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Racism In The Village


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Tiger woods mum is Thai, he was named after a family friend from vietnam.

So what about the child mong, thailand only changed their minds due to press pressure.

President obama is concerned about human rights issues in thailand.

HAVE you not seen the way thais laugh at indian people

I really cant believe some people here can say thailand not racist you are mad or have been here too long.

Just ask any neighbouring country if thailand is racist towards them and you will hopefully understand!!

Very true. I have just returned from a trip to Malaysia. The Thais are seen as more rascist than other Asean countries

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They say everyone's ancestors are from Africa..

...."they"? Who dat? They.

The OP is a newbie trying to get some common sense opinions from those who have more experience of living in Thailand, than he hits across a smartarse remark on a public forum from a total pratt like you.

Agreed , sassienie.

Newbie attacks may not happen so much if the post count was not made visible. Just a thought. !

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However I CAN say AS a BLACK MAN living in Thailand I have seen MUCH less racism here than in the States, and the only racism directed at me here for being Black came from White expats not Thais.

Do you live in a village or a city Huey? They are 2 different worlds.

I have actually known 2 Thai women that were married to black men tell me that they do not want a baby with their husband, because they don't want a black baby. Sad isn't it?

I live in the City, my wife and Family have lived in Bangkok, for at least 4 Generations. Ok, as for the peasant dregs you mentioned I can't comment on because I personally have not experienced this. My wife is begging me for kids, she loves my son from my first marragie like he was her own, and the whole family has shown us nothing but love and respect. I mean big respect, sometimes I think more than I deserve to be honest. And everyone keeps proding us about when are we gonna give them some, grand babies, cousins, neices, nephews..ect.

So I don't know really, the circles I choose to move in rarely have the kind of illterate back woods scum that would be so bigoted as to feel as the folks you mentioned.

And really as the years go by I see that I am exposed to less and less on a personal level.

So I stand by my previous advice to the OP (assuming he is real and not a silly cockmunching troll :)) In my shoes the trail is clear.

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there is a strange kind of racism in Thailand, but usual a kind you can live with.

Things I really heard:

Manager in my company: All the Chinese are dirty and cheating. 5 min later: we give only credit to Chinese owned companies because they pay different to the Thai owned.

My wife learned in school: If you have a snake and an Indian, you need to kill the Indian first. But highly appreciate Indian Food, clothes art and culture

Germans are stupid: But try to buy German products because they are much better than Thai products

etc etc etc

Similar for black people.....

So terrible racists who generally love and regard foreigner :):D

Winston Churchill once said 'I like pigs.... Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals'.

Thais are sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, but never pigs.

Very true in my experience, wow

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thai are ethnocentric and slightly xenophobic. they prefer homogenity; and yes, i can say that, even though my hsuband is very dark skinned almost black even for issaan standards, he talks more in stereotypes about blacks but differentiates between african blacks and hip/hop american stereotyped blacks. when in actual contact however, he seems pretty colour blind and i suspect that most thai, if u can provide the sanook, and u are easygoing and not stuck up, will accept u as u are no matter what colour. the racism is more in knee jerk stereo types that uneducated people will say until they actually meet someone. im still trying to explain the idfference between jews and muslems to my bannork family :)) (both groups dont eat pork and both circumcise boys. there the sameness ends). i still get the 'jews are kee niew -scrooges' comments. but i got the same in the american midwest too. but no one is going to lynch u, tar and feather u, or call u 'boy' *unless that is your thai nickname, its a popular one*... you might get asked about the size of your '**; but here in israel people ask me that about my husband's also *is it true that asians are small?* ,

and let your wife handle the bigots idiots, and nasties. just smile, and ignore. or turn things in to jokes. if your immediate family has no problems iwth you, then what the rest of the town says in not important. ah, and to assimilate: u can never assimilate since u arent thai, but u can learn to speak thai, eat the food, join in the fun and that will break the ice. if u lock yourself up in the a/c , sit on a chair in the corner, and look dark and gloomy, no one will like u regardless of skin colour.



