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Thailand Is Not Cheap


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thailand is much cheaper than any kind of devolped country,

2000 usd is worth about purchasingpower in thailand depending on livinstyle 4000 to 8000

imported things are not cheap,,,but regional things and especally SERVICES in any area,, girls ,bars,carservice,airservice,and all others.

thats it

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I can only speak for myself but Thailand is so cheap. I havenot paid a water bill in 2 years all free, for 8 months my electric has been free. My rent is anually only twice what my house insurance was in Canada never mind taxes and upkeep. I came here to enjoy Thailand not because of costs, but I feel if you enjoy Thailand and assimulate it is very cheap. My costs per month for everything is so low I have to go out and make an effort to spend, I buy rice for poor families every month, help fill libraries for small rural schools of poor families etc. I buy sports things for schools even take meals out to poor schools for all the students in the school.I donot have enough time in the day to spend my income.

In Canada I saved but I budgettted to do it here just cannot spend it all. I could mind you if I wanted to live like an expat showoff coming from a developed country and flaunting what I have, I could spend it all easy. But I live in a good neighbourhood and have good thai relationships and average thai costs. I came here because it is Thailand and I want it to stay Thailand. I willnot support the foreign lifestyle here or embrace it.Love it or leave it alone is my feelings.

I feel many guys here never made it in their own country so here they wish to establish themselves and finally have things they never had in their own country. I feel they try to build their world here in mirror of what they wanted at home but never achieved. But this isnot their home country this is Thailand

I apologize if this sounds like i am ending in a rant, but it is very hard to put in type what I am trying to state about cost and Thailand.

Thank you Thai Visa for the opportunity to voice my opinion

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Yeah ok .... your filling all the libraries , feeding whole schools ! Buying sports things? lol ..... But you not trying to be an expat showoff ? ROFL don't kid yourself batman

No, he's being a decent guy and helping out the community.

He's not ranting about how much it costs to import cheese or letting everyone know he couldn't spend less than 50, 100 or 200k a month, unlike many here.

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Yeah ok .... your filling all the libraries , feeding whole schools ! Buying sports things? lol ..... But you not trying to be an expat showoff ? ROFL don't kid yourself batman

No, he's being a decent guy and helping out the community.

He's not ranting about how much it costs to import cheese or letting everyone know he couldn't spend less than 50, 100 or 200k a month, unlike many here.

You honestly think that?? :D

Using my Mystic Meg capabilities I somehow know that he is married to (probably) an Isaan woman, has built her a lovely house, has built her parents a house and is now giving lots of money to her community. Meanwhile he has no doubt they all love him 'cos he is so wonderful. :)


Edited by F1fanatic
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Hey F1 , should he be doing what he says he is doing , there is not much doubt that they do all love him because he is doing wonderfull things .

Here on TV , posters have not many things of worth for any other poster who does not go along with their opinion , when will the day come when put-downs are a thing of the past ?

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I can only speak for myself but Thailand is so cheap. I havenot paid a water bill in 2 years all free, for 8 months my electric has been free. My rent is anually only twice what my house insurance was in Canada never mind taxes and upkeep. I came here to enjoy Thailand not because of costs, but I feel if you enjoy Thailand and assimulate it is very cheap. My costs per month for everything is so low I have to go out and make an effort to spend, I buy rice for poor families every month, help fill libraries for small rural schools of poor families etc. I buy sports things for schools even take meals out to poor schools for all the students in the school.I donot have enough time in the day to spend my income.

In Canada I saved but I budgettted to do it here just cannot spend it all. I could mind you if I wanted to live like an expat showoff coming from a developed country and flaunting what I have, I could spend it all easy. But I live in a good neighbourhood and have good thai relationships and average thai costs. I came here because it is Thailand and I want it to stay Thailand. I willnot support the foreign lifestyle here or embrace it.Love it or leave it alone is my feelings.

I feel many guys here never made it in their own country so here they wish to establish themselves and finally have things they never had in their own country. I feel they try to build their world here in mirror of what they wanted at home but never achieved. But this isnot their home country this is Thailand

I apologize if this sounds like i am ending in a rant, but it is very hard to put in type what I am trying to state about cost and Thailand.

Thank you Thai Visa for the opportunity to voice my opinion

That is a big bunch of dog waste if ever....

I never dreamed of having a maid (got 2 now) never dreamed of having a nanny for my kids, got one now....

What I dreamed of was having a Porsche, big house, big yard, big off shore sport boat... all that was affordable in the states....

In Thailand, no way no how. (Oh if were only a cop)

Woopi, I got 2 maids...... I have just reached the TOP.... guess I'll go pass out some shoes, or help the kids in the neighbor hood gather beer bottles etc....

What ever....

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Hey F1 , should he be doing what he says he is doing , there is not much doubt that they do all love him because he is doing wonderfull things .

Here on TV , posters have not many things of worth for any other poster who does not go along with their opinion , when will the day come when put-downs are a thing of the past ?

I assume you're disagreeing with my post?

Fair enough. Somehow I suspect I'm right though...... :)

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F1fanatic' date='2009-11-24 23:29:32' post='3161966']'dumball' post='3161947' date='2009-11-24 23:16:09']Hey F1 , should he be doing what he says he is doing , there is not much doubt that they do all love him because he is doing wonderfull things .

Here on TV , posters have not many things of worth for any other poster who does not go along with their opinion , when will the day come when put-downs are a thing of the past ?

I assume you're disagreeing with my post?

Fair enough. Somehow I suspect I'm right though...... :)

HMMMMMM , Not realy disagreeing , let me just say ,"Putting it in a more favourable light'

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Yeah ok .... your filling all the libraries , feeding whole schools ! Buying sports things? lol ..... But you not trying to be an expat showoff ? ROFL don't kid yourself batman

No, he's being a decent guy and helping out the community.

He's not ranting about how much it costs to import cheese or letting everyone know he couldn't spend less than 50, 100 or 200k a month, unlike many here.

You honestly think that?? :D

Using my Mystic Meg capabilities I somehow know that he is married to (probably) an Isaan woman, has built her a lovely house, has built her parents a house and is now giving lots of money to her community. Meanwhile he has no doubt they all love him 'cos he is so wonderful. :)


I am single I was married to a thai woman high school teacher 7 years younger than me but we divorced I rent a townhouse,drive my honda wave most places much to the concern of most my thai friends who think I should use my Nissan pickup more. I live simple thai life. So your mystic powers are failing you.

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Beer is very cheap in the Philippines, you will pay 30 Baht for a San Miguel Light or a Red Horse (6.9% beer) in a good and well organized Nightclub, bar or restaurant.

About everything is cheaper in the Philippines compared to Thailand.

Why live only on western food in Thailand while you can live on delicious thai food?

Edited by tommybkk
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