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Am I delusional or has the number of postings dropped off in the last few days? Dr PP you have a handle on the figures in this regard...what do you say?

With security services from all over the world descending, all electronic media is probably under scrutiny...including this forum. Could my remark on another thread regarding 'western culinary imperialism' be construed as supporting terrorism?

Maybe just being paranoid...

if not...they can prepare their crown of thorns and rough hewn crucifiction apparatus and later some shall say...'he died for our sins...'

Am I delusional or has the number of postings dropped off in the last few days?

How can I do a posting, when the TV is on and shows GWB live from Manila (Saturday afternoon) and at the same time helicoptors flying overhead with 3 guys on each side hanging their legs out and balancing some guns which do not look to me to be waterguns.

Btw, GW looked a bit pale in Manila. Wonder what Koizumi gave him for dinner the night b4, guess no steak more sushi and sake(?). Maybe only jet-leg, looked a bit better last night in BKK.


Yes, protect us all and make us feel safe.

Now without joke, I read of one fellow, director of an institute for systematical architecture at a technical university. Developed a system that leaves you really anonymos on the net. The idea behind is to stop spam, you do not leave an IP-address that can identify you. The software connects with a mix and codes your data in such a way, mixed with other, that nobody can trace you, not even the provider of the software He must be really good, the local police appeared to confiscate the software and various courts are now involved. The police working together with FBI, Europol and National High Tech Crime in London claims their work (against child porn crime) will be nullified. Brings the interesting question, do all internet-users have to suffer for the police hunting these (sick) criminals. A final court decision is pending and could cancel a computer resaerch for which government org. sponsored close to 1 million US$. On the other hand, a final court order might be useless, the server is in Europe, at least one mixer is in New York, outside the local jurisdiction.

If interestedit's called Java Anon Proxy and is free. So you can log into ThaiVisa and nobody knows you, unless you leave your address in the profile. He He He

click: http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html


any way to get the source?  :o

Francois, I got this first through a computer-science report and search the internet. The link I gave yesterday works, there are English-language releases etc.

Believe the basic issue is protection of individuals against the right of forces against criminal elements. Believe it is hard work, I leave this to the next generation...

Here the link once again:


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