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If your head is spinning from all the information received in here, relax, lean back and find your inner peace. I am passing this on to you because it has definitely worked for me.

By following this simple advice I read in an article, I have finally found inner peace.....

It read: "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the

things you've started."

So I looked around to see all the things I'd started and hadn't



This week I have finished half a Smirnoff, a dozen of Fosters, a carton of Benson & Hedges and a litre of Teachers. You have no idea how good I feel!   :o


nice idea axel  :o

how do you feel upthere?

is it smooth like we gues it should be?

have a nice trip  B)

definitly, I've to clear a lot too  :D

nice idea axel  :o

how do you feel upthere?

Merci beaucoup Francois.

I think I start a new project now. May be follow Dr.'s advice, half is not enough, I go for Champgne this time, but the one they give in Formula 1 to the 3 winners. 5 liters or so

How many bottles ...usually 750 mls per bottle....where will we meet ?

Formula 1: On the podium they serve, I think it's called "Magnum" for the size. 1 bottle 5 liter, may be 3 only.

If a new project on whisky, 750 mls I spill already while pouring, hicks.


Hope I am not off topic here.  My head is definitely spinning at trying to understand the visa thing and the anger about it but cannot really say I have taken the time to look into it.

Been here three years and only got a 120 visa the first time I came, got this in Wash DC at the Thai embassy.  My business brought me to SE Asia and I chose Thailand of the countries in the area to hang my hat for many reasons mainly the comforts.

I have never looked into a yearlong visa but have had a couple Thais I do business with offer to sort it out as they were hooked up with government officials but decided against it as I did not see the need.

I leave the country 2-3 times a month so always thought that a regular stamp for me was easy no waiting no forms no fees.

Seems everyone is pissed and feels that they have to leave or that things are going to be difficult for them if they choose to continue here.  I feel for anyone with problems in this situation and just hope I am not overlooking something and am actually headed for my own.

Am I going about it the wrong way?  I do not want to be doing anything illegal that would cause me any problems.  Am I ok with what I am doing or not.  Thanks ahead of time.

Keep it real!


No problem, the original threat was just to easen up a bit.

I see, however, you leave 2-3 times a month. Every time you arrrive you get 30 days.(?) See no problem here as long as you do not "work" in Thailand. Lots of my customers doing this. If any qeustions you might be able to show a multiple entry visa from another country, example Vietnam and can point out "that's where I work, in Thailand I relax."

On the other hand, why not get a Non-imm B/Work permit.

The big advantage, you can leave when you want and not when the visa expires. Price with multiple re-entry of course more expensive.


Thanks Axel.  No I do not work in Thailand I even chose not to have a business card made up with my phone number for people I do business with here because I was afraid that may have been thought of as a sign that I was working.  I am a straight up guy and am not what Dr PP dislikes a guy that is trying to go around the system or cheat it.  I just feel like doing absolutely nothing when not taking care of my own business I have got to have my downtime.

I do have 5 year multiple entries for Bangladesh and India and have never had anyone at the airport give a second glance to my passport.  I just figured why bother with the paperwork since I was in and out so much and was not working here taking business away from Thais but giving it to them.  I may be wrong on this too.  I do an awful lot of buying here but am guessing that is not considered working in the eyes of the Thai government.

I am just confused about it is all having never really been in this type of situation.  I saw on another thread Dr PP say that they may start doing a 15 day stamp or that they may be cracking down soon on people that come in and out of the country on 30 day stamps.

Getting set to go to the US for three weeks to do some business and may just try and sort it out there but apreciate everyones insight and help.  

If not working why get a Non-imm B/Work permit?  I say again my own fault for not taking the time to learn about it.  The money is not an issue by way of fees but I have heard all sorts of rumors about the Non-immB.  I have heard you need to deposit x amount of dollars in a Thai bank.  Not a problem $$ wise but hesitant with banking situation in Thailand, hard to trust after the horror stories some tell me about 1987.  Also heard that they want your bank records and your tax records from your home country is this true?  Thanks again.

Keep it real!


Hello Roling Stones,

yeah some guys in here are tough. Just last week I mentioned from own experience how to set up a company. Basically ,everything correct incl. 49%. Have a look here:


For US-citizen some easier ways under Thai-US agreements.

I see your situation and see no problem, I would do the same, except that I need to sign documents, bank papers etc. in Thailand, which I cannot without WP. Otherwise I am in and out at least 15 times a year.

Nobody ever checked at the airport, but they are getting a bit tougher. That's why I did discuss with my friends/clients. Same as you they have multiples from other countries which just makes it easier to explain, SHOULD. a question be asked.

We have had the discussion about guys staying here 30 days and than in/out for 10 minutes or so. Dr. and my humble self are against this as it can ruin the system for guys like you. This seems to be in the grapevine to change back the tourist exempted stay to 15 days (???)

Setting a company gives you the headaches, to run it here and pay taxes. No need to deposit anything except the paid-up capital, but believe in your case no need.

Re airfreight I sent you a PM.

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