legal assistance in Thailand, for a farang, under those (or any other circumstances), phew, there's definitely a cultural understanding gap here I'm afraid.
chiang mai==== if you read the post you will see it is for the Thai who were injured who are under the impression that the law would not take its course and the only way for them to pursue the issue was for them to go to court [they felt they would not have the money to pay,and felt it would be pointless read the post as the agressor had some how got away and they could not think why

I am lost with the stupidity of some replies Quote if a customer cant pay his bill its ok for him to attack people read the post, dont make stories up. did i ask at any time was there a pro bono lawyer for a foriegner. i did not where did you get that

just in passing the agresser repeatedly rang the bar bell so all in the place got a drink on his tab normal he was aware of what he was doing and he was with his thai girl friend who runs his bar there was no issue over his tab all was well as far as the bar staff were concered, they exspected him to return the following day but he came very late after closing read the post and attacked them they dont know why suki

Taken me all day to get the FACTS.........no names and no shames (PM if you want to know who)

OP is out of order....perpertrator is out of order. (drink related) NGO's non extistant.


perp buys drinks can't pay...has bar next door...for 5 days!!!!! no punters....gets angry with bar who have,.............police not interested....all out of hand....someone posts on thai visa talks NGO's and all sorts of PC correctness.......don't waste our time........OP please name NGO involved. all would like to hear .....9 years in RAWAI i nerer heard of an NGO such as you speak.

I'm sorry if this appears cynical but for goodness sake, drinking in a Thai bar in Thailand and the farang customer can't pay the bill in full, what is to be expected I wonder! And the reaction of the police, regrettably, par for the course, that's the way things are here. As for pro bono legal assistance in Thailand, for a farang, under those (or any other circumstances), phew, there's definitely a cultural understanding gap here I'm afraid.
chiang mai==== if you read the post you will see it is for the Thai who were injured who are under the impression that the law would not take its course and the only way for them to pursue the issue was for them to go to court [they felt they would not have the money to pay,and felt it would be pointless read the post as the agressor had some how got away and they could not think why

I am lost with the stupidity of some replies Quote if a customer cant pay his bill its ok for him to attack people read the post, dont make stories up. did i ask at any time was there a pro bono lawyer for a foriegner. i did not where did you get that

just in passing the agresser repeatedly rang the bar bell so all in the place got a drink on his tab normal he was aware of what he was doing and he was with his thai girl friend who runs his bar there was no issue over his tab all was well as far as the bar staff were concered, they exspected him to return the following day but he came very late after closing read the post and attacked them they dont know why suki

There's definitely more to this story than what has been reported thus far....


There is a private women's shelter in Rawai which has been there for many years. It is self funding & is not affiliated with any umbrella organization. This could be the NGO which is being referred to.

BTW in many countries being under the influence of alcohol or ya ba is not a legitimate excuse to be let off a crime & absolutely no one should be condoned for attacking women with a steel bar.

I'm sorry if this appears cynical but for goodness sake, drinking in a Thai bar in Thailand and the farang customer can't pay the bill in full, what is to be expected I wonder! And the reaction of the police, regrettably, par for the course, that's the way things are here. As for pro bono legal assistance in Thailand, for a farang, under those (or any other circumstances), phew, there's definitely a cultural understanding gap here I'm afraid.
chiang mai==== if you read the post you will see it is for the Thai who were injured who are under the impression that the law would not take its course and the only way for them to pursue the issue was for them to go to court [they felt they would not have the money to pay,and felt it would be pointless read the post as the agressor had some how got away and they could not think why

I am lost with the stupidity of some replies Quote if a customer cant pay his bill its ok for him to attack people read the post, dont make stories up. did i ask at any time was there a pro bono lawyer for a foriegner. i did not where did you get that

just in passing the agresser repeatedly rang the bar bell so all in the place got a drink on his tab normal he was aware of what he was doing and he was with his thai girl friend who runs his bar there was no issue over his tab all was well as far as the bar staff were concered, they exspected him to return the following day but he came very late after closing read the post and attacked them they dont know why suki

My apologies if I have misunderstood the OP but it does refer to "foreigner" in the opening sentence thus it's not entirely clear who all the players were nor their nationalities!

