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Fake python n*gger posting


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George...thanks for blocking the fake jive ass. As this business coincides with Dubya's presence in Thailand and numerous references to Texas where does the Python come from? Provocative statements designed to expose those that are opposed to the mythical US black guy and his big dick?

We've been rumbled my friends by US security forces...permanent white expats living in a non white country are always suspect.

Please join me in the middle finger salute...

Who's in charge of this operation?...you named Craig or Greg and played football for the home team before joining the CIA?

Got your number...assh*le...

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Dear Sir,

I am a Brit, I'm white and I come from London.

I did it for two reasons.

Number one, I'm not working at working at the moment and quite frankly I've got little else better to do.  

Number two, I'm a teacher here in BKK and I've got two very good friends who happen to be black. One comes from England and the other claims to be an American but is almost certainly an African.

I suppose more than anything else I was hoping to see if there was a reaction to "Python Lee Jackson" which could in any way be construed as negative. I exaggerated the standard black "mythology" (ie, the python thing) and I did my best best to copy back patois to the the best of my ability.  

Much of what I know about coloured people stems from what I learned during a trip  across America years ago and a rather shorter trip to west Africa some years later.

When I made these trips I learned much. To be honest though, I never had that much to do with black/coloured people when I was back in England and for much of the time I forgot about both them and their "plight".

Now, however, I live in Bangkok and I have these two coloured friends. I'm by no means a reactionary but I really do find disgusting the way my two friends miss out on work opportunities because of their skin colour. I find disgusting too the fact that both of these aquaintances of mine are genuinely dedicated, hard working professionals who are able and willing to give their very best to help local students and yet are treated more often than not as little more than dirt and/or third class citizens.

While many of the replies to my "Python Lee Jackson" postings may have left a little to be desired, it's equally fair to sat that none of them can in any way, shape or form be interpreted as rascist.  

This gives me (and I'm sure other coloured people too) great hope. Obviously it's not the job for me and me alone to change the attitues of Thai society, but if we all do our bit (and don't ask me what "my bit" is - that's for you to decide), perhaps gradually we can change things.

What I find truly sad is that my "American" friend, who really does love teaching and who really is very good at it, is now at the point where his self confidence is so low that he chooses not to apply for jobs at which he would truly excel and from which Thai students would genuinely benefit.

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Then pray tell, if your previous post was an experiment to prove this or that, what if your two posts were also an experiment - to gauge reactions to whatnot etc.

How about letting us in on your little social data-mining lark....

If I (and my fellow board posters) are your little lab rats, how about letting us know now much cheese is involved ?


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Dear "Sir" yourself - (since when did we become "Sirs" on this board?)

Your detailed and elaborately written confession was to say the least - un-necessary.

If you're going to carry on with a set-up troll on the board - the idea is you:

1. suddenly create your persona (as you did),

2. p!ss us all off or give us some laughs (as you did), and then


or as Tutsi just delicately put it - get lost!


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Brilliant - I just used Phazey's "Dialectizer" link above, and threw our friend's tear-jerking wet pile of sop confession post into it, and converted it to "Jive"

Python's Confession post in JIVE

This is the result:

Dear Sir,

I's gots'ta be some Brit, I'm honky and ah' come fum London. 'S coo', bro.

I dun did it fo' two reasons.

Numba' one, I'm not wo'kin' at wo'kin' at da #### moment and quite frankly I've gots little else betta' to do. 'S coo', bro.  

Numba' two, I'm some head homeboy here in BKK and I've gots two real baaaad homeys who happen t'be brother. One comes fum England and da #### oda' claims t'be an American but be mos' certainly an African. 'S coo', bro.

I suppose mo'e dan nuthin else ah' wuz hopin' t'see if dere wuz some reacshun t'"Pydon Lee Buckwheatson" which could in any way be construed as negative. ah' exaggerated da #### standard brother "mydology" (ie, de pydon doodad) and ah' dun did mah' best best t'copy back patois t'de da #### best uh my ability. Slap mah fro!  

Much uh whut ah' know about coloured sucka's stems fum whut ah' learned durin' some trip  across America years ago and some rada' sho'ta' trip t'west Africa some years later. Ah be baaad...

When ah' made dese trips ah' learned much. Lop some boogie. To be honest dough, ah' neva' had dat much t'do wid brother/coloured sucka's when ah' wuz back in England and fo' much uh de time ah' fo'gots about bod dem and deir "plight".

