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Smoking In Aircon Bar Sukumvit Soi 8


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OK James... That did it...

OF COURSE NOT.... Nastiest habit in the world... Bad for the smoker's health, and everyone around them...

If people want to ruin their own health (as long as they're paying for it, and the public isn't), that's their business. But public smokers affect the health of everyone around them. And you know that, of course.

And to the poster above who suggested people who don't like the smoke should go outside to the patio.... are you joking?? That's where the smokers are SUPPOSED to sit.... not indoors, as they are allowed to do, in violation of the law, at the Soi 8 pub.

The problem, as illustrated by the OP in this post, is that some people going into places like the Soi 8 Pub (other than the smoking brigade, to use a favorite term here) don't necessarily know that it's an illegal haven for smokers. They're just going for a meal or a drink. And then once inside, they're assaulted by unwanted and unpleasant smoke...

Same issue pointed out in another thread recently, by another person, who went to the Huntsman Pub for their buffet and was seated on the right side. That person was a non smoker, and then had smokers come and sit where he was eating mid-meal. He had no clue their room supposedly has a non smoking area on the left side, when the staff, without asking or telling, seated him on the right side.

And comparing the lax enforcement of BKK's smoking law, in some locations, to the other laws that don't get enforced is a non-starter.... If someone wants to go and buy a lady at one of the bars, it's two consenting adults and no one else is harmed. If some idiot wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet and ends up getting injured, it's their harm and no one else. Smoking is hardly the same thing.

John, if the smoke is as bad as you make out, surely (Don't call me Shirley) as soon as one opens the doors they would be hit with the odour. As for the guy who went to the Huntsmen, surely he saw the astrays on the tables in the smoking session and could have asked to be moved to the non smoking section? or was he blind as well?

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I don't recall there being an ashtray on my table when I went for the Huntsman buffet a month or so back and was seated on the right side, not knowing they considered that their smoking half. Likewise, I had smokers come and sit next to my table...fortunately as I had almost finished my meal, so I just got up and went to have my desert in another section of the room.

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I don't recall there being an ashtray on my table when I went for the Huntsman buffet a month or so back and was seated on the right side, not knowing they considered that their smoking half. Likewise, I had smokers come and sit next to my table...fortunately as I had almost finished my meal, so I just got up and went to have my desert in another section of the room.

So this was the first time you have been to the Huntsmens? Seem to recall a few piss-ups ago, you were present, ordered a pizza while sitting with the rest of us on the right hand side.

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No, of course not... I've been there a couple of times, mostly for drinks, including the occasion you mentioned... My first time going there just for a meal only, though, was the buffet visit.

From the probably half dozen times I'd been to the Huntsman for any reason, the first time I'd ever known or heard about their supposed left-right smoking approach was that most recent visit for the buffet.... when I found out about their policy...only after I asked my waitress after the smokers alighted next to my table.

The night of the pissup...of course...I knew I was associating with filthy smokers... But... I subjected myself to it... for purposes of being social... :) Back then, I had no idea they had a left-right policy for smoking.

For whatever it's worth...in general... the overall atmosphere in the Huntsman, even in the evenings, doesn't seem to be so smoke filled as some other places like the Crossbar or Soi 8 pub... I hadn't noticed it as a problem so much at the Huntsman before...until the smokers came and sat directly next to my table.

I don't recall there being an ashtray on my table when I went for the Huntsman buffet a month or so back and was seated on the right side, not knowing they considered that their smoking half. Likewise, I had smokers come and sit next to my table...fortunately as I had almost finished my meal, so I just got up and went to have my desert in another section of the room.

So this was the first time you have been to the Huntsmens? Seem to recall a few piss-ups ago, you were present, ordered a pizza while sitting with the rest of us on the right hand side.

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OK James... That did it...

OF COURSE NOT.... Nastiest habit in the world... Bad for the smoker's health, and everyone around them...

If people want to ruin their own health (as long as they're paying for it, and the public isn't), that's their business. But public smokers affect the health of everyone around them. And you know that, of course.

And to the poster above who suggested people who don't like the smoke should go outside to the patio.... are you joking?? That's where the smokers are SUPPOSED to sit.... not indoors, as they are allowed to do, in violation of the law, at the Soi 8 pub.

The problem, as illustrated by the OP in this post, is that some people going into places like the Soi 8 Pub (other than the smoking brigade, to use a favorite term here) don't necessarily know that it's an illegal haven for smokers. They're just going for a meal or a drink. And then once inside, they're assaulted by unwanted and unpleasant smoke...