I'm sorry if this appears cynical but for goodness sake, drinking in a Thai bar in Thailand and the farang customer can't pay the bill in full, what is to be expected I wonder! And the reaction of the police, regrettably, par for the course, that's the way things are here. As for pro bono legal assistance in Thailand, for a farang, under those (or any other circumstances), phew, there's definitely a cultural understanding gap here I'm afraid.
chiang mai==== if you read the post you will see it is for the Thai who were injured who are under the impression that the law would not take its course and the only way for them to pursue the issue was for them to go to court [they felt they would not have the money to pay,and felt it would be pointless read the post as the agressor had some how got away and they could not think why

I am lost with the stupidity of some replies Quote if a customer cant pay his bill its ok for him to attack people read the post, dont make stories up. did i ask at any time was there a pro bono lawyer for a foriegner. i did not where did you get that

just in passing the agresser repeatedly rang the bar bell so all in the place got a drink on his tab normal he was aware of what he was doing and he was with his thai girl friend who runs his bar there was no issue over his tab all was well as far as the bar staff were concered, they exspected him to return the following day but he came very late after closing read the post and attacked them they dont know why suki

Sukitandc you will get used to it.....the posters who believe nothing they read here as if this is a court of law and not a forum for chat and discussion. Don't let this put you off posting any other events that you deem relevant.

Of course this can happen (and I for one have no problem believing your tale of yet another violent incident in happy Thailand)....why do the posters think it can't happen it calm, wonderful, sedate, laid back,smiling Thailand? Are they really still in a state of denial that parts of Thailand, and especially Phuket, has attracted the wrong kind of tourist and is now beset with too many violent, drunk and doped up foreigners?

The people that have lived here will attest to what I have said. It has changed... and for the worse. My first trip here was a mere 15 years ago (I say mere, because there are others who have lived here permanently for much longer than this) and it was a very different country. It was genuinely wonderful, safe and a true paradise. Cheap flights, cheap liquor and cheap babes have attracted the wrong person and this leads to what you have described.

Anything can happen in Thailand, and it so often does. Just reading TV on a regular basis will show you what really goes on and there are usually no new surprises. The murder of the 4 year old boy recently, the burning of the Cambodian boy in the forest, the shooting of foreigners by a policeman, beatings, muggings, rapes, et al.....and we think your incident in Rawai is isolated and so unusual for Thailand that it can't be true????? O dear!

Sukitandc you will get used to it.....the posters who believe nothing they read here as if this is a court of law and not a forum for chat and discussion. Don't let this put you off posting any other events that you deem relevant.

Of course this can happen (and I for one have no problem believing your tale of yet another violent incident in happy Thailand)....why do the posters think it can't happen it calm, wonderful, sedate, laid back,smiling Thailand? Are they really still in a state of denial that parts of Thailand, and especially Phuket, has attracted the wrong kind of tourist and is now beset with too many violent, drunk and doped up foreigners?

The people that have lived here will attest to what I have said. It has changed... and for the worse. My first trip here was a mere 15 years ago (I say mere, because there are others who have lived here permanently for much longer than this) and it was a very different country. It was genuinely wonderful, safe and a true paradise. Cheap flights, cheap liquor and cheap babes have attracted the wrong person and this leads to what you have described.

Anything can happen in Thailand, and it so often does. Just reading TV on a regular basis will show you what really goes on and there are usually no new surprises. The murder of the 4 year old boy recently, the burning of the Cambodian boy in the forest, the shooting of foreigners by a policeman, beatings, muggings, rapes, et al.....and we think your incident in Rawai is isolated and so unusual for Thailand that it can't be true????? O dear!

I don't think ANYONE was saying the story was untrue - they were just asking for more info to try to understand what was behind the attack.

It sounds as if the aggressor wasn't a tourist, but a resident here - so its hardly fair to blame 'the wrong type of tourist'!

