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Thai Wife - Is Your Girlfriend The One?


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Office girls with decent jobs or Univ grads are generally not interested in a Farang.

Sweeping generalisation. :) Come on put a little more into a2396. :D


There is another way of putting your statement: most social interaction between ex-pats and Thai females takes place in the bar/night life enviroment.

Now explain to me how this equates to Uni grads, office girls or girls with "decent jobs" been any more or less interested in ex-pats?

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You might enjoy the XFiles movies and series... Scully sounds more your style than a Thai lady...The Truth is Out There... Trust No-one... :)

There may be some truth in some of your words. But if you start from the premise of not trusting others, why should they trust you? One of the most effective ways of generating trust is to first extend it - even in Thailand. There will always be those who abuse your trust, but there will be even more who will treasure it.

Edited by fletchsmile
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How about staying close to the same age and looks bracket as your partner ? You would save yourself allot of problems.

Well I guess Mr average, safe as houses Norm could go for that route.........as he slows into middle age at 30 years old.. :) .

What about Mr charismatic, Mr vibrant, Mr living on the edge,Mr take life as it comes and enjoy every minute.......Mr entertainment......

have you never met these people then....high risk and beautiful women is a fun combination.... :D

You gotta have somebody who can keep up..... :D

Yeah I hear about them jumping off of balconies on Pattayone news on a weekly basis.

Nah they're the ones that woke up sober with one in the same age group!!!!!!

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An interesting post, however a bit unrealistic. I have been here 5 years and have gone through many more than 4 or 5 (ladies), which I would not go so far as to call girlfriends. In 5 years I have only met ONE (1), who did not expect, in fact demand money (to be paid or a regular or monthly basis). I have not and do not choose candidates from bars, restaurants, massage joints, etc. In the vast majority of cases, Farang/Thai matches here are generally based on money and that is the operative factor. Such is not surprising, when there are numerous foreigners offering one million bht + sin sod or giving them 30-50,000 bht monthly allowances, such as a recent poster on this website. Needless to say, I am still in contact with my one exception and likely will be a long term deal.

cultural thing maybe ? That is why they have sin sod

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How about staying close to the same age and looks bracket as your partner ? You would save yourself allot of problems.

Well I guess Mr average, safe as houses Norm could go for that route.........as he slows into middle age at 30 years old.. :) .

What about Mr charismatic, Mr vibrant, Mr living on the edge,Mr take life as it comes and enjoy every minute.......Mr entertainment......

have you never met these people then....high risk and beautiful women is a fun combination.... :D

You gotta have somebody who can keep up..... :D

Yeah I hear about them jumping off of balconies on Pattayone news on a weekly basis.

Nah they're the ones that woke up sober with one in the same age group!!!!!!

yeah and they probably still had to pay :D

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I keep hearing "all Thai women this" and "all Thai women that" in this forum, and quite frankly, I have never experienced much of what "all Thai women do."  I am beginning to wonder just what kind of Thai rejects from societal norms I have been meeting.

Over the last 8 years, I have socialized with, shall we say, a fair number of women, and I have had somewhat serious relationships with a handfull.  One was much wealthier than me and pretty much paid for anything like a trip or other expensive ventures. Of the rest, only one has ever asked for a loan, and she paid most of that back.   I offered one 6,000 baht for an apartment deposit so I didn't have to take her back to her aunt's house before midnight each time she visited. And one serious relationship, when her salary was dropped from 20,000 baht to 13,000 baht when her company almost folded, I offered to pay her rent of 3,000 baht for the several months until her salary was raised back to 18,000.  

That is it, the totallity of my financial contributions.  Only one woman has ever asked for anything, and she paid most of that back.  So I quite frankly have no experience with what many posters here seem to believe is "all Thai women."

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Office girls with decent jobs or Univ grads are generally not interested in a Farang.

Sweeping generalisation. :) Come on put a little more into a2396. :D


There is another way of putting your statement: most social interaction between ex-pats and Thai females takes place in the bar/night life enviroment.

Now explain to me how this equates to Uni grads, office girls or girls with "decent jobs" been any more or less interested in ex-pats?

As I explained many times, my social interactions do not take place in bars or other night life venues, although it is true that such places are where the majority of Farang contacts are made with Thai women. Thus, it is not surprising to hear such a wrath of problems from such relationships formed in this environment. In my case, I have met a fair number of uni grads or students and some other women, who are holding gainful employment. SOME may be interested in a Farang, but most have Thai BF's or would prefer a Thai man for various reasons. From my own experince, (where I live in Thailand) I would say that perhaps 10% might be interested in a Farang.

