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Nasty Local Derbies

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Most local derbies have a tense atmosphere, but which is the nastiest derby you have been to?

The atmosphere at a Newcastle - Sunderland is pure hate. Middlesbrough - Sunderland is not nice, but doesn't reach the same levels of hatred. I once went to Cardiff v Newport County .... they didn't seem to like each other much. But without doubt the worst experience was Hartlepool United v Darlington. Never realised a paltry crowd of 5-6,000 could create such an ugly and violent atmosphere. :o Made Millwall v Chelsea, Leeds v Man U, etc seem very calm by comparison.

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For pure out and out VIOLENCE anywhere Millwall play in London is considered a Darby match, they are PURE hooligans, and what a nice touch that the biggest (smallest) holligan whoever kicked a football is their manager, can't possibly be a co-incedence. I am not talking about the Chopper Harris, Tommy Sith and Jack Charlton's of this world, Wise is a quirt villian and niggles the opposition consistantly , he should NEVER have been allowed to manage a team the littke <deleted>

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Have to admit, when I saw Wise trying to pull down Scholes in last season's F.A Cup Final I really did want the ref to send him off. It would have brought him back down to earth and given him something to think about. As Del Boy once said 'He's got the sort of face that you want to slap'.

As for Derbies there was a study of them in The Guardian a couple of years ago with Cardiff V's Swansea having more arrests per game than any other derby. The Bristol derby was up there as well, third I think, can't remember who was second, sorry.

Only one I've been to is Luton V Watford. I've only been to about 7 over the years and never seen anything untowards. Wasn't in England when we recently knocked them out of the Carling Cup, invaded their town centre at midday smashed all the pubs, stormed the pitch twice and impaled one of their fans on the pitch with the corner flag, so I can't really comment on that game, though according to friends it was quite a charitable affair. If they beat us more often then I'm sure the games would be nastier.

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The Gers V the tic has got to be one of the biggest derbies in the world. Yes. Bigotry. But less violence. We leave that up to the English. 

I'll second that Jocky!

Pity they stopped the Scotland England games, well maybe not as we are <deleted> now.

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well being a man utd fan and followed them everywhere in the 70's and early 80's untill i moved to oz,the utd v city games was very violent but at main rd only as city would not travel we used to be given half the kippax and all the seperated us was a rope.

but the worst was the united v liverpool games pure hatred.

also in 75 the year we was in the 2nd division the 2 worst games i went to was cardiff away(grown men hiding under cars that day)and millwall away,which i must admit was the lowest turn out by united, i think the all of london mobbed up that night waiting for us,and a lot of united did not make it to the ground i did and i must admitt was scared for my life.

just a note i do not condone football violence but in the seventies it was the norm.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Leeds v Bradford

Do they have football teams there? I thought it was just rugby and curry houses. :o

I always thought that Leeds v Man United was always a hateful affair, though not a local darby, or do Leeds fans hate everybody as much as everyone else hates Leeds.

I looked at their team sheet for their game yesterday and there was only ONE player Gary Kelly who was with them in their hayday, methinks it will be a good ten years in the Championship league for them, what with all their money problems etc

Leeds United as a footballing force.


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Craig Bellamy has just been on Sky Sports saying he is going to sink the Gers title hopes I think big marv the faith healer will send the little Englishman to heaven.


I think you maybe be right about big Marv. If he plays that is.. BTW Bellamy is WELSH.

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Freo and the Eagles......more than 10 players charged with wrestling and striking....suspensions and fines abounded.....

Well you didnt say it had to be about the english soccer did ya.....we get some bloodbath local derbies here....


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Freo and the Eagles......more than 10 players charged with wrestling and striking....suspensions and fines abounded.....

Well you didnt say it had to be about the english soccer did ya.....we get some bloodbath local derbies here....

:D  :D  :D

Come off it George- the two games have no similarities whatsover, they are as far apart as England and Australia, and to be absolutley honest most Brits ABSOLUTLEY HATE IT- (and we dont like the torn off sleeved shirts-obviously to impress the Sheilas no doubt) :D

We would not be interested in your Nasty little Local Darbys

G'day mate :o

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Freo and the Eagles......more than 10 players charged with wrestling and striking....suspensions and fines abounded.....

Well you didnt say it had to be about the english soccer did ya.....we get some bloodbath local derbies here....

:D  :D  :D

Come off it George- the two games have no similarities whatsover, they are as far apart as England and Australia, and to be absolutley honest most Brits ABSOLUTLEY HATE IT- (and we dont like the torn off sleeved shirts-obviously to impress the Sheilas no doubt) :D

We would not be interested in your Nasty little Local Darbys

G'day mate :o

and we think the baggy shorts and shin pads...plus the way they always fall over clutching their shins even though they have pads there...is absolutely comical....they have more dives than the olympic 10 metre boards.....

she'll be right mate :D:D

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Portsmouth v Southampton

Last year

105 Arrested

103 Convictions

88 people sent to prison.

