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Self Justification


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Do you need to justify yourself?

I find so many 'expats' seem to have this real need to justtify themselves.

Recently its really got my goat, hence my rant here.

To start with I’ll describe my ‘locals’ and my location as to set the scene.

Despite being only thirty minutes away from Bangkok, there aren’t many (if any) Westerners living in my vicinity, though I see a few passing through, as well as shopping at the local Tesco/Lotus.

As I'm on the Bang Na Trat road, sometimes theres the odd chap stopping off en route to Pattaya although most now use the motorway. Most of my contact with other Westerners is on my occasional trips into BKK.

That suits me well as I’m not the most outgoing chap and my work keeps me busy most of the time; yet thankfully not only do I love it, I can take it out with me and do it while I pursue my hobbies of looking at crumpet, drinking (daily) and football (weekends).

My locals are just plain simple places - I’m sure you know the type of place. Plastic chairs, cheap ale and good grub.

I am particularly blessed in the fact that both are staffed by females, and some of whom have already stolen my old, cold heart.

Now, the drawback is that no English is spoken around here, either through laziness or inability.

My Thai isn’t too bad and I get by comfortably enough with only the odd moment of total humiliation.

As I’ve been in the area a while now and folks know I can speak a bit, on the odd occasion a fellow Westerner stops in the area (a situation which seems to create panic) if I’m out and about, I invariably get a ‘runner’ from anywhere along the 'strip' dragging me from my ale and crumpet to translate.

Usually I’m only too pleased to assist as much as I can and it’s always nice to shoot the breeze for a while, and even more so to have company who actulaay know their arse from their elbow (about football) whilst the footie is on.

It’s not too common an occurrence but once a week is the average.

I’ve had 2 experiences however in the past week which really got me thinking (as well as pissed off).

The first happened on Sunday. Nowhere along the 'strip' here has an English menu and when a Westerner came into a place a few doors down, panic ensued and I was called for.

I went up and found the rather bemused chap sat there trying to order noodles at a Khao Man Gai stall. I did as I was asked and I told the gent that he would have more joy at a noodle stall a few stalls down.

He seemed offended and blurted out:

“I have been here for 5 years! I speak Thai’

I’m never one to have a pop at anyone else’s linguistic abilities but the fella didn’t even know the word for noodles let alone say it.

He was just sat there barking ‘Nooden’ at the bemused staff. I tried once more but he again assured me that he had far more experience than I, so I didn’t waste anymore time on him and returned to my hobbies.

The second happened last night and really kind of pissed me off hence this post.

I was sat in my local listening to the new KISS album (it’s surprisingly very, very good BTW) when a ‘runner’ came and asked me to help.

I followed him and found an English chap trying to get a taxi at the worst place possible around here. Two bobbies were trying to tell him that he’d have more joy down the road but he thought he was being shaken down.

I got there and told him what the rozzers were telling him. He drew himself up and informed me that he had lived in the area for ten years and was (again) fluent in Thai.

I told him that he had no chance of getting a cab where he was and should move down the road a little. Again he began rattling on about his credentials, but I was wasting crumpet time so thought ‘<deleted> you’ and walked away.

Five minutes later I’m sat at my local and then see the lad trying to flag a cab having followed my advice. Now yesterday was a wet old day and cabs were a bit thin on the ground and he was struggling.

The lasses at the restaurant upon seeing him, began demanding that I go help him. As there is one lady I particularly want to procreate with upon a regular basis, I reluctantly went to help. As I did, I was given the chat about how he would complain to his high flying Thai mates as to how there was a lack of cabs etc. Usually I’m only too glad to hear Pattayaesque bullsh*te, but as I was keen to get back and carry on chatting to ‘MissX’ as today is her day off and I wanted to ask her out, I just put my arm up and lo, a cab stopped and he was on his way.

(I lost the moment with MissX BTW, she had to crack on and get cooking again…..not that you give a sh*t, but it balances out my p*ssed offness!!)

Now, here’s my point after so much persiflage.

Do you need to justify yourself? Why do so many ‘expats’ need to do so?

All I seem to hear most days is 'I’m this‘, or ‘I’m that’ or ‘I know XYZ’ or ‘I played golf at the RBSC with the minister for erectile dysfunction’

Maybe its because I look like a refugee from a 1980's Thrash Metal band...?

I hear it all the time in BKK when I head into town. As for Pattaya, the less said the better.

Me, I’m here because its hot, the women are (on the whole) stunning, and I enjoy a quality of life I could only dream of in the UK. Thats it! I’ve justified myself!!

You, I don’t really give a <deleted>. If you’re a decent chap or lass, and don’t intend to harm anyone or support Liverpool, then you’re OK by me! (The Scouser is an exception - he's the only Liverpool fan I've met who's honest about his team and a top man to boot)

When I have to sit and listen to some plank who 'knows' everyone, I tend to glaze over and plug in my MP3 player and get back to my music (Exodus' Shovel Headed Kill Machine at the moment - its mighty fine!!!!)