I think most people will agree with you though -1) Phuket is becoming more violent and 2) this forum is for people to post ANY event they consider relevant to Phuket.

Its become obvious recently that we rely on TV to hear about local incidents!

Sukitandc you will get used to it.....the posters who believe nothing they read here as if this is a court of law and not a forum for chat and discussion. Don't let this put you off posting any other events that you deem relevant.

Of course this can happen (and I for one have no problem believing your tale of yet another violent incident in happy Thailand)....why do the posters think it can't happen it calm, wonderful, sedate, laid back,smiling Thailand? Are they really still in a state of denial that parts of Thailand, and especially Phuket, has attracted the wrong kind of tourist and is now beset with too many violent, drunk and doped up foreigners?

The people that have lived here will attest to what I have said. It has changed... and for the worse. My first trip here was a mere 15 years ago (I say mere, because there are others who have lived here permanently for much longer than this) and it was a very different country. It was genuinely wonderful, safe and a true paradise. Cheap flights, cheap liquor and cheap babes have attracted the wrong person and this leads to what you have described.

Anything can happen in Thailand, and it so often does. Just reading TV on a regular basis will show you what really goes on and there are usually no new surprises. The murder of the 4 year old boy recently, the burning of the Cambodian boy in the forest, the shooting of foreigners by a policeman, beatings, muggings, rapes, et al.....and we think your incident in Rawai is isolated and so unusual for Thailand that it can't be true????? O dear!

It's already been stated but I'll repeat it and reaffirm that nobody is disputing that something happened, the question is what and who was involved et al. Certainly this is not a court of law but perhaps after you have read this forum for a while longer you will come to realize two things. The first is that the information posted here, in the absence of a reliable and comprehensive press service, can be of vital importance to residence - the second is to understand that a high percentage of posts contain, for whatever reason mis or disinformation hence the skeptical view is fully understood by me at least.


For sure there is more to this than meets the eye. There always is.

The OP here is stating the facts as he/she sees them.

There was a brutal attack.

The police let the perp go.

There seems to be no help for the victims.

Where can such help be found.

The ins and outs and small details are not really factually proven...and why should they be.? Are they really important?

The post is about the vicious attack...not about an NGO, reasons for attack, the bill, etc., etc.

Can anybody from the area confirm the attack???



I could tell you about the break in there was in Nanai rd the other night, the 3 cars there crashed in Chalong the other night (Farang involved),, the fight between a group of Farangs and Thais in Soi Viking, one Farang almost got killed by knife stabbing, the 2 break ins in Nai Harn, The guy with the security company there stole a car from a car rental company,, well i could go on BUT if i do some guys here will be all over me for doing it,,, i think it’s the people with business here there is too scared to hear about it or want us to stop posting it here, just how i see it....


I could tell you about the break in there was in Nanai rd the other night, the 3 cars there crashed in Chalong the other night (Farang involved),, the fight between a group of Farangs and Thais in Soi Viking, one Farang almost got killed by knife stabbing, the 2 break ins in Nai Harn, The guy with the security company there stole a car from a car rental company,, well i could go on BUT if i do some guys here will be all over me for doing it,,, i think it’s the people with business here there is too scared to hear about it or want us to stop posting it here, just how i see it....

I for one would like to hear about those things because it gives me a better idea about the amounts of crime in the place where I live, and, I don't have an axe to grind and don't own a business here. But the story's need to be true and fairly accurate, that's all I need.



That’s the thing, it is true but how much evidence do you need, you want me to come up with the time it happened, more than one witness, Police report, i don’t need to lie about this.

For sure there is more to this than meets the eye. There always is.

The OP here is stating the facts as he/she sees them.

There was a brutal attack.

The police let the perp go.

There seems to be no help for the victims.

Where can such help be found.

The ins and outs and small details are not really factually proven...and why should they be.? Are they really important?

The post is about the vicious attack...not about an NGO, reasons for attack, the bill, etc., etc.

Can anybody from the area confirm the attack???

