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Undiplomatic Remarks From Foreign Office Mandarins


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"for envy" what is there to envy? i am from the UK but i cannot stand these types of people who think they are so superior to all others and belittle other countries.monty python used to lampoon them very well "upper class twit of the year" skit comes to mind.

Don't think I am superior at all, but facts are facts and the British Empire is the largest to date. be proud of your country man. The Empire changed the world and it was not all bad.

Cheers, Rick

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"for envy" what is there to envy? i am from the UK but i cannot stand these types of people who think they are so superior to all others and belittle other countries.monty python used to lampoon them very well "upper class twit of the year" skit comes to mind.

Don't think I am superior at all, but facts are facts and the British Empire is the largest to date. be proud of your country man. The Empire changed the world and it was not all bad.

Cheers, Rick

I understand what you are saying.............its just i really dislike people who rubbish other peoples countries,i'll say no more on the subject.

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Interesting to see how the "colonial mentality" extended well beyond the Empire's colonial days...

I would gues these comments are typically british,a class thing,stuck up and they think they are so superior

Just because we don't wear loud Hawaiian shirts and speak many decibels higher than anyone else on the planet in public, doesn't mean that we think we're superior. :D

and it would n't be because of the shaved head,singlet and tattoos by any chance :)

You are speaking about a minority of the British population and I guess that many other nations have the same problem.

Cheers, Rick

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"for envy" what is there to envy? i am from the UK but i cannot stand these types of people who think they are so superior to all others and belittle other countries.monty python used to lampoon them very well "upper class twit of the year" skit comes to mind.

Don't think I am superior at all, but facts are facts and the British Empire is the largest to date. be proud of your country man. The Empire changed the world and it was not all bad.

Cheers, Rick

I understand what you are saying.............its just i really dislike people who rubbish other peoples countries,i'll say no more on the subject.

I also understand what you are saying. I have never rubbished Thailand, but people should be allowed to say what they feel and I think given that Thailand, now in the 21st century is a 'developing country'. I dread to think what is was like in the 60's. Maybe the guys thoughts were correct at that time compared to the UK?

Cheers, Rick

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Interesting to see how the "colonial mentality" extended well beyond the Empire's colonial days...

I would gues these comments are typically british,a class thing,stuck up and they think they are so superior

We are, for a start we can spell/proof read, we can use uppercase characters in the right place and can correctly use punctuation with it's attendant spaces.

Diplomats, whatever we may think of them, are entitled to their points of view or do you think they should all be sychophantic arse licking nonentities as yourself.

Funny isn't it? Views like this, when they come to light, are ripped apart by the ThaiVisa intelligentsia who will then go on to similarly shred other nationalities based on little or no direct experience except what they read on their sole source of information, the infallible internet.

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This is very interesting. Talking about licentiousness, I doubt that there are as many sexually perverted characters in Thailand as in your home country sir, despite there being a great deal of red-light districts in the Land of Smiles. Sir, in this day and age where information can be easily accessed via the internet, you might be very surprised to see what your fellow citizens are into sexually and how they proudly post those kinky materials in cyberspace. Then again, it might be deemed sane and a common practice where you come from.

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Interesting to see how the "colonial mentality" extended well beyond the Empire's colonial days...

I would gues these comments are typically british,a class thing,stuck up and they think they are so superior

Just because we don't wear loud Hawaiian shirts and speak many decibels higher than anyone else on the planet in public, doesn't mean that we think we're superior. :D

and it would n't be because of the shaved head,singlet and tattoos by any chance :)

Touche' old chap! :D

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I think there is a certain amount of truth in what was said. Bear in mind it was back in the 1960's and there's an awful lot that wasn't around then. I believe that even Jim Thompson was ridiculed for his love of antiquities and Thai silk. It was only after a while that the Thai's realised he was on to something.

These are of course going to be generalisations but at least political correctness didn't overrule everything in the 1960s.

Of course when the British aren't belittling other countries they are belittling their own. At least they can take a joke.

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Sorry, Phil Harries - I only criticize pedants who criticize others and make their own errors:

"We are, for a start we can spell/proof read, we can use uppercase characters in the right place and can correctly use punctuation with it's attendant spaces."

