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Crispy Noodles Mee Krop


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Anyone know the best way to make crispy noodles (you know the type often used with Radna Moo Mee Krop) that you see in food halls

Ive tried various ways, using Bah Mee egg noodles, rinsing to remove the dry flour coating, dip in boiling salt water for a minute, then laying to dry for 1/2 day, then bunching into a ball and throwing into a wok of hot oil, but they never come out right

i live in bangkok btw

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Start with sen mii (rice vermicelli noodles). Put dry, straight into hot oil.

It seems unlikely, but that's the way to do it.

Oh, and use a big pan because they expand enormously.

Love Raad Na-

Maybe you're right; some restaurants may use sen mee (rice noodles). Around here (Pattaya), all of the places I've seen, or eaten at, serve this dish with crisp-fried BAH MEE (egg noodles). The chef loosens the noodles by hand first, shaking off a bit of the loose flour, then rolls them into a loose, bird's nest shape before immersing in the hot oil for crisping. Traditionally, though, Raad Na is served with soft, white, wide rice noodles- SEN YI. I figure all are great eating... and cheap, too! Making delicious Raad Na sauce at home looks a bit tough... lemme know if you find the recipe!


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