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Do Thai People Even Like Us ? Or Aare We Just Atms


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Then you are very lucky because they very very seldom defend a "foreigner" against a Thai, and if it does happen i would suggest there to be a large degree of self interest

This is pure nonsense and is all depending on the company you keep. Low class people have low class prejudices.

No it's not nonsense and don't try to turn this into some "class" thing. I stand by what i said. By the way, what an ignorant and ridiculous statement to say lower class people have lower class prejudices. Where exactly did you gleam that pearl of wisdom?

I was using the word in a figurative sense to describe uncouth, obnoxious, and generally uneducated people which has nothing to do with wealth or status. There are plenty of ignorant wealthy hi-so people in Thailand as well. The point is if you hang out with trash (rich and poor alike) you end up wallowing in it.

One should not be afraid to utter the word "class" in such a highly class structured society as one finds here in Thailand.

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I was using the word in a figurative sense to describe uncouth, obnoxious, and generally uneducated people which has nothing to do with wealth or status. There are plenty of ignorant wealthy hi-so people in Thailand as well. The point is if you hang out with trash (rich and poor alike) you end up wallowing in it.

I agree with you. There is such a thing as low class behavior, and it is often more common with a particular group of people. But someone from any class can be low class, in terms of behavior.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Its easy to think you are sure that someone is saying something negative about you when you have the language comprehension of a 1 year old baby but are in fact a fully grown adult.

Grow up, take things into your hands, learn Thai before you build a bloody house in some village somewhere. Dont expect respect for coming here knowing fuc_k all about anything and jumping in at the deep end.

Will, I think you make a very good point.

First of all, I'm not a Thai apologist, although I know I will be accused of it. But a few observations:

Are there Thais who make snide remarks about us farang? Without question. And a rude Thai person is ill mannered. But I'd say that anyone that seriously complains about that hasn't read the TV forum where Thai-bashing is a daily occurrence. And that's ill mannered, as well.

Thai people don't automatically deserve any special degree of respect...nor do we farangs.

And finally...at least for now...are farangs sometimes used by Thais as walking ATMs? Without question. Do a sizable number of farang use Thai people as nothing more than cheap sex objects. Without question. Tit for tat, so to speak.

The Thais who make those snide remarks do so with the expectation that the farang cannot speak Thai. The TV-ites who make their snide and insulting remarks do so counting on the fact that almost no Thais read these columns. I'd be terribly embarrassed if they did. TV provides a wonderful service, as it is designed to do, but in response it is not "our" shining hour. Hypocrisy is alive and well.

I agree with most of the points above. I think it was the second poster in this thread that lives in Samui, made a point that I agree with too...

I too live on Samui, & associate with more Thai's than I do "farangs" or what I call LOSF (Land of Stupid Farangs). Those who prop up the bar everyday & lead a very boring life... or need to get a life! :D

Give respect to the Thai's & you'll get respect back... it takes time to earn sometimes, but I have the best neighbours I had any where, other Thai's I know are just great too... They help me I help them (not money btw)... just every day things, like helping weed the garden or what ever... sometimes the Thai's give me a beer or coffee, sometimes I give them one... They borrow my tools, I borrow theirs... it works well. :D

I think too many farangs like to make it a "one way street"... Expect to get everything & return nothing... :D I always found that when I used to holiday here, but know lived here for two years & find it no different, show respect & get respect back. :D

"almost no Thais read these columns. I'd be terribly embarrassed if they did". I would agree with this too... some times I show things from this forum to the Thai's I know, they just roll their eyes! :)

Enough said!

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I think it's fairer to say they put up with us. It is ofcourse better to learn the language, although be prepared to hear some things said that you won;t like!

This all said, i have met some of the nicest, kindest people here on Samui and you have to remember that every country have their "zenophobes". I still hold the opinion that if you are polite and respectful here you will have few if any problems and that certainly is not the case in many other countries.


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I too live on Samui, & associate with more Thai's than I do "farangs" or what I call LOSF (Land of Stupid Farangs). Those who prop up the bar everyday & lead a very boring life... or need to get a life! :)

Two other threads came to my mind as I read this. One thread somewhere asks whether farangs are mostly bored in Thailand.