It should read, "We are, for a start. We can...with its attendant spaces."

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What a shame that these short-sighted, ignorant people do not even bother to scratch the surfaceof the cultures they are assigned to.

If only they had the benefits of all the insights on Thai Visa. com


Obviously, Thai Visa would have made their job so much more easy (poor English intended).

If would be interesting, at least to me, to learn (but not enough for me to research) if the ambassadors who made these comments were all political appointees who got these plum and/or prestigous assignement for monetary contributions to the appointer rather than their knowledge of state affairs and diplomatic abilities (which appear to be zero). The only time they left the embassy grounds was probably to attend some diplomatic party.

And, by the way, I was here in the 60s and the comments remind me of the Americans that would only live where there were lots of other Americans and seemed genuinely afraid of everything that was new, non-American. Some spent their whole tour and never, not once, visited an open market. They expressed superiority (refusing to "lower" themselves) while actually (though maybe subconsicously) very uncomfortable and scared to different degrees. It wasn't Kansas, Toto!

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Somebody should inform a few of them on this thread. :)

Quite, the bloke was talking over 40 years ago for gods sake and it was probably tongue in cheek. They are in the main still philistines, you only have to look at the lack of museums, art galleries or even decent book shops to see that, and they are amazingly disinterested in anything outside of Thailand. The old excuse that Thailand is still a developing country just wont do any longer. What could be reported today? a country whose people's main interests seem to be the acquisition of money and eating, corruption rampant and TV and media output totally moronic.

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The Thais came out poorly too, in the eyes of Sir Anthony Rumbold, who served in Bangkok from 1965-67.

"They have no literature, no painting and only a very odd kind of music; their sculpture, ceramics and dancing are borrowed from others, and their architecture is monotonous and interior decoration hideous," he recalled.

"Nobody can deny that gambling and golf are the chief pleasures of the rich, and that licentiousness is the main pleasure of them all."

That is just so untrue.What possibly could have led a British Ambassador to make such ignorant comments?

I hate to disagree with you, but those comments appear to be almost entirely true IMHO.

He seems to have missed out their ability to tell really stupid lies (ie ones that are discovered very easily). I do quite enjoy the "odd kind of music", but it is decidedly ODD.

Not that England is any better, just different!

(on second thoughts, England is much worse, but in different ways .......)

If he were to write about England .......

A land of drunken yobbos, hooray Henry's, incompetent police, lesbian man hating divorce lawyers and social services who think a mans only purpose is to provide for his ex wife and ex children while he lives a life of lonely poverty in a cold, flea ridden bedsit. Not to forget the frigid hags who think their ageing body parts are some sort of irresistible stairway to heaven.

(does anyone detect some slight bitterness there?)

Edited by pjclark1
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the comments are amazingly accurate and show how little has changed since then.

the thais don't have much literature and their films are garbage too (slapstick comedies and weak ghost films). in fact there is hardly any art to speak of.

i actually like some of the music but it's strange to hear exactly the same songs covered by different people year after year.

prostitution is still endemic, is there any other country in the world where it is so organised and available?

golf is big and gambling on football makes millions.

this report made good reading instead of the usual politically correct rubbish...oooh the food was nice and the people were right friendly oooh

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Way off the mark, as in addition to being a sex crazed gambling golfer*, I also collect diecast model airplanes.

I wouldn't say necessarily bitter, I've known more than a few folks posted here who were just very sad that they had to go home, often to the point of tears. A common way to cope with that is to try to make back home 'better' and to make here 'worse' in your mind, I'm sure many TV'ers can relate to that.


* Driving range golfer, anyway.

Edited by Heng
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Way off the mark, as in addition to being a sex crazed gambling golfer*, I also collect diecast model airplanes.



* Driving range golfer, anyway.

I thought you said that you always invested in dirt not metal Heng :D

Seriously if you consider architecture as copies of european cathedrals Thailand cannot compete but if you include the details of some of the artwork and building in saved in wats i feel they can match those of anyway. Literature is probably another matter as much of the classic literature is adaptations and translation of those of other countries though this has changed in the last hundred years of so.