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HappyThai Life

Your comments boarder on, and could quite easily be construed as stereotyping - the type the majority of Thai's would find deeply offensive in the extreme, though, granted, I do not belive for one moment this was your intention.

So - the question is this: why do you feel that Thai girls are to be treated differently?

Thai girls are human ...

With that in mind - back to your comments: my feeling is that say alot about your pre-conceptions about, and towards Thai girls.

Ing (my wife) just shook her head ... arrogant, was one of the words that came to mind.

I'd be pleased if you would share with me a response to the comments I have made.

NB - I have used the "bright lights industry" analogy only because it's that group most ex-pats can identify the argument with, not that it's the only "group" that it can be associated with.

Maize - Brilliant response! I applaud you. I was hoping someone would ask a question... You picked up on my "Describe an average falang?" question perhaps? (I thought that was a stereotypical comment therefore I posed that question in the hopes of making the discussion wander towards stereotyping.)

To answer your question, I do not believe thai women should be treated any differently; I think they should be treated like any woman in this world. Treated in a similar manner in which they treat me; in a better manner actually, the do unto others rule. I prefer to "treat" any woman (or person rather) with the utmost respect, dignity, caring and compassion. For our benefit, I want us to be happy, full stop. Isn't happiness really what we all want? To find that, I help her fulfill her goals and possibly some dreams; she the same with me. I don't look at thai women as if they are thai, I look at them as what they are...a women, the wondrous opposite gender.

I am glad you bashed my "idea" and do appreciate your honesty. Ing is correct, the post is very arrogant and that was my intention. I was hoping that someone would respond and get to the root cause and why. Think about that for a moment. Or is that a bit too "twisted" or "disturbed" for some here? You see, this is not my "idea"; this post is a compilation of what I have heard in past years in the LOS (and elsewhere); this is a summary of what some falang men do to find out what the real intentions of their new-found loves outside of their native lands. I added 3 of my experiences with a certain "falang hunter" (stealing from Richard's post) just to add the internet "tests". I used the word test here because one falang man I met crying in his beer in Krabi told me he was "tested" (and failed) plus I was intrigued when he mentioned to me that the furniture went "missing" due to a test; hilarious that was and he laughed about it with me. Another thing I added was the shopping test which was told to me in another country by a falang who partnered with a gal with a serious penchant for all things Gucci. The family bit was a twist of a story in another country where the in-laws liked to pop over uninvited and, with their best intentions in mind, thought they could get closer to the grandchildren if they could move from their council flat and purchase a council flat in the area; the "catch" was they needed some small financial help (he was really excited I must say...to get to the pub, very quickly, when that was dropped on him).

Your "bright lights industry" analogy made me smile. I have no pre-conceptions with ANY women from any country for that matter. Personally, I have no issue with the "bright lights industry" either, anywhere. It is just not a preference of mine therefore I'm the type of falang that doesn't add revenue to this industry. As for the industry itself? It serves a much needed purpose in many countries I believe and I truly understand that need...I've seen serious poverty and civil war first hand. At least in some countries the "bright lights industry" is legal and well regulated and I like this type of forward thinking.

So yes, I owe an explanation (and an apology to you) perhaps for this post. I was curious of what sort of response I would receive by posting this in a thailand falang forum. It did not receive a very good response in two other countries and I can only guess why. In any event, if someone was to try these "tests", how far do you think they would actually get? I honestly don't know the answer to that one...nor do I care. An online forum is an open forum, go forward with caution people.

It truly intrigues me that the root cause is identical for both parties...and most can't see it.

Some readers will find something in this post that will generate a reaction within them and possibly it may strike a chord; that in turn may make them think more of the subject line for this post. And with that, it may actually help them in some way.

Keep the comment coming! I'm seriously impressed...things have heated up in here...

For those of you just jumping in; please realise that I started this post to get feedback; it is not something I would do; it is not real fellas...it was a ploy to get you all in on the subject line...

Above is my reply to the best response I've seen on here from Maize (from page 2).

And I can't wait for the next feedback post from you Maize...

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Prefabs - Maize mentioned he would bring some external feedback to the table... If you look at his posts you can see he is a very intelligent fella and should word the feedback so that it is constructive. We all like constructive criticism yes? When it is a bit harsh or close to the truth though, well, yes, we do tend to put our back against the wall. The truth sometimes hurts...