Same issue pointed out in another thread recently, by another person, who went to the Huntsman Pub for their buffet and was seated on the right side. That person was a non smoker, and then had smokers come and sit where he was eating mid-meal. He had no clue their room supposedly has a non smoking area on the left side, when the staff, without asking or telling, seated him on the right side.

And comparing the lax enforcement of BKK's smoking law, in some locations, to the other laws that don't get enforced is a non-starter.... If someone wants to go and buy a lady at one of the bars, it's two consenting adults and no one else is harmed. If some idiot wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet and ends up getting injured, it's their harm and no one else. Smoking is hardly the same thing.

Don't get me started. The second-hand smoke bullshit is on a par with global warming for it's lack of scientific foundation. It's zealotry, no more, no less.

The only objection to establishments that allow smoking is that you don't like the smell, and you think that everybody should think like you.

To hel_l with the wishes and opinions of those who enjoy smoking.

Personally, I can't stand the smell of a lot of aftershaves. (Do you wear aftershave?) It makes me want to vomit, particularly when guys put too much on. Same with women's perfumes. However, I don't try to ban them. Banning things is for the killjoy puritans of this world. I prefer a live-and-let-live approach.

Try a little tolerance. It doesn't really hurt. You never know, you might even get used to giving others the respect they give you...

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A lot of established science says you are absolutely wrong... But then, you don't believe in such things... too busy arguing the world is really flat....

John, your stance on smoking is quite clear.

As someone that walks the city a lot, what is your opinion on the 2nd hand automobile pollution you inhale everyday? You can choose not to enter a bar that allows smoking but unless you stay inside your condo all day and night, you cannot avoid pollution from cars. Does that make it tolerable then? :)

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Smoker for twenty odd years, haven't had a smoke (or any nicotine supplement) in six months. Just stopped. Funny thing now, is I don't even notice if the guy next me in the pub is smoking. If he wants to smoke, up to him.

Doesn't bother me at all. :D


PS. Worst one of the worst things I ever did was learn to smoke, next to best thing ever - stopping. :)

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Actually James, re your comment, I think the air in BKK is quite a bit better, and the pollution quite a bit less, than when I first started coming here about 7 years ago, I presume, in large part because of the continuing transition to less polluting NGV and similar vehicles, and away from diesel and gas.

The analogy to indoors smoking, however, would be more like asking if I make a point of lining up behind a smoke-belching tuk tuk or old diesel bus and inhaling deeply while I sit behind their exhaust pipe for an hour or so. Needless to say, I don't. To me, that's the closer comparison to a non-smoker like myself sitting down to have dinner and the table next to them blowing cigarette smoke in a confined space.

A lot of established science says you are absolutely wrong... But then, you don't believe in such things... too busy arguing the world is really flat....

John, your stance on smoking is quite clear.

As someone that walks the city a lot, what is your opinion on the 2nd hand automobile pollution you inhale everyday? You can choose not to enter a bar that allows smoking but unless you stay inside your condo all day and night, you cannot avoid pollution from cars. Does that make it tolerable then? :)

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Actually James, re your comment, I think the air in BKK is quite a bit better, and the pollution quite a bit less, than when I first started coming here about 7 years ago, I presume, in large part because of the continuing transition to less polluting NGV and similar vehicles, and away from diesel and gas.

The analogy to indoors smoking, however, would be more like asking if I make a point of lining up behind a smoke-belching tuk tuk or old diesel bus and inhaling deeply while I sit behind their exhaust pipe for an hour or so. Needless to say, I don't. To me, that's the closer comparison to a non-smoker like myself sitting down to have dinner and the table next to them blowing cigarette smoke in a confined space.

A lot of established science says you are absolutely wrong... But then, you don't believe in such things... too busy arguing the world is really flat....

John, your stance on smoking is quite clear.

As someone that walks the city a lot, what is your opinion on the 2nd hand automobile pollution you inhale everyday? You can choose not to enter a bar that allows smoking but unless you stay inside your condo all day and night, you cannot avoid pollution from cars. Does that make it tolerable then? :)

Can I ask you a serious question?

Apart from the fact that it's against the law here in Thailand as are most fun things, what drives you to actually spend time, thought and effort getting involved in every thread about smoking in a very small handful of bars when all you have to do is just not go to these places like any normal person?