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That was great advise bina and pretty much spot on. Especially about the racism historically being MUCH worse in the US. But the OP has the added issue of having a child there as well. And while it's easy as grown men to "brush the dirt off your shoulder" when approached by such ignorance, it's tougher for the kid to get his head around.

Do you have children with your Thai husband? If so how are they treated there in isreal and how about when you come here?

Actually with this last point I am reminded of my Barber (a Thai Woman). Damm she's good, as good as any black barber I went to in the States (Cutting Black/African hair is a different skill set from other hair, a barber isn't going to be able to cut it correctly without practice).

Anyway she's great, and her Husband is from Sudan, and they have a young girl around 11 or 12yrs old. To me she looks almost wholly Black, like Black American, not the deep Umber color of her African father, but say around Beyonce's complexion or a lil darker, her ever so almond shaped eyes give her full heritage away.

Her mother (my barber) would tell me how she complained about going to school here because the girls teased her about being chunky and black (being a big girl doesn't help no matter what color you are).

She said they would call her "Ouan Dum" all the time and tease her about her color saying she wasn't pretty. I can personally say she is a adorable child, chunky, but very cute.

So recently she went to Sudan and Cameroon with relatives of her father, where she studies in private schooling. She doesn't want to come back, they say there they love her and say she is beautiful and treat her kindly.

So, that being said, for kids...well I don't know. At the same time a Nigerian man and his Thai wife lived in my development and his kids a boy and a girl, (once again beautiful kids) seem to get along great, they are surrounded by their Thai friends and Play around all day. From the outside I don't see any adjustment issues at all.

Edited by Huey
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  • 3 months later...

I have experienced no racism here as I did in the U.S. Thais treat me great when I visit a Thai home they always get me a drink,a chair to sit on and a fan to keep me comfortable.

You will be treated in the village as you accept and treat others, if you are a a-hole that is how you will be treated, you must give respect to gain respect. You as a black man will attract a lot of attention in the village, I as a Mexican do only because of my size 6'2' and 260 lbs , I am different then any other person in my village, Thais are very ,honest ,decent hardworking people, much unlike those you meet in tourist areas of the country, where people go because the falangs and the money is there.

Treated like a God , No! Treated with respect is going to be related as how you treat others !

Good Luck !

Cheers: :)

Edited by kikoman
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Having lived here for many years now, I find this to be very true. It does help to have money. The more money you have the more respect they will give you. It also helps to have good manners (in the eyes of Thais), and respect local customs and practices. There is a black man in the neighborhood. He appears to be wealthy. But I am not sure if he has many friend. Participate in as many community events as possible and if possible - become a chao phab or host or sponsor for one of these events.

Winston Churchill once said 'I like pigs.... Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals'.

Thais are sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, but never pigs.

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Having lived here for many years now, I find this to be very true. It does help to have money. The more money you have the more respect they will give you. It also helps to have good manners (in the eyes of Thais), and respect local customs and practices. There is a black man in the neighborhood. He appears to be wealthy. But I am not sure if he has many friend. Participate in as many community events as possible and if possible - become a chao phab or host or sponsor for one of these events.
Winston Churchill once said 'I like pigs.... Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals'.

Thais are sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, but never pigs.

so to get along in the village , one needs to be an ATM...................yuck!!!!!!!!!

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Typical reaction from someone who hasn't been around Thailand for a long time. Do you know what a chao phab is? Probably not. Did I say that one needs to be an ATM and fork out money to people lining up at your gate? I certainly did not. Having money does not mean spending it freely as well. There are other ways to let other people know that you have the means and resources with out being vulgar about it. I am not talking about having an automatic gate opener or having those gaudy cast iron fences around your house.

