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Do Thai People Even Like Us ? Or Aare We Just Atms


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Its easy to think you are sure that someone is saying something negative about you when you have the language comprehension of a 1 year old baby but are in fact a fully grown adult.

Grow up, take things into your hands, learn Thai before you build a bloody house in some village somewhere. Dont expect respect for coming here knowing fuc_k all about anything and jumping in at the deep end.

100% agree, good post...

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When you've been in Thailand long enough you will learn there are some Thais who don't like foriegners, there are some who think of them as "walking ATMs", and some who like foriegners. The majority of them are just trying to survive...often on very little income and not much chance of ever doing better in life.

I suspect you will find Brits in the U.K. who dislike Americans... myself I've met some who seem to go out of their way to find something to criticise about the U.S., as though I being an American was somehow personally responsible for everything they didn't like about the U.S.A.

As for Thailand, I know my Thai family respects and loves me. When they were children my Thai wife made very sure they gave me a Wai every time they came home from school. She let them know that I was the reason they could afford to go to school, get fed decent food, etc. They still call me "daddy", even though I'm not their biological father. Even now that they are fuklly grown, I'm still "daddy" to them.

As for the rest of the Thais that see me, I don't care or pay much attention. My family is all that's important, and the rest are irrelevent.

Those that wish to take the time to know me, either farang or Thai, I'll pay attention to them and treat them with respect.

Those that don't want to bother, I don't worry about them.

I don't worry about it....I have more important things to do with my time.


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I suspect you will find Brits in the U.K. who dislike Americans... myself I've met some who seem to go out of their way to find something to criticise about the U.S., as though I being an American was somehow personally responsible for everything they didn't like about the U.S.A.

Well you suspect right my Friend but count yourself lucky as we're the one's who are " on your side ".. :)

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When you've been in Thailand long enough you will learn there are some Thais who don't like foriegners, there are some who think of them as "walking ATMs", and some who like foriegners. The majority of them are just trying to survive...often on very little income and not much chance of ever doing better in life.

I suspect you will find Brits in the U.K. who dislike Americans... myself I've met some who seem to go out of their way to find something to criticise about the U.S., as though I being an American was somehow personally responsible for everything they didn't like about the U.S.A.

As for Thailand, I know my Thai family respects and loves me. When they were children my Thai wife made very sure they gave me a Wai every time they came home from school. She let them know that I was the reason they could afford to go to school, get fed decent food, etc. They still call me "daddy", even though I'm not their biological father. Even now that they are fuklly grown, I'm still "daddy" to them.

As for the rest of the Thais that see me, I don't care or pay much attention. My family is all that's important, and the rest are irrelevent.

Those that wish to take the time to know me, either farang or Thai, I'll pay attention to them and treat them with respect.

Those that don't want to bother, I don't worry about them.

I don't worry about it....I have more important things to do with my time.


Very fair point. A welcome change from posters taking up extreme positions and then forever trying to justify a position.

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The majority which deals with us does not say it, but they don't like us. Why? Because we are way to complex. Now so many bring their Western attitudes to Thailand and there will be much more in the future demanding more Western standards in all perspectives of life. They will hate us even more for that.

QUOTE: JR Texas ' They dont like us..we are walking ATM's ,we are not Thai, xenophobia has increased dramatically in Thailand. but most expats cant see it. they see smiles at

the surface level and they think thats reality.' end QUOTE

Most of the replies here are subjective, thats fine and thats valid. But for what its worth, the two above posts are the only really objective posts of the overall situation

as Ii see it.

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If my current TGF is any measure then, yeah, I'm an ATM machine..........

I respect people who have the courage to confess the truth. :)

BTW, dear TV members, have you seen the movie on YT linked below? IMO especially part 5 is worth seeing.

As for me, I see nothing wrong in such marriage deals as long as both sides are happy (and free of illusions).

And here's a profile of a girl on TK (a basic knowledge of German is required):


The girl writes that she would like to find a handsome man but she knows that many young people can't yet give her the "safety" she is looking for. Not that I don't agree with her...

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From my little experience, I must say I feel like I look like a walking money-tree in the south.

When I was down to somewhere around Samut Songkhram (not sure), I went to a market with my (Thai) family.  A lady came up to me with her adorable daughter and used her to beg for money from me.  I was totally irate.  They were pretty well dressed and probably not in need of any extra monetary assistance.  hel_l, I KNOW they were richer than me (being an 18 year old student with 63 baht in my pocket to last for the next three weeks).  I kind of flipped out on her in broken Thai.  I could only wish that she was the only one that night, but it happened quite a few more times.

However, back up in Isaan (Udon Thani, specifically), I went to the market with some of my Thai friends and saw a shirt that I liked.  It was 300 baht and I asked if she would accept 250 (I only had 300 and wanted some for food that night).  She smiled and gave it to me for 200 baht because I was pretty and she loved my hair.

I am also very bullheaded with 'foreigner prices' though.  hel_l, I sat outside of an aquarium for two hours (with a friend, thankfully) while my Thai friends went inside just because I was too bullheaded to pay the extra 40 baht. (10 baht for Thais and 50 baht for foreigners).

