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Idiots Living Oposite Me


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I have a bad neighbor story to share. A few of years ago we moved into a shophouse. Shophouses are not wide enough to park anything other than a Jazz in front, without taking some of the neighbor's space. No problem, I just parked the truck a few blocks up the street at a secure parking lot. The neighbors were tuk tuk drivers. Lots of partying and noise, but genuinely friendly chaps. Since we didn't use the space in front of our unit they parked their tuk tuks there. No big deal. They were living there first. They appreciated our allowing them to park in front and occasionally would offer me a beer when they sat out in front drinking. I reciprocated on occasion. All was good.

Then they moved. Suddenly I was able to park in front of the unit. It was great. The next place over remained empty for several months until some new tuk tuk drivers moved in. These were the bad sort. All the other neighbors despised them for their inconsiderate dumping of garbage in the road, all-night parties every night, and hoardes of people sitting out front all day and night. Within 24 hours of them moving in they came over and demanded that we move the truck as they required the space in front of their unit. Not only that, they required the space in front of our unit as well. We could understand their request as their vehicles were their business. We offered to rent them our space for half the cost we would incur in paying for parking up the street. They flat out refused. They then threatened my wife with violence, and further indicated that my truck was at serious risk of damage if it wasn't moved within 12 hours. Not knowing how to respond as there were about 15 people living in there, we let the neighbors know what was going on. They sympathized, but there was little they could do to help. The owner was of no use. So I moved the truck elsewhere in order to avoid escalating the problem. After about a month of fear and hatred, the bad neighbors who, having won the battle, proceeded to pile garbage in front of our place daily, blare music at 2:00 am with speakers up against the wall of our bedroom, and continued making rude and threatening comments to my wife.

So we decided to move. The owner of our unit then tried to address the problem with the neighbors more seriously, probably because we are good tenants. She failed to get any results. She then offered to lower the rent if we would stay. But by this time we had had enough of the abusive neighbors and just wanted out. Fortunately, one of the good neighbors across the street found us a townhouse just a few blocks away in a secured moo baan, with parking. The cost was only 2000/month more, but the place is easily 5 times nicer and more comfortable. Life is much better now. Every christmas we give a gift basket to each of our previous friendly neighbors. We maintain good relations with them.

So the lesson here is that there are good neighbors and bad. If you are unlucky enough live near the bad ones just move, if you are renting. If you own the place, perhaps rent it out and buy another if that is within your means. Otherwise things can be extremely unpleasant, dangerous even.

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I said to my wife yesterday that we should buy them a basket or something to just solve this in a good way. But these old gals have really got on my wifes nerves so she will not do that. She said she thinks it would be better to but the poo yai something.

Also my nanny is from Burma and does not have papers YET. We are in the process of doing it. One of the ladies told the poo yai she knows this and is going to call the police! No big deal as I do know the chief of police who knows about my nanny and has been kind enough to help us with getting the right paperwork.

Now before anyone says why don't I use the copper against these old ladies, please realize that it would be very embarrasing to call him to help move a pot. I would feel a <deleted>.

But if I go and piss these old dears off I reckon they will try to get the nanny in the shit.


Call the poo yai baan again

Tell him the pot is still there, the neighbours are openly ignoring his ruling on the matter. Point out this looks bad for his face in the eyes of other neighbours.

Tell him as you involved him in the matter, you are concerned for his status (as much as getting the matter sorted) and, because you know he is a busy man, you will be personally moving the pot to a location where it does not cause an obstruction. Maybe he even told the neighbours to where it must be relocated?

For sure, the pot will re-appear. Phone the poo yai baan again, repeat above. Do this every time it is moved back. Make a note in your diary of the date, and number of times.

Let the neighbours call the police.

If as you say, you are actively sorting the maid's papers out, and your local police know of this, then this becomes a big 'non-issue', an intimidation tactic used by the neighbours to raise the stakes, or force you to back down. They will enjoy watching you squirm. Gotcha by the b*ll*cks. Let them phone. give them the number and name to call, if necessary. While the police are visiting, you can politely and good humouredly relate the whole story of the plant pot, and the verbal abuse from your neighbours. Do this (or get your wife to do it) in the soi, in front of the neighbours house, in good humour, with respect, and in a loud voice.

