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The Easy Way To Test Your Future Prospective Thai Wife


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Thai Visa is full of stories of farang getting "taken to the cleaners" financially by Thai women. These stories are popular, provocative and seem to provide a lot of impetus for the huge popularity of this site, and the concomitant advertising that accompanies a successful web site, hence lining the pockets of investors with cash. That is a good thing. If you fall in love with a single Thai lady, and you are on the other side of the world ( like I was ), you may have to work in your country and travel to LOS when you can. Assuming you will help her financially for (whatever reason) prior to marrying here, here is a way to do it without getting totally fleeced (keeping in mind there is no free lunch). 1.First of all, have a shopping list ( or checklist) for what type of Thai lady you want to meet in the first place. Although I was attracted to BG's, they were NOT on my list for reasons I will not get into here. My short list went something like this: college education, from a decent family, good heart, 10 to 15 years younger ( I was 49 at the time), decent job, attractive, more concerned with love than money,a non drinker and smoker. There are loads of Thai women as we speak that fit this category, but for example, if an attractive bg is all you require, then your list is short and simple. At any rate you may want to make SURE you have an idea BEFOREHAND what you are looking for. 2. Once you have visited her 2 or 3 times, and you feel she loves you and you are almost ready to spring the question, you may want to consider trying number...3. Send her a copy of your bank card and give her the same PIN number you use, so she can access your account. Western Union charges you 15% by the time its all said and done, so 10,000 baht in her hand will cost you about 11,500 Baht. Keep only what you can afford to lose in your account, and tell her to take what she needs. You will quickly find out if she is on the take or not. In my case, she took about 10,000 baht per month. You can see what she takes from your bank statements, and it costs in this case 100 baht per withdrawal, 1% instead of 15.This will NOT work for everybody, but it worked for me. To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me. Flame away if you wish, but it worked for me. She is NOT a money grabber, I can assure you of that. In Canada now, she shops at discount stores for clothes, etc etc, and has prooven beyond a shadow of a doubt that my gamble paid off. Signed: did NOT get ripped off

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Thai Visa is full of stories of farang getting "taken to the cleaners" financially by Thai women. These stories are popular, provocative and seem to provide a lot of impetus for the huge popularity of this site, and the concomitant advertising that accompanies a successful web site, hence lining the pockets of investors with cash. That is a good thing. If you fall in love with a single Thai lady, and you are on the other side of the world ( like I was ), you may have to work in your country and travel to LOS when you can. Assuming you will help her financially for (whatever reason) prior to marrying here, here is a way to do it without getting totally fleeced (keeping in mind there is no free lunch). 1.First of all, have a shopping list ( or checklist) for what type of Thai lady you want to meet in the first place. Although I was attracted to BG's, they were NOT on my list for reasons I will not get into here. My short list went something like this: college education, from a decent family, good heart, 10 to 15 years younger ( I was 49 at the time), decent job, attractive, more concerned with love than money,a non drinker and smoker. There are loads of Thai women as we speak that fit this category, but for example, if an attractive bg is all you require, then your list is short and simple. At any rate you may want to make SURE you have an idea BEFOREHAND what you are looking for. 2. Once you have visited her 2 or 3 times, and you feel she loves you and you are almost ready to spring the question, you may want to consider trying number...3. Send her a copy of your bank card and give her the same PIN number you use, so she can access your account. Western Union charges you 15% by the time its all said and done, so 10,000 baht in her hand will cost you about 11,500 Baht. Keep only what you can afford to lose in your account, and tell her to take what she needs. You will quickly find out if she is on the take or not. In my case, she took about 10,000 baht per month. You can see what she takes from your bank statements, and it costs in this case 100 baht per withdrawal, 1% instead of 15.This will NOT work for everybody, but it worked for me. To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me. Flame away if you wish, but it worked for me. She is NOT a money grabber, I can assure you of that. In Canada now, she shops at discount stores for clothes, etc etc, and has prooven beyond a shadow of a doubt that my gamble paid off. Signed: did NOT get ripped off

Personally, if there is a need to 'test' someone, then that someone is not the one.

