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Are thais thick


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As to why I brought food up, ask how many foreigners coming through Don Muang are here to sample fish and chips with peas. If you want to eat pies and peas, go to the caravan outside Garden Island Dock in Sydney and try theirs. Then at least you won't be here.


Interesting comment.

Are you saying that farangs holidaying in Thailand should eat Thai food ?   Maybe some don't like it.  People can eat the food of their choice.

I know many Thais living in the UK who never eat Farang food, only Thai.  They travel many miles to Thai/Chinese supermarkets to get there favorite things.  And it's not that cheep either.

It's funny because when i first met my wife, she always got me to try her food but when she moved to the UK she wouldn't touch farang food.   :o

Up to her i suppose but narrow minded.   lol

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Oh Yeah , Baby Yeah!

                              :o  :D  B)  B)  B)

Chonabot,  are you the same person as

                                                  a) Austin Powers


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the point is this, thais are robots programe them set them in motion and they will work all day every day no problem, ask them to think outside the box, use common sense and thats it game over they cant function!

You're making a very valid point... but isn't the appalling educational system to blame here?

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I find it highly amusing that the author of this thread and his/her supporter are criticising Thais as 'thick' and yet cannot really spell.    B)  :o

Anyway, I'm not going to take a silly thread like this seriously.    :D

We're not worthyyyyy.... we're not worthyyy......we're just thick because we are Thai.... Oh mighty farang thread starter and his supporter(s).... educate ussss.....  Do not forget your white man's burdennnn.......please teach us how to exclude peas from your fish & chipssssss.......

Hahahahah, whatever!  


P.S. Hmmm just wonder what a farang waiters/waitress would do if I ask him (in Thai) to 'Mai Sai Makear-Puong nai Kang-Kiew-Wann na ka'.  Would they act as the Thais allegedly did (as described in this thread)??  Oh, sorry, I forgot.... they wouldn't.... since they are farangs, they must be really clever!!!  Oh, I'm so sorry.... I'm just a stupid Thai woman, you see... a robot really... so I'm a lot slower than my western counterpart!!  I just can't help it.


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I have never read such utter rubbish. You obviously can't have met many Thais, or been hanging around the bars for too long to make such ridiculous statements G-Funk. There are undoubtedly a lot of uneducated Thais out there, but to call them stupid is really not fair. The elite of the country are far from stupid and they are pretty much all educated in the top institutions of the UK and the US and are generally very erudite people. You may think that the man on the street is stupid, but they look at things from a different viewpoint from yourself and that causes the many cultural misunderstanding that occur. As for the people that work in restaurants etc, I know dealing with them can be VERY frustrating, however if you were paid the pittence they get would you give a <deleted>? I didn't think so...

Anyway i feel this is a troll thread anyway and i've got better thing to do...

The only thing i can say to you is to meet a wider crowd of people and you many be surprised....

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