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Tot To 12mb / True To 16mb ...

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Now I'm CERTAIN the SpeedTest.Net results for True in BKK are JUNK!!!!

Even ThaiVisa SpeedTest says so... See below.... testing servers in BKK and Singapore on my True DSL 8 MB Premium.... hardly the 7-8 Mbs SpeedTest.Net serves up...



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SNR Margin (down/up): 6.2 / 19.0

Attenuation: 58.0 / 31.5

Rate: 1184 / 512

Attainable Rate: 1312 / 992 (downstream used to be over 3000 Kbps.)



For reasons unknown, I cannot sync to the full 2Mbps like I used to. :)

Yea, until you get your phone line problem fixed (i.e., high attenuation and low SNR) your internet connection is going to be slower than its rated speed and I expect you will (are) experiencing frequent disconnects. Per attached article/link your attenuation and SNR numbers are the pits.


Yea, until you get your phone line problem fixed (i.e., high attenuation and low SNR) your internet connection is going to be slower than its rated speed and I expect you will (are) experiencing frequent disconnects. Per attached article/link your attenuation and SNR numbers are the pits.


Been nagging TOT to fix it for months, but to no avail. I've just about given up.

Unless I move closer to the DSLAM, nothing can be done about high attenuation. The low SNR problem however, can be sorted out. Now if only TOT would something about it... For over 2 years, I've been been able to sync at the full 2Mbps with SNR hovering around 11dB to 13dB. During the late evenings, I've seen SNR go as high as 15dB. Having SNR drop below 10dB was very rare. << Not bad at all, considering I live far from the exchange.

Since the problems began, SNR has decreased to 6.5dB and has remained like that ever since. The router won't sync higher than 1184Kbps (usually 1056-1120Kbps). Tried other modems/routers with the same results. I have not experienced frequent disconnects though, maybe once in a while.

TBH, I'm at a loss and don't know what to make of this whole situation. :)


My test...

True 8M/1M



Speakeasy - server San Francisco


Thaivisa - server singapore


Singapore speedtest


Torrent file 1


Torrent file 2


On true 4MB I dont have any problem with speedtest, I can get 4.9 from NJ, What I have a problem with is the constant disconnects and 'seemingly' loss of DNS. Everything is Ok then I get the dreaded "looking up www.google.com", which says to me the DNS is not functioning properly. Explained this several times to True engineers who dont really seem to have a clue.

Why don't you just use opendns ?

Because at the moment I am not convinced that it is just the True DNS server that is the problem. I have reduced the problem by about 50% by using cat 6 inside and Belkin Premium shielded telpehone cabling. I think that if the crappy telephone cabling from my socket inside my house to the outside was changed/re-routed I would see more improvement. My linksys software tells me that the internet connection is unavailable, that is when I get the "looking up" errors. So is the Internet down or the DNS server down??. As the problem occurs mostly in the very late evening I have a choice of "too many people on the pipeline" or "too much electrical interference from all the aircons being switched on". True engineers are useless, they have been around 4 times and have stated the following are the problems.

1, your computer (I have 5 computers on my home WiFi and they are all affected.)

2, its your WiFi modem ( I had a Belkin N1, so switched for a Linksys WRT610N - no difference)

3, its my splitters ( I threw out the chinese junk and all my splitters are now EU approved and well rated)

4, Its the Modem, (they changed it twice and it made no difference).

On top of that they could not relate noise levels to me to the DSLAM, as they "didnt carry that equipment".

If a True engineer who actually knew his job came around then maybe I would be happy, but I talk to these guys and they obviously dont really understand what they are doing. I'm not a complete idiot (unless you talk to the wife) I have been working with networks and mainframes and modems since back in the days of Racal-Milgo 2400 bps modems, but really some of these guys need a cheat sheet just to access the True network.

I know that TOT is super conservative with their estimates, they told me no more than 3MB for me at 3km from the DSLAM. However, the signal noise ratio indicates that I should be able to get a max. speed of 12Mbit using ADSL2+. After all, the determining factor in your maximum DSL speed is line quality not distance from the station. Line quality deteriorates with distance, but there are many other factors as well, e.g. the "how much did TOT mess up this line leading to my house" factor.

There's an internet page where you can enter your current line speed, attenuation, and noise, and get an estimate on the maximum speed possible for that line quality. Forgot where it is though, google for it...

Oh don't get me started on this one, my house in Bangkapi is literally a spit away from the CO. I can see it and literally throw a stone and hit it from my back deck. When they installed my 8 MB connection last May they actually strung a cable right from the building to my house, it's that close.. but they must have done a really poor job of it as I have NEVER had anything approaching consistent speeds...some days it is blazing other days.


Yeah that is an 8 MB connection.... heart warming right?

Just curious does anyone else get such horrible speeds to that IL server?

How about this one, 15 minutes after the first and to a server 200 miles closer? haha....


Maybe this one to LA?


I or my wife call True weekly to have someone come out and replace the line or figure out what the installer did... who it should be noted told us it was his first week installing on his own after his training... I know the DSLAM is fine as I do get 8 or 9 MB sometimes... but its so hit and miss it drives me nuts..


TraderJim, that's quite a wide range in speeds.....

But, I must say, I see that same kind of range sometimes at my home in Sukhumvit as well with an 8 mb premium True DSL service....

I think SpeedTestNet is a flawed site for giving accurate measurements of True's real speeds to the U.S. But still, during peak use periods here in the evening, I see DL speeds sometimes approaching those you posted. And then usually after midnight, it picks up again and I can usually do 1 mb or better download from the U.S.

Just curious does anyone else get such horrible speeds to that IL server?

