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What Is Happening To Our T. News Clippings


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Is it just me or are there other members who are sick of the constant reports in both the media and this section relating to Thaksin and his latest ploy to gleen publicy.

He is after all an exiled crook and yes we all know his ability to constantly grab the headlines with his unprincipled self interests.

This at the expense of Thailand and it,s loyal law abiding citizens as it always is / was.

This should once and for all prove what the crook will stoop to in support of his egotism.

Why do we have to get sucked into what is unfolding, especially as it is all about one subject matter as far as Thaksin is concerned.

Self! Self! Self! ect. ect. ect. and all it encapsulates.

Is Thaksin resident in Thailand ? NO

Is he the present PM ? NO

Does he have the countries interests at heart ? No

Are His reassurances regarding his loyalty to Thailand and it,s citizens genuine ? NO

Is what he and his cronies are presently doing harmful to Thailand and undermining it,s citizens and it,s institutions ? YES

Thaksin needs putting on a back burner along with his self enriching publicity machine and his devious, unprincipled objectives in all the media outlets.

Thailand is very important and so are it,s many local ongoing problems within the country, reporting on these will / would be far more helpful.

This doesn,t mean taking the eye off the Thai / Cambodia scenario either, but it doesn,t make sense to concentrate soley on what it is about and for whom the long term benefit it is in aid of.

Headlines should mostly be about Thailand that relate to local problems ( as in this country ) and what is going on HERE

This is not a questioning of Thai Visa, merely a personal observation of the constant reporting of what is after all one mans totally unscrupulous desire to create as much havock as he can, to further his dishonest intentions and keep his name in the forefront.

The debates need to move away from providing him with yet another outlet that is highlighting all he is doing and concentrating on more important subject matter

IMHO as always of course.

War is not to easy a word I like to use, but this lowlife will stop at nothing to reach his sinister and harmful objectives for himself and his cronies / puppets.

Thailand will be the looser, should he not be taken off the front pages and the constant hogging of the media headlines.

marshbags :)

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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

and what kind of news news do you expect in news clippings?

If the main story is on Mr. T/Cambodia/thailand. of course every media in Thailand will publish these stories - printed or online.

Cant see your point here.

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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

and what kind of news news do you expect in news clippings?

If the main story is on Mr. T/Cambodia/thailand. of course every media in Thailand will publish these stories - printed or online.

Cant see your point here.

For more than two years the media has been focused only on this topic, red, yellow and so. Ok, it's relatively easy reporting, just note-taking by reporters and makes for great big red headlines on the front page of the Nation. But take a look through the newsclipping section of TV, at any given time there are 10-20 threads about this topic, all saying the same thing essentially.

Are there not any other news issues in the country worth commenting on? Thankfully the Nuclear Power issue and Chang beer stories popped-up yesterday to break the monopoly.

Like I mentioned though, TV can only comment on what the Newspapers (the Nation publishes) and that's a pity. In a way it's a bit like a criticism I have of BBC / CNN and breaking news of so-called big stories - seems to be an over reliance on qualifying 'newsworthy events' based on where a particular news service has a foothold or interest. Just my humble opinion.

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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

Exactly and on thai tele almost every day too

But ask yourself Marshbags, who is promoting this constant news propaganda. You can't blame Taksin can you for as you say he is not here. You can't blame him as prime minister because as you say he is not pm or in government. You can't blame his supporters because they do not control the media.

Have a think about it.

Is the parallel with BBC or CNN accuarate. They dont as far as I know broadcast the same story daily on a one-sided basis.

Cameron and Brown get regularly bashed on different topics; but it is not all out propaganda againstb one person. IMO as Marshbags would say.

Edited by caf
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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

Exactly and on thai tele almost every day too

But ask yourself Marshbags, who is promoting this constant news propaganda. You can't blame Taksin can you for as you say he is not here. You can't blame him as prime minister because as you say he is not pm or in government. You can't blame his supporters because they do not control the media.

Have a think about it.

Is the parallel with BBC or CNN accuarate. They dont as far as I know broadcast the same story daily on a one-sided basis.

Cameron and Brown get regularly bashed on different topics; but it is not all out propaganda againstb one person. IMO as Marshbags would say.

Well it could be easy to say that today's news media has its own agenda, I believe much of it is down to apathy. When is the last time you saw investigative journalism in either English daily here?

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Members are welcome to publish Thailand related news in General and request it be moved to news Clippings by using the report button.

We have restrictions, certain news organizations are not allowed on the site (if you have questions as to whether or not your post is allowed please ask a mod before posting), and generally, it is suggested that only the first three lines and a link are allowed unless it is an article from The Nation, Phuket Gazette, MCOT/TNA, The Chiang Mai Mail, NBT/Andaman Times, The Pattaya Mail, Pattaya Times, and Pattaya One which allow quoting in full

always cite your source and include a link.

