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Wife's Aunty 2 (or 3) Timing English Man


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My wife's aunty is 2 timing a bloke from England. She has a Thai boyfried who goes away when the English man comes over. She also has another Aussie man who she looks after, but I am not sure if there is a sexual relationship there.

I have only met the English guy once, before the Thai man come on the scene, and he is a nice guy who has been burned before. I want to let him know at least, but all hel_l will break lose if they find out it was me.

Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

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You could perhaps suggest to him that all may not be well in his domestic arrangement. Hopefully, having been burnt before, he should be able to put one and one together and come up with the right answer.

Problem, as Nidge points out, is doing it under the radar.

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Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

Instead of asking a bunch of bitter and twisted strangers on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you ask her why she has a Thai boyfriend ? Could it possibly be that she actually loves the Thai guy and will accept the silly Farang throwing money at her ?

Scenario :

You're a handsome 27 year old guy in UK, a much older woman travels thousands of miles to meet men because she can't attract a man in her own country, she meets you, she likes you, she gives you money, you already have an English GF who you love but this old woman keeps giving you money, in fact you don't have to go to work anymore cos this old woman gives you the equivalent of 10 times the national wage each month, tax free, she even hints at buying you a house and a car, and is willing to take care of your whole family, but you still love your English GF.

What would you do ?

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Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

Instead of asking a bunch of bitter and twisted strangers on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you ask her why she has a Thai boyfriend ? Could it possibly be that she actually loves the Thai guy and will accept the silly Farang throwing money at her ?

Scenario :

You're a handsome 27 year old guy in UK, a much older woman travels thousands of miles to meet men because she can't attract a man in her own country, she meets you, she likes you, she gives you money, you already have an English GF who you love but this old woman keeps giving you money, in fact you don't have to go to work anymore cos this old woman gives you the equivalent of 10 times the national wage each month, tax free, she even hints at buying you a house and a car, and is willing to take care of your whole family, but you still love your English GF.

What would you do ?

The aunties motivation is not in question here. The OP is asking if he should let the guy know what is going on. This isn't Indecent Proposal.

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Just tell the guy then let him deal with it. But agree that you should try to make sure your missus doesen't learn of your treachery as your wife seems to condone the practice.

Don't listen to maigo6 he gets off on westeners being done over. He thinks because they are not as clever as him , they deserve it.

Edited by barky
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Just put yourself in this guy's shoes for a minute.

Would you like to be told?

Also, why don't you ask your wife what she feels about this behaviour. If your wife seems to think it's ok, then, maybe you can expect some of the same in the future, if not, count yourself as lucky!

Edited by joskydive
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In the past I told. Unfortunately the guy wouldn't take my word for it and believed the g/f's story. This resulted in the g/f's family coming heavy with my wife, who wasn't my informant. That then created an atmoshere within the village. Would I do it again ? No is the answer as it just isn't worth the hassle.

I know of another farang who's wife is cheating on him, but as much as it grieves me in seeing her play the dutiful wife, I know that telling will just cause trouble for my wife and myself.

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I know of another farang who's wife is cheating on him, but as much as it grieves me in seeing her play the dutiful wife, I know that telling will just cause trouble for my wife and myself.

And he may beat the crap out of you for screwing his wife. :)

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Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

Instead of asking a bunch of bitter and twisted strangers on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you ask her why she has a Thai boyfriend ? Could it possibly be that she actually loves the Thai guy and will accept the silly Farang throwing money at her ?

Scenario :

You're a handsome 27 year old guy in UK, a much older woman travels thousands of miles to meet men because she can't attract a man in her own country, she meets you, she likes you, she gives you money, you already have an English GF who you love but this old woman keeps giving you money, in fact you don't have to go to work anymore cos this old woman gives you the equivalent of 10 times the national wage each month, tax free, she even hints at buying you a house and a car, and is willing to take care of your whole family, but you still love your English GF.

What would you do ?

I thought Prostitution was illegal here though ??

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bankei: how will you make shure they don't know it was you?

That's the problem. If you don't do it properly, be prepared to move out lightning fast.

If you have the guys email, you could have another friend back home email him.

If my missus was cheating, I shure would like to know.

I give you kudos for being a real friend for another foreigner (seldom these days), but I think this will come back to hunt you.

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My wife's aunty is 2 timing a bloke from England. She has a Thai boyfried who goes away when the English man comes over. She also has another Aussie man who she looks after, but I am not sure if there is a sexual relationship there.

I have only met the English guy once, before the Thai man come on the scene, and he is a nice guy who has been burned before. I want to let him know at least, but all hel_l will break lose if they find out it was me.

Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

Oh Dear! Here we go again. Just keep your trap shut and let them get on with it. Chances are he will find out soon enough anyway. Been there done that, believe you me gettting yourself involved in this sort of sh*t just insn't worth the hassle.sad.gif

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Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

Instead of asking a bunch of bitter and twisted strangers on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you ask her why she has a Thai boyfriend ? Could it possibly be that she actually loves the Thai guy and will accept the silly Farang throwing money at her ?

