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Cable Madness


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Can you imagine how beautiful the island would be if it wasn't for this crazy overload of electricity cables hanging down from everywhere?

Looking at this mess I'm amazed there aren't any more power cuts. I noticed even in new developments, electricity cables are being installed on masts -- has it not occurred to the folks in power that these cables can quite easily be laid under ground? Probably even cheaper and easier to maintain?

I would plead to the authorities to consider doing this, it would be a lot more effective in improving Phuket's image than the Guvnor's current bright idea to plant a few trees.

What's your thoughts...?

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My thougts are: If it all looked like New Jersey, we probably wouldn't want to come.

Jug handles, concrete barriers dividing roads, red lights every 100 feet, fast food restaurants spaced even closer.


I'll take the wires and driving between the lines.

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Biggest eye-sores on the island are all the microwave towers for mobile phones.

Doubt people would be willing to give their phones up, though.

Sorry... no, the biggest eyesores on the island are the piles of plastic waste and endless rows of unnecessary shophouses not to mention the jerry-built farang hovels (with obligatory swimming pool) that some gullible pratt (who has just stepped off a plane) will buy because their tiny minds tell them it's so, so cheap.

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Have you only just arrived?

The local authorities are well aware that the cables are an eyesore. About 6 months or so ago they began putting the cables under ground in the historic areas of Phuket town.

It's on the 'jobs to do' list - but it's all about money.

Putting it underground is expensive.

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It is the masses of telephone cables which make it look really bad including all the ones which have been cut & just hanging down. If TOT would just implement the fibre optic which has been in place for many years someone might be willing to take down all the telephone cables for the copper value.

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yes i agree the cables are a mess, every time they build a new condo or property they add to the mess. and you can hear the buzzzzzzzzzzing coming from the cables, not sure if this can harm us in anyway?

The buzzing isnt harmful per se. There is pretty substantial evidence that electro magnetic fields around high voltage cables are harmful to humans who have a lot of exposure to them. I wouldnt live under one personally.

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Biggest eye-sores on the island are all the microwave towers for mobile phones.

Doubt people would be willing to give their phones up, though.

Sorry... no, the biggest eyesores on the island are the piles of plastic waste and endless rows of unnecessary shophouses not to mention the jerry-built farang hovels (with obligatory swimming pool) that some gullible pratt (who has just stepped off a plane) will buy because their tiny minds tell them it's so, so cheap.

So did you buy one, you soumd a little bitter

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