I wonder if todays figures will be any higher considering the result and there was so much more at steak this year?

Keep us informed Sateef

The year 1825 Galiec Football - Dublin Paddys V Cork Killers 300 arrested all deported to Australia - then you can guess what they started. :o

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Try this one.....

Five-minute brawl halts women's rugby match

25.04.05 1.00pm

HASTINGS - A women's rugby match on Saturday came to an abrupt halt after a five-minute brawl that saw a player kicked in the head and two players sent off in a Flaxmere derby in Hastings.

Referee Brad Gichard sent MAC lock Tessa Flowers and Western Suburbs No 8 Ngavero Heather for an early shower in the second half of a Tui women's division clash at Ron Giorgi Park.

MAC walloped Suburbs 103-0 after leading 71-0 at halftime in a match that started at 11.45am.

The free-for-all erupted after Flowers and Heather allegedly traded punches with about 20 minutes of play remaining following a player doing "a tap dance" on Suburbs flanker Sheena Tonihi who was caught on the wrong side of a ruck.

Calmer elements in the teams separated Flowers and Heather but just when things looked under control, a punch was thrown, which was answered by a kick.

That ignited a brawl that saw water carriers and officials and spectators running on to the field to bring the hotheads under control.

Amid the scuffle, Heather fell to the ground while a flurry of blows was rained on her.

A dazed MAC flanker, Lynne Mareikura, was treated following a kick to the head.

Referee Gichard consulted both sides before the game was completed with teams playing 14 players each.

MAC manager Honey Cardie, who videotaped the game for the purposes of post-match analysis, said the teams were waiting for the referee's match report before submitting their cases at this week's judicial hearing.

Fans who saw the match describe their traditional rivalry as an aunts-versus-aunts and cousins-versus-cousins clash.

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Portsmouth v Southampton

Last year

105 Arrested

103 Convictions

88 people sent to prison.

I wonder if todays figures will be any higher considering the result and there was so much more at steak this year?

Keep us informed Sateef

The year 1825 Galiec Football - Dublin Paddys V Cork Killers 300 arrested all deported to Australia - then you can guess what they started. :o

Probably another brawl...cos it wasnt Aussie rules...... :D

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There's a team in Italy (Venetzia I think) where their fans actually hate each other and regularly fight each other, irrespective of who the opponents are. I remember watching Gazetta once in the 90's showing it kicking off and James Richardson saying that they were fighting simply because one group lived on one side of a river and one group lived on the other side!

Aside, what do you make of stewards? I was one for a few seasons. Can honestly tell you that the vast majority are an inept bunch of wimps.

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But without doubt the worst experience was Hartlepool United v Darlington. Never realised a paltry crowd of 5-6,000 could create such an ugly and violent atmosphere.

Aaahh the "tin shed" at feethams (Darlington) brings back many memories...........and your right the "bank top 200" would give anyone a run for thier money. :o

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For pure out and out VIOLENCE anywhere Millwall play in London is considered a Darby match, they are PURE hooligans, and what a nice touch that the biggest (smallest) holligan whoever kicked a football is their manager, can't possibly be a co-incedence. I am not talking about the Chopper Harris, Tommy Sith and Jack Charlton's of this world, Wise is a quirt villian and niggles the opposition consistantly , he should NEVER have been allowed to manage a team the littke <deleted>

Going back 20 odd years ago Millwall v Charlton was also a very interesting day :o

A few years ago, like 6 or 7, I saw Gravesend v Colchester in a Cup match, not really a derby, but Jeez, Colchester trashed the pub next door to the ground. poor Gravesend had never seen the like!

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For pure out and out VIOLENCE anywhere Millwall play in London is considered a Darby match, they are PURE hooligans, and what a nice touch that the biggest (smallest) holligan whoever kicked a football is their manager, can't possibly be a co-incedence. I am not talking about the Chopper Harris, Tommy Sith and Jack Charlton's of this world, Wise is a quirt villian and niggles the opposition consistantly , he should NEVER have been allowed to manage a team the littke <deleted>

Going back 20 odd years ago Millwall v Charlton was also a very interesting day :o

A few years ago, like 6 or 7, I saw Gravesend v Colchester in a Cup match, not really a derby, but Jeez, Colchester trashed the pub next door to the ground. poor Gravesend had never seen the like!

When Chelsea beat West Ham a few years back the 'Dog's <deleted>' in Pattaya was trashed. Hows that for long range hooliganism?

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