Let's sit, have a beer, chew the fat, talk about Thailand, check out the totty and just enjoy life....

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While not english I can relate,I'm north of Chiang mai. Same scenario,hanging out at the local ,falangs stop on motorcy asking for directions to one tourist attraction or another.nobody understands their thai including me(and trust me almost anyones is better than mine)and i'm asked to help by my friends.No problem say I,only these dorks don'nt want to talk to me.Go figure!

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Do you need to justify yourself?

I find so many 'expats' seem to have this real need to justtify [sic] themselves...

[snip]...long drone...

Subtext of your post appears to be that other expats are in some way inadequate, with...inter alia...poor Thai language skills etc, but you're not.

Whatever makes you happy...

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Spot on, who needs to justify himself or was that a kind of sample to make your point ?

I do not like it either when people are "justifying themselfs" find it almost as annoying as posting some crap story to internet about how everyone else is sh*te and don't speak thai, eat only farang food, don't mix with the locals, blah blah....

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Well I enjoyed reading your post, not least because I know Bang Na Trat Rd quite well and enjoyed my brief stay there. It's downtown Thailand for sure; no bullsh*t there. You were chatty and amusing. I thought benjie was the name for a doggy...maybe I'm wrong....so many posts in such a short time...impressive...I suppose...I guess...then again maybe this post is just as superfluous.

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Touched a few nerves already!

Just to clarify a point; The post is not about language skills, nor is it a "I'm the best Farang in Thailand' post.

If you want those knob waving contests go to Soi Cowboy on a Friday afternoon with the 'Stickmanites' and wave it around!!!

It's about those who seem to want to tell you why they are the 'best farang in Thailand' before the final 'o' of 'hello' is out of one's gob!

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of course you don't need to justify yourself

Your life consist in drowning your non-existing life into cheap booze while watching a sport that could be the same as 2 dogs running after a ball to bring it back to their master first.

You have nothing going on for you, of course you're completely apathetic about life. don't need to write 3 pages (although 99% of us will only read 5 sentences here nad there)

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My favorite humour is of the self-deprecating type. Enjoyed you Post Proff!

My only additional comments are also language related. I have little tolerance for those who Bitch 'n belly-ache about Thai's who cannot understand their simple English. I demonstrate this lack of tolerance by reminding them where they are - it is not the Thai's responsibility to speak/understand English, it is the Farangs responsibility to speak/understand Thai.....that from someone who cannot speak a lick of Thai.

My only problems with farangs are those who have betrayed confidential farang discussions. There are some I know who have tried to ingratiate themselves with their Thai ladies by repeating confidential Farang conversations - taking a holier-than-thou approach, demonizing other Farangs to make themselves look good to the little lady.

Bangkok is a capital.

If bangkok wants to be prosperous, bangkok needs to learn english to bring in revenue, or said bangkok will end up selling noddles for thais and rice and feel like issaan

English speaking foreigner in thailand, has brought money to spend, people have to accomodate him.

There is NOTHING more than this on this topic, no foreigner should have to learn more than 2 words of thai unless they really want to.

That is why anyone half sucessfull or educated in thailand is trying very hard to learn english. I mean even the bargirls know they need to speak ok english if they dont wanna end up being rice/noddle broke ladies. If they know this, why don't you? Oh yes, you are proud of being a 30k baht a month teacher living the 'hardcore' thai life because regressing to the 1600 years is the only skill you've aquired in your life?

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of course you don't need to justify yourself

Your life consist in drowning your non-existing life into cheap booze while watching a sport that could be the same as 2 dogs running after a ball to bring it back to their master first.

You have nothing going on for you, of course you're completely apathetic about life. don't need to write 3 pages (although 99% of us will only read 5 sentences here nad there)

Is there more to life than beer, women and football?

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of course you don't need to justify yourself

Your life consist in drowning your non-existing life into cheap booze while watching a sport that could be the same as 2 dogs running after a ball to bring it back to their master first.

You have nothing going on for you, of course you're completely apathetic about life. don't need to write 3 pages (although 99% of us will only read 5 sentences here nad there)

Is there more to life than beer, women and football?

What :D , you are kidding right? I can do without football and women, not beer. ok women too :)

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Do you need to justify yourself?

I find so many 'expats' seem to have this real need to justtify themselves.

Recently its really got my goat, hence my rant here.

To start with I’ll describe my ‘locals’ and my location as to set the scene.