Tom, you need to understand JFC a bit more. He is making merit by telling everyone that smoking is bad for them. "Repent and you will be saved".

Sorry that wasn't John, that was the farang guys in white shirts across the street from Cowboy last week on Asoke. Apparently not brave enough to enter the Soi itself. With the traffic and noise, the only people that could hear them were the flowers sellers.

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Actually, I make no point of getting involved in all these threads...

In fact for this one, I specifically said I was staying out of it...for the record... I didn't start it, and had no intention of perpetuating it.

And then, being the cad he is, James insisted on not letting it rest, so I finally responded. And here we are.

As I've said many times, I don't care if any people smoke themselves to death. I just don't want them to drag me and other unwilling participants into their smoke. I also don't think I or others should be excluded from frequenting public places, like the bars in question, because they feel free to violate the law and encourage indoor smoking, which is not only bad for their customer's health, but certainly worse for the health of their staff who are exposed to it day in and day out.

Laws are meant to protect people's rights and the public health. The law says I and other have the right to frequent indoor air con establishments without having to endure cigarette smoking. As long as that is my and others right under the law, I am entitled to exercise my legal rights -- and smokers should either stay home or smoke outside.

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Actually, I make no point of getting involved in all these threads...

In fact for this one, I specifically said I was staying out of it...for the record... I didn't start it, and had no intention of perpetuating it.

And then, being the cad he is, James insisted on not letting it rest, so I finally responded. And here we are.

As I've said many times, I don't care if any people smoke themselves to death. I just don't want them to drag me and other unwilling participants into their smoke. I also don't think I or others should be excluded from frequenting public places, like the bars in question, because they feel free to violate the law and encourage indoor smoking, which is not only bad for their customer's health, but certainly worse for the health of their staff who are exposed to it day in and day out.

Laws are meant to protect people's rights and the public health. The law says I and other have the right to frequent indoor air con establishments without having to endure cigarette smoking. As long as that is my and others right under the law, I am entitled to exercise my legal rights -- and smokers should either stay home or smoke outside.

CAD? that's a bit rich John. I am just keeping this going in the hopes the the owner of said establishment will find it within his heart to buy me Heineken some time. :)

On the laws thing it's great in principle. To be honest, I am more worried about them not enforcing the drunk driving law here than the smoking one. Call me old fashioned.

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Actually, I make no point of getting involved in all these threads...

In fact for this one, I specifically said I was staying out of it...for the record... I didn't start it, and had no intention of perpetuating it.

And then, being the cad he is, James insisted on not letting it rest, so I finally responded. And here we are.

As I've said many times, I don't care if any people smoke themselves to death. I just don't want them to drag me and other unwilling participants into their smoke. I also don't think I or others should be excluded from frequenting public places, like the bars in question, because they feel free to violate the law and encourage indoor smoking, which is not only bad for their customer's health, but certainly worse for the health of their staff who are exposed to it day in and day out.

Laws are meant to protect people's rights and the public health. The law says I and other have the right to frequent indoor air con establishments without having to endure cigarette smoking. As long as that is my and others right under the law, I am entitled to exercise my legal rights -- and smokers should either stay home or smoke outside.

CAD? that's a bit rich John. I am just keeping this going in the hopes the the owner of said establishment will find it within his heart to buy me Heineken some time. :D

On the laws thing it's great in principle. To be honest, I am more worried about them not enforcing the drunk driving law here than the smoking one. Call me old fashioned.

:) I think I'll buy you a beer for this wind up.

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Try a little tolerance. It doesn't really hurt. You never know, you might even get used to giving others the respect they give you...

Your discusting habit STINKS and we are tired of it. It is against the law to smoke inside, so GO OUTSIDE! :)

Don't you live in Chiang Mai?

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I won't disagree with you, James (meaning I DO agree with you) about the value of enforcing drunk driving laws...

Ya, it doesn't surprise me any that you're out after a free beer... of course..if certain people weren't wasting their money on Thai bank ATM fees, then they'd have enough money to afford their own beers... :)

And with that, I've nothing more to say on this subject, and will not respond to any further posts or comments here. Go have a smoke on me! :D And here's to your health!!!

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I won't disagree with you, James (meaning I DO agree with you) about the value of enforcing drunk driving laws...

Ya, it doesn't surprise me any that you're out after a free beer... of course..if certain people weren't wasting their money on Thai bank ATM fees, then they'd have enough money to afford their own beers... :)

And with that, I've nothing more to say on this subject, and will not respond to any further posts or comments here. Go have a smoke on me! :D And here's to your health!!!