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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

Exactly and on thai tele almost every day too

But ask yourself Marshbags, who is promoting this constant news propaganda. You can't blame Taksin can you for as you say he is not here. You can't blame him as prime minister because as you say he is not pm or in government. You can't blame his supporters because they do not control the media.

Have a think about it.

Is the parallel with BBC or CNN accuarate. They dont as far as I know broadcast the same story daily on a one-sided basis.

Cameron and Brown get regularly bashed on different topics; but it is not all out propaganda againstb one person. IMO as Marshbags would say.

Well it could be easy to say that today's news media has its own agenda, I believe much of it is down to apathy. When is the last time you saw investigative journalism in either English daily here?

I don't think I ever have to be honest.

My point is who is putting these "stories" up? It does not happen in the UK press.

It can't be the pro-taksin lobby as they don't have the clout. i don't buy scea's point about it being a mob either.

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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

Exactly and on thai tele almost every day too

But ask yourself Marshbags, who is promoting this constant news propaganda. You can't blame Taksin can you for as you say he is not here. You can't blame him as prime minister because as you say he is not pm or in government. You can't blame his supporters because they do not control the media.

Have a think about it.

Is the parallel with BBC or CNN accuarate. They dont as far as I know broadcast the same story daily on a one-sided basis.

Cameron and Brown get regularly bashed on different topics; but it is not all out propaganda againstb one person. IMO as Marshbags would say.

Well it could be easy to say that today's news media has its own agenda, I believe much of it is down to apathy. When is the last time you saw investigative journalism in either English daily here?

That's just the problem, there is little or no investigative journalism here in Thailand. Just a constant tirade against a Prime Minister who was illegally removed by a coup, convicted 'in absentia' by what would appear to be a politically pressued Court. What happened to the reporter who had apparantly non orchestrated interview with Thaksin on his talk back programme? He was immediately sacked. That is why whilst the powers that be control the media in this Country, both sides of the story will never be told.

Thank goodness for TV and other forums that can give a diffrent point of view.

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Unfortunately it's a sad reflection of the what's covered in our newspapers here.

And another reason why I don't read the first 3 pages of either.

Exactly and on thai tele almost every day too

But ask yourself Marshbags, who is promoting this constant news propaganda. You can't blame Taksin can you for as you say he is not here. You can't blame him as prime minister because as you say he is not pm or in government. You can't blame his supporters because they do not control the media.

Have a think about it.

Is the parallel with BBC or CNN accuarate. They dont as far as I know broadcast the same story daily on a one-sided basis.

Cameron and Brown get regularly bashed on different topics; but it is not all out propaganda againstb one person. IMO as Marshbags would say.

Well it could be easy to say that today's news media has its own agenda, I believe much of it is down to apathy. When is the last time you saw investigative journalism in either English daily here?

That's just the problem, there is little or no investigative journalism here in Thailand. Just a constant tirade against a Prime Minister who was illegally removed by a coup, convicted 'in absentia' by what would appear to be a politically pressued Court. What happened to the reporter who had apparantly non orchestrated interview with Thaksin on his talk back programme? He was immediately sacked. That is why whilst the powers that be control the media in this Country, both sides of the story will never be told.

Thank goodness for TV and other forums that can give a diffrent point of view.


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To all you out there who are able to read Thai script:

Are there really no stories in the Thai papers/magazines that could be of interest to us TV users, stories with no direct relation to Thaksin, yellow and red shirts? If yes, could we maybe get a translation of these?

I know the investigative journalism in this country, eh, still has some potential to improve, but I imagine there may be good stories out there which The Nation etc. don't deem newsworthy for farang. I hope at least.

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The trouble with the anti-Thaksin mob is they want less Thaksin news and more of their anti-Thaksin opinions.

Completely right on sceadugenga! clap2.gif

I agree with you and the OP; the whole Thaksin mania reminds me of the McCarthy era in the US.......and the so called McCarthyism* :D

* "McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence."



IMO the smear- and hate campaign against Thaksin, by the government, yellow-shirted followers and some people on blogs and forums, is not fed by Thaksin's wrongdoings but because of his immense popularity amongst the rural Thai and his ever growing (financial) power.

He simply had to be removed, one way or another since he was too big, too rich and too popular in the eyes of the happy few behind the velvet Thai curtains.

The government (although they claim different) do NOT want him back in the country, in- or outside a prison.

Inside a prison his popularity as a "martyr" (amongst the rural people) could grow to immense proportions with all the danger in that popularity itself.

That aside, Mr. Thaksin simply knows too much and if put into a prison, he will take a lot of Hi-So people down with him.

But, coming back to the OP:

Yes, too many Thaksin topics is too much for simple souls, like myself :D

Some time ago I suggested to a well respected member of Administration to consider creating a special forum, just for Thai Laws, politics and (ex) politicians.

It would give a lot of fresh air in the normal Thai News Clippings (if there is such a thing as normal Thai News :) )


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Thaksin. Trendy and fashionable. But yet still very fascinating and moct certainly a place for the continuing saturation. It will pass {for those finding it undesirably overloaded}. There are a variety of Thai-related news items quite worthy of discussion. Just look around.