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happythailife , sorry but i have never heard so much crap put into text . in thai they have a saying you think to much , oh yes one more thing if you dont know the truth when it comes to thai woman in thailand your better it wont hurt you .


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all sounds like too much hard work to me.....do you have to keep a file on the girl so you know which test she has passed?

I think I will just use my own good judgement........oh wait....I did that already.....got a good one :D ................I think :)

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happythailife , sorry but i have never heard so much crap put into text . in thai they have a saying you think to much , oh yes one more thing if you dont know the truth when it comes to thai woman in thailand your better it wont hurt you .


Kangaroo - My apologies for thinking too much. Ah...truth...we all look for the truth mate in everything we do...

Could you take all the original points 1, 2, 3....10 and write what is wrong with each? That was the purpose of the post mate. I'm sure Maize has is covered and may come back with a summary; I truly hope he does... (then I'll post steps 11 to 20, the married part, so you all can pick that apart. You may like 11 - 20; the feedback was quite good in a couple of other countries...)

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happythailife , sorry but i have never heard so much crap put into text . in thai they have a saying you think to much , oh yes one more thing if you dont know the truth when it comes to thai woman in thailand your better it wont hurt you .


Prefabs - you still haven't figured it out yet have you? All you can come back with is a personal insult and some ideas of what my Mum & Dad think or say? Wow! Wouldn't it best serve you and others to think about the real reasoning behind the original post? The true intention of it?

Could you take all the original points 1, 2, 3....10 and write what is wrong with each? That was the purpose of the post mate. Apologies that I used you as a conduit to get others involved...that wasn't very nice of me. But it did bring Maize to the table with some very well chosen words - he understood my ploy or at least had an idea of it...

The future steps 11...20 you may find just as arrogant and sad but you may have something constructive to say that others may appreciate. Please watch this space.

Edited by bonobo
Removed quote from yet another post now deleted.
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HappyThai Life

Your comments boarder on, and could quite easily be construed as stereotyping - the type the majority of Thai's would find deeply offensive in the extreme, though, granted, I do not belive for one moment this was your intention.

Lets try move your observations or rather, this discussion, forward constructively. Let me ask you this.

If you have to adopt anywhere near a similar attitude towards a prospective partner back in your homeland, any young lady with a smittance of self diginity would be deeply offended and probably dismiss you in a flash. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if this topic was about European/American girls (Westernised girls - girls in your own home country), I do not believe you would be expressing this attitude.

So - the question is this: why do you feel that Thai girls are to be treated differently?

Thai girls are human ... and old TV hands will have heard me say this before: not withstanding culturale differences, their concepts of loyalty/dis-loyalty, good/bad, right-versus-wrong and honesty-versus-dishonesty, are no different to our understanding and appreciation of these concepts in the West, in Africa, in the Mid East ... Scandnavia .... and elswhere in the world. These are universal concepts that transcend culturale and ethnic boundaries.

With that in mind - back to your comments: my feeling is that say alot about your pre-conceptions about, and towards Thai girls.

They are the sort of comments we find so often associated with a very small section of Thai female/male society overall - a defensiveness against behaviour traits most (rightly or wrongly) would associate with that group of potential partners who work in the "bright lights" industry.

Let me share something with you about overwhelming majority of girls who work in the "bright lights" industry:

Unlike many of the girls, and the negative ideas and preconceptions that have grown up around "working girls" in the West, there is one major and very significant difference between them - as a generaalisation of 2 distinct groups: in the West many girls choose to be working girls by CHOICE. In Thailand (and elswhere in South East Asia) the motivation, by contrast, is CIRCUMSTANCE - the circumstance that arise from lack of oppurtunity & grinding poverty - which is characteristic of large parts of the North East of Thailand.

The point I am making is this: my feeling is that you are taking negative associations that stem (quite rightly perhaps) from the unacceptable behaviour of a small group of Thai girls - a group I think can rightly be associated with the "bright lights" industry - which quite possibly represents to sum extent your experience (or part of it) with Thai girls - taking those preconceptions/attitudes, and then painting all Thai females with them as a group.

While, yes - I can see situations in a limited number of relationships, where circumstances could lead one to adopting good old fashioned gum-shoe (private detetctive) work to solve an issue (i.e. "Testing" - to use your words), and which could serve as jolly good due-dilligence, I don't believe that as a generalisation your observations carry credit - and as said at the start, most Thai females would find it deeply offence & stereo-typical in type to be in a relationship that measured universally concepts like trust/distrust, loyalty/disloyalty, good/bad, right/wrong, honesty/dishonesty ..... against a background of "tests".