Been happily married touching 20 years .... with no 'testing' at all.


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Or even better, look for someone who's independent and doesn't need your cash?

To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me.

It has allot to do with age, if they will go with an old man then they are going for the money. I have a Thailovelinks account going just for fun. I am 25 and I will not continue to talk with a girl that would accept a partner that is older then 30 if she is my age or younger.

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But on the other side of the coin a fair number of Thai on Thai marriages have quite a large age gap between the husband and wife. 10 and 15 years difference is not that uncommon. Though I must admit I haven't seen a 70 year old Thai guy with a 22 year old woman unless he's the Mafia. :)

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Or even better, look for someone who's independent and doesn't need your cash?

To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me.

It has allot to do with age, if they will go with an old man then they are going for the money. I have a Thailovelinks account going just for fun. I am 25 and I will not continue to talk with a girl that would accept a partner that is older then 30 if she is my age or younger.

I don't think that will leave you many ladies to chat with! :D:D:D:D:D:):D:D

You have a Thaiovelinks account for fun? Isn't that a pay per use account?

Why not just get out into the realy world and find a nice lady.

When I was young I thought the same as you, but after hearing many a reason as to why some ladies want an older man, There are alot of good reasons.

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Or even better, look for someone who's independent and doesn't need your cash?

To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me.

It has allot to do with age, if they will go with an old man then they are going for the money. I have a Thailovelinks account going just for fun. I am 25 and I will not continue to talk with a girl that would accept a partner that is older then 30 if she is my age or younger.

From what i have seen over the last 20 yrs regarding relationships between Thai girls and farang men, yes many of the relationships are based on money, but I've known some jounger Thai girls fall completely in love with much older farang men, with money not being a factor.Also I've known Thai girls go into relationships with young farang men and they've cheated on them, taken their money from them.

I suppose at the end of the day it depends on the individual,some good some bad.

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at first I wanted a pre nup ( as my house was paid off in Canada and had quite a bit of money in the stock market), as I was ignorant( they are usually not worth the paper they are written on). At first she agreed, but later said I loved money more than her, and she did not care about money. Because I loved her and believed her, I dropped the pre nup idea like a hot man farang(potato). It turned out to be the best thing to do. I later found out she has 3 acres of land in a prime area of Phuket( from her Dad), but I am cognizant that farang cannot have land..but whatever..she has resources at her disposal which I had no idea about for over a year after I fell in love with her..so I dropped the pre nup idea LONG before I found out she had land worth plenty.

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South, I understand where you are coming from, however, some Thai women are very desirable, they have OPTIONS, and they will sometimes test a farang to see if they fit the bill. They have heard good and bad things about farang, and at first they are uncertain. If you can stand to be tested, and you want her enough, you go ahead and try to pass the test.

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I don't think that will leave you many ladies to chat with! :D:P:D:D:P:):D:D

You have a Thaiovelinks account for fun? Isn't that a pay per use account?

Why not just get out into the realy world and find a nice lady.

When I was young I thought the same as you, but after hearing many a reason as to why some ladies want an older man, There are alot of good reasons.

At 25 you don't need to find them. They will find you and all pass the OP's criteria without testing :D

Only problem is it is difficult to choose, my advice on this try with as many as you can and as long as you get away with it :D

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Or even better, look for someone who's independent and doesn't need your cash?

To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me.

It has allot to do with age, if they will go with an old man then they are going for the money. I have a Thailovelinks account going just for fun. I am 25 and I will not continue to talk with a girl that would accept a partner that is older then 30 if she is my age or younger.

I don't think that will leave you many ladies to chat with! :D:D:D:D:D:):D:D

You have a Thaiovelinks account for fun? Isn't that a pay per use account?