Well, to each his own, of course. But I see farangs on the Skytrain everyday who clearly are here for one or two reasons. Cheap sex and/or booze. Funny how they almost always get on or off the Skytrain at Nana. To me -- boring, boring, boring. They remind me of my father after he retired and spent so much time drinking. Everyday around 3 p.m. he would get in his car and start the rounds -- the Moose Club, the VFW, Dennys (no, not the restaurant chain), Jakes, and a couple more. Black velvet, black velvet, black velvet. Boring.

One year when I was still a visitor, rather than a resident, I had a flat down at Sukhumvit Soi 65. For 7 weeks there were two American men who had a flat on the same floor. The door was usually open with a fairly steady stream of young (but legal) boys coming for...well, it wasn't intellectual stimulation. I never once saw them go out in 7 weeks. They ordered in for meals. Boring, boring, boring.

You put it so nicely -- LOSF (Land of Stupid Farangs). :D

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Many of the things that people are complaining about here have nothing to do with you being a farang, but are to do with you being a stranger in the village and much richer.

If a well off Bangkok Thai married a poor Issan girl and moved to her village and built a house that was better than most of the other houses he would face exactly the same issues of people gossiping about him, some of them being jealous and resentful and many approaching him for handouts or "loans"

A Thai friend of mine once met me for lunch and he was in a bad mood as he'd been stopped at a traffic light and had wound down his window to order some fruit from a seller by the side of the road. She's asked him for three times the normal price. When he asked why she said that because he drove a Mercedes he could afford it.

Exactly the same attitude they have to us, nothing to do with race.

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Unfortunately, this is one of the aggravations of living here. Farangs are usually expected to pay for everything. This does vary with the class of people and the nature of your relationship with them. It is a bit tiring to be constantly taken for granted. I had a GF for a few months, who was in nursing school and I paid for everything when I was with her and bought here several gifts, such as a camera, and mp3 player. After a few months, she dumped me for a Thai boy who lived near her school, in another city. Sadly, the guy died a few months later and she is now with no BF, but does have a full-time nursing job. We are still somewhat friends and talk on the phone regularly. However, I always pay for the calls and a couple of times she has asked me to send her money for her phone. I did this twice, but after the third request, I told her she had to pay me back. She refused. So much for any reciprocity with her. With many of them, there is no such thing.

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Unfortunately, this is one of the aggravations of living here. Farangs are usually expected to pay for everything. This does vary with the class of people and the nature of your relationship with them. It is a bit tiring to be constantly taken for granted. I had a GF for a few months, who was in nursing school and I paid for everything when I was with her and bought here several gifts, such as a camera, and mp3 player. After a few months, she dumped me for a Thai boy who lived near her school, in another city. Sadly, the guy died a few months later and she is now with no BF, but does have a full-time nursing job. We are still somewhat friends and talk on the phone regularly. However, I always pay for the calls and a couple of times she has asked me to send her money for her phone. I did this twice, but after the third request, I told her she had to pay me back. She refused. So much for any reciprocity with her. With many of them, there is no such thing.

Maybe you should stop dating trashy people. Also, i'd bet money the thai guy didn't have to pay anything (she probably footed most of the bill) while you were getting suckered in.

Edited by wintermute
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Unfortunately, this is one of the aggravations of living here. Farangs are usually expected to pay for everything. This does vary with the class of people and the nature of your relationship with them. It is a bit tiring to be constantly taken for granted. I had a GF for a few months, who was in nursing school and I paid for everything when I was with her and bought here several gifts, such as a camera, and mp3 player. After a few months, she dumped me for a Thai boy who lived near her school, in another city. Sadly, the guy died a few months later and she is now with no BF, but does have a full-time nursing job. We are still somewhat friends and talk on the phone regularly. However, I always pay for the calls and a couple of times she has asked me to send her money for her phone. I did this twice, but after the third request, I told her she had to pay me back. She refused. So much for any reciprocity with her. With many of them, there is no such thing.

Maybe you should stop dating trashy people. Also, i'd bet money the thai guy didn't have to pay anything (she probably footed most of the bill) while you were getting suckered in.

Somewhat cynical wintermute but nonetheless correct methinks :)

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Unfortunately, this is one of the aggravations of living here. Farangs are usually expected to pay for everything. This does vary with the class of people and the nature of your relationship with them. It is a bit tiring to be constantly taken for granted. I had a GF for a few months, who was in nursing school and I paid for everything when I was with her and bought here several gifts, such as a camera, and mp3 player. After a few months, she dumped me for a Thai boy who lived near her school, in another city. Sadly, the guy died a few months later and she is now with no BF, but does have a full-time nursing job. We are still somewhat friends and talk on the phone regularly. However, I always pay for the calls and a couple of times she has asked me to send her money for her phone. I did this twice, but after the third request, I told her she had to pay me back. She refused. So much for any reciprocity with her. With many of them, there is no such thing.

