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Complaint Against Shop at Pantip Plaza


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...Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

...Enough said

Thailand is the worldwide leader in the manufacture of hard disk drives and integrated circuits, exporting some $30 billion each year. The chances are greater then 50% that when you buy a computer anywhere in the world, the HDD was made in Thailand.


read up on this and then maybe you want to requote your facts


Japan’s Toshiba Corp will develop Thailand as a hard disk drive (HDD) manufacturing centre to complement its production base in China, following the company’s recent acquisition of Fujitsu’s HDD business. The decision has reassured about 4,000 staff at Fujitsu (Thailand) about their job security after their Japanese employer left the loss-making hard drive business and sold its global operations to Toshiba early this year. Fujitsu (Thailand) has been operating for 20 years, producing 2.5-inch HDDs for markets in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America

But the research company added that the market outlook remains uncertain. The economy is still showing mixed signals, and recent political instability in markets including Thailand has created further unpredictability.

[source from weblink above]

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...Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

...Enough said

Thailand is the worldwide leader in the manufacture of hard disk drives and integrated circuits, exporting some $30 billion each year. The chances are greater then 50% that when you buy a computer anywhere in the world, the HDD was made in Thailand.


read up on this and then maybe you want to requote your facts


Japan’s Toshiba Corp will develop Thailand as a hard disk drive (HDD) manufacturing centre to complement its production base in China, following the company’s recent acquisition of Fujitsu’s HDD business. The decision has reassured about 4,000 staff at Fujitsu (Thailand) about their job security after their Japanese employer left the loss-making hard drive business and sold its global operations to Toshiba early this year. Fujitsu (Thailand) has been operating for 20 years, producing 2.5-inch HDDs for markets in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America

But the research company added that the market outlook remains uncertain. The economy is still showing mixed signals, and recent political instability in markets including Thailand has created further unpredictability.

[source from weblink above]

What in that article would want me to requote my facts? I guess you skipped over this part

Seagate, WD and HGST also cut jobs in Thailand as the global industry was hit badly by recession. But last month WD and Hitachi started hiring back people in response to recovering demand from abroad.

The executive, who declined to be named, said Fujitsu’s three factories in Navanakorn Industrial Estate were currently running at 60-70% of maximum capacity, producing 1.8 million HDD units per month.

Capacity utilisation has increased from less than 50% in the first quarter as foreign orders surged with improving margins, he said.


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When \the alleged confrontation and macho knowledge debate wanes Wayne perhaps you'll teel us all the outcome.

The sum will have been debited by vendor poste haste.Have you asked card issuer for redress yet?

As for the racial slurs have aracial slurp JD or Kentucky gentleman some of the finest balm in America,for our friends with testerone overdrive perhaps a massgae and some herb tea/smoke and CHILL its only a duff piece of electronics.

Most folks where I live do not have a computer and seem very happy,I like to read news from overseas and of course the piercing insights here.

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The big shop on the second is a shadow of its former self.

8 yrs back it was the place to shop, but now looking forlorn and hopeless, with very much less inventory.

The OP should have tried to take the replacement or asked if he could have a different product altogether which might need him to add a small change, and everybody wins.

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I bought a Planex 54g(PCI BLW-HPMM-U) router from the same shop. It stopped working within 2 hours of being plugged in. I returned it and they fixed it promptly and returned it to me. Again I plugged it in and the same thing happened. So I returned it again and it was fixed again. Took it home and plugged it in, it stopped working immediately. Returned it again and this time they gave me a new one. It is working fine, more than 6 months so far. I will continue to shop there, because they tried to fix the problem everytime and failing that, they gave me a new one. I think that is fair. I have since bought an Asus F8VR laptop from them and it's working fine.

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Nio you dont have a clue, if you were really an engineer or even worked at an engineering company you would know the worlds largest hardware manufacturers would never allow such large scale reproducing of their products to be sold in the largest electronics venue in bangkok on the scale you claim. This isnt software we are talking about so dont even throw that red herring out there to defend your b.s. claim. It is no surprise to me with the vast quantity of hardware sold there that there will be failures in products from time to time, but being calm and explaining your problem to any vendor is the way to get satisfaction, put yourself in their shoes, would you want to be treated that way ? and how would you react ?