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"And here's a profile of a girl on TK (a basic knowledge of German is required):


The girl writes that she would like to find a handsome man but she knows that many young people can't yet give her the "safety" she is looking for. Not that I don't agree with her..."

Looks rather like a standard text written by a typical professional dating writer, "Anna" did not write a word.

Edited by Birdman
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to the topic... it all depends which kind of people you are dealing with. you go soi nana then yes you are walking ATM. did you ever thought thailand also have decent people living normally? many of which are more richer than farangs, OK, maybe you don't meet these circles of people because you just go to some gogo bars where they don't hang around... just a thought, no hard feelings man.

I love Thailand that is why I stay here. However I follow the an Old Russia custom never to be the first to put your hand in your pocket. They may call me cheap but I known they are beggars. Maybe the reason I love Thailand is I love to hear their stories why they need money.

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Twice now, on September 27th 2548 (2005), and on the Friday night on May 26th. 2549 (2006), I've been rendered unconscious on the street by a car whilst riding a bike, and if not for the kindness of strangers I'd surely not be here to type this.

The latter time, I remember having made definite plans to make it to Prum the next morning, and was lucky to be allowed to discharge my blood covered self by around midnight on Tiwanon Road, Pak Kret, and there were more than half a dozen nurses right there at my bedside, and I sensed their human kindness the minute I came back to consciousness, and after I put the shoes back on, (I suppose it is allowed for public hospital patients to wear shoes indoors on discharge), I had around 4,000 in my pocket, and had it for the visa fees in Cambodia, as well as 91 benzine, and offered 2,000 to pay for the second time that one or more altruistic kon Thai have lifted my dead body off some soi or out of some khlong, and saved my life, and before I made it back out the front door the nurse (I assumed the senior) cam running back out to stop and return those two 1,000 baht notes.

I consider the answer to the title question to be totally circumstancial.

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if they don't respect you then it is a pretty sure bet your woman doesn't either. if she did she would be adamant in your defense.

it is a situation of your own creation.

No. Thais seldom, if ever, adamantly defend a farang against other Thais. And they would NEVER adamantly defend a farang against their own kin. At best, they just keep quiet. Thailand is not a country of principle, or of professionalism, as most thinking is subjective.

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No. Thais seldom, if ever, adamantly defend a farang against other Thais. And they would NEVER adamantly defend a farang against their own kin. At best, they just keep quiet. Thailand is not a country of principle, or of professionalism, as most thinking is subjective.

Impossible to use absolutes and superlatives regarding a 'universal character'. I know scores upon scores {more common than not} that don't fit your descriptive social stereotype. For every situation and circumstance that deems itself negative, there might be 100 to counter such stigmas.

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"And here's a profile of a girl on TK (a basic knowledge of German is required):


The girl writes that she would like to find a handsome man but she knows that many young people can't yet give her the "safety" she is looking for. Not that I don't agree with her..."

Looks rather like a standard text written by a typical professional dating writer, "Anna" did not write a word.

She claims that her aunt who is a German and English teacher wrote it for her.

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if they don't respect you then it is a pretty sure bet your woman doesn't either. if she did she would be adamant in your defense.

it is a situation of your own creation.

No. Thais seldom, if ever, adamantly defend a farang against other Thais. And they would NEVER adamantly defend a farang against their own kin. At best, they just keep quiet. Thailand is not a country of principle, or of professionalism, as most thinking is subjective.

I cant quite figure this with any experiences I have had of disagreements with Thais. Guess everyones experience is different.

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if they don't respect you then it is a pretty sure bet your woman doesn't either. if she did she would be adamant in your defense.

it is a situation of your own creation.

No. Thais seldom, if ever, adamantly defend a farang against other Thais. And they would NEVER adamantly defend a farang against their own kin. At best, they just keep quiet. Thailand is not a country of principle, or of professionalism, as most thinking is subjective.

I cant quite figure this with any experiences I have had of disagreements with Thais. Guess everyones experience is different.

Then you are very lucky because they very very seldom defend a "foreigner" against a Thai, and if it does happen i would suggest there to be a large degree of self interest

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Sheesh 5 pages of drivel, its simple same as any country in the world some folk will like you some wont some will have no opinion.

imho, not a well thought out post.

Yes, in all countries some people will like foreigners and some will not like foreigners

But this is about the perception in Thailand and this country is more nationalistic and xenophobic than most.

And perceptions vary of course on individual circumstances and experiences as some of the posts have shown.

Someone who visits for three weeks a year, likes Thailand , but does not live or interact with people here will have a different view than a hardened person here for a few years who has had different and very real experiences.

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No. Thais seldom, if ever, adamantly defend a farang against other Thais. And they would NEVER adamantly defend a farang against their own kin. At best, they just keep quiet. Thailand is not a country of principle, or of professionalism, as most thinking is subjective.