Scenario :

You're a handsome 27 year old guy in UK, a much older woman travels thousands of miles to meet men because she can't attract a man in her own country, she meets you, she likes you, she gives you money, you already have an English GF who you love but this old woman keeps giving you money, in fact you don't have to go to work anymore cos this old woman gives you the equivalent of 10 times the national wage each month, tax free, she even hints at buying you a house and a car, and is willing to take care of your whole family, but you still love your English GF.

What would you do ?

How dare you call us bitter and twisted.

Twisted, yes, but certainly not bitter.

And if I was the OP, I would tell the English guy, just for the fun of it.

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My wife's aunty is 2 timing a bloke from England. She has a Thai boyfried who goes away when the English man comes over. She also has another Aussie man who she looks after, but I am not sure if there is a sexual relationship there.

I have only met the English guy once, before the Thai man come on the scene, and he is a nice guy who has been burned before. I want to let him know at least, but all hel_l will break lose if they find out it was me.

Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

If i have his number I would, so gimme his contact, I would ring him up 3am blighty timezone and deliver the whammy.

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Would you tell?

(if you are an english plumber who goes to Thailand you had better get your pipes checked)

Instead of asking a bunch of bitter and twisted strangers on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you ask her why she has a Thai boyfriend ? Could it possibly be that she actually loves the Thai guy and will accept the silly Farang throwing money at her ?

Scenario :

You're a handsome 27 year old guy in UK, a much older woman travels thousands of miles to meet men because she can't attract a man in her own country, she meets you, she likes you, she gives you money, you already have an English GF who you love but this old woman keeps giving you money, in fact you don't have to go to work anymore cos this old woman gives you the equivalent of 10 times the national wage each month, tax free, she even hints at buying you a house and a car, and is willing to take care of your whole family, but you still love your English GF.

What would you do ?

why do these scenario typically assume that the other person can not attract a woman in his own country? It could be as simple as just liking a variety, or a change of culture.

believe it or not, fat, old, balding, beer bellied men get women in their home countries too.

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In the past I told. Unfortunately the guy wouldn't take my word for it and believed the g/f's story. This resulted in the g/f's family coming heavy with my wife, who wasn't my informant. That then created an atmoshere within the village. Would I do it again ? No is the answer as it just isn't worth the hassle.

I know of another farang who's wife is cheating on him, but as much as it grieves me in seeing her play the dutiful wife, I know that telling will just cause trouble for my wife and myself.

I also was in a similar situation several years ago and while I didn't come right out and tell the guy, I dropped some pretty heavy hints. Word got back to my GF and all shit hit the fan causing a lot of unpleasantness with us being made the bad guys.

Never forget: the maxim that "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED" is an absolute truism!

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In the past I told. Unfortunately the guy wouldn't take my word for it and believed the g/f's story. This resulted in the g/f's family coming heavy with my wife, who wasn't my informant. That then created an atmoshere within the village. Would I do it again ? No is the answer as it just isn't worth the hassle.

I know of another farang who's wife is cheating on him, but as much as it grieves me in seeing her play the dutiful wife, I know that telling will just cause trouble for my wife and myself.

I also was in a similar situation several years ago and while I didn't come right out and tell the guy, I dropped some pretty heavy hints. Word got back to my GF and all shit hit the fan causing a lot of unpleasantness with us being made the bad guys.

Never forget: the maxim that "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED" is an absolute truism!

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Yes. Thanks for all the replies. Some good points there.

I don't have his email or other contact details, so I would have to tell him when I see him. Before I told him something minor about her past and told him not to tell her but he couldn't resist and asked her about it. Then they were acusing me of giving away secrets.

So if I tell him when I am with him, he will then immediately go and confront her about it and I will be caught out.

It is also amazing how all the family members stick together and cover up things. Even her kids. She is in her 40s too. Has 4 kids with eldest about 22. So no spring chicken. He could have got a much younger girlfriend, but prefers them more mature.

Who knows what my wife gets up to while I am away. No way of telling really.

Maybe he is reading this forum, but I doubt it. Just in case, his name is Phil and hers is May. I can confirm other details via pm if you think it may be you.

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Instead of asking a bunch of bitter and twisted strangers on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you ask her why she has a Thai boyfriend ? Could it possibly be that she actually loves the Thai guy and will accept the silly Farang throwing money at her ?

I resent being called bitter :)

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Having been in this situation a couple of times the answer, on each occasion I told them. As the messenager I've also been shot for this - not literally yet I might add :) . It doesn't make life easy for you, but at least you can hold your head high.

You may lose the guy's friendship as he resents you for knowing and telling him, and you may lose the "friendship" of others and be alienated. But if that's the kind of people they are have you really lost anything, and do you really want to be part of their world anyway?

Much more important to be able to live with yourself, than contributing to lies and deceit, cheating another just so you can "fit in" and belong". When I look back I'm happy with my decisions.

Rare indeed is the time you should put loyalty above integrity, and those that ask you to do so, are perhaps not worthy of your loyalty anyway.

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