Maybe you should stop dating trashy people. Also, i'd bet money the thai guy didn't have to pay anything (she probably footed most of the bill) while you were getting suckered in.

Somewhat cynical wintermute but nonetheless correct methinks :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Its easy to think you are sure that someone is saying something negative about you when you have the language comprehension of a 1 year old baby but are in fact a fully grown adult.

Grow up, take things into your hands, learn Thai before you build a bloody house in some village somewhere. Dont expect respect for coming here knowing fuc_k all about anything and jumping in at the deep end.

Will, I think you make a very good point.

First of all, I'm not a Thai apologist, although I know I will be accused of it. But a few observations:

Are there Thais who make snide remarks about us farang? Without question. And a rude Thai person is ill mannered. But I'd say that anyone that seriously complains about that hasn't read the TV forum where Thai-bashing is a daily occurrence. And that's ill mannered, as well.

Thai people don't automatically deserve any special degree of respect...nor do we farangs.

And finally...at least for now...are farangs sometimes used by Thais as walking ATMs? Without question. Do a sizable number of farang use Thai people as nothing more than cheap sex objects. Without question. Tit for tat, so to speak.

The Thais who make those snide remarks do so with the expectation that the farang cannot speak Thai. The TV-ites who make their snide and insulting remarks do so counting on the fact that almost no Thais read these columns. I'd be terribly embarrassed if they did. TV provides a wonderful service, as it is designed to do, but in response it is not "our" shining hour. Hypocrisy is alive and well.

I agree with most of the points above. I think it was the second poster in this thread that lives in Samui, made a point that I agree with too...

I too live on Samui, & associate with more Thai's than I do "farangs" or what I call LOSF (Land of Stupid Farangs). Those who prop up the bar everyday & lead a very boring life... or need to get a life! :D

Give respect to the Thai's & you'll get respect back... it takes time to earn sometimes, but I have the best neighbours I had any where, other Thai's I know are just great too... They help me I help them (not money btw)... just every day things, like helping weed the garden or what ever... sometimes the Thai's give me a beer or coffee, sometimes I give them one... They borrow my tools, I borrow theirs... it works well. :D

I think too many farangs like to make it a "one way street"... Expect to get everything & return nothing... :D I always found that when I used to holiday here, but know lived here for two years & find it no different, show respect & get respect back. :D

"almost no Thais read these columns. I'd be terribly embarrassed if they did". I would agree with this too... some times I show things from this forum to the Thai's I know, they just roll their eyes! :)

Enough said!

I agree with your assessment of the situation, these people have not had any interaction with the normal Thai population outside of the bar scene. Then they make a value judgment based on their bar scene exploits.

I live in a Thai village, among the nicest, honest , giving and friendliest people That I have had the pleasure of knowing.

Get off your bar stools, if you want to meet the people of Thailand.


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Some do. Some don't. But few farang ever become equal in the minds of the hi-so Thais anyway.

Couldn't agree more and for me it's one of the all time Thai delusional classics. Where they got to think they are looking down on everyone else on the planet god only knows. They think they landed on the moon, discovered gun powder and just about any other of man's weighted achievements on this planet. I'd imagine the Hi-So think The Collider was Thai built too.

This is exactly why they are going nowhere fast, except now playing catch up to the likes of Vietnam. Priceless.

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Unfortunately, this is one of the aggravations of living here. Farangs are usually expected to pay for everything. This does vary with the class of people and the nature of your relationship with them. It is a bit tiring to be constantly taken for granted. I had a GF for a few months, who was in nursing school and I paid for everything when I was with her and bought here several gifts, such as a camera, and mp3 player. After a few months, she dumped me for a Thai boy who lived near her school, in another city. Sadly, the guy died a few months later and she is now with no BF, but does have a full-time nursing job. We are still somewhat friends and talk on the phone regularly. However, I always pay for the calls and a couple of times she has asked me to send her money for her phone. I did this twice, but after the third request, I told her she had to pay me back. She refused. So much for any reciprocity with her. With many of them, there is no such thing.