Impossible to use absolutes and superlatives regarding a 'universal character'. I know scores upon scores {more common than not} that don't fit your descriptive social stereotype. For every situation and circumstance that deems itself negative, there might be 100 to counter such stigmas.

For every negative situation and circumstance, there are 100 positive situations and circumstances. !!!! Don't think so. And neither from this thread do most posters.

I think you are talking about experiences we have with interacting with Thais. By using words like universal character, scores and scores more common than not, and counter stigmas you make your post a little difficult to understand ( for me personally anyway). I certainly don't see the relevance of stigmata.

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The difference between you and I are quite large, as "I Never forget that I am but a visitor to their country" and I respect their Religion and Customs!

same here caf, i totally agree with you.

In the Forum rules it clearly states it is a violation of said rules to change my post in any way to attempt to prove a point. This was done in the post you agreed with.

If you read my post, It states Thais call me Loung Dan (uncle Dan) and in his post he changed the name to Lung Dan.

He referred to my understanding of the inference that my mil calling me Lung.

In a PM he said that mil meant mother-in-law, why did he not use the term mother in law. he also admitted that he use his understanding of Thai and applied that to my post.

I also was called Loung Dan years before I met my wife and mother in law.

All of his assumption were wrong!

Why are you all treated as walking ATMs and my Thai (Rice Farmer) friends after a long days work helping me pour a concrete drive way felt insulted when I offered to pay them. After work I brought drinks and fed them for their neighborly help.

In my village I am the only resident Falang, I treat all Thais the same as visitors to my home from the Village Headman to the town drunk.

He attempted to reroute my Opinion ,that I treat all Thais as equals.

My family that have visited me, have stated what a lucky man ,I am to have such caring Friends and neighbors.

I am a lucky man!

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Sheesh 5 pages of drivel, its simple same as any country in the world some folk will like you some wont some will have no opinion.

imho, not a well thought out post.

Yes, in all countries some people will like foreigners and some will not like foreigners

But this is about the perception in Thailand and this country is more nationalistic and xenophobic than most.

And perceptions vary of course on individual circumstances and experiences as some of the posts have shown.

Someone who visits for three weeks a year, likes Thailand , but does not live or interact with people here will have a different view than a hardened person here for a few years who has had different and very real experiences.

Sounds to me like you are confusing "govts" with "people"

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Then you are very lucky because they very very seldom defend a "foreigner" against a Thai, and if it does happen i would suggest there to be a large degree of self interest

This is pure nonsense and is all depending on the company you keep. Low class people have low class prejudices.

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Sheesh 5 pages of drivel, its simple same as any country in the world some folk will like you some wont some will have no opinion.

imho, not a well thought out post.

Yes, in all countries some people will like foreigners and some will not like foreigners

But this is about the perception in Thailand and this country is more nationalistic and xenophobic than most.

And perceptions vary of course on individual circumstances and experiences as some of the posts have shown.

Someone who visits for three weeks a year, likes Thailand , but does not live or interact with people here will have a different view than a hardened person here for a few years who has had different and very real experiences.

Sounds to me like you are confusing "govts" with "people"

No, I'm talking about people as in fact you were.

No-one mentioned governments.

Let's agree to differ.

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Then you are very lucky because they very very seldom defend a "foreigner" against a Thai, and if it does happen i would suggest there to be a large degree of self interest

This is pure nonsense and is all depending on the company you keep. Low class people have low class prejudices.

No it's not nonsense and don't try to turn this into some "class" thing. I stand by what i said. By the way, what an ignorant and ridiculous statement to say lower class people have lower class prejudices. Where exactly did you gleam that pearl of wisdom?

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Then you are very lucky because they very very seldom defend a "foreigner" against a Thai, and if it does happen i would suggest there to be a large degree of self interest

This is pure nonsense and is all depending on the company you keep. Low class people have low class prejudices.

No it's not nonsense and don't try to turn this into some "class" thing. I stand by what i said. By the way, what an ignorant and ridiculous statement to say lower class people have lower class prejudices. Where exactly did you gleam that pearl of wisdom?

I was using the word in a figurative sense to describe uncouth, obnoxious, and generally uneducated people which has nothing to do with wealth or status. There are plenty of ignorant wealthy hi-so people in Thailand as well. The point is if you hang out with trash (rich and poor alike) you end up wallowing in it.

Edited by wintermute
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"im currently building a place in issan ..........."

Classic buffalo behaviour.

"i think this prick was saying to papa that he had a buffalo .........."

He clearly knows you are building a place in Issan.

Sorry to say it but you appear to be fitting into the classic 'buffalo' profile, as defined by the Thai people. When will western men ever learn, don't build or buy something you can't ever own.

i am far from a buffalo and i am building the house for my thai wife,it doesnt cost me a hel_l of a lot and its security for her when shes older,my thai wife has been put to the test by me on many occasions and she deserves this at least, also my 6 mth old baby girl was a factor in this too. we will use this place as a holiday home once a year when we come to see her family. btw we havent had anymore cling on,s coming round as my wife has had a word with papa and everyone else.

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