Ing (my wife) just shook her head ... arrogant, was one of the words that came to mind.

Okay - that all said, I am not wanting to bash you - I am "bashing" your idea - your approach, to building the relationship. I think it reflects your experience, pre-concpetions about Thai's that in a way have a racist undertone to them in that I don't belive it is an approach you'd take with a potential partner of your own ethnic/social background someone in your home country.

Thai girls are human - and the best way to develope and establish a relationship with a Thai girl you are interested in is to forget she is Thai - put it out of your head - grant her the courtesies & decensies, and treat her as you would treat a potential partner of your own background, social standing and similar culturale upbringing in your own home country. You may not realise it, but most Thai girls are very conscious (oh boy - they can keep a straight face) and aware when they are been treated as "Thai" versus been treated as a "person" - they pick up the the cues that ex-pats sub-conscoiusely "act out" in communication & inter-acting with them.

I'd be pleased if you would share with me a response to the comments I have made.

NB - I have used the "bright lights industry" analogy only because it's that group most ex-pats can identify the argument with, not that it's the only "group" that it can be associated with.

I agree with you Maize on pretty much everything you said.

I am new to this forum, and I've found the whole farang-thai girl thing quite intriquing. I was appalled to read the post by HappyThaiLife, but it seems like, as i read on, it was an experiment. This makes me wonder how prevalent this kind of thought - that thai girls are out for their money and that you have to put them through some tests - is out there. Yes, there are probably some girls out there that are after the money. But like you say, some of those girls are forced by circumstances to do what they do. not all thai girls are out for some farang's money, and this view has perpetuated a very bad stereotype for these women. I'm very bothered by such stereotype and glad that there are people who felt the same way. No girls should be treated as anything inferior than how you would treat a 'western' girl. But i have to admit that i am torn on this subject because I have heard some pretty horrible story of how thai girls use farang before. SO it's understandable that some farang might feel defensive about it.

HappyThaiLfe: You mentioned the root cause is the same for both parties. But i'm not sure if i know what you meant. I'm just curious to know what you think. I find this whole dating trend quite interesting too. I would call this a phenomenal almost, becasue with all these misunderstanding, bad stereotyping, and horrible tales from both sides, some farangs are still looking for thai girls, and vice versa.

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HappyThai Life

Your comments boarder on, and could quite easily be construed as stereotyping - the type the majority of Thai's would find deeply offensive in the extreme, though, granted, I do not belive for one moment this was your intention.

Lets try move your observations or rather, this discussion, forward constructively. Let me ask you this.

If you have to adopt anywhere near a similar attitude towards a prospective partner back in your homeland, any young lady with a smittance of self diginity would be deeply offended and probably dismiss you in a flash. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if this topic was about European/American girls (Westernised girls - girls in your own home country), I do not believe you would be expressing this attitude.

So - the question is this: why do you feel that Thai girls are to be treated differently?

Thai girls are human ... and old TV hands will have heard me say this before: not withstanding culturale differences, their concepts of loyalty/dis-loyalty, good/bad, right-versus-wrong and honesty-versus-dishonesty, are no different to our understanding and appreciation of these concepts in the West, in Africa, in the Mid East ... Scandnavia .... and elswhere in the world. These are universal concepts that transcend culturale and ethnic boundaries.

With that in mind - back to your comments: my feeling is that say alot about your pre-conceptions about, and towards Thai girls.

They are the sort of comments we find so often associated with a very small section of Thai female/male society overall - a defensiveness against behaviour traits most (rightly or wrongly) would associate with that group of potential partners who work in the "bright lights" industry.

Let me share something with you about overwhelming majority of girls who work in the "bright lights" industry:

Unlike many of the girls, and the negative ideas and preconceptions that have grown up around "working girls" in the West, there is one major and very significant difference between them - as a generaalisation of 2 distinct groups: in the West many girls choose to be working girls by CHOICE. In Thailand (and elswhere in South East Asia) the motivation, by contrast, is CIRCUMSTANCE - the circumstance that arise from lack of oppurtunity & grinding poverty - which is characteristic of large parts of the North East of Thailand.

The point I am making is this: my feeling is that you are taking negative associations that stem (quite rightly perhaps) from the unacceptable behaviour of a small group of Thai girls - a group I think can rightly be associated with the "bright lights" industry - which quite possibly represents to sum extent your experience (or part of it) with Thai girls - taking those preconceptions/attitudes, and then painting all Thai females with them as a group.