There are other ways to show class and status without having it announced on the community PA system.

so to get along in the village , one needs to be an ATM...................yuck!!!!!!!!!
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you really need to state a position and stand by it.

first its good to show you have money and sponsor stuff just to get in good with the peeps, then you change position.

ive seen village life you give money-everyone happy----------soon you wont be!

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dont think money has a lot to do with it actually; im as poor as they come, and a woman too... but i eat whatever is put in front of me no matter what, i coo over others' babies, i give respect to the little old ladies and men even if i cant stand to see the betel juice running down their toothless mouths, and smile a lot... ive not lived in a village in thailand, but living in a small town (kibbutz) is pretty much the same... and in husband's village i had no problems other then people bugging me why im not pregant yet...

bte, huey, no, no kids (too old, although poeple here love the mixed look, as long as the kid is jewish :)) and since i am by birht, no worries there)...

ben 11, u are new... read thru a bit before responding right away...

money is a big deal if u make it a big deal thats all... and sposoring is a nice thing to do.. i think im listed somewhere on a part of the village wat since we did a tamboon here for hubby's village wat falling apart. obviously we gave a large amount (in thai baht, not so large in shekels)so people recognized that, but we dont make a big fuss about it. could be that hubby's attitude is pretty much 'mai son jai' about what others think of him or me...



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there is a strange kind of racism in Thailand, but usual a kind you can live with.

Things I really heard:

Manager in my company: All the Chinese are dirty and cheating. 5 min later: we give only credit to Chinese owned companies because they pay different to the Thai owned.

My wife learned in school: If you have a snake and an Indian, you need to kill the Indian first. But highly appreciate Indian Food, clothes art and culture

Germans are stupid: But try to buy German products because they are much better than Thai products

etc etc etc

Similar for black people.....

So terrible racists who generally love and regard foreigner :):D

Winston Churchill once said 'I like pigs.... Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals'.

Thais are sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, but never pigs.

You know that Winston Churchill was the last white man to be called, Winston.

And as for living in Thailand, only one way to find out if Thailand is for you, is to test the water and see.

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Of course the majority are Racialist,and often delivered with arrogance.

Seems they have two choices for the future, change views or stay poor!

You mean its only the poor that are racialist (racist) thank <deleted> for that as i never mix with peasants anyway.

If you look for it youll sure find it.

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If you really want to assimilate with the Village People, I'd suggest you look for alternative costumes to

1 the leatherman

2 the cop

3 the cowboy

4 the indian (native american to those PC chappies) :)

5 the construction worker

6 the GI

Might I suggest an air steward costume or a hairdressers uniform? :D:D

Not sure there are too many YMCAs in Thai villages though.

Seriously, I wish you well in your move.

Start as you mean to go on. Be polite, learn the culture, take care not to offend, always remember you're a guest here. Never ever lose your temper, or use violence on a Thai, because once you do, you will never be respected. Every place on earth has their share of dick_heads, including Thai villages, do what you'd do at home - steer clear of them.

Good Luck

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It's important to know the difference betwen racism and ignorance. Many Thais are just ignorant when it comes to political correctness and are not racist in the true Alabama cotton picking sense of the word.

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Although I suspect the OP for Trolling, the discussion is interesting as always.

I think the Thais have their fair share of racism as we find in most (if not all) countries in the world.

They might have a different way to show it maybe.

But nevertheless, I dont think they are more racists then other nationalities.

Having said that, it is quite strange to witness some of the stigma towards mixed children here (not everywhere of course), and then funnily enough many of them end up as pop/movie stars later in life because many Thais think they look so beautiful with their noses and skin color.

Maybe this stigma is more a jealosy issue?

Regarding Tiger Woods.

I think he pissed of quite a few people here when he some years ago was in Thailand to play golf and was awarded some sort of honorary title from, a university I think it was.

He didnt have time so he sent someone else to pick it up for him.

Very humiliating for the one giving him the award/title.

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