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So, not just due to the recent topic that got closed but with many other topics that have been closed as well, I have to ask where's the community in thaivisa? It often seems a place where grudges are made rather than friendships. A place for rude arguments as oppose to sensible discussions. :o

It seems that many a topic will turn into a flame war almost immediately and for no apparent reason with people coming on here to flame other people for their own satisfaction, and the mods are forced to close these topics despite warnings because people refuse just to sit back enjoy the discussion or ignore the topic if they don't like it. This is no benefit to us at all as many otherwise good topics are closed.

Now I know not all of thaivisa is like this, and I know meet ups are arranged, and many people are friends on here (and in the real world), or as close as can be considering we are all pretty anonymous on the internet, but there is a certain amount of animosity which is more than noticeable in this forum, whether it be flaming a newbie, a person's wife/gf or an old grudge which is never sorted out.

I know that a lot of opinions are discussed on here so people do get worked up and it can get a bit personal sometimes but I have not seen such blatant disrespect and hate for other posters on a forum before, unless it's a real younger age group forum, certainly not a place like this with it's older and supposedly more mature age range.

So why the lack of community on thaivisa?

Is it the mods fault for sometimes flaming as well and setting a bad example for others? Not making this a mod discussion, so don't get stressed lads, just offereing reasons why communities often turn bad.

Is it just that there are a lot of a.ssholes and cowards out there that can only release their pent up aggression over an internet forum?

Is it something more, something that seems to effect many farangs in Thailand as a whole and that is farang's dislike for other farangs and need for one-up-manship in Thailand which is often very noticeable in the real world here? Of course this is the ideal battleground for that, as it doesn't have to be face to face and you meet many farangs on here that you wouldn't meet in your usual bar/workplace or talk to on the street etc.

Anyway, just a few thoughts on the matter, I would like to hear yours.

And just an added thought, has it always been like this since the start of thaivisa because it seems to be more apparent recently?

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I don't see why it should be closed, it's not condemnation of the way thaivisa is run, but more towards the posters here, and it may be a wake up call to make it a more fun place.

I should think many mods that have to constantly sort out grudge matches and close good subjects think the same thing.

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Why look too deep?

If you start a topic or post you must expect a different point of view at times. Sometimes that different viewpoint will be somewhat animated! Nothing what is written on here means diddely and it certainly is not gonna change the world.

No big deal and each topic thread is a p!ss in the cyber ocean.

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Certainly true Harryhacker, and I'm all for different viewpoints but a lot of this is flaming people just for the sake of it, and some big grudges have occured on here.

I make a deal of it because this is a forum I use and it's a shame that sometimes I wanna post a topic but don't bother because I know it will get flamed and eventually closed because of the flaming and I expect many people feel the same way.

Edited by bkkmadness
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There will always be a few who want to rant and rave. Start talking about Bgs etc. What the ###### has it got to do with the original post? Anyway bkk i agree with you mate. Some people need to relax and take a deep breath now and again. 1,2.3 breath in. Hold it!! Hold it!!! And relax breath out. :D:o

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Certainly true Harryhacker, and I'm all for different viewpoints but a lot of this is flaming people just for the sake of it, and some big grudges have occured on here.

  I make a deal of it because this is a forum I use and it's a shame that sometimes I wanna post a topic but don't bother because I know it will get flamed and eventually closed because of the flaming and I expect many people feel the same way.

I appreciate that and for sure some members may feel too intimidated to post in fear of being flamed. The topic starter in question was unfairly flamed but I'm sure he doesn’t give a flying turtle. Long-term grudges have no place in a forum. In all honesty I could not see a reason for it to be bought to end so soon.

Edited by HarryHacker
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The world is full of pricks and idiots. Why should anyone expect it to be different here? The mods do their job pretty good, in my opinion. Not always the way I'd do it (the right way :o ), but good enough...

I'm a long-time poster in forums and newsgroups, and TV.com is about the best I've seen, so far. Go to some place like Social Culture Thai newsgroup if you want to see a totally ######ed-up scene. Tv.com is paradise in comparison...

You're not going to force anyone to change themselves, but you can force yourself to change and not get so uptight over stuff you can't control... :D

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I'm a long-time poster in forums and newsgroups, and TV.com is about the best I've seen, so far. Go to some place like Social Culture Thai newsgroup if you want to see a totally ######ed-up scene. Tv.com is paradise in comparison...

Quite right. I've been doing this kind of thing since the late 80's, back in the days of Bulletin Boards, when the internet was just a rumour.

TV is quite well managed, compared to a lot of places. Lots of forums and topics, lots of knowledgeable people (well, more or less :o ). I've recommended this site to everyone I know that's interested in Thailand.

The "other" site (bar ladies), is run much the same. In it's early days, it too had it's share of flamers, and almost ever post was subject to an attack. That may be why a lot of people don't post there, even though the major culprits have been banned (some repeatedly). Eventually the flamers will move on to other places and be forgotten (hopefully).

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