While, yes - I can see situations in a limited number of relationships, where circumstances could lead one to adopting good old fashioned gum-shoe (private detetctive) work to solve an issue (i.e. "Testing" - to use your words), and which could serve as jolly good due-dilligence, I don't believe that as a generalisation your observations carry credit - and as said at the start, most Thai females would find it deeply offence & stereo-typical in type to be in a relationship that measured universally concepts like trust/distrust, loyalty/disloyalty, good/bad, right/wrong, honesty/dishonesty ..... against a background of "tests".

Ing (my wife) just shook her head ... arrogant, was one of the words that came to mind.

Okay - that all said, I am not wanting to bash you - I am "bashing" your idea - your approach, to building the relationship. I think it reflects your experience, pre-concpetions about Thai's that in a way have a racist undertone to them in that I don't belive it is an approach you'd take with a potential partner of your own ethnic/social background someone in your home country.

Thai girls are human - and the best way to develope and establish a relationship with a Thai girl you are interested in is to forget she is Thai - put it out of your head - grant her the courtesies & decensies, and treat her as you would treat a potential partner of your own background, social standing and similar culturale upbringing in your own home country. You may not realise it, but most Thai girls are very conscious (oh boy - they can keep a straight face) and aware when they are been treated as "Thai" versus been treated as a "person" - they pick up the the cues that ex-pats sub-conscoiusely "act out" in communication & inter-acting with them.

I'd be pleased if you would share with me a response to the comments I have made.

NB - I have used the "bright lights industry" analogy only because it's that group most ex-pats can identify the argument with, not that it's the only "group" that it can be associated with.

I agree with you Maize on pretty much everything you said.

I am new to this forum, and I've found the whole farang-thai girl thing quite intriquing. I was appalled to read the post by HappyThaiLife, but it seems like, as i read on, it was an experiment. This makes me wonder how prevalent this kind of thought - that thai girls are out for their money and that you have to put them through some tests - is out there. Yes, there are probably some girls out there that are after the money. But like you say, some of those girls are forced by circumstances to do what they do. not all thai girls are out for some farang's money, and this view has perpetuated a very bad stereotype for these women. I'm very bothered by such stereotype and glad that there are people who felt the same way. No girls should be treated as anything inferior than how you would treat a 'western' girl. But i have to admit that i am torn on this subject because I have heard some pretty horrible story of how thai girls use farang before. SO it's understandable that some farang might feel defensive about it.

HappyThaiLfe: You mentioned the root cause is the same for both parties. But i'm not sure if i know what you meant. I'm just curious to know what you think. I find this whole dating trend quite interesting too. I would call this a phenomenal almost, becasue with all these misunderstanding, bad stereotyping, and horrible tales from both sides, some farangs are still looking for thai girls, and vice versa.

Sinecure2 - An experiment of sorts I imagine. The reason I started this post was to get feedback from those that have had financial issues with relationships. The post solely deals with wealth - money and possessions - and how that reflects on relationships.

Root cause? Well, some on here may find this quite bizarre, "out there", meaningless, a 'bunch of hooey', or even mundane... but the reason for anything we do, say or for what actually occurs, has a root cause. If you analyse any situation to find the root cause and the branches up to the actual event, that should make you understand why that event occurred. You can then change your ways so that it doesn't occur again. ok, this is a very general statement, a 'bunch of hooey' as some may think...and maybe a bit far-fetched, but it is so true in everything we do.

Now...if you analyse the reasons behind many issues between men and women, the root cause of their problems is, simply, happiness. I won't bore you with all the details or branches... but that is the root cause...Happiness, the quest for happiness. Does it sound like I am a "nutter"? Here's a simple explanantion:

The problems we run into are generally those differences we encounter trying to be happy. Think about that for a moment. Some people equate wealth, possessions and their image with happiness; they feel one of these three things will create balance in their lives and, in turn, happiness. At some point they realise that this just isn't working; they have money, or they have their "things", or they are popular, yet they are miserable even with a partner at their side. Why? They've tried to get happy with artificial things, not real things. And that has set an imbalance in their lives and a precedent for the future.

Grass roots here...Women and men both seek a secure future for their lives; we do, it is part of human nature. Security then gets equated with money and that is supposed to help the two form a union. Most times, money doesn't do it. Yet we find that happening all around us and it leads to issues in future. Do you need examples of those seeking money to be happy? I think not, there are too many to list.