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Unfortunately TV has linked itself to The Nation who have garnered a reputation for rewriting history and ignoring facts to suit their own agenda. Eg Thaksin working for Cambodian government is bad and he is a traitor, but senior Democrats working for the Laotian government also as advisors in the past is fine. Why not? They help a neighbouring country?

(Nationmultimedia is a struggling organisation with massive debts who's only chance of staying in business is relying on friends in the current government. If (when) the Dems lose the next election it will be payback time.)

Hence, the anti-Thaksin propaganda. But dont worry, you wont notice it once you are brainwashed :-) It's a cunning plan Baldrick . . .

Read Thailand Jumped The Shark or the excellent Bangkok Pundit for more balanced opinions and constructive criticism of both sides.

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To all you out there who are able to read Thai script:

Are there really no stories in the Thai papers/magazines that could be of interest to us TV users, stories with no direct relation to Thaksin, yellow and red shirts? If yes, could we maybe get a translation of these?

I know the investigative journalism in this country, eh, still has some potential to improve, but I imagine there may be good stories out there which The Nation etc. don't deem newsworthy for farang. I hope at least.

I sometimes come across some that I think might be interesting, but never posted them before. Might try a few sometime in the future.

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Unfortunately TV has linked itself to The Nation who have garnered a reputation for rewriting history and ignoring facts to suit their own agenda. Eg Thaksin working for Cambodian government is bad and he is a traitor, but senior Democrats working for the Laotian government also as advisors in the past is fine. Why not? They help a neighbouring country?

(Nationmultimedia is a struggling organisation with massive debts who's only chance of staying in business is relying on friends in the current government. If (when) the Dems lose the next election it will be payback time.)

Hence, the anti-Thaksin propaganda. But dont worry, you wont notice it once you are brainwashed :-) It's a cunning plan Baldrick . . .

Read Thailand Jumped The Shark or the excellent Bangkok Pundit for more balanced opinions and constructive criticism of both sides.

Indeed. There is a wealth of {Thai/English} alternative information reseources available, regarding every angle and identity.

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<snipped> (80% of post content)

But, coming back to the OP:

<snipped> (20% of post content)

This is the problem. People going off at a complete tangent from the thread in order to score a few points.

:) ......talking about going off topic................as if I need to score points, writing about mr. T in a topic about mr. T....

Good joke from a 4 star general (member since 2,5 years) to his 2 star soldier (member since 5 years). :D

Keep 'em coming General Rixalex, keep 'em coming. Thaivisa need more of these jokes.


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but isnt starting this thread giving Thaksin more web space and attention?


and worth hedging your bets just in case (said just) he happens to come back to LOS and is elected President...or sumit......

..was hoping to have a quiet word on Wednesday night with the Ambassador at our Londo "Do" but he was "busy"...and had sent his mate along in his absence.

Nice guy ...but not quiet the same ...

So whats going to happen at the ASEM thingy in Singapore?....case of mai phut and Bhai hae pon ...or.. :):D

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Good joke from a 4 star general (member since 2,5 years) to his 2 star soldier (member since 5 years). :)

Nothing i can see particularly funny about members trying to pull rank on other members based on years of "service" (i say the word lightly). More like sad. :D

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Good joke from a 4 star general (member since 2,5 years) to his 2 star soldier (member since 5 years). :)

Nothing i can see particularly funny about members trying to pull rank on other members based on years of "service" (i say the word lightly). More like sad. :D

Time to join the school of humor...a day without a laugh...... :D


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Good joke from a 4 star general (member since 2,5 years) to his 2 star soldier (member since 5 years). :)

Nothing i can see particularly funny about members trying to pull rank on other members based on years of "service" (i say the word lightly). More like sad. :D

funny that, but there does seem to be an attitude around here that the sheer volume of &lt;deleted&gt; some posted over a number of years somehow makes it valid.

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Good joke from a 4 star general (member since 2,5 years) to his 2 star soldier (member since 5 years). :D

Nothing i can see particularly funny about members trying to pull rank on other members based on years of "service" (i say the word lightly). More like sad. :D

funny that, but there does seem to be an attitude around here that the sheer volume of &lt;deleted&gt; some posted over a number of years somehow makes it valid.

Correct; it isn't valid nor important whatsoever. After one day everyone has forgotten what you wrote, and with you I mean everybody.

Every single letter, written on a forum is as important as a breeze of wind you feel.....there you feel it...there it's gone. :)

It's all in the game.


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Most of the clippings about Thaksin are started by Anti Thaksin's

They are the ones keeping him in the spotlight :)

Try to work that one out and you will know the reason

Most of the clippings about Thaksin are started by Anti Thaksin's

Any source to verify that?

The forum is called "news clippings" and news are news no matter they are red, green blue, yellow white or orange or non-colored news... they should/must be published.

How was that with "don't kill the messenger...."?

Edited by DocHolliday
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