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Yeah, Another Sin Sot Thread....but Not A Painful One


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Every sitiutation is Different OP. But I think your better off dropping the sinsot by virtue that she was already married before. And even if you did pay it money would still be coming out of your combined stash for years to come. So if your ok with that, your probably better off saving every dime you can and building your self up properly in Ausi. This way you can be in better shape to care for her, your kids, and send them their monthly cash. However Keep in mind that you will always be financially liable for them in the future it's kinda like having kids right now.

I hate the sinsot myself as well, I love my inlaws (Mom & Dad) but the sinsot is the one thing my wife and I can't never seem to see eye to eye on. Other than we won't allow this pesdo pimping custom to continue on to our children.

But look at the bright side, atleast you married poor and divorced. Had you married affluent and unmarried, things could have been much worse....


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Is it so that Sin Sod among Thais is always given back in some form or the other?

What I don't like about this Sin Sod thing is that, what are the Thai parents bringing to the table? It all seems to be strictly one way relationship. Money, support, worry, all about the poor parents.

Where is the concern for the family of the farang? For farang culture/tradition?

What does the Thai parents offer to help? Could you count on them in times of need? I think one should know the answer to that question before handing over the sinsod.

I wouldn't have a problem with helping out, but I sure would have a problem with beggars.

If you want something in life, you work for it.

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I will however add one thing AGAIN, you can spin whatever logic for it, but sinsod was NOT invented for Thais to get money off some farang :D

Are you sure? :D

No, I agree, it wasnt INVENTED for that purpose, but geeze it fits in perfectly for the milking of unsuspecting prospective husbands and milkees :D

I'm not specifically pointing the finger at anyone on this thread, however sinsot comes up all the time & ofen it involves these very special heartfelt relationships that evolve over a couple of beers and a weeks holdiay in patong :) followed by a quick trip upcountry in a minibus and a big wedding & a whole lot of blank cheques being written :D . The tradition of sinsot fits in nicely, somewhere between the beers and the divorce.

normally after that, we read a couple of 'im such a sad case' threads here on thai visa or the farang involved launches himself off a highrise, bridge or some other object and then we get some of those conspiracy threads here at tv which involves the mafia or some anti farang, we're out to get you theories.....

and then it starts all over again :D

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:) You're right ! It IS....and I didn't intend for that to happen. I think that it's all been said.....especially after Neverdie's post 2 back.....well put.

Now let's put it all to rest .....

I think the OP is asking for the thread to be closed....

always happy to assist :D

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