I won't ramble on and on here anymore but do hope some will respond. Note that in the above I have not once mentioned thai gf or wife at all. To me, different countries or cultures make no real difference; their are difficulties, yes, but honestly I believe that the original common ground is important, the family element, our environments that we were brought up in (meaning parents), our morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion...those are the things that are important...those are the things that start a union off well and then make us happy. When we lower our standards and only consider simply wealth, possessions and image...well, we all know what occurs eventually...

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quote from OP:

I just rejected 4 out of 5 women in 3 years rather than ending up being their ATM. And those foreign men in the LOS that feel the same can understand this I'm sure.


Op:How many women should we reject before we found one suitable for us nice handsome rich gentlemen?

How high should the criteria be?

Whatever nationality the lady has, I am worried that most of us would end up alone if we followed your advice. I feel you lack understanding for the native and their situation. And we foreigners love to judge them, rather than try to put ourselves in their situation.

1 more quote from OP:

I've been in LOS for about 3 years and have gone through about 4 girlfriends. 2 lasted mere weeks, 1 lasted 2 months, 1 lasted 7 months.


Op: "gone through"? Might it be that the lady could feel that your sincerity was not there?

Turn the table: what if the ladies should test us nice handsome rich gentleman in a similar way?

Edited by Max2000
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quote from OP:

I just rejected 4 out of 5 women in 3 years rather than ending up being their ATM. And those foreign men in the LOS that feel the same can understand this I'm sure.


Op:How many women should we reject before we found one suitable for us nice handsome rich gentlemen?

How high should the criteria be?

Whatever nationality the lady has, I am worried that most of us would end up alone if we followed your advice. I feel you lack understanding for the native and their situation. And we foreigners love to judge them, rather than try to put ourselves in their situation.

1 more quote from OP:

I've been in LOS for about 3 years and have gone through about 4 girlfriends. 2 lasted mere weeks, 1 lasted 2 months, 1 lasted 7 months.


Op: "gone through"? Might it be that the lady could feel that your sincerity was not there?

Turn the table: what if the ladies should test us nice handsome rich gentleman in a similar way?

Max2000 - Sorry mate, go back and read page 2 onwards. This entire post was a ploy...the story is NOT REAL...it was meant to show that monetary tests are the reasons why things go bad...dont judge by country or culture...dont attract by wealth, possessions, image...

To answer your questions...

Who cares if you are rich? All falang here are deemed rich. Why bother emphasising it here? It doesn't matter and makes things worse for you.

Criteria? Are you shopping for a boat, car or negotiating a stock option? You missed the point of this point entirely...go back from page 2.

Alone? Tonight I was out with my gf and we met up with various friends. Among them were about 7 single thai women; all with office jobs. I asked my gf...4 of them would date falang, 3 wouldn't date a falang. Made me wonder why these women were single... where are the good falang men they asked? And they also said...don't want no butterfly.

Get it?

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To me, different countries or cultures make no real difference; their are difficulties, yes, but honestly I believe that the original common ground is important, the family element, our environments that we were brought up in (meaning parents), our morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion...those are the things that are important...those are the things that start a union off well and then make us happy. When we lower our standards and only consider simply wealth, possessions and image...well, we all know what occurs eventually...

best thing i've seen/read on here. Couldn't agree more. I'd add that these are also tempered by the things that life throws at us. We're brought up with certain values and ideals in individually particular circumstances and these attributes; morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion, are then tested by life and our environment. Environments are often very different but human reactions to them are, equally often, very similar.

Thanks mate.

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quote from OP:

I just rejected 4 out of 5 women in 3 years rather than ending up being their ATM. And those foreign men in the LOS that feel the same can understand this I'm sure.


Op:How many women should we reject before we found one suitable for us nice handsome rich gentlemen?

How high should the criteria be?

Whatever nationality the lady has, I am worried that most of us would end up alone if we followed your advice. I feel you lack understanding for the native and their situation. And we foreigners love to judge them, rather than try to put ourselves in their situation.

1 more quote from OP:

I've been in LOS for about 3 years and have gone through about 4 girlfriends. 2 lasted mere weeks, 1 lasted 2 months, 1 lasted 7 months.


Op: "gone through"? Might it be that the lady could feel that your sincerity was not there?

Turn the table: what if the ladies should test us nice handsome rich gentleman in a similar way?

If you haven't noticed, these women are quite astute & clever at "testing" the worthiness of their prospective gentlemen. Why do you think the issue of money and how much you have and are willing to spend on her is such a high profile issue. If you pass their basic money requirements or expectations, then the relationship may proceed. If you don't make the "baseline", then forget it.

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