I told big Dave to get an ATM inside the place that gives you free withdrawals during Happy Hour - two drink minimum required. I suggested he do a deal with a dive shop for those non-smokers who wanted to get their free withdrawals but then realised that he would have to double the price of his drinks to pay for the oxygen. Then the whole swine flu - germ thing to consider. It all got un-doable in the end. I guess you can't have your ATM free charge and inhale it too. But I digress.

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I think the thing goes completely over your head is this - you are not wanted in these places. They are not for you, and have nothing to do with you. By trying to change them you sound like a petchulant child - I want this, I want that when you have no right to request this.

Actually, you are the one who is out of line. Smoking inside is illegal - whether you like it, or not - and so jfchandler does have a right to request that the law is obeyed.

For many years most smokers ignored other people's needs and desires and acted like they have right to stink up restaurants and other public places, no matter how much it annoys non-smokers -Well they don't. We've come a long way baby!

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I think the thing goes completely over your head is this - you are not wanted in these places. They are not for you, and have nothing to do with you. By trying to change them you sound like a petchulant child - I want this, I want that when you have no right to request this.

Actually, you are the one who is out of line. Smoking inside is illegal - whether you like it, or not - and so jfchandler does have a right to request that the law is obeyed.

For many years most smokers ignored other people's needs and desires and acted like they have right to stink up restaurants and other public places, no matter how much it annoys non-smokers -Well they don't. We've come a long way baby!

Smokers have not ignored others needs and desires for many years, neither have they 'acted' like they had the right to stink up restaurants for years. For many years it was LEGAL to smoke in these places, so it was a legal right.

Two choices here.

1. Grass them up to the police

2. Shut the F@*k up and choose a different venue.

Never heard a person moan so much about a place he doesnt wanna be in.

Funny how there is never a thread by a smoker whinging he CANT smoke in a pub/restaurant.

Give eric bart a call he should be able to sort you out!!!

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What part of this don't you get?

There are a handful of places that exist in Bangkok where smoking is allowed because there is a demand for it. Why is that such a difficult concept for some people to understand?

Why don't you also demand that Soi Cowboy is closed down as prostition is illegal? Your argument is based on soley on what your own selfishness with no consideration for the other people involved at all. I want you to stop smoking in this bar so I can go there, screw everybody else you lot don't matter. I am the most important here.

I totally agree with the concept that passive smoking is wrong and potentially very harmful especially when people have no say in the matter like young children - but you have the choice to avoid it. In fact you actually have to make an effort to be affected by it in that you have to get into the bar in the first place, why do you not just ignore it like everybody else?

Cos he wants his free Friday buffet in a smoke free zone!!!

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One more bar to avoid then! But the smokers are deluding themselves if they believe that there is no evidence that passive smoking kills.

It beats spending twenty years in a home with dementia....

Really do you think we don't know its bad for our overall health and we are all living in lala land?

Its the only legal gamble allowed in Thailand apart from ridng your bike.

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a few years ago I was minding my own business at the bar on the LHS as you enter Nana Plaza, good fer people watching...then a couple of tourists sat next to me and requested that I didn't smoke; young, clean and white, americans to boot...I ignored them...

later, I got angry as I should've said 'take yer fcukin' PC sensibilities back to Berkeley where it belongs ye stinkin' insensitive tourists...this is BKK fer <deleted>'s sake...'...but, don't we always in hindsight?

gonna hafeta look into the soi 8 pub...sounds good...now that I'm dysfunctional I can get within stone's throw of lolitas and not haveta worry... :)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Your argument is based on soley on what your own selfishness with no consideration for the other people involved at all. I want you to stop smoking in this bar so I can go there, screw everybody else you lot don't matter. I am the most important here.

Huh? YOU are the one who is ignoring the law that protects the public because YOU have no consideration for other people and screw everyone else. You are the one trying to rationalize why everyone else should have to suffer because YOU took up a vile, disgusting, addictive habbit and can not be bothered to quit.

Many of us have had to put up with these filthy cancer causing sticks stinking up restaurants, parties and elevators for our whole lives, but that is over.

To be honest, I used to believe that governments should take it easy on smokers until it died out, but - as stupid as it is - smokers keep on smoking and demanding their "rights" and youngsters keep taking up the habit and it looks like the only thing to do is make it totally illegal and most of the world is well on the way!

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