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On 24th of July I wrote to Mrs. Sirinuch Phisolyabutr, who is supposed to be THE Director-General of Excise, concerning a specific matter relating to corruption.

Did I receive a reply?


However, I thought that (maybe - ho hum) my letter had gone astray, in the Thai postal system, so I decided to then email her (on the general email for her department) twice!

Still no reply, or even an acknowledgement.

So, my question is:

Do you think that she is corrupt and is wishng to avoid the question OR that her staff are corrupt and are attempting to protect their own backsides, by preventing her from receiving my correspondence OR both?




I think that you are using the wrong word.

Whether they be corrupt or not the lack of reply is most likely due to incompetence and/or apathy rather than corruption.

Why do I feel as though I have just thrown a troll a snack?

I don't live under a bridge but a good curry would be most welcome!

On the subject of my post - It was a genuine one and not a "trolling" attempt.

In the next week or so I have to return to the UK (to sort out a few business matters) and will feel free to give more than a few details about the corrupt bassa (by name) who prompted my initial letter!

As well as the incompetent/corrupt bassas who have initiated this thread.

Surely the director is, ultimately, reponsible for her staff.

If she thinks not, I think she will soon do so!

I do have a BIG mouth and a propensity to use it on the internet.



If this is still about the two cartons of cigarettes you were caught smuggling in then they are probably still laughing about it!

If this is still about the two cartons of cigarettes you were caught smuggling in then they are probably still laughing about it!

Yep! AND the 18,000 Baht that the bassa put in his pocket (not in a till, whatever).

In his own pocket!!!!

18,000 is (in the great scheme of things) not lot of money BUT is, probably, equal to what a Thai would pay to terminate his life (and that of his family) - but could cost a lot less!!

That, I think, puts things in perspective!



I understand your frustration and what happenned was clearly out of order, however, I do not think your approach of threatening that you will go home unless you get a refund and an apology will carry much weight here!


400 cigs here 160 baht evry weds at lao border markets

So a big deal over $5

The fact you paid a bribe was because you were caught bang to rights

You know the old saying if you cannot do the time don't do the crime

I'm sure your really pissed of with yourself for getting stung.

Perhaps there are two consolations

You made a poor airport worker very happy but he;ll get the bad karma of inhaling the nails

You will have had avery cheap lesson in the disadvantages of nictotine addiction

I hear you think <deleted> Johnny but think it through last time I looke a pack of L+M was 38 baht tho I believe a pound is the going rate in bars for western brands now.

So even including the fine assuming you bought the carons $5-6 in the Gulf or even double in Europe the whole deal is same as years smoking.

In conclusion quit for a year then you'll feel healthier and for every year after the savings will eqaul your loss.As a non smoker youll live longer pay cheaper insurance and have the last laugh..You'll find booze birds and gum will help during de-tox


all the way to the Top...init...

once you realise and more so accept it (T-lands bane) then it dosnt really matter and then you can get on with life and spend all of your most time wots left avoiding "em....if you can....just phut "dont understand " :) ..pal...eh...

and they should... go AWAY..

Why do I feel as though I have just thrown a troll a snack?

I do have a BIG mouth and a propensity to use it on the internet.


Well your big mouth will get you a long way in Thailand - like stopped at the border sometime and denied entry - then you will really have someting positive to bitch about on your return flight home.

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