Invite the poo yai baan to be present, and invite the police to support the poo yai baan by having a word with the neighbours, pointing out that the poo yai baan is the local law, and his word is to be respected. The police appearance and action will give the poo yai baan face by underlining his ruling, and of the fact the plant pot WAS causing an obstruction. Worth cracking a bottle of J.W. Black, after the 'road show' I think?


1. The neighbours will be even more p*ss*d off, but their behaviour will have been neutralised. They can't 'shop' the nanny, because they've already done it.

2. They can't move the plant pot again, because now the police are aware of the situation.

3. The poo yai baan will (publicly) think you are the bees knees, for publicly supporting him in carrying out his job, and in for giving him brownie points with the local police.

4. You show your problem neighbours, (and the soi in general) that you have acted like a Thai, been patient, restrained, reasonable and have dealt with the situation in the correct manner, and will not put up with (1) the neighbours crap (2) people ignoring the word of the poo yai (3) neighbours blackmail.

Contrary to many threads, the police are not all bad. Mine certainly aren't. In my case, on the only occassion they were called, the local beat bobby spoke sternly to those culpable, with curtains twittering throughout the village. This was the first time in my village the police had been called to deal with a small haltercation. They recognised by dealing with it quicky, potential for escalation was diminished.

But, you are in a position now where doing nothing is no longer an option.

And your wife is 100% correct. Baskets, envelopes or trojan horses offered to your neighbours will cause your wife to lose face utterly and irrevocably.

She, nor you are the miscreant. Your neighbours will feel vindicated, and will 100% do other things in future to p*ss you off, in expectation of being paid off.

Beware. :)

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Don't forget to show your appreciation to the police if they are indeed willing to assist.

Yeah, the phrase is Thank You. I think some of you just likee the idea of giving people bottles of liquor and kissing rings, makes you fee like you are a stand in on The Sopranos. Why would you pay a public servant, clearly someone at bottom of the rung anyways, just for doing their job?

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Don't forget to show your appreciation to the police if they are indeed willing to assist.

Yeah, the phrase is Thank You. I think some of you just likee the idea of giving people bottles of liquor and kissing rings, makes you fee like you are a stand in on The Sopranos. Why would you pay a public servant, clearly someone at bottom of the rung anyways, just for doing their job?

Perhaps because greasing wheels helps get things done. Perhaps because that is how it is done amongst Thais with means but no direct contacts? Never hurts to have a contact in the local BiB.

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Don't forget to show your appreciation to the police if they are indeed willing to assist.

Yeah, the phrase is Thank You. I think some of you just likee the idea of giving people bottles of liquor and kissing rings, makes you fee like you are a stand in on The Sopranos. Why would you pay a public servant, clearly someone at bottom of the rung anyways, just for doing their job?

Because you're actually below them on the ladder, despite the self-accredited importance you feel your salary and melanin level awards you. It does no harm to get in the police's good books.

Of course, the more I read this forum, the more I realise that I must be one of the few foreigners here who isn't earning 20 million a year, isn't married to a 180cm tall white skinned, BA, MA, PhD-packing blue blood Thai Chinese girl whose family business interests account for 4% of Thailand's GDP, isn't best friends with the Chief of Police, doesn't have a Rolodex of army, police generals and senior lawyers' phone numbers and isn't 6'4 with 18 inch biceps.

So perhaps when I accomplish all of those things I'll understand why a friendly gesture to the police is a waste of time. After all, you guys seem to practically be able to mix with royalty, beat cops must be chump change to you!

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I don't know if STP Engine Oil Treatment is available here, but certainly something similar is. This substance is the ultimate in slippery, and doesn't wash off easily. Depending on the shape and weight, smearing STP on the pot could make it virtually immovable. Especially for a large, smooth, round, heavy pot and a couple old hag grannies.

Yes of course STP - Some Thai Problem

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its always the little things that make life so good here in Thailand :D

:D Could be a job for your friend Bangers to plant some pot mate.

I would imagine big guy that ourmaninbangers has plenty of her own pot plants to tend to :D:) thank god that wacko seems to have disappeared.

Seriously though, its really petty the way that some freaks here (& everywhere I guess) carry on when it comes to neighbourly love.