Why not just get out into the realy world and find a nice lady.

When I was young I thought the same as you, but after hearing many a reason as to why some ladies want an older man, There are alot of good reasons.

Yeah yeah yeah, allot of girls say they want an old man because they are more mature but how much of these young girls are actually mature themselves ? I had one young farang bimbo call me a geek for reading the news paper. I am not interested in women that want old men even if that old man is me.

I opened it yesterday and 82 girls let me know that they where interested in me in one day. This one girl got my attention, she is mixed Thai and Indian,very hot, 5 foot 5 and SHE IS ONLY INTERESTED IN MEN CLOSE TO HER AGE. ( i am just flirting around, nothing serious)

You don't need to pay for a standard account. Some of these chicks are pretty hot.


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we all go shopping for food sometimes without a shopping list, and we have all heard the same thing..have a list..or you will impulse buy and get things you will not need, that may not be good for your health and you may later regret buying some of the items..like chips, or candy, or whatever. Its all the same thing..some of the Thai female candy is delicious, but without that list..you may find yourself acting more on impulse, which you may later regret. Of course impulse "shopping"

for Thai women is loads of fun..don't get me wrong, signed..been there and made most of the mistakes..

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Or even better, look for someone who's independent and doesn't need your cash?

To make a long story short, she ended up giving most of it back to me, as she did not need the money but was testing me.

It has allot to do with age, if they will go with an old man then they are going for the money. I have a Thailovelinks account going just for fun. I am 25 and I will not continue to talk with a girl that would accept a partner that is older then 30 if she is my age or younger.

From what i have seen over the last 20 yrs regarding relationships between Thai girls and farang men, yes many of the relationships are based on money, but I've known some jounger Thai girls fall completely in love with much older farang men, with money not being a factor.Also I've known Thai girls go into relationships with young farang men and they've cheated on them, taken their money from them.

I suppose at the end of the day it depends on the individual,some good some bad.

You got it mixed up, look at all the suicides of farang men in Thailand, they are all old.

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.3. Send her a copy of your bank card and give her the same PIN number you use, so she can access your account.

Seems like putting a plate of food in front of a hungry person is not much of a test. :)

At least not a fair one.

What ever happened to normal relationships?

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Plenty of gals are ready for the long haul, there's no such thing as an effective test other than knowing someone over time.

As the local saying goes, better to hold onto excrement than a fart. In other words, it's no test at all if she still sticks with you when she thinks you're just a lowly (insert any menial occupation: bank teller, eBayer, TEFL'er, etc.), because if she's the sort that would otherwise have to settle for a motorcycle taxi driver or roadside hawker or no one at all whatever her social status, and has a work ethic along the lines of 'I don't care what kind of work he does as long as it's not me doing the work' then a 'test' will at best only screen out girls looking for a quick whale kill.


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I would be very careful of online dating. I just can't imagine any woman worth having would advertise herself on the internet. I would imagine that even those, cute, never been kissed, not exactly thrilled with the type of guy she can get type that seems quite abundant here would have too much pride for that sort of thing. My evolutionary senses kick in and tell me 'avoid'.

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In other words, it's no test at all if she still sticks with you when she thinks you're just a lowly (insert any menial occupation: bank teller, eBayer, TEFL'er, etc.),


Were you not a lowly homemade C+ website in 1996 with your first order of $900 from South Africa??

You only posted this the other day..

As we English say mighty oaks grow from little acorns.....

I'm sure Pierre Omidyar may disagree about ebay being a lowly job...

I'd rather be a dollar behind Pierre Omidyar bank balance than yours ;-)

My mate was a tefler for 4 years he's back in the UK now 30k per year Maths teacher. hardly lowly.....

Doesn't matter if she is Thai/Farang if you feel the need to test your future wife......I can only see trouble ahead......

These sort of posts are very sad and only go to show the sort of farangs that wash up here and it should be the Thai girls testing them for good husband material...