Now, however, ah' live in Bangkok and ah' have dese two coloured homeys. I'm by no means some reacshunary but ah' real do find disgustin' de way mah' two homeys miss out on wo'k oppo'tunities cuz' of deir skin colour. Ah be baaad... ah' find disgustin' too de fact dat bod uh dese aquaintances uh mine is genuinely dedicated, hard wo'kin' professionals who is able and willin' t'cut deir real best t'help local students and yet is treated mo'e often dan not as little mo'e dan dirt and/o' dird class citizens.

etc etc.

SOUND FAMILIAR MATE?  ie like your original posts perhaps?

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You say: "trying to talk nigger ain't no way to help your black friends"

I tried to copy black patois. Some of it was intended as a joke to attract attention; most of it was to see what other locals thought. Why do you use the word "nigger".

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be preachy or any boring shit like that. But there are many totally decent people here in Thailand who are trying just as hard as you and I to succeed and who happen to be black.

These people are the same as us. Please don't call them "nigger". Thais read this site too.

Yes, I've already shown one of my coloured friends the postings I made as "Python Lee Jackson". He found it amusing as it was very obviously a joke but was curious nonetheless to see what sort of postings followed.

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Well if you want things to change for the better for all blacks then the ones that you can talk to that can understand what you are saying,you had better set straight.

You could have them go out among the blacks and tell them to get it together, most blacks,at least the ones from the USA,are the most racist,overbearing ,obnoxious people that I have ever seen.

The treatment that your friends receive is not directed at them as such,but at their color,because of the way 98% of them act so goes the treatment.

I have worked with them and had them work for me,and a very small amount of them were good workers,those from the deep south USA were good people,but get the welfare indoctrinated from the mid to northern USA and you had nothing but trouble. They wouldn't work and if you fired them then you had a prejudice law suit on your hands.

The very worst thing that has ever been done to the black race was Affirmative Action and ERA and EOE,that lowered the grade average to get into schools if you were black,give the teaching jobs to blacks that scored lower that the minimum required for employment by whites,closed all apprentice programs to everyone but blacks,Made it so easy to get on the welfare rolls, and in general gave everything to them,made them expect to do less and get more til they will not try to be competitive in anything anymore.and if passed over will scream "RACIST".

There is women that just have baby's and draw welfare,6 to 10 kids,all by a different man and all on welfare,and she herself was raised on welfare and her kids will live on welfare all their lives and raise their kids on welfare,and supplement the welfare checks selling dope,just as their daddy's have done.

It is very hard to have respect for a race of people that act as 99% of blacks do,and not think "BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. hard to get someone to look thru a barrel of rotten apples looking for a good one.

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Blacks Have No Business Supporting The Democratic Party

July 4, 2003

It is time for blacks to walk away from the Democratic Party.


The answer is there are numerous reasons, but for one thing, it is the party of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore, Dick Gephardt and Tom Daschle -- as well as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton -- which is reason enough.

I see what this guy, Julius Hannon, is all about, you might be thinking. He’s a “lawn jockey for the far-right,” a “foot-shuffling lackey for the Republican Party.”

Well, whatever I am, that does not change one very important fact: The Democratic Party has inflicted more damage on black society than the whites who enslaved blacks ever did.

That is true because ever since the early 1960s, that party has been carrying out a vast campaign to condition blacks to regard themselves as inferior and to be hopelessly dependent on government handouts and the goodwill of whites. Its agenda has served to encourage a countless number of black men and women to abandon their children, have babies out of wedlock and become career criminals.

Worst of all, the Democratic Party has caused millions of blacks to be murdered before they are even born.

Now, I shall present my argument in more specific terms.

First, every time there is a local, state or national election, more than 90% of the blacks who show up at the polls vote only for Democrats.

That is one of the greatest tragedies in America today.

It is tragic because by marching in lock step behind a gang of Democratic pied pipers down a road paved with such scraps and handouts as free school lunches, affirimative-action programs and free abortions, black society is striding surely towards its own annihilation.

Presently, in fact, America’s black society is in more than ever before. It is plagued by a wide range of serious social, economic and psychological problems, with no relief in sight.

For one thing, even though slavery ended 150 years ago, the majority of contemporary blacks think like slaves. Most of them hold the same unliberated views that their enslaved forebears were forced to embrace. They firmly believe in such notions as black skin and kinky hair are inferior to white skin and straight hair, black is a derogatory word, and blacks cannot survive and advance unless whites treat them with “tolerance” and “sensitivity.”

