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When Wife Drunk She Fighting Me


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Do you get on with any members of her family that your wife has a lot of respect for if you do talk to them. I say this because when I started dating my wife after two years I interduce my wfe to two of my best friends from Scotland one night my wife got very drunk on whiskey and made a fool of herself and me we left my friends in Phuket and returned to Chiang Mai back in Chiang Mai I spoke to my wifes boss at the hairdressers shop I told my wife boss all my fears that night my wifes boss give her solid hel_l :D told her she loose me if she made a fool of herself like that my wife has not drunk whiskey again :D

Sounds like a classy lady you must be proud.

This has only happened once never again you do not know my wife so do not insult her,the op is asking for help if you have nothing helpful to say then f!ck off and troll somewhere else :)

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Do you get on with any members of her family that your wife has a lot of respect for if you do talk to them. I say this because when I started dating my wife after two years I interduce my wfe to two of my best friends from Scotland one night my wife got very drunk on whiskey and made a fool of herself and me we left my friends in Phuket and returned to Chiang Mai back in Chiang Mai I spoke to my wifes boss at the hairdressers shop I told my wife boss all my fears that night my wifes boss give her solid hel_l :D told her she loose me if she made a fool of herself like that my wife has not drunk whiskey again :D

Sounds like a classy lady you must be proud.

This has only happened once never again you do not know my wife so do not insult her,the op is asking for help if you have nothing helpful to say then f!ck off and troll somewhere else :)

My condolences and best of luck to you and your missus.

There I said something helpful.

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drunk, violent, poor, lowly educated..........what more do you guys want............I REALLY REALLY DONT GET IT!


Obviously, you ain't getting it either. :D

Most men want the same things that women want... love and respect. When a partner gets drunk and nasty, or stupid, then it's time to cut the strings that bind you together. Very few alcoholics get reformed. And the ones that do have to do it on their own. I have a lady friend in Kanchanaburi who can't handle her booze either. Over the course of any 3 day visit she will manage to ruin it by getting drunk and stupid. I only help her out because of her children. The children should ALWAYS be of the most concern and parents have to put aside their own differences for the sake of the children.

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QUOTE (germanygal @ 2009-11-18 13:22:10) post_snapback.gifdrunk, violent, poor, lowly educated..........what more do you guys want............I REALLY REALLY DONT GET IT!

Please, whoever is supposed to be on TROLL Patrol, could you please stay awake? This is your final warning! :)

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Does she get violent or just says nasty words?

No matter what, the problem is not with the wine, but with a lack of respect - for you - for herself.

If you want to fix this, you need to fix the respect issue. Make her respect you and make her respect herself. If she gets violent, you need to show that you're the strong one. Restrain her FIRMLY. If it's just words, throw her out or go yourself until she gets the message.

If she has self esteem problems, those are harder to fix.

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Do you get on with any members of her family that your wife has a lot of respect for if you do talk to them. I say this because when I started dating my wife after two years I interduce my wfe to two of my best friends from Scotland one night my wife got very drunk on whiskey and made a fool of herself and me we left my friends in Phuket and returned to Chiang Mai back in Chiang Mai I spoke to my wifes boss at the hairdressers shop I told my wife boss all my fears that night my wifes boss give her solid hel_l :) told her she loose me if she made a fool of herself like that my wife has not drunk whiskey again :D

Ok..er..let me get this straight. After two years together, your wife gets very drunk one time on whiskey and acted embarrassingly, and because of that you went and told the story to her boss, and also said (to the boss!)she would lose you if she did it again. One time in two years, right? So shes not allowed to slip up occasionally? Did she do something so absolutely terribly appalling that it required humiliating her behind her back? I personally cant imagine what it would feel like to do something embarrassing then have a husband rub it in my face like that. Surely speaking to your wife directly would have sufficed. Letting her know (respectfully) that you didnt like what happened as a result of her drinking too much. I hope you are a perfect husband that never slips up, because otherwise it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black would it not?

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I hope you are a perfect husband that never slips up, because otherwise it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black would it not?

A Scot who can't spell whisky? How perfect is that?


People are often more honest when they are drunk.


Perfect and honest drunk? :)

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Do you get on with any members of her family that your wife has a lot of respect for if you do talk to them. I say this because when I started dating my wife after two years I interduce my wfe to two of my best friends from Scotland one night my wife got very drunk on whiskey and made a fool of herself and me we left my friends in Phuket and returned to Chiang Mai back in Chiang Mai I spoke to my wifes boss at the hairdressers shop I told my wife boss all my fears that night my wifes boss give her solid hel_l :D told her she loose me if she made a fool of herself like that my wife has not drunk whiskey again :D

Ok..er..let me get this straight. After two years together, your wife gets very drunk one time on whiskey and acted embarrassingly, and because of that you went and told the story to her boss, and also said (to the boss!)she would lose you if she did it again. One time in two years, right? So shes not allowed to slip up occasionally? Did she do something so absolutely terribly appalling that it required humiliating her behind her back? I personally cant imagine what it would feel like to do something embarrassing then have a husband rub it in my face like that. Surely speaking to your wife directly would have sufficed. Letting her know (respectfully) that you didnt like what happened as a result of her drinking too much. I hope you are a perfect husband that never slips up, because otherwise it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black would it not?

Eek I think you have got the wrong end of the stick :D I was dating my wife at the time when this happened over six years ago unlike many farangs I got to know my wife and her family very well before I got married, we got married about eighteen months ago.What I am trying to tell the op is to talk to someone whom he can trust and has wife has alot of respect for :D

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Looking back there was a lot of alcoholism or borderline alcoholism in my family. Most interesting was my father. A gentle man and an even more gentle drunk, so the whole violence thing wasn't a problem in the least. What was interesting about him and his drinking was that he could stop 100% cold for any period of time he desired. He was in the military, so if he changed bases...90 days (or more) no drinking. Lest you think he probably didn't drink that much...a quart of black velvet a day...at home...and then there were the late afternoon rounds he would make.

So what's my point? Here was a man who could stop drinking any time he wanted, cold turkey, for any amount of time he wanted. But ultimately, he always chose to drink. That it ruined his family life...he didn't care. That it ruined his health. He didn't care.

So your choice is simple in my view...either you want to continue to live with the situation, as is (or worsening), or you get out of the situation.

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