Maybe you should stop dating trashy people. Also, i'd bet money the thai guy didn't have to pay anything (she probably footed most of the bill) while you were getting suckered in.

Somewhat cynical wintermute but nonetheless correct methinks :)

Funny how its presumed that the Thai guy would get supported, instead of him maybe having more to offer (including money) than the Western guy. Maybe she was using the Thai guy for money, maybe she was genuinely interested in him. Im fed up reading the presumptions about Thai men beng poor/lazy/etc etc. Thai men can get stung in relationships too you know. There are many Thai men who are bigger catches financially and looks wise than western men. Some Thai men even get left holding the baby whilst the wife goes off doing her own thing (might even be the wife of some girl you meet who complains that "Thai man no good"..while her "brother" and family are in the background taking care of her baby). Some women are not nice, some men are not nice. This is NOT exclusive to Thailand. Dont even start me on the bedroom/"size" stuff..because thats another stupid false rumour perpetuated on Thaivisa. Anyway, im kinda wondering why guys buy such expensive gifts like mp3 players and phones and whatnot within a few months of dating girls tbh anyway. That kind of thing just encourages gold diggers.

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From a Thai point of view ok?

No I do not hate foreigners, but I don't favour you guys either.

I think foreigners are welcome to live in Thailand, I never heard anyone say they want you out or don't wan't foreigner as a neighbour. In fact you guys probably make a good neighbour. You should be glad you got a chance to work/live in Thailand. It's a beautiful country with beautiful people. Of course some people try to take advantage of you, but we have good and bad people just like anywhere else. About the f word ( Farang it is ) The term is used for hundreds of years, most of thais don't even know that u find it offensive and I don't think they plan to replace it with a new word in Thai dictionary soon. Thai people like you or not, depends if your glass is half full or half empty.

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I like to think of it this way:

My daughter wants to marry a guy. To find out if he is the right one for her I need to talk to him, find out his values, beliefs, dreams ambitions and intentions in life. I can't do this because he doesn't speak the language of the country we all live in but I cant stand in the way of the marriage for the potential good of the family.

I also know my daughter can't have any sort of in-depth discussion about feelings with my potential son-in-law. I have to trust her judgement. Judgement with no basis because she doesn't have the language skills needed to really know this man.

What the hel_l do you guys expect?

I need a 'healthy' sex life but for longevity I need to have discussions and disagreements with my partners.

This wont apply to most readers on here because you dont have bar girls, you wont be having such problems with your university graguates :)

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The problem is, many Farangs spend their entire time in Thailand only ever meeting Thai people as a customer in business transactions.

This includes all people who are involved with bar girls, including most who ended up marrying one. If you meet a girl in a bar, she is at work. Starting a relationship in this situation is rather like having a double-glazing salesman visit and inviting him down the pub for a drink. Because the interaction started as a business-to-customer relationship, it will continue to be so.

Then there are others who have not partaken in the bar scene but simply live here and only ever meet other Farangs. These people do not interact socially with Thai people at all. The only time they speak or interact is when they are buying something.

I dont believe any person is qualified to comment on the nature of Thai people unless they regularly socialize with local people. This probably excludes many people on this forum.

I have been married to a Thai lady for 20 years and not once has her family ever asked for anything. In fact its actually difficult to get them to allow me to pay the bill in a restaurant or some such situation. She is from the same middle-class background as I am which helps.

When doing business, People will price their goods/services according to their perceived ability of the customer to pay. This is good business practice and is done everywhere, especially by smaller suppliers (I know as I run a business). Its true to say that in Thailand this rises to a level which is far too overt, ie the dreaded dual-pricing. Targetted pricing does not work if the person paying the higher price knows he is doing so.

But this is not a problem for a Farang who has sound Thai social connections, as the Thai wife/friend can make the transaction.

But the OP was referring more to acquaintances and family asking for money. Simply put, that means they are the wrong type of friends/family, and I would suspect that goes back to the manner in which the relationship first started.

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some times I show things from this forum to the Thai's I know, they just roll their eyes! :)

Enough said!

and then there are silly Thais like me, who subject myself to this almost on an everyday basis :D

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The staring part can be a pain but it doesn't hurt. I have been to the darkest areas of Thailand and I came to see that Thais are not worldly. They have no idea about other races and countries. My wife was surprised to see black policemen in the UK.

As for buying beer, this is my rule of thumb. If I am drinking I am happy to share. If I am not drinking, then I won't buy any. I like cold coke, so when I spent time in wifeys village, I took some extra and poured it for the kids. The adults who did not want any seemed to enjoy it through the kids.

