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Gun Like Object Pointed Directly At Me On A Naklua Baht Bus


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Apparently the teen who pointed the gun has an irrational hatred of polls... :)

Nein, nein, nein! This was Naklua. Not Polls. Germans. Is it my fault if I look stunning in velvet lederhosen?

Edited by Jingthing
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In Houston years ago, kids would drive around at night with their lights off. When another car flashed their lights at them as a friendly reminder to turn on their lights, this car would be targeted and the driver shot at, sometimes fatally. This was part of gang initiation. Maybe waggling guns at foreigners in baht buses is the thin end of a nasty new Pattaya wedge?

There! Done it! Posted MY very own piece of doom & gloom for ya.

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Apparently the teen who pointed the gun has an irrational hatred of polls... :)

Nein, nein, nein! This was Naklua. Not Polls. Germans. Is it my fault if I look stunning in velvet lederhosen?

I say: "Leiderhosen, shmeiderhosen! And never mind!" No one deserves this kinda treatment... (even if you are out stylin' on the baht bus in Naklua at 9:30 pm!)

And, hey IHateCaptcha! What is your malfunction? Yeah, it's a forum. Free speech. But, what the heck are all your free-thinking fellow farangs s'posed to say in response to negative, overly judge-mental comments from posters with the word, "hate" in their screen names, hmmm? Ok, ok. You don't like someone's style, ok. But, sabai sabai... please! Geez man, it's easy to find fault (with just about anybody) 'round here. It's a bit harder, but infinitely more beneficial, to just live... and let live! Give it a try!

"Practice Random Acts of Kindness..."

(who the heck said that, anyway...?)

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Jingthing........the fact that you didn't give them that mean stare you like to use probably saved your life :)

that being said the teenagers here are getting aggressive and I hope the BIB or their parents do something about it before it gets totally out of control but that is doubtful as TIT

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I'm sorry that you had that exerience Jingthing.

Their are idiots every where. Sooner or later we all run into them. It doesn't matter wether you are in Pattaya or some medium sized city in the USA. Believe me I know!

Edited by philliphn
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There are always the arm chair Rambos but it is very illegal for foreigners to own guns in Thailand, not even to mention carrying them.

BTW, it was indeed the LAUGH that tipped me off they were on drugs. I know the drug laugh, trust me on that one. Its not the same as a whiskey laugh.

Edited by Jingthing
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Buy a fake gun that looks like the real deal.

Next time it happens, pull it out like a pissed off Clint Eastwood.

That'll turn the tables.

You would also have to learn to say 'Go on make my day' in Thai

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prolly after the yobbo on the bike took closer look at the passenger, burst out in disgusted laughter and thought "blimey, this geezer needs money more than I do!" and then sped off

spare a thought for the poor bath bus driver who had to wipe clean the stained bench at the end of the run :)

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Where are the cops mods when you need them?


I suggest you file a report with the police department and tourist police. Howard will find the evil wrongdoers.

Howard will not rest until the youths are brought to justice.

The youths will probably be counseled to shoot next time so no report of the incident will be filed. Just another farang sucide.

Edited by gguy
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A new chapter in the Jingthing Baht bus Diaries... :D

Wouldn`t think yaba would be the case but more alcohol....

Glad your o.k na:)

Really . no i think hes on the money, ( probably on yaba ) lets not forget pattaya is full of prostitutes ,pimps and their offspring, guns are rife with teenagers here, for girls its the latest phone, for guys the latest gun,.NEVER retaliate to these kids ,they are fearless and do not consider the consequences,....... :)

There ARE no consequences. Automatically 20 other Thai people standing around saw the gun you shot at them with and then chucked off

before they had to kill you in self defense. You're dead so you can't tell your side of the story. If your alive you tell your

side of the story and no one understands a word (that they comprehend perfectly)

Party dude ,woo woo.

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There ARE no consequences. Automatically 20 other Thai people standing around saw the gun you shot at them with and then chucked off

before they had to kill you in self defense. You're dead so you can't tell your side of the story. If your alive you tell your

side of the story and no one understands a word (that they comprehend perfectly)

Yeah, I volunteer as an eye witness at least once a month. The curse of too much free time. '...Not only did he have a gun, but he didn't stand for the national anthem!'


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