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Working In Thailand

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You would require a work permit, as you are working in Thailand. You can't get a WP because your company is not based in Thailand. This situation drives many people in your situation to keep quiet about what they are doing in Thailand as the law doesn't provide for this situation.

The only legal way is setting up a business in thailand to do business in the UK.

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IMHO the simplest interpretation of the MFA 2.1(2) Wish to Conduct Business..."B" Visa is that you are buying goods from or contracting for services of a Thai company in the Kingdom i.e. that you are not employed here by a Thai or foreign owned company or Selling.

So, if in the course of your UK business operations, you were to contract for the services of a Thai Web Design firm -- of which there are many excellent ones -- at least part of your being here would be for the "contract of services of a Thai company" and you would qualify for the 2.1(2) "Conducting business..." stipulations... and in theory you could contract with a firm to do ALL of your work.

Of course the "B" Visa itself might require a lot of paperwork depending upon the Honorary Consul in UK ... but your reasons for requesting the "B" Visa are "for contracting the services of a Thai web design firm."

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Of course the "B" Visa itself might require a lot of paperwork depending upon the Honorary Consul in UK ..
Evidence substantiating purpose of visit:

Extra evidence, as detailed below, is required only for Non-Immigrant Visas Categories “B” and “ED”:-

Category “B” = Letter from sponsor or copy of company documents or valid work permit


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