Edited by harrry
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Sorry, coming from Berlin/Germany and well acquainted with the Museums and Art-Scene of Brussels, Vienna, Amsterdam, London, Copenhagen, Paris, Florence, Milan and Madrid, that I had a rather similiar impression when I arrived at my "posting" in Melbourne/Vic. and that was 1985!

The the situation somewhat rather rapidly started to change... by 1988/9

Sidney was already a "bit different"

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Sorry, coming from Berlin/Germany and well acquainted with the Museums and Art-Scene of Brussels, Vienna, Amsterdam, London, Copenhagen, Paris, Florence, Milan and Madrid, that I had a rather similiar impression when I arrived at my "posting" in Melbourne/Vic. and that was 1985!

The the situation somewhat rather rapidly started to change... by 1988/9

Sidney was already a "bit different"

So you were unaware of the treasures both European and Australian in the Art Gallery of Victorial.

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Way off the mark, as in addition to being a sex crazed gambling golfer*, I also collect diecast model airplanes.



* Driving range golfer, anyway.

I thought you said that you always invested in dirt not metal Heng :D

Seriously if you consider architecture as copies of european cathedrals Thailand cannot compete but if you include the details of some of the artwork and building in saved in wats i feel they can match those of anyway. Literature is probably another matter as much of the classic literature is adaptations and translation of those of other countries though this has changed in the last hundred years of so.

Not an investment, I just like the random order of commercial aviation. Probably why I like driving ranges and 'fishbowls' as well. I like my buildings plain and square, who cares about the architecture as long as the rent is paid on time. As for local literature, I have a need for it on par with my need for Thai caviar. If someone else does it better, makes it better, I'll get it like anything else. If playing some kind of my culture/your culture spectator sport Super Bowl makes people feel good or is at least intellectually amusing, I say have at it.


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Interesting to see how the "colonial mentality" extended well beyond the Empire's colonial days...

I would gues these comments are typically british,a class thing,stuck up and they think they are so superior

Just because we don't wear loud Hawaiian shirts and speak many decibels higher than anyone else on the planet in public, doesn't mean that we think we're superior. :D

and it would n't be because of the shaved head,singlet and tattoos by any chance :)

I think that's a different group and a different problem entirely from the one discussed thus far, the people you profile tend not to be stuck up and if that's not an understatement...

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Don't forget these remarks have almost certainly been taken out of context by the press.

And dare I say that 40 years ago many of these countries probably would have been far more difficult to live and work in than today.

There wasn't a need for a bloody work permit in Thailand back then and the only currency you had to worry about was the US$. More difficult? Rubbish!

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Sorry, coming from Berlin/Germany and well acquainted with the Museums and Art-Scene of Brussels, Vienna, Amsterdam, London, Copenhagen, Paris, Florence, Milan and Madrid, that I had a rather similiar impression when I arrived at my "posting" in Melbourne/Vic. and that was 1985!

The the situation somewhat rather rapidly started to change... by 1988/9

Sidney was already a "bit different"

So you were unaware of the treasures both European and Australian in the Art Gallery of Victorial.

...lacking the ingnorance, I wasn't, but that was about it and the "cultural center" around brunswick rd.

but compare this to any city or the general situation in Europe is far fetched, sir!

However, this statement wasn't meant to defame the "Aussie's and their culture".. but to draw

some comparision to what this thread is all about!

60ties in Thailand... must have been something!

In the 70ties the Suk was barely a street, then anything close to what it is today!

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QUOTE (Samuian @ 2009-10-19 12:52:22)

Sorry, coming from Berlin/Germany and well acquainted with the Museums and Art-Scene of Brussels, Vienna, Amsterdam, London, Copenhagen, Paris, Florence, Milan and Madrid, that I had a rather similiar impression when I arrived at my "posting" in Melbourne/Vic. and that was 1985!

The the situation somewhat rather rapidly started to change... by 1988/9

Sidney was already a "bit different"

Who was Sidney :D ?

Anyway, to avoid any risk of being undiplomatic I shall just say thank you to the OP for posting this item :) .

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Interesting to see how the "colonial mentality" extended well beyond the Empire's colonial days...

I would gues these comments are typically british,a class thing,stuck up and they think they are so superior

hel_l, to feel inferior to Thais you have to suffer from a serious low self esteem problem !

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