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Idiots Living Oposite Me


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I live on a dead end soi on the edge of a moo bahn in Bangkok. When I want to park my car in my driveway I pull up and reverse it in, but now I cannot do this because of the two old women living in the house oposite me have blocked there front with a large plant on a concrete pot.

They have placed this plant there to be awkward just because they fell out with my wife. The reason they fell out is because we heard from other people on our soi that these two women have been saying nasty things about my wife and her family who stay with us. Not sure what they were saying and I couldn't care less.

We were all friends at first but then we heard what they were saying and we just stopped speaking with them, I think my wife told them why we are no longer talking to them. And ever since they sold there car they have blocked this small area off with this plant. By the way, it is on the road and it's not there land. It's really anoying as now I have to do a ten point turn to get the car in. We have two cars and the other on is parked out the front of our house.

I have moved the pot only for them to put it further out in the middle of the soi. I am thinking of just smashing it up but I think that will just giveus more problems. Do you guys have any ideas that I could try?

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Umm, something not quite right here. "Not sure what they were saying and I couldn't care less." - and then - " but then we heard what they were saying and we just stopped speaking with them"

Time to tell the whole story I think.

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Just remember they are Thai and own Thailand where-as you are a mere Farang , hire a Thai with a beat up truck to run into it and smash it to pieces , then knock on their door and threaten to take them to court for building a blockage in the road if they did not pay for the damage to his truck .

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i agree with the poster who recomended talking to the management of the moobaan first, then warn the 2 ladies to kindly remove their pot from the tarmac road or it will be removed for them, if they argue then direct them to the management of the moo baan.

if nothing is finalised then then find away to destroy the pot as its in a dangerous public place and no longer within their property

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Looks like I will have to get the wife to talk to the head of the moo bahn, that seems the best option from these replies. Along with running the pot over with a beat up truck!!! N that would be more fun.


I will post the outcome from the meeting.

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F1fanatic, that is the whole story as far as I know. I know they were talking about us in a bad way and mostly saying stuff about my little boy. My wife told me this but as Thai wifes go, they would rather keep the piece and not tell the whole story for fear of getting me angry.

These two old ladies are nuts and have also upset other people on the street but they seem to be really pissed with us for some reason. Tomorrow I will take a photo just so you can see how obvious it is.

Hope that answers your questions!

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So its only me who thinks his contradicting statements show there is something wrong in the whole scenario he has painted?

a) yes.

ii) why start shit? it's just a thread from joe farang on a message board from Thailand. regardless of what you think he's trying to pull on you, i'm pretty sure dude is just battling with a potted plant in the road and he's not out to fleece of anything.

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So its only me who thinks his contradicting statements show there is something wrong in the whole scenario he has painted?

a) yes.

ii) why start shit? it's just a thread from joe farang on a message board from Thailand. regardless of what you think he's trying to pull on you, i'm pretty sure dude is just battling with a potted plant in the road and he's not out to fleece of anything.

OK. You're obviously right. I was stupid to be concerned about contradictions in the post. Sorry.

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Just remember they are Thai and own Thailand where-as you are a mere Farang , hire a Thai with a beat up truck to run into it and smash it to pieces , then knock on their door and threaten to take them to court for building a blockage in the road if they did not pay for the damage to his truck .

its this sort of attitude that makes these people think that they can do what they want in regards to farangs. it might be their country, dont mean they can act like <deleted>. If it wasnt for the west, they would still be running around half naked!..... If it wasnt for the Burmese, we would be living in Ayuttya!!! And if it wasn't for the chinese and monguls, there wouldnt be any Thais!!!

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Just remember they are Thai and own Thailand where-as you are a mere Farang , hire a Thai with a beat up truck to run into it and smash it to pieces , then knock on their door and threaten to take them to court for building a blockage in the road if they did not pay for the damage to his truck .

good idea :)

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I live on a dead end soi on the edge of a moo bahn in Bangkok. When I want to park my car in my driveway I pull up and reverse it in, but now I cannot do this because of the two old women living in the house oposite me have blocked there front with a large plant on a concrete pot.

They have placed this plant there to be awkward just because they fell out with my wife. The reason they fell out is because we heard from other people on our soi that these two women have been saying nasty things about my wife and her family who stay with us. Not sure what they were saying and I couldn't care less.

We were all friends at first but then we heard what they were saying and we just stopped speaking with them, I think my wife told them why we are no longer talking to them. And ever since they sold there car they have blocked this small area off with this plant. By the way, it is on the road and it's not there land. It's really anoying as now I have to do a ten point turn to get the car in. We have two cars and the other on is parked out the front of our house.

I have moved the pot only for them to put it further out in the middle of the soi. I am thinking of just smashing it up but I think that will just giveus more problems. Do you guys have any ideas that I could try?