At the end of the day, i don't care what people think of me.

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I have another Thai story to tell all of you that are considered ATM's .

I am getting up in age,where I do not have the best balance in the land, I stopped driving motorbikes because of my spells of poor balance. I wanted to add a side car on our house bike but was told that 3 wheelers are hard to handle.

My wife remembered that they had a 19 year old Honda Dream, stored under the mothers house for the last decade. We pulled it out it was in pretty bad shape ,but we took it home and washed 10 years of dust off of it.

My neighbors son, fixes motorbikes and does welding for a living, We ask him if he could get the bike in running shape, he said yes with about 2,500 baht in new parts. He disassembled the bike completely and rebuild the motor- got it running like new in a few days. Also it cost a couple of thousand baht for the iron to built the side cart. the job was done.

My wife asked him how much we owned him for his labor



His bill came to 600 baht! My wife gave him 1,000. baht.

When I asked her how much he charged her, She said 600 but she gave him 1,000.

I do not take advantage of people, I thought it was out of line 1000. baht for all the work he did ,it was still low but I gave him another 1,000.. He refused to take it.

I finally got him to take the money but he said he would come over with some friends and he would buy the whiskey and eats.

We had a great time and I think in the end I made a killing, a good as new rebuilt bike and a side car for the total price of 6.500 baht.

He was more than happy with the payment for his labor.

I do not understand the "all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" I have found out the opposite is closer to the truth!


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I have another Thai story to tell all of you that are considered ATM's .

I am getting up in age,where I do not have the best balance in the land, I stopped driving motorbikes because of my spells of poor balance. I wanted to add a side car on our house bike but was told that 3 wheelers are hard to handle.

My wife remembered that they had a 19 year old Honda Dream, stored under the mothers house for the last decade. We pulled it out it was in pretty bad shape ,but we took it home and washed 10 years of dust off of it.

My neighbors son, fixes motorbikes and does welding for a living, We ask him if he could get the bike in running shape, he said yes with about 2,500 baht in new parts. He disassembled the bike completely and rebuild the motor- got it running like new in a few days. Also it cost a couple of thousand baht for the iron to built the side cart. the job was done.

My wife asked him how much we owned him for his labor



His bill came to 600 baht! My wife gave him 1,000. baht.

When I asked her how much he charged her, She said 600 but she gave him 1,000.

I do not take advantage of people, I thought it was out of line 1000. baht for all the work he did ,it was still low but I gave him another 1,000.. He refused to take it.

I finally got him to take the money but he said he would come over with some friends and he would buy the whiskey and eats.

We had a great time and I think in the end I made a killing, a good as new rebuilt bike and a side car for the total price of 6.500 baht.

He was more than happy with the payment for his labor.

I do not understand the "all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" I have found out the opposite is closer to the truth!


A good post. I agree taht not all Thais are crooks and just after your money or atm card

Then you spoil it in your last sentence when you imply that because of your few examples - no Thais are after your atm.

The truth is some ( the majority from posters experiences) are after the atm; some ( a minority) are not.

Just reflecting posters views.

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Reading threads like this convinces me that it is better to stay away from the marriage scene for our own sake.

Remember: you never marry a girl - you marry into the whole family (and sometimes also their neighbours and neighbours' neighbours :) ). I love the expression 'extended family'. :D

I am married but agree that if you marry a girl you marry her family. My Thai Wife lives In my country with me and I like her to be part of my family for better or Worse same as she expects me when we are in Thailand. For most people family is the most important thing to them so respect on both sides is essential for a happy marriage.

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I have another Thai story to tell all of you that are considered ATM's .

I am getting up in age,where I do not have the best balance in the land, I stopped driving motorbikes because of my spells of poor balance. I wanted to add a side car on our house bike but was told that 3 wheelers are hard to handle.

My wife remembered that they had a 19 year old Honda Dream, stored under the mothers house for the last decade. We pulled it out it was in pretty bad shape ,but we took it home and washed 10 years of dust off of it.

My neighbors son, fixes motorbikes and does welding for a living, We ask him if he could get the bike in running shape, he said yes with about 2,500 baht in new parts. He disassembled the bike completely and rebuild the motor- got it running like new in a few days. Also it cost a couple of thousand baht for the iron to built the side cart. the job was done.

