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whichschool or should that be, whimsical.

Such devastating wit.

You are griping about UK immigration and some of the downsides to immigration, yet you are married to a Thai and believe she has a right to settle in the UK. You're just not twigging it buddy and it`s people like you that extreme parties like the BNP play to.

So because you are a white Englishman and have chosen to marry and bring into Britain a person who is not of European ancestry, that's OK, because that's your choice, in which you have a right under a democratic system.

I believe the UK should have an immigration policy that allows wealthy people in who are willing to invest, one where its nationals should be able to marry whoever they desire and not have to jump through the hoops currently in place to do so, along with, highly skilled individuals and have an education system in place that trains its own people to fill these roles ie DOCTORS! Aswell as the rich who wish to invest here ..... or do you believe its a choice of no immigration or open doors as it seems this is the only choice youve given me.

And my cowardly friend who name calls on the web, who seems unable to compute what ive written several times.


Some people do just not understand the facts and need educating what it would mean to have a fascist government in power.

And this is coming from someone who has chosen to move to a country whch in the view of many has a unelected government. :)

You are aware this is what fascist meant before you lefties hijacked it to call anyone that doesnt agree with them, to imply they are some kind of Nazi apologist.

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So, Whichschool, you believe that your wife has a right to migrate to the UK, but nobody else does?

Most migrants to the UK are not only legitimate, they are essential! The indigenous UK population is declining, and without immigration it would not be long before there were not enough people to fill the essential jobs, not enough people working and paying taxes to fund the NHS, state pension etc.

As Moonrakers says, it is ignorance such as yours which plays right into the hands of the BNP; not that they would accept you as a member, or even allow you into one of their meetings, as you are tainted by marrying a non white and having a mixed race child.

I think the word you need to insert here is "selective immigration"

a bit off selective immigration would n't go amiss instead of letting anyone in. :)

I feel now that there is a strong possibility of a fascist leadership in the UK

I am not entirely sure you can call them Fascist, the term represents the ideologies of a short term in history of the 20thC, despite the claims and counter claims to the contrary, it is difficult to pinpoint the actual definition of Fascism in present day politics.

You are aware this is what fascist meant

Care to explain what Fascism actually is, apart from my earlier post and possibly some South American types, I am not entirely sure you can call them Fascist.

England is the 3rd most populated country in the world, with the South East of England becoming the second most populated in the next 20 years when according to govt research the population will rise by 10 million in the UK, 7 million of these will be immigrants, they are not wanted or needed here.

Source please, because this is just horse hockey, I await with baited breath to be disproved.

Here i found it in the dailymail so you could come back with a devastatingly witty comment, if you lived in England and bothered to follow current affairs you'd know what goes on here as you dont please dont call me a liar.


Similar articles in the Telegraph



I dont expect you to admit you were wrong.

England is the 3rd most populated country in the world,

Source please, because this is just horse hockey, I await with baited breath to be disproved.

Here i found it in the dailymail so you could come back with a devastatingly witty comment, if you lived in England and bothered to follow current affairs you'd know what goes on here as you dont please dont call me a liar.


Similar articles in the Telegraph



I dont expect you to admit you were wrong.

I obviously wont admit I am wrong on this occasion.

I suggest you read your comment

England is the 3rd most populated country in the world
and then relate it to the links, apart from the Daily Mail that is often misleading, the others relate to density, not most populous, two vastly differing criteria.

Of course I wont call you a liar, just misled.


It is ignorance such as yours that allow people such as Griffin to gain a foothold and your support of Enoch Powell is despicable.

Just another narrow minded fool that Griffin has managed to dupe.

Ah the name calling from the liberal left, this is your usual way so i will not debate with you

Though i will tell you i am voting UKIP not BNP, as i am not a socialist as the BNP policies are.

Well, I am not your liberal left.

I am absolutely against mass Immigration in any country, I am in favour for the return of capital punishment, like to see real working boot camps set up for the thug elements who are not just unruly kids as the do gooders would like us to think, in reality these are terrorists and should be treated as such.

British people in the UK must be given first priority over foreigners as regards, housing, welfare, education, healthcare and employment.

And as you say, whichschool, like Thailand, Britain must be selective as regards to which foreigners they permit to live in the country.

I’ve just been looking at the UK Independence Party website and I am impressed. Going to look more into this because it is now obvious the left wing labour and too moderate Tory party is no longer a viable proposition to remedy the chaos of ailing Britain.

Putting the incompetent Labour or the Tories back into power will only make more of the populous lean towards the BNP.

I do apologise to you, whichschool, but it`s the way you explain yourself that comes across a bit confusing. But having perused your posts I am now seeing that you make some excellent points and you’ve sold me, so to speak.