I reflect on my days back in Australia when all my neighbours were too scared to piss me off.....here in LOS Im just another farang face in the crowd :D .....but just as dangerous :D

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its always the little things that make life so good here in Thailand :D

Neverdie will know what to do. :D And surely get things humorous again on this thread.

No sorry Thailandlovr, you musnt have read the forum rulz ..... no humour permitted by neverdie :)

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Seriously though, its really petty the way that some freaks here (& everywhere I guess) carry on when it comes to neighbourly love.

I reflect on my days back in Australia when all my neighbours were too scared to piss me off.....here in LOS Im just another farang face in the crowd :) .....but just as dangerous :D

Yeah but ND your neighbours were probably 200 miles away. :D

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I think this method has not been discussed.

The Soi is narrow and your neighbor is using her side of the road to the max. Also use your side of the road to the max.

One way is to get an old car and park out front of your driveway. The point is to make the Soi impassable. Make sure the car can not be moved. Then take a few days away from home.

The neighbors that have to drive past will move the pot to another location. Peer pressure should prevail to solve this proble.


my house is at the end of a dead end dude! Good idea though.

Dude? That comment displays an attitude problem.

It`s a 60000 baht fine for hiring an illegal Burmese worker.

One call to the police by a neighbour and the OP will have a big problem.

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Bloomin eck its tiny i'd sling it over the nearest wall and wait for the next one then repeat, F*** em!!

I see a nice blue bin it would fit in nicely??

Jeez I was imagining some huge mother pot.

Yaaa is right. Throw the measly bastard pot away again and again as necessary.

Much ado about nothing!

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That pot is SO near the old ladies' gate that they have every right to put it there. (at least as much right as you have to park a 2nd car)

Sorry, Onnut, but it's true. You should count yourself lucky that they don't still have a car that they want to park outside.

I'm guessing that they're rather petty, but they have nothing better to do and are enjoying this. I'm also guessing that you use THEIR side of the road to turn round and you could easily drive in and reverse out. You're also lucky to have two cars (B1M+ for the Accord, plus whatever the other cost) which could be more valuable than an average house in the street. Now, if people own cars equal to or of greater value than their house, they should get a house with double parking or just count themselves really lucky.

Now, I am NOT taking sides, but it does appear that there's more to this (9 page) story than we're getting.

I have mostly great neighbours, plus one arsehol_e. Luckily he only has one car at present, but it's nearly always parked right out away from his house in an equally narrow soi. I live at the end and his lack of consideration affects everyone. I have considered tactics similar to the old ladies, but less obvious and far more eveil.

Maybe I'm the only one here who doesn't think this is worth all the fuss... especially considering the nanny thing.

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No attitude problem, don't know why you would think that because I said Dude! And the maid thingy is not a problem, they can tell the police if they like.

my house is at the end of a dead end dude! Good idea though.

Dude? That comment displays an attitude problem.

It`s a 60000 baht fine for hiring an illegal Burmese worker.

One call to the police by a neighbour and the OP will have a big problem.

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Having followed this thread with mild interest and awaited the photographic evidence I now feel I am in a position to comment.

What I'd do is when I come out of my house, I'd pick up the pot and place it on the pavement and then drive my car away.

Then, if it's been moved again when I get back, I'd step out of the motor (engine still running), move the pot back on to the kerb and then park my car.

I'd then walk whistling back to my house not giving it a second thought (esp. if I'd been doing this for a year).

Am I missing something?

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Actually my Chinese rellies say its very unlucky to have your front gate directly opposite your neighbour's. Maybe its Feng Shui or just an old belief.

So maybe get one of those "ward off the bad vibes" mirrors and put onto gate. That way all the bad vibes go straight back to where they come from - maybe that includes pots too!

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You could also just have the maid move it as part of her duties. You could call ahead, or she could just know to do it when you double tap your horn, or perhaps if you have an automatic gate to just run out when it starts to open. It's amazing what 180-250 Baht a day can do to make your life easier, more productive, etc.

She cleans your bathrooms and scrubs your floors presumably, this would hardly be a big deal to add it to her list of things to do. As a side note, if it's important to you, it'd probably also annoy the pot ladies a bit.



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