Just to cite a few of the crushing social and economic problems gripping black society today, one out of every three blacks is living in poverty; their average annual income is only about one-half of that of whites; the group’s rate of unemployment is constantly 2-to-3 times the national average; only about 40% of the black households with children are headed by married couples; and nearly 80% of the black children coming into the world today are born out of wedlock.

And even though blacks make up only about 13% of the U.S. population, more than 40% of the 150,000+ murders, rapes and robberies that occur in the country each year are committed by blacks.

In addition, a very sizable number of black communities are so rundown they resemble the battle-torn cities of World War II Europe; many of the public schools that black children attend are little more than armed camps and war zones; disproportionate numbers of blacks are dying from cancer, diabetes, AIDS and other incurable diseases; and thousands are addicted to heroin, “crack” and other dangerous illegal drugs.

Black society is in very deep trouble, and that’s exactly where the Democratic Party wants it to be.

That is a true statement, but you do not have to take my word for it. Just tune into the evening news any night of the week, or scan the first few pages of your local newspaper. By doing one or both of those things you will see the facts. You will learn that Democratic politicians and their allies are working around the clock to keep black society mired in the swamp of helplessness and low self-esteem that it is sinking in today.

Specifically, you will see stories about the ways in which Democratic lawmakers are taking measures to provide the black poor with such handouts as “free abortions,” “free methadone,” “free needles” “free beds in filthy homeless shelters” and “free school lunches” (loaded with sodium, sugar and other harmful additives).

There will also be a story or two about “prominent African-American Democrats” leading 1950s-style public demonstrations and protest marches against whatever they perceive to be racism -- as well as another showing “top African-American Democrats” lamely calling on poor blacks to “keep hope alive.”

However, one thing you will not see in the news is a report about a high-ranking member of the Democratic Party calling on blacks to replace their over-reliance on government assistance and charity with a bold new movement, based entirely on unlimited black enterprise, capitalism and self-reliance.

And that is because the Democratic Party wants the United States of America to remain the giant plantation it is. Every one of the “new Democrats,” as well as the old ones, want to go right on being “The masters and overseers of the African-American Community.”

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Hey 'Python'...chill out..'talking nigger' is a manner of speaking...like when white boys on the street use the patois to look and sound bad. As a LA native ah knows about it...just a reference to your previous posts.

You wanna see where the trouble is just look at KevinN's post just previous...heard that shit all over the place...

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Like I've said, I travelled all the way across your country several years ago and I met many coloured people. I don't know if the people I met were the ones you're talking about, but I do remember that I liked almost all Americans I came across a great deal.

One thing's for sure. The black people here in Bangkok are most certainly not lazy and they are not spongers.

Very simply, they want to work and in many cases their opportunities are limited due to local attitudes.

Black people have hearts and feelings too.

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Ok, I'll chill. I won't comment on the rest of what you say except to say that I think I agree with you.

Perhaps one day you'd do well to meet up with some of your fellow countrymen here in BKK (black dudes trying to teach, that is) and see for for yourself how things really are.  

Sure it's every man for himself, but if all's going well then all of us ought to spare at least a brief thought for those trying equally hard but not quite making it.

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An interesting experiment.  :o

Of course the "racism" against blacks is only a step down from the racism against caucasion falangs (who can "teach" -a job that often amounts to being a stand up comedian or clown only in a classroom environment-  and hold jobs from typically falang multinational firms).   Both groups still have to jump through hoops to own land or stay permanently.   Blacks and whites should join hands and work together to face discrimination against them here in the LOS.


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Growing up in inner city London, I had black friends who if you called them "coloured" as you have in previous posts, would have kicked the living sh*t out of you.

As my best friend used to say;

black is black, white is coloured, you go red when your hot, blue when your cold, green when your sick...so who's coloured??

On another point, if you go to south africa & call a black south african "coloured" he also will kick your ass, coloureds are the black/caucasion mix, what we londoners call, half caste & the black/coloured divide is a strong as the black/white is.

Be careful with your steroetypes, python lee, you may think that you are trying to make a point, but to this south london honky, you are talking about something you know nothing about. Your friends are probably just being nice to you as you are all foreigners abroad, but if you had shown this crap to a black man in brixton or streatham or even the home counties, you'd get your head kicked in & rightly so. :cool:

If you had really been conducting an experiment into the plight of black people living in LOS you would not have used so many sexual connotations. As it was you were taking the piss, plain & simple.

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