I what to be proud to be English again and again see my country as the no 1 in the world.


liquid bomb plots on multipule transatlantic flights, almost succesful gas filled car explosion at a glasgow airport, attemted explosion at a london nightclub, succesful bombings on trains and a bus and you people are worried about the bnp

the bnp are are a relatively insignifcant single issue party, so why the demonisation of the bnp, perhaps it takes the heat of the above and obviously after reading this thread the spin by politicians bbc press etc it works with some weak minded people

the show was a set up, an audience filled with liberal articulate guardian reading lefties, it reminded me of the first question time after 9/11 when the american ambassador was a guest on the panel, the self confessed left wing political correct bbc filled the audience with young anti american muslim women who haranged the poor fellow saying america got what it deserved, an absolutey disgraceful example of what the bbc is capable of. all things considered ng did ok to see jack straws little face when ng told everyone about his dad, absolute classic

a recent series on tv was called the "uk border agency", in one episode a total of 20 illegal immigrants were arrested 1 agreed to be deported 3 appealed the decision obviously we uk taxpayers pay for there appeals and the other sixteen were realeased on bail and then disappeared think keystone cops. however in another episode it showed the ukba standing on street corners were they have the power to detain anyone, now let us think when and were that last happenend...........germany 1937 onwards. how utterley stupid to let immigration get so out of hand that an army of officials need to be employed, so anyone returning from thailand go easy on the sun tan

you can get rid of the bnp quite easily if the goverment did its job and do what the british people want, all illegals, failed asylum seekers, overstayers deported anyone who enters the uk from a "safe" country shall be sent straight back to their home country, no appeals. they have done that in italy, african immigrants stopped overnight.

enoch powell did make a speech on immigration he did not make a rivers of blood speech he did not predict rivers of blood, he did quote from i think from a poem or book entitled the rivers of blood, more spin from the lefties

the bnp had my support in the ee and i will continue until immigration is controlled

enoch powell did make a speech on immigration he did not make a rivers of blood speech he did not predict rivers of blood, he did quote from i think from a poem or book entitled the rivers of blood, more spin from the lefties

What Powell actually said was:

"As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood". That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century. Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal."

It was lifted from the Sibylline prophecy in Virgil's Aenid:

"Wars, horrible wars, I see," said the Sybil, "and the Tiber foaming with much blood."

To be honest I don`t think there is much more that can be said on this subject.

I would like to say; that all the posters on this thread have been the most common sense level headed I've even seen on ThaiVisa.

Just to conclude for myself, when the fascists first began showing themselves about the late 1920s and where making idle threats, many said, rubbish, this could never happen. And after WW2, the phrase was changed to, it will never happen again.

Taking into consideration that many of us are living abroad and can only judge events happening in the UK by news reports and the media, to us on the outside looking in, it does appear that Britain is rapidly becoming an unstable country, on a short fuse that could blow at any moment.

I shall be keeping a close eye on the political situation, not because I'm paranoid, but for reasons that I never take it for granted that the worst won't happen.

My late grandfather was approached and intimidated into joining the fascists in the late 30's and later the communist party. He refused both on the grounds of a belief in simple democracy.

As one of the most important days in our calendar approaches I hope a few of you take a moment to reflect.

Let these people not be forgotten.

British National Party (UK)

If elected how would this affect British Thailand Ex-pats who have Thai Wife's & Children?

I have been following the UK news over the last few weeks regarding the fascist British National Party (BNP).

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

I, having a Thai wife and child find this prospect very alarming.

1. If the BNP did come to power and expelled all Thais from the United Kingdom, would the Thai government conduct a tit for tat policy and do the same with Brits living in Thailand?

2. Would this mean that UK citizens living in Britain and having a Thai family, would have to leave Britain or otherwise be faced with the prospect of being separated from they're family's?

3. What about the Brits with Thai families living Thailand, how would this affect them?

All rather scary and hope this scenario never happens.

What do you think?

Hope I haven't opened a can of worms here. Have created this thread for the reasons that the title explains.

This is not a platform for the discussion of British politics or who is to or is not to blame.

I feel now that there is a strong possibility of a fascist leadership in the UK that would affect all British ex-pats with Thai families and should be mentioned.

I hope that if any idiots post on here material that contravenes ThaiVisa rules, racist comments, of is abusive to others, that the Mods will close this thread and ban the offending posters.