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My last post on this. I'm always amazed at how people can read a short summary of something that happened and instantly deduce all sorts of "facts". I wasn't confrontational with the store manager until he refused to offer anything other than a replacement with the same brand. He spoke fair English and my Thai girlfriend was interpreting for me when there was any confusion. The situation broke down when his final (and only offer) to replace the equipment with the same brand wasn't acceptable to me. That's called negotiation, and negotiation ends when one party insists on terms that aren't acceptable to the other party.

When you bargain at a market and the seller's final offer is unacceptable do you meekly say OK and pay it? I think not, you walk away and seek what you're looking for somewhere else. The store didn't offer a solution that was acceptable so I walked and I'm seeking a solution through having my credit card company do a charge back.

Was I being an "ugly American". How can anyone tell that wasn't there? In my post I stated that I'm a retired American. You can read anything you want to into that but all I meant was that I'm solvent, it doesn't matter that much to me what my credit rating is. The last ten years at work I was scrimping and putting 25% of my salary into my retirement fund, that's why I don't have to worry about money. The American part just meant that I'm not from a third world country that's worse off than Thailand. I can go back to the US at any time and probably would have by now except that my Thai girlfriend doesn't want to move to the US.

I was really amazed at the comment that I'm not ready for Thailand. Really, then how have I managed to live here for over two years and gain the respect of quite a few Thais that I know. I only speak a little Thai but I go out of my way to say hello and thank you in Thai to Thais that I encounter. The Thai government definitely is happy to have me here. I'm on a retirement visa, I've satisfied the Thai government that I have enough money to live on and contribute my little bit to the Thai economy. I paid cash for my condo and I pay the maintenance fees on time that help to keep a few Thais employed.

I'm starting to ramble as much as some of the other people who posted. I'll end with the statement that, in general, I have no problem with the Thai culture of non-confrontation. It's the culture that the customer is always wrong that I have a problem with and I've run into that in England and the US also. That's what I refuse to accept.


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And all three stores had none to actually sell.

This is something I fail to understand, display something you don't have.

Back home you can negotiate to buy the display unit at a discount, Thailand it's rare :)

Unfortunately it's pretty common especially at the MBK telephone floor.

I made the mistake of going there on a Sunday and the place was packed.

Needed a new phone and > than 1/2 dozen shops were exhibiting the Nokia model I wanted but didn''t have it in stock.

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...Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

...Enough said

Thailand is the worldwide leader in the manufacture of hard disk drives and integrated circuits, exporting some $30 billion each year. The chances are greater then 50% that when you buy a computer anywhere in the world, the HDD was made in Thailand.


Just look to the big factory at Chaeng Wattana (can't recal the name) who produce AMD chips.

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I bought a Planex 54g(PCI BLW-HPMM-U) router from the same shop. It stopped working within 2 hours of being plugged in. I returned it and they fixed it promptly and returned it to me. Again I plugged it in and the same thing happened. So I returned it again and it was fixed again. Took it home and plugged it in, it stopped working immediately. Returned it again and this time they gave me a new one. It is working fine, more than 6 months so far. I will continue to shop there, because they tried to fix the problem everytime and failing that, they gave me a new one. I think that is fair. I have since bought an Asus F8VR laptop from them and it's working fine.

I've shopped there a few times and all was fine. Everything still works and I have no hesitation using Pantip Plaza again.

Only quibble being they don't always have exactly what I wanted.

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The 12 HP pc we bought for our office when we upgraded last year all had 24" monitors. In the fine print in HP Thailand it is OK for a new monitor to have a burned out pixel. No refund, no warranty, it is acceptable.

From BeHardware

So for type 1 errors, 2,62144 white pixels would be tolerated.

2 white pixels, Sony will not exchange the screen.

3 white pixels, the maximum number of faulty pixels is exceeded, Sony exchanges your screen.

So according to this rule Sony would exchange your screen if you have:

3 white pixels, or

3 black pixels, or

7 faulty sub pixels

However, if your screen has two white pixels, two black pixels and six faulty sub pixels, Sony could say that they are still within the norm and refuse to exchange your screen.

