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English Writing Skills


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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

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Possibly because it makes them feel superior or because they are smug tw@s that have no constructive comments to make. Sometime a spelling/grammar error can be funny and worthy of a joke but other times it's just pointless.

No different than when someone corrects a transliteration.

It's not just this forum. My wife posts on another forum and although her spoken English is great she makes mistakes when writing. I'm sure she is not the only non native English speaker who gets upset when her post is crucified.

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i do find it quite amusing tho when peple ask about teaching jobs with english like this. english is not the first language for many on here so mistakes are quite forgivable. but when people who are claiming the intellectual high ground make the common 'their vs there and 'your vs you're' mistake its amusing to see some of the regular culprits jump on them. also the no paragraph posters make their own posts difficult to read.

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I don't think anyone can complain too much if it isn't perfect grammer given the diverse make-up of TV members.

However, if people write like they are text messaging friends or chatting on messenger and can't be bothered to use general punctuation and paragraph spacing for easier reading, then all we are left with is LMAO, AFAIK, U instead of you.

IMO :)

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I don't think anyone can complain too much if it isn't perfect grammer given the diverse make-up of TV members.

However, if people write like they are text messaging friends or chatting on messenger and can't be bothered to use general punctuation and paragraph spacing for easier reading, then all we are left with is LMAO, AFAIK, U instead of you.

IMO :)


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I don't think anyone can complain too much if it isn't perfect grammer given the diverse make-up of TV members.

However, if people write like they are text messaging friends or chatting on messenger and can't be bothered to use general punctuation and paragraph spacing for easier reading, then all we are left with is LMAO, AFAIK, U instead of you.

IMO :)



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Both good and bad I believe:

Good to point out the error on TV for those that wish to improve their Eng skills.

Bad if they are just taking the piss for no good reason.

Very bad if they point it out using a "local" English "dialect" (for want of a less diplomatic term) or just slang english terms originating from some cockney, aussie, kiwi, yank, etc, etc, etc...

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As a professional writer I can't hold it against someone who can't write properly, but who might be a very good mechanic, or some other trade. I'm sure no mechanic and they could laugh at what I don't know.

There are a few suggestions I could make that might help others, though. On a computer screen it is much easier to read if there are no more than two or three sentences in a paragraph. Although it's quite easy to read a book of text, for some reason it's hard to read a whole bunch of sentences strung together without any separation on a computer screen... even if it IS a proper paragraph.

One of the most common mistakes I see are the words "loose" and "lose". Although the two words have entirely different meanings they are often used in place of each other and in the wrong context. It doesn't really matter, though, because we know what the writer means in any case.

And, I often throw in commas where they aren't really needed if it helps the reader.

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

My opinion....Believe there are lot of "English" teachers on TV and they are so insecure that they have to exhibit their supposed superior knowlege of the English language by correcting both the grammatical and spelling mistakes of TV posters.. :D

As regards non-native, or even native speakers, if the intent of the persons post is understood, who gives a sh*t about the grammer and spelling...they are communicating effectively..so yes lets give the non-native, persons, and persons from, Yorkshire, Newcastle, Birmingham, Scotland and Wales a bit of slack when using written English as a form of communication.. :)

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I try and stay tolerant of those that are lacking in English grammar skills, really I do! But in this day and age, with programs like Word for Windows and Open Office, which almost write the dam_n post for you, I am becoming less and less tolerant. :)

And I won't wear the excuse that it takes to long to write it in Word for Windows or Open Office then having to cut and paste it here. Crapola

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I had a job interview today, and as part of the interview process I had a grammar test. I sat down and wrote it out and then handed the boss my paper. He told me 'this is not gramley correct.'

I said: 'Gramley is not a word. Perhaps the phrase you are struggling for is " it is grammatically incorrect?'

Needless to say that went down like a pork chop in a syangogue. And I keep job hunting.

Ian, I am proffesional writer too. Google me.

