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Retirement Visa

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Lite Beer is correct; IF the friend is already on the one year extension of stay.

I had an acquaintance of mine who, due to illness, let his retirement extension of stay lapse for 10 or so days. When we went to Suan Plu (before it moved), we handled the overstay fee FIRST (at the same desk which issues extensions of stay). Then after that was dealt with, we applied for and received another years extension of stay without problem or fanfare. Of course he did get the tiny overstay stamp in his passport, but he DID NOT have to leave the country and begin the process all over from scratch.

FWIW: this was the second person I'd done this with and both were issued new yearly extensions of stay after they paid their overstay fine. The one I mentioned was on an overstay of around 10 days and the other one about 6 days).

I did decline to accompany another guy who due to sheer stupidity was on overstay for about 4 months, but I just didn't want to screw around with an overstay of that magnitude. I never did find out if he received it or not.

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This is interesting.

Say your extension expired 10 days ago.

You go in to pay the overstay fine today.

What permission do you now have in your passport? Doesn't that mean you must leave the country immediately?

OK, so I suppose you are saying that you then immediately apply for the extension the exact same day, yes?

Edited by Jingthing
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Say your extension expired 10 days ago.

You go in to pay the overstay fine today.

What permission do you now have in your passport? Doesn't that mean you must leave the country immediately?

OK, so I suppose you are saying that you then immediately apply for the extension the exact same day, yes?

Correct, you pay the fine for your overstay at the standard rate of 500baht a day. (Unless I am mistaken, at that time you have NO current permission of stay in your passport) BUT you have satisfied the financial penalties for overstaying on your previous extension.

Immediately after doing that, and with the same officer, at the same desk; you turn in your application along with the various and sundry supporting documents to secure another years extension of stay based on retirement.

In both instances they were issued without a problem. I am sure the two guys I went with weren't the first foreigners who'd had this problem come up in the history of foreigners in thailand.

Were the two situations I mentioned anomalies because I go to immigrations 4 or 5 times a month and they know me (I don’t think so).

It sure didn’t appear like I got preferential treatment just because they know my name and that I 'help' people with visas. The immigration officers acted totally like it was no big deal. just processed the overstay first, then business as usual for the yearly extension of stay.

(Your mileage may vary... NO Warranty is expressed or implied) :)

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If the OP is talking about a 12 month extension his friend is probably on overstay.

500 Baht per day fine.

First, he is not in Thailand and therefore he is not overstaying. Secondly, his Retirement Visa extension expires on the 21st of this month and he will not be back in the country until the 27th. But, thanks for trying to help.

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If the OP is talking about a 12 month extension his friend is probably on overstay.

500 Baht per day fine.

First, he is not in Thailand and therefore he is not overstaying. Secondly, his Retirement Visa extension expires on the 21st of this month and he will not be back in the country until the 27th. But, thanks for trying to help.

In that case he should get a Non Imm O Single Entry Visa before arriving and apply for the extension again.

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As said he should get a new visa as his re-entry permit (if he has one) will expire the same day as his extension of stay so any entry would be visa exempt and not qualify for extension of stay without obtaining a new visa. Depending on where he is he may not be allowed on plane if they look close.

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Were the two situations I mentioned anomalies because I go to immigrations 4 or 5 times a month and they know me (I don't think so).

It sure didn't appear like I got preferential treatment just because they know my name and that I 'help' people with visas.

I've often thought that a good line of work for a few Thais to get into would be a small business that accompanies farangs in different interactions -- to immigration, getting a drivers license, and so forth. Most of the time it seems to be more a case of basic translation, going to the right window, and so forth.

Nice of you to help people as you do.

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FWIW, I once was a couple days late in applying for my extension at Pattaya (Cholburi) Immigrations. I went to the Retirement Extensions desk first, and he sent me to the overstay desk after reviewing my TM.7 form. So there is some variety in the sequence of the procedure amongst Immigrations offices. What a shock, huh?

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Depending on where he is he may not be allowed on plane if they look close.

That's the downside. Otherwise, assuming everything was in order for an extension renewal -- except his timing, a visa exempt entry, a Form TM87 (to get an in-country Non Imm O visa), and a visit to Immigration within the first 9 days of entry into Thailand should close the deal.

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He lands in Thailand next week with an expired Retirement Visa Extension. He gets in with a 30 day stamp at the airport. He goes to Immigration with all the paperwork for a new Retirement Visa and reapplies. What would be the problem with this plan?

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He is not allowed on aircraft because he has no exit ticket within 30 days?

As he must obtain a new non immigrant visa prior to extending he would be best advised to obtain prior to flying back.

Edited by lopburi3
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He lands in Thailand next week with an expired Retirement Visa Extension. He gets in with a 30 day stamp at the airport. He goes to Immigration with all the paperwork for a new Retirement Visa and reapplies. What would be the problem with this plan?

In some offices including Pattaya, he could apply for a change of visa status to an O as long as he had 21 days left on his 30 day permission to stay. After that, it is likely they would process the extension application the same day. Or they might ask him to come back later to do that. This is a two step process. In any case, he would need a new O visa from somewhere (in this case from Thailand) to go to the next step (the extension). His old O would indeed be gone.

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Without either an air ticket out of the country within 30 days of arrival (criteria to qualify for ‘visa exempt’ entry) or a valid visa, his airline my not allow him to travel. If he has to apply for a visa it would be best to apply for single entry Non-O visa, rather than tourist visa, as that would save him having to go through 2 step process of firstly converting tourist visa to Non-O and then applying for extension of stay.

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My friend does have a ticket out of here and will be here on the 30 visa exemption stamp when he get here on the 27th. His Retirement Visa Extension expired yesterday. He will immediately take everything to either reapply for a new Retirement Visa which he will probably have to do. I will report on the results after his visit to Bangkok Immigration.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If the OP is talking about a 12 month extension his friend is probably on overstay.

500 Baht per day fine.

First, he is not in Thailand and therefore he is not overstaying. Secondly, his Retirement Visa extension expires on the 21st of this month and he will not be back in the country until the 27th. But, thanks for trying to help.

How does he plan on getting back Into Thailand, 30 day visa exempt entry? In that case I would think he has to start all over again.

Edited by InterestedObserver
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