As somebody who lives in the UK, I have followed the comings and goings, I agree with nearly everything the BNP stand for except their policy which would mean my wife and 2 kids would have to leave the UK (Unless us Scots get our finger out and take our independance). I'm not going to get in to it here because like the OP said this isn't about UK politics. I don't think the BNP will make a massive difference at the polls but I'm hoping that there prescence will force the other parties to completely change the direction they are going, but I doubt it.



There's more chance of finding rocking horse sh*t than there is of the BNP getting elected into power with a majority government.

What seems to be happening though is the BNP has successfully placed "immigration" onto the mainstream agenda, and forced voters to think about it seriously and examine the mainstream party's policies. Apparently about 60% of the population feel no British party has a decent policy on immigration other than the BNP.

No doubt with this kind of potential for winning votes, before the next election, the Tories or even Labour are likely to "hijack" the swing against current immigration policy with some of the most radical immigration manifestos since the war. It would seem the British population, including 2nd generation immigrants, demand this.

Personally, I enjoy living in London due to the fact it is multi-cultural. But I'm fortunate to live in a cosmopolitan area. Some parts of the capital, and other parts of towns/cities like Bradford, Preston or Southampton, are not ethnically or religiously diverse and as a white male I do find it uncomfortable being in those areas at certain times. Outside of London, in the many white-only (excepting the ubiquitous Chinese takeaway) cities and towns, the white youth just aren't used to living with immigrants, especially those that look like the terrorists who bombed our cities or look like the people their brothers or cousins may be fighting and being killed by in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Given the tax burden, the war, the devaluation of sterling, the fall in house prices, the rise in unemployment, the apparent rise in population and perceived unending stream of immigrants (illegal or otherwise), it is not particular surprising the BNP have been able to manipulate their "race policies" at this particular moment in time. Taking advantage of what makes people scared is, after all, the basic ingredients of politics.

There's more chance of finding rocking horse sh*t than there is of the BNP getting elected into power with a majority government.

What seems to be happening though is the BNP has successfully placed "immigration" onto the mainstream agenda, and forced voters to think about it seriously and examine the mainstream party's policies. Apparently about 60% of the population feel no British party has a decent policy on immigration other than the BNP.

No doubt with this kind of potential for winning votes, before the next election, the Tories or even Labour are likely to "hijack" the swing against current immigration policy with some of the most radical immigration manifestos since the war. It would seem the British population, including 2nd generation immigrants, demand this.

Personally, I enjoy living in London due to the fact it is multi-cultural. But I'm fortunate to live in a cosmopolitan area. Some parts of the capital, and other parts of towns/cities like Bradford, Preston or Southampton, are not ethnically or religiously diverse and as a white male I do find it uncomfortable being in those areas at certain times. Outside of London, in the many white-only (excepting the ubiquitous Chinese takeaway) cities and towns, the white youth just aren't used to living with immigrants, especially those that look like the terrorists who bombed our cities or look like the people their brothers or cousins may be fighting and being killed by in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Given the tax burden, the war, the devaluation of sterling, the fall in house prices, the rise in unemployment, the apparent rise in population and perceived unending stream of immigrants (illegal or otherwise), it is not particular surprising the BNP have been able to manipulate their "race policies" at this particular moment in time. Taking advantage of what makes people scared is, after all, the basic ingredients of politics.

Swinging to the right again... :)

ll things considered ng did ok to see jack straws little face when ng told everyone about his dad, absolute classic

Yeah! Guilt by association, I love it. Jack is bad because his dad was in jail and Nick is good because his dad was a pilot. Back to kindergarden. Clear and simple. Just like it should always be. What we really need in the world today is more hate and less understanding. Let our deepest unfiltered feelings out. No mercy.

Remember that we are always right and they are always wrong. Our morals are always higher and better while they can't see the difference between right or wrong.

When comparing different peoples, races, countries etc. always follow this simple guide line and you will never fall of the track.

- Let the best individuals from our societey be the example of everyone.

- Do exactly the opposite about them Let their worst represent all of them.

For example

English - Shakespear, Lord Nelson, Churchill, Football and tennis, living in cottages with a garden full of apple trees, clean and tidy, honest, hardworking, reliable, intelligent.

Them - Saddam Hussein, terrorist, throwing rocks and stones, honour killings, female circumcision, mass rape, forced marriages, living in dirty house and crapping next to the road, no honour, lazy, ugly, strange.

I guess that is all for now. Look out for lesson number two where I teach how to hate others and at the same time manage to hate those ugly fat women within our own group.


sorry, regardless of what the topic title tries to suggest a link to Brits living in thailand, it is clear that this thread is discussing Brit politics :)

not that I have anything against it, and sure it is an interesting topic, but unfortunately, Thaivisa is not the forum for such discussions.

have to close it.....


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