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Thai Wives In General Are Among The Best


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And whether a marriage lasts 2 years, 10 years or 50 years it doesn't really matter so long as it's been a worthwhile "ride" through life. Take the good out of the trip and forget the bad.

Laudable sentiments.

Here here. Those who spend their life regretting past mistakes are wasting their life

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Thinking Thai wives made the best wives, I used CherryBlossoms.com to find my first wife. You guessed it, ALL of the classics mistakes were made. She was gorgeous, sexy, college-educated, etc, etc. She also turned out to be any man's worst nightmare. Fill in the blanks, she did them all, and more. The most disastrous and stupid move of my life. Something about that other "head" doing my thinking.

Then I came back to Thailand and was introduced by friends who understood what had happened to me to my current partner. I never planned to stick to one woman but this person is so completely honest and good (the diametric opposite of the other) that I have never been with anybody else. She is completely selfless, cares only about others, usually me. She has taken the best possible care of me and does everything in her power to please me, plus she accepts me for who I am, complete with my crappy downsides. The only difficulty has been with her family and girlfriends (she has many). They know how she can never say no so often they make demands of her which conflict with what I want. This caused some big problems, because I will not allow my life to be controlled in this way. Slowly she is learning to say "I'm sorry, but my husband doesn't want to do that." Now everything is pretty good.

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Hmmm, I must be the exception. I wasnt looking for a Thai wife or girlfriend. I was just looking for wild time for my holidays. But that all changed when I met a lady on TLL. I didnt pick her, she picked me and like a true Thai lady she has hung on like a bulldog. She is well educated, has well paid employment. No parents and employed well educated siblings. Doesn't ask for money, hasn't any sick buffalos. But like most Thai women is aggressively jealous, watches me like a hawk and has a wild temper. So I guess I prefer tertiary educated, professionally employed and finacially independant psycho orphans. wow 400

I never met the type of woman you describe from TLL or anywhere else. Most of them seem to be so busy with "other interests" that they care little what I may be doing. Most on TLL are the usuals (no money, no job, no education and speak little or no English.) looking for Farang for quick marriage and big sin sod.

Maybe most, but not ALL. And that is the key.

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a gambling addiction

a drug addiction

an alcohol addiction

atleast two children from a previous marriage

no more than a grade 5 education

in debt to her ears

monthly earnings below 5k baht

extended family is in debt

prison record

history of emotional and physical abuse

...to name just a few.

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a gambling addiction

a drug addiction

an alcohol addiction

atleast two children from a previous marriage

no more than a grade 5 education

in debt to her ears

monthly earnings below 5k baht

extended family is in debt

prison record

history of emotional and physical abuse

...to name just a few.

Your 3 ex-wives? :)

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a gambling addiction

a drug addiction

an alcohol addiction

atleast two children from a previous marriage

no more than a grade 5 education

in debt to her ears

monthly earnings below 5k baht

extended family is in debt

prison record

history of emotional and physical abuse

...to name just a few.

That is a CV of the better ones. :):D

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well....not sure what I can say

but if somene feels this thread has been wrongly closed, PM me with a good reason as to why it should be open and I may consider it.

until then.......

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