I can confirm....soi saiyuan Rawai.....very close to yellow bank....dispute between two rival bars...one newbie falang and one newbie thai woman......no winners ........but the thai woman and 3 staff have significant brusing delivered by a metal pole for bringing down shutters

seen with own eyes not gosip or rumour


I could tell you about the break in there was in Nanai rd the other night, the 3 cars there crashed in Chalong the other night (Farang involved),, the fight between a group of Farangs and Thais in Soi Viking, one Farang almost got killed by knife stabbing, the 2 break ins in Nai Harn, The guy with the security company there stole a car from a car rental company,, well i could go on BUT if i do some guys here will be all over me for doing it,,, i think it's the people with business here there is too scared to hear about it or want us to stop posting it here, just how i see it....

Trouble just follows you man!! :)

i think it’s the people with business here there is too scared to hear about it or want us to stop posting it here, just how i see it....

I think thats nail hitting squarely on the head..

I was even chastised by a member when posting about Patongs problems with a comment like "why do these things need to be discussed, those of us with businesses here on the island.." etc.. Well I am sorry you have a business here, but thats not my fault, the facts are the facts and posting them to protect vested interests is not what I see an information forum as being about.


That’s the thing, it is true but how much evidence do you need, you want me to come up with the time it happened, more than one witness, Police report, i don’t need to lie about this.

I think it comes down to the source - an established and known poster such as yourself, someone who clearly has experience of the island and all its why's and wherefore's, is far more likely not to be questioned than perhaps someone who appears to be new and perhaps inexperienced. It's a credibility issue in part but also an issue of understanding how things work here.


I could tell you about the break in there was in Nanai rd the other night, the 3 cars there crashed in Chalong the other night (Farang involved),, the fight between a group of Farangs and Thais in Soi Viking, one Farang almost got killed by knife stabbing, the 2 break ins in Nai Harn, The guy with the security company there stole a car from a car rental company,, well i could go on BUT if i do some guys here will be all over me for doing it,,, i think it's the people with business here there is too scared to hear about it or want us to stop posting it here, just how i see it....

Trouble just follows you man!! :D


Its OK i can take it, its a free world,,,, or is it :)

I can confirm....soi saiyuan Rawai.....very close to yellow bank....dispute between two rival bars...one newbie falang and one newbie thai woman......no winners ........but the thai woman and 3 staff have significant brusing delivered by a metal pole for bringing down shutters

seen with own eyes not gosip or rumour

red dragon, just to correct ++,thank you for your good imformative post

The Thai owner has been in Buisness for a year ,the other bar owner one month+, there was ,and is no, dispute, between the bars Now just between the victims and the man called "king bar", the differance is, Location. the Thai bar is a prominent. out of the ordinary design, and good separate location at least 1000 ++ meters away and the other a shop house next to massage parlors on a corner no parking the last place a sane person would locate a drinking den or poolroom

this will be resolved suki

I can confirm....soi saiyuan Rawai.....very close to yellow bank....dispute between two rival bars...one newbie falang and one newbie thai woman......no winners ........but the thai woman and 3 staff have significant brusing delivered by a metal pole for bringing down shutters

seen with own eyes not gosip or rumour

Thanks for this ....at least we now have confirmation from a direct eye witness that it has taken place.

So all doubts are now dispelled.

  • 1 month later...
I can confirm....soi saiyuan Rawai.....very close to yellow bank....dispute between two rival bars...one newbie falang and one newbie thai woman......no winners ........but the thai woman and 3 staff have significant brusing delivered by a metal pole for bringing down shutters

seen with own eyes not gosip or rumour

Thanks for this ....at least we now have confirmation from a direct eye witness that it has taken place.

So all doubts are now dispelled.

Yes but if you look.. The same person who says "seen with own eyes" previously posted

Was this attacker a fellow bar owner in Rawai? if so unbeliveable....is this an ongoing vendetta situation or a random event? no romance no finance involved? Don't believe police would release this guy unless it was a domestic or some other underlying situation.....

So seems the poster is unsure of what he did or didnt witness "with his own eyes"

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