1. Ignore them all ... unless ... someone you want to shag asks you to thelp them (and then just pretend).

2. Bloody stop listening to Kiss. No one on the planet will want to shag you if they catch you doing that!!!

3. No one has to justify themselves ... unless they're a scally anywhere near a motor vehicle, and then it's a fair cop.

(Bang Na ... isn't that so far east it's Cambodia?)

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of course you don't need to justify yourself

Your life consist in drowning your non-existing life into cheap booze while watching a sport that could be the same as 2 dogs running after a ball to bring it back to their master first.

You have nothing going on for you, of course you're completely apathetic about life. don't need to write 3 pages (although 99% of us will only read 5 sentences here nad there)

Is there more to life than beer, women and football?



Me naive... Me Belgian :)

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It's nice to hear a "I'm better than people that think that they are better than me post"

I don't think his post was saying that at all.

I have experienced exactly the same as Mr Fart. I'm not making any judgements on the people's langauges skills, nor am i saying mine are better, what i am saying is that as soon as i meet this type, they are absolutely tripping over themselves to immediately announce all of their "qualifications", lest i make the mistake of thinking they are a newbie or a tourist.

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It's nice to hear a "I'm better than people that think that they are better than me post"

I don't think his post was saying that at all.

I have experienced exactly the same as Mr Fart. I'm not making any judgements on the people's langauges skills, nor am i saying mine are better, what i am saying is that as soon as i meet this type, they are absolutely tripping over themselves to immediately announce all of their "qualifications", lest i make the mistake of thinking they are a newbie or a tourist.

Can we PLEASE get back to the point. If someone hears you listening to Kiss, you WILL NOT HAVE SEX WITH THEM!

(And if you're a scally. you WILL steal a car ... it's not your fault, but it's in the genes.)

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It's nice to hear a "I'm better than people that think that they are better than me post"

I don't think his post was saying that at all.

I have experienced exactly the same as Mr Fart. I'm not making any judgements on the people's langauges skills, nor am i saying mine are better, what i am saying is that as soon as i meet this type, they are absolutely tripping over themselves to immediately announce all of their "qualifications", lest i make the mistake of thinking they are a newbie or a tourist.

Yes, but everyone you meet in Thailand, from the two-weeker to the twenty year expat is an expert on Thailand. I found that out years ago. Let them have their fun. If you want to assist them then do so. If not, don't. It's really nothing to worry about. My best mate runs a resort in Thailand and he has to listen to these stories all day long. He finds it all quite amusing.

The message I got from the the OP was that it is an annoyance to listen to these BS 'qualifications'. Personally I find it all quite amusing.

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It's nice to hear a "I'm better than people that think that they are better than me post"

I don't think his post was saying that at all.

I have experienced exactly the same as Mr Fart. I'm not making any judgements on the people's langauges skills, nor am i saying mine are better, what i am saying is that as soon as i meet this type, they are absolutely tripping over themselves to immediately announce all of their "qualifications", lest i make the mistake of thinking they are a newbie or a tourist.

Yes, but everyone you meet in Thailand, from the two-weeker to the twenty year expat is an expert on Thailand. I found that out years ago. Let them have their fun. If you want to assist them then do so. If not, don't. It's really nothing to worry about. My best mate runs a resort in Thailand and he has to listen to these stories all day long. He finds it all quite amusing.

The message I got from the the OP was that it is an annoyance to listen to these BS 'qualifications'. Personally I find it all quite amusing.

Not me. I haven't a clue thats part of the attraction.

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Do you need to justify yourself?

I find so many 'expats' seem to have this real need to justtify themselves.

Recently its really got my goat, hence my rant here.

To start with I’ll describe my ‘locals’ and my location as to set the scene.

Despite being only thirty minutes away from Bangkok, there aren’t many (if any) Westerners living in my vicinity, though I see a few passing through, as well as shopping at the local Tesco/Lotus.

As I'm on the Bang Na Trat road, sometimes theres the odd chap stopping off en route to Pattaya although most now use the motorway. Most of my contact with other Westerners is on my occasional trips into BKK.

That suits me well as I’m not the most outgoing chap and my work keeps me busy most of the time; yet thankfully not only do I love it, I can take it out with me and do it while I pursue my hobbies of looking at crumpet, drinking (daily) and football (weekends).

My locals are just plain simple places - I’m sure you know the type of place. Plastic chairs, cheap ale and good grub.

I am particularly blessed in the fact that both are staffed by females, and some of whom have already stolen my old, cold heart.

Now, the drawback is that no English is spoken around here, either through laziness or inability.

My Thai isn’t too bad and I get by comfortably enough with only the odd moment of total humiliation.

As I’ve been in the area a while now and folks know I can speak a bit, on the odd occasion a fellow Westerner stops in the area (a situation which seems to create panic) if I’m out and about, I invariably get a ‘runner’ from anywhere along the 'strip' dragging me from my ale and crumpet to translate.