My wife asked him how much we owned him for his labor



His bill came to 600 baht! My wife gave him 1,000. baht.

When I asked her how much he charged her, She said 600 but she gave him 1,000.

I do not take advantage of people, I thought it was out of line 1000. baht for all the work he did ,it was still low but I gave him another 1,000.. He refused to take it.

I finally got him to take the money but he said he would come over with some friends and he would buy the whiskey and eats.

We had a great time and I think in the end I made a killing, a good as new rebuilt bike and a side car for the total price of 6.500 baht.

He was more than happy with the payment for his labor.

I do not understand the "all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" I have found out the opposite is closer to the truth!


A good post. I agree taht not all Thais are crooks and just after your money or atm card

Then you spoil it in your last sentence when you imply that because of your few examples - no Thais are after your atm.

The truth is some ( the majority from posters experiences) are after the atm; some ( a minority) are not.

Just reflecting posters views.

You, misread my post again, I said "I do not understand the all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" I found the opposite closer to the truth !

Please point out where I said no Thais are after your ATM. You misread my post!

"I found out the opposite is closer to the Truth" my Opinion of my Experience with the Thai population.

Also That I do not desire to be included in the "us" or "we" in the OPs statement "Do Thai people even like "us"? or Are "we" just ATMs".

Out of the untold thousands of farangs in Thailand, and the great number of members , 176 members responded to this post, out of 6,434 who viewed the post. Not all responses were negative.

In my opinion I would not consider that a majority. I am just posting to my views ,again in my Opinion!


Edited by kikoman
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I have another Thai story to tell all of you that are considered ATM's .

I am getting up in age,where I do not have the best balance in the land, I stopped driving motorbikes because of my spells of poor balance. I wanted to add a side car on our house bike but was told that 3 wheelers are hard to handle.

My wife remembered that they had a 19 year old Honda Dream, stored under the mothers house for the last decade. We pulled it out it was in pretty bad shape ,but we took it home and washed 10 years of dust off of it.

My neighbors son, fixes motorbikes and does welding for a living, We ask him if he could get the bike in running shape, he said yes with about 2,500 baht in new parts. He disassembled the bike completely and rebuild the motor- got it running like new in a few days. Also it cost a couple of thousand baht for the iron to built the side cart. the job was done.

My wife asked him how much we owned him for his labor



His bill came to 600 baht! My wife gave him 1,000. baht.

When I asked her how much he charged her, She said 600 but she gave him 1,000.

I do not take advantage of people, I thought it was out of line 1000. baht for all the work he did ,it was still low but I gave him another 1,000.. He refused to take it.

I finally got him to take the money but he said he would come over with some friends and he would buy the whiskey and eats.

We had a great time and I think in the end I made a killing, a good as new rebuilt bike and a side car for the total price of 6.500 baht.

He was more than happy with the payment for his labor.

I do not understand the "all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" I have found out the opposite is closer to the truth!


A good post. I agree taht not all Thais are crooks and just after your money or atm card

Then you spoil it in your last sentence when you imply that because of your few examples - no Thais are after your atm.

The truth is some ( the majority from posters experiences) are after the atm; some ( a minority) are not.

Just reflecting posters views.

You, misread my post again, I said "I do not understand the all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" I found the opposite closer to the truth !

Please point out where I said no Thais are after your ATM. You misread my post!

"I found out the opposite is closer to the Truth" my Opinion of my Experience with the Thai population.

Also That I do not desire to be included in the "us" or "we" in the OPs statement "Do Thai people even like "us"? or Are "we" just ATMs".

Out of the untold thousands of farangs in Thailand, and the great number of members , 176 members responded to this post, out of 6,434 who viewed the post. Not all responses were negative.

In my opinion I would not consider that a majority. I am just posting to my views ,again in my Opinion!


Chill out. Read my reply again more carefully

Your last sentence was confusingly worded to say the least. You say you found the opposite closer to the truth. The opposite of " I do not understand the "all Thais see us as ATM's crowd" " is of course " I understand the "all Thais see us as atm's crowd " "

I don't think you meant that. I think you meant that not all Thais see us as atms. I agree with that and if you read my post you will see that I made that point quite clearly in agreeing with most of your post.

As for "untold thousands of farangs", 176 members ( I think you mean posts) and 6434 views - those numbers would not indicate a majority or minority view. You don't know the opinions of those who only view the thread or of the untold thousands of farangs.

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