I too live in a dead end soi and have had to deal with a neighbour who has turned her religious music so loud, as she insists that the angels must hear it. To cut a long story short it is as though the family next door assume that they own all the space around here, including coming into my front gate, blocking it and killing the tree that grows right outside my house at the back. I have just gotten firm with them now and tell them to f....off. The other day they were doing some building work and I could not park my car in front yard because of a ladder and one of my plants having been moved. I promptly moved the ladder and told them that I must park my car in my yard and whatever they are doing to their house is their problem. You really can't win except to try and keep yourself to yourself. Though these neighbours have annoyed the people on the other side too.

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I live on a dead end soi on the edge of a moo bahn in Bangkok. When I want to park my car in my driveway I pull up and reverse it in, but now I cannot do this because of the two old women living in the house oposite me have blocked there front with a large plant on a concrete pot.

They have placed this plant there to be awkward just because they fell out with my wife. The reason they fell out is because we heard from other people on our soi that these two women have been saying nasty things about my wife and her family who stay with us. Not sure what they were saying and I couldn't care less.

We were all friends at first but then we heard what they were saying and we just stopped speaking with them, I think my wife told them why we are no longer talking to them. And ever since they sold there car they have blocked this small area off with this plant. By the way, it is on the road and it's not there land. It's really anoying as now I have to do a ten point turn to get the car in. We have two cars and the other on is parked out the front of our house.

I have moved the pot only for them to put it further out in the middle of the soi. I am thinking of just smashing it up but I think that will just giveus more problems. Do you guys have any ideas that I could try?

Yer ... try speaking to them - its about communication.

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Maizefarmer, thank you for your contribution! We have tried speaking to them but they have some sort of a problem. That is, they do not give a crap.

I am a very reasonable person and so is my wife, we just ignored them for a

year while every day doing my ten point turns. Then last night they moved the frigging pot further into the road making it impossible for me to drive my car in at all. So I moved the pot over near the wall on there side so I could get my car in and these feckers moved it right back 30 minutes later.

Dumbarses! They really are.

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Just remember they are Thai and own Thailand where-as you are a mere Farang ,
Does that mean I own England, because I'm English ? Of course not. When I live there I'm a resident, not the owner. The law is the law. You have to abide by the same rules as a Thai, plus the immigration laws. No more than a Thai would have to do in your home land. Don't feel you have to be subdued because your an alien. You're just asking to be walked on.
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Maizefarmer, thank you for your contribution! We have tried speaking to them but they have some sort of a problem. That is, they do not give a crap.

I am a very reasonable person and so is my wife, we just ignored them for a

year while every day doing my ten point turns. Then last night they moved the frigging pot further into the road making it impossible for me to drive my car in at all. So I moved the pot over near the wall on there side so I could get my car in and these feckers moved it right back 30 minutes later.

Dumbarses! They really are.

One of the problems with people such as you describe (and there's loads of them) is that they keep raising the bar to push you to do something, that makes it really difficult. The problem is that if you don't do something now there will come a time where the bar has been raised so high that you will be forced to act and it sounds like you are almost there. Theirs is very childish behavior but it's also very effective if the objective is to antagonize - personally I would do as you have done and just ignore them but it does seem that just delays the inevitable. It does seem that if you cannot fall back on the manager of the Moo Bahn then you're going to have to meet with them and see where that takes you, other suggestions such as destroying the pot are to be avoided I reckon. Good luck and let us know what happens.

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My personal choice of action would be to get some of my husbands army friends around for drinks.

After a jolly evening they would then get in their pick up and lift the aforementioned pot onto their pickup. Of course me and husband would not be present outside, and have no idea how this awful theft could have taken place.

Almost worthy of a Mr Bean sketch with old ladies peaking out from behind the curtains.

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It would seem the pot plant is not too big if you can move it out of the way on your own and two grannies can replace it, my suggestion would be to place it in your boot late at night and remove it completely from the area, if they want to continue to play the game they will have to obtain another pot plant, if they do, then you remove that one, and the next Etc. until they get sick of spending money on new pot plants.

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Maizefarmer, thank you for your contribution! We have tried speaking to them but they have some sort of a problem. That is, they do not give a crap.

I am a very reasonable person and so is my wife, we just ignored them for a

year while every day doing my ten point turns. Then last night they moved the frigging pot further into the road making it impossible for me to drive my car in at all. So I moved the pot over near the wall on there side so I could get my car in and these feckers moved it right back 30 minutes later.

Dumbarses! They really are.

Get an independent witness, approach the neighbours and request them to move the pot or it goes permanently.

Yeah, sounds simple in theory.

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Sorry to hear about this difficult and highly frustrating situation. The old ladies obviously have no intention of giving in unless they are forced to do so. I think help from the local head honcho is a necessity. They will keep replacing pots or putting whatever there but they would rather croak than give in to you. Stubbornness plus other factors.

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