SNR Margin (down/up): 6.2 / 21.0

Attenuation: 58.0 / 31.5

Rate: 1120 / 512

Attainable Rate: 1280 / 1056

^ If I could only get TOT to fix my line so I can achieve 2Mbps sync... :)





I just noticed the 24ms-22ms ping rates to Montreal and L.A.

Given the distances involved, it's impossible -- even for super fast fiber optic connections.

Is True connected to those servers at warp speed or something? LOL. I've never seen pings lower than 200ms to N. America.


As I showed above by comparing speedtests from OTHER reliable measuring sites, clearly SpeedTest does not give accurate results for True.... I'm assuming that is due to True doing something in that regard...

I also get ping rates, at best, of 200-300 ms to various sites in the U.S.....and can be as long as 600 depending on the destination.


I just noticed the 24ms-22ms ping rates to Montreal and L.A.

Given the distances involved, it's impossible -- even for super fast fiber optic connections.

Is True connected to those servers at warp speed or something? LOL. I've never seen pings lower than 200ms to N. America.

Agreed... I found it quite awesome that I was getting a Ping time that was pretty much impossible hahaha

clearly SpeedTest does not give accurate results for True.... I'm assuming that is due to True doing something in that regard...

These two tests were done within minutes of each other and of course BOTH to the Chicago server...




anyone downloading from usenet using multiple connections to the server (10 or 20 connections) on 16mb Premium True package. Can you max the connection out or close to it 24/7?


Well Speedtest.net just shows your Internet speed. The real download speed is different.

But however i am pretty happy with mine. 12MB/s True Home Wifi @ Nana Sukhumvit:



Speedtest.net can give some fast results or some slow results, even when you get fast results on "in-Thailand" tests. The "capability" of the Speedtest server/site you are hooking up to makes a BIG difference many times. A good way to test this is by going to those Speedtest.net stars/triangles/sites that show "multiple" servers to test against, with all of these servers being very close to each other as the crow flies. Many times you will get fast results from one of the servers which you are a half-a-world away from; but, when testing to one of the other servers a within a hundred miles or so of the other server (but you are still a half-a-word away) you get slow results. To me, that means the slow server doesn't have the capability/capacity of the other/faster server...therefore, you get slow Speedtest results.

Take the "out-of-Thailand" Speedtest results with a grain of salt and maybe try to test against out-of-country servers that give you higher/the best speed results ...these tests are probably more indicative of your Internet Provider's international speed/bandwidth capability.


Sniff, I have True 8 mb premium in BKK Sukhumvit... And I regularly connect to servers in Los Angeles thru a variety of means, at all different hours of the day.

While I know Speedtest will show those kinds of results, I seriously doubt True is EVER providing that kind of REAL download speed between BKK and L.A.

Even with a supposed 8 mb connection, I'm lucky if I can get a steady 500 to 600 kbps actual download (.5-6 MB) that's enough to support things like Flash video streaming.

As you'll see earlier in this thread, I too can get those kinds of high MB numbers reported using the Speedtest site... But when I try other testing sites that also connect to L.A., the results are vastly different (and lower/slower).

If I was EVER getting a steady 3-4-5-6-7-8 MB connection from BKK to L.A., I'd NEVER have to be fighting with buffering videos... But about the only time I can regularly avoid that is after midnight here or early in the morning hours.

After starting this thread I have finally got my 16Mbs from True.






To be honest, I do not care so much for these speedtests .... for me is important how much I can press out of my connection. Perhaps real-life screenshots are more useful:



I am pretty satisfied ....

Furthermore, speed is not the only factor important to streaming videos. I am very interested in which sites you use for LA tests ...


Sniff, for LA, I typically use the following apart from Speedtest...

DSL Reports


BTW, it looked like you were using a multi-threaded downloader, and getting a real 1.75 mb stream...which is pretty decent... though a long way from the Speedtest numbers...

I may be wrong...but with streaming video for viewing, I don't know of a way to do a multi-threaded approach... File downloads yes... Streaming...I don't think so.... But I wouldn't mind someone proving me wrong on that...


Yes, I was using a Download Manager (IDM) as I do with all my downloads .... and it's not a long way from the Speedtest numbers (1.75MBs x 8 = 14Mbs). Actually it's higher than the previous results.

No, I don't believe there are methods in multichannel streaming, but it's just as fast to download them and watch them ...

  • 2 months later...

File downloads yes... Streaming...I don't think so.... But I wouldn't mind someone proving me wrong on that...

Unfortunately you are correct. The accelerators (?) don't work on streaming video. There is a company called propel that I was looking at and was impressed with their information. But they CLEARLY admit that their system won't work for video.

I'm on the Darkside with TMN (Thipmanee) cable using CAT internet through TMN. Speed to Thai sites are outstanding. Only problem is I don't visit local sites.

Some nights, I can't get 150+ kbps. Right now, the speed is "decent" as can be shown on the attached test. But wait another hour or so and forget it.

post-83794-039796800 1278410554_thumb.jp


I'm thinking about changing my Internet as well. But for me the most essential is the upload bandwidth. I need to do a lot of VoIP calls from home and quality currently is horrible. Right now I have a TRUE Business ADSL connection - the best they could offer me there was a 2M/512k connection (for a whooping 2900Bhat per month). I picked this after I had a horrible experience with the "normal" DSL packages.


Not much speed for lots of Bhat, but at least I'm supposed to get priority and the performance is more or less constant (incl evening hours)

I'm now looking at the "Premium" Internet packages - according to True I can get 16mbit/s as the max (and not the new 30/50mbit connections). They claim up to 1mbit upload.

Anyone using it and is able to report on what to expect to the US? Again, upload is what I mostly care about. 1..2 mbit download is good enough for me, but I need at least 512k

upload for most of the day. Just need to make reliable voip calls (some with video while presenting slides).

- Martin

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