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In other words, it's no test at all if she still sticks with you when she thinks you're just a lowly (insert any menial occupation: bank teller, eBayer, TEFL'er, etc.),


Were you not a lowly homemade C+ website in 1996 with your first order of $900 from South Africa??

You only posted this the other day..

As we English say mighty oaks grow from little acorns.....

I'm sure Pierre Omidyar may disagree about ebay being a lowly job...

I'd rather be a dollar behind Pierre Omidyar bank balance than yours ;-)

My mate was a tefler for 4 years he's back in the UK now 30k per year Maths teacher. hardly lowly.....

Doesn't matter if she is Thai/Farang if you feel the need to test your future wife......I can only see trouble ahead......

These sort of posts are very sad and only go to show the sort of farangs that wash up here and it should be the Thai girls testing them for good husband material...


Indeed I was. I even rode the public bus system as my only means of transport before that. Lowly or not is relative (although I think there is a difference between founding eBay and selling t-shirts ON eBay in a hand to mouth existence like lot of visa runners do), the point was that the kinds of tests mentioned IMO largely ignore or assume (incorrectly) what the gals point of view could be. Instead the guy is thinking, 'look, she's still with me and I'm totally average (in one's own mind), she didn't even touch any of the $500 in my bank account (duh, because she wants to know what other doors have yet to be opened).'


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I would be very careful of online dating. I just can't imagine any woman worth having would advertise herself on the internet. I would imagine that even those, cute, never been kissed, not exactly thrilled with the type of guy she can get type that seems quite abundant here would have too much pride for that sort of thing. My evolutionary senses kick in and tell me 'avoid'.

You obviously haven't evolved much then have you.

Married 3 years+ met on Thai Love links and met four others still speak to them all are good friends some have also married.

No different to meeting in a pub in the UK (different to a Thai bar) except you get more choice and can weed out ones you dont like BEFORE meeting them.

Plenty of honest decent women out there just ordinary Thais not gold seekers.

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And for every op who posts a negative, anti-Thai women, test your gf etc etc post on here there are plenty more in normal, happy relationships with a Thai girl/woman/katoey who haven't needed to follow the daft guidelines/advice set out on this one and on numerous other threads on here. People will naturally (regardless of the situation) tell more people about a negative experience than a positive one and it's the same regarding relationships. I was never asked to pay a sin-sod, have never been asked for a monthly 'allowance' and have never been asked for any $ for other family members. On the other hand my ex-gf from England was the complete opposite and actually scammed me out of a fair bit of cash before I came out here.

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Speeking from a male's perspective, I'd first like to ask what is it you actually seek in a mate? Why get married at all? Men and women are so different in so many ways that finding someone you can be faithful to for 50 years is quite a challenge. Are you seeking a mommy to take care of you and do the cooking and cleaning? Is it because you want to raise children? If you just want a companion then it's more practical to pick another man. If it is just sex then you can find more with younger and more attractive partners on a rental basis. I can see marriage being practical for younger folks of similar ages and back ground. But, the 30 year difference marriages are just not practical. But, if both parties are happy with the business arrangement then who am I to disagree.

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Speeking from a male's perspective, I'd first like to ask what is it you actually seek in a mate? Why get married at all? Men and women are so different in so many ways that finding someone you can be faithful to for 50 years is quite a challenge. Are you seeking a mommy to take care of you and do the cooking and cleaning? Is it because you want to raise children? If you just want a companion then it's more practical to pick another man. If it is just sex then you can find more with younger and more attractive partners on a rental basis. I can see marriage being practical for younger folks of similar ages and back ground. But, the 30 year difference marriages are just not practical. But, if both parties are happy with the business arrangement then who am I to disagree.

Great post! I think a lot of the marriages with a significant age difference could be for the reason of having a 'Trophy Wife' hanging off their arm. But I could be wrong, I have been before.


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