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I think much of it is tongue in cheek, especially when someone completely changes the meaning of a sentence by misspelling a word, eg tale or tail etc. But spelling and grammatical mistakes are noticed much more when the poster is a an English teacher and as an earlier poster stated, trying to take the intellectual high ground but can't quite reach it. Other than those things I think that pointing out spelling and grammatical errors is the last tactic to be used in a failed debate.

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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


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Sometimes I'll point out spelling errors in a humorous way if I think it may help the poster and it's not just a simple typographical error.

Anway this has been done before and a lot of it is down to what version of English is used. Although born in the UK I have worked most of my life in the oil and gas business that is still dominated by Americans. Therefore when I write I sometimes will use the American term, such as sidewalk, because, thanks to Hollywood, the Brits are more likely to understand American English than vice versa.

As for our Antipodean cousins they have their own rules and break them at will much the same as we Brits do our own.

As for abbreviations like <deleted>, the most commonly used are fairly easy to translate but sometimes IDGAFWIBSALATRMS (I don't give a f*** what is being said as long as the rest makes sense) :) .

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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


It is painful at times, yes. But is there any point is slamming them? Not really, I believe.

I do not like American spelling as I am not from the USA nor was I educated there. But I deal with it... I've worked in the USA in past and my englisg spelling was, more than once, corrected. Harbour = Harbor and so on...

I'm no wanna-be imperialist but I do appreciate english spelling...and really love all the "local'ish" slang terms and ryhmes

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Sometimes I'll point out spelling errors in a humorous way if I think it may help the poster and it's not just a simple typographical error.

Anway this has been done before and a lot of it is down to what version of English is used. Although born in the UK I have worked most of my life in the oil and gas business that is still dominated by Americans. Therefore when I write I sometimes will use the American term, such as sidewalk, because, thanks to Hollywood, the Brits are more likely to understand American English than vice versa.

As for our Antipodean cousins they have their own rules and break them at will much the same as we Brits do our own.

As for abbreviations like <deleted>, the most commonly used are fairly easy to translate but sometimes IDGAFWIBSALATRMS (I don't give a f*** what is being said as long as the rest makes sense) :D .


(Did You Just Make That Up)


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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


I agree 100% man.,

it should be spelt non-natives, it is a word combo. :)

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

As can be seen above, the OP asked why people rip into others about writing standards and grammer.

Many replies, rather than answering the question posed, saw this thread as an oportunity to talk about they're own personal dislikes in other posters language. They are the loosers.


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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


I agree 100% man.,

it should be spelt non-natives, it is a word combo. :)

I knew someone would do that, there also should have been a comma between where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, I was not talking of punctuation or spelling mistakes, I was of course referring to blatant abuse of WRONG WORDS.

but hey thanks for all the help anyway.


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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


I agree 100% man.,

it should be spelt non-natives, it is a word combo. :)

I knew someone would do that, there also should have been a comma between where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, I was not talking of punctuation or spelling mistakes, I was of course referring to blatant abuse of WRONG WORDS.

but hey thanks for all the help anyway.


Sorry Oz man.

It was a lame attempt to inject some humour (humor) into this thread. I do not know of anybody that spells words incorrectly on purpose on this forum. Apart from em.

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

As can be seen above, the OP asked why people rip into others about writing standards and grammer.

Many replies, rather than answering the question posed, saw this thread as an oportunity to talk about they're own personal dislikes in other posters language. They are the loosers.


Good point there oldcroc however loosers is a bit severe no?

onnut - i believe they rip into the posts because they have nothing better to say, and possibly nothing better to do, so they add their own flavour of criticism, whatever is readily at hand, and that tends to be directed towards the language. Don't worry about it onnut; they should be adding good criticism considering that they think they can spell, however all too often they do not have anything good to add yet feel compelled to make someone feel bad. It is all a bit childish really onnut and it does show their insecurity I believe. Just disregard it and reply with a joke if possible...

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