So, not only in Thailand is a dead pixel acceptable. :)

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Nio you dont have a clue, if you were really an engineer or even worked at an engineering company you would know the worlds largest hardware manufacturers would never allow such large scale reproducing of their products to be sold in the largest electronics venue in bangkok on the scale you claim. This isnt software we are talking about so dont even throw that red herring out there to defend your b.s. claim. It is no surprise to me with the vast quantity of hardware sold there that there will be failures in products from time to time, but being calm and explaining your problem to any vendor is the way to get satisfaction, put yourself in their shoes, would you want to be treated that way ? and how would you react ?

You talk in total ignorance of any facts.

the worlds largest hardware manufacturers would never allow such large scale reproducing of their products to be sold in the largest electronics venue in bangkok

What the hel_l? Are you really that stupid? Why do you think China is the largest exporter in the world and also the world's largest counterfeiter?

Where exactly do you think China is selling these products Best Buy? EBAY?

Who has the power in Thailand to go against the Chinese?

Do do not know s*** about Thailand or anything else you are saying.

If the US Govt and all the other govt of the world cannot stop the counterfeiting, how do you propose Toshiba could do that?

The answer is they cannot, same as Bill Gates cannot do anything about the billions of dollars of counterfeit software that are sold each year around the world.

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My last post on this. I'm always amazed at how people can read a short summary of something that happened and instantly deduce all sorts of "facts". I wasn't confrontational with the store manager until he refused to offer anything other than a replacement with the same brand. He spoke fair English and my Thai girlfriend was interpreting for me when there was any confusion. The situation broke down when his final (and only offer) to replace the equipment with the same brand wasn't acceptable to me. That's called negotiation, and negotiation ends when one party insists on terms that aren't acceptable to the other party.

When you bargain at a market and the seller's final offer is unacceptable do you meekly say OK and pay it? I think not, you walk away and seek what you're looking for somewhere else. The store didn't offer a solution that was acceptable so I walked and I'm seeking a solution through having my credit card company do a charge back.

Was I being an "ugly American". How can anyone tell that wasn't there? In my post I stated that I'm a retired American. You can read anything you want to into that but all I meant was that I'm solvent, it doesn't matter that much to me what my credit rating is. The last ten years at work I was scrimping and putting 25% of my salary into my retirement fund, that's why I don't have to worry about money. The American part just meant that I'm not from a third world country that's worse off than Thailand. I can go back to the US at any time and probably would have by now except that my Thai girlfriend doesn't want to move to the US.

I was really amazed at the comment that I'm not ready for Thailand. Really, then how have I managed to live here for over two years and gain the respect of quite a few Thais that I know. I only speak a little Thai but I go out of my way to say hello and thank you in Thai to Thais that I encounter. The Thai government definitely is happy to have me here. I'm on a retirement visa, I've satisfied the Thai government that I have enough money to live on and contribute my little bit to the Thai economy. I paid cash for my condo and I pay the maintenance fees on time that help to keep a few Thais employed.

I'm starting to ramble as much as some of the other people who posted. I'll end with the statement that, in general, I have no problem with the Thai culture of non-confrontation. It's the culture that the customer is always wrong that I have a problem with and I've run into that in England and the US also. That's what I refuse to accept.


Still you bought it and it is not faulty. It was no "test it and if you like it keep it" deal. The shop is not to blame, the manufacturer is the wrong one.

What should the shop do with a second hand product?

Or next time you buy a product there, would you accept a used product at the full price?

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  • 2 months later...
Bill Gates cannot do anything about the billions of dollars of counterfeit software that are sold each year around the world.

I think Bill Gates could survive also without those dollars :)

Remind yourself of your ability to survive the next time you get overpriced or get your wallet pick pocketed.

No reason to get angry after all the thief probably has less money than you and you will still survive. :D

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I don't get it. Why would you expect a full refund? Many shops worldwide have an exchange-only policy. Warranties on items are replacement or repair only. I'm rather confused by the stance of the OP. Am I missing something?

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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In regards to Pantip selling copies, Pantip is no cheaper than buying hardware through the correct channels, there is very little duty on PC parts. I bought HP's here last year and have opened them up, custom Asus Motherboard and brand name parts.

Any shop that was selling counterfeit goods where others where selling the original just wouldn't last long in Pantip.

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