Usually I’m only too pleased to assist as much as I can and it’s always nice to shoot the breeze for a while, and even more so to have company who actulaay know their arse from their elbow (about football) whilst the footie is on.

It’s not too common an occurrence but once a week is the average.

I’ve had 2 experiences however in the past week which really got me thinking (as well as pissed off).

The first happened on Sunday. Nowhere along the 'strip' here has an English menu and when a Westerner came into a place a few doors down, panic ensued and I was called for.

I went up and found the rather bemused chap sat there trying to order noodles at a Khao Man Gai stall. I did as I was asked and I told the gent that he would have more joy at a noodle stall a few stalls down.

He seemed offended and blurted out:

“I have been here for 5 years! I speak Thai’

I’m never one to have a pop at anyone else’s linguistic abilities but the fella didn’t even know the word for noodles let alone say it.

He was just sat there barking ‘Nooden’ at the bemused staff. I tried once more but he again assured me that he had far more experience than I, so I didn’t waste anymore time on him and returned to my hobbies.

The second happened last night and really kind of pissed me off hence this post.

I was sat in my local listening to the new KISS album (it’s surprisingly very, very good BTW) when a ‘runner’ came and asked me to help.

I followed him and found an English chap trying to get a taxi at the worst place possible around here. Two bobbies were trying to tell him that he’d have more joy down the road but he thought he was being shaken down.

I got there and told him what the rozzers were telling him. He drew himself up and informed me that he had lived in the area for ten years and was (again) fluent in Thai.

I told him that he had no chance of getting a cab where he was and should move down the road a little. Again he began rattling on about his credentials, but I was wasting crumpet time so thought ‘<deleted> you’ and walked away.

Five minutes later I’m sat at my local and then see the lad trying to flag a cab having followed my advice. Now yesterday was a wet old day and cabs were a bit thin on the ground and he was struggling.

The lasses at the restaurant upon seeing him, began demanding that I go help him. As there is one lady I particularly want to procreate with upon a regular basis, I reluctantly went to help. As I did, I was given the chat about how he would complain to his high flying Thai mates as to how there was a lack of cabs etc. Usually I’m only too glad to hear Pattayaesque bullsh*te, but as I was keen to get back and carry on chatting to ‘MissX’ as today is her day off and I wanted to ask her out, I just put my arm up and lo, a cab stopped and he was on his way.

(I lost the moment with MissX BTW, she had to crack on and get cooking again…..not that you give a sh*t, but it balances out my p*ssed offness!!)

Now, here’s my point after so much persiflage.

Do you need to justify yourself? Why do so many ‘expats’ need to do so?

All I seem to hear most days is 'I’m this‘, or ‘I’m that’ or ‘I know XYZ’ or ‘I played golf at the RBSC with the minister for erectile dysfunction’

Maybe its because I look like a refugee from a 1980's Thrash Metal band...?

I hear it all the time in BKK when I head into town. As for Pattaya, the less said the better.

Me, I’m here because its hot, the women are (on the whole) stunning, and I enjoy a quality of life I could only dream of in the UK. Thats it! I’ve justified myself!!

You, I don’t really give a <deleted>. If you’re a decent chap or lass, and don’t intend to harm anyone or support Liverpool, then you’re OK by me! (The Scouser is an exception - he's the only Liverpool fan I've met who's honest about his team and a top man to boot)

When I have to sit and listen to some plank who 'knows' everyone, I tend to glaze over and plug in my MP3 player and get back to my music (Exodus' Shovel Headed Kill Machine at the moment - its mighty fine!!!!)

Let's sit, have a beer, chew the fat, talk about Thailand, check out the totty and just enjoy life....

Getting advice when you don't ask for it is like being told what kind of beer to drink.

Every time me and my friends go to a different country we try the cheapest beer available at least once. It is just a tradition. Almost every time, no matter what country, whether its Flame Beer in New Zealand or SiamSota in Thailand, some local idiot has to tell us how sh*tty the beer is we are about to drink. I don't like getting advice from people and if I ran into you I would probably politely tell you to go <deleted> yourself, especially if you one of those fat old slopply dressed alcoholic fools that seem to wash up on Thailands shores.

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Great post man, that really brings up some memories. Yeah you get that from folks that are insecure about themselves and their surroundings. They like to puff out their chest with this and that...whatever. If they ain't a client I could really care less. I stick to my small crowd of gammer (Role Playing & Miniatures) geeks and my hot wife and life is grand. :)

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of course you don't need to justify yourself

Your life consist in drowning your non-existing life into cheap booze while watching a sport that could be the same as 2 dogs running after a ball to bring it back to their master first.

You have nothing going on for you, of course you're completely apathetic about life. don't need to write 3 pages (although 99% of us will only read 5 sentences here nad there)

Is there more to life than beer, women and football?

Yeah, financial freedom.

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