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ok so i clicked onto the story, why would the us consulate issue such a warning, and why didn't the uk consulate feel it necessary to follow suit, along with all the other consulates.

sounds to me , that if there are going to any demonstrations, of any sought, anyone who's not involved would be wise to avoid it, and that goes for anywhere in the world.

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It's always deeply ironical when the american state issues warnings to its citizens about possible violence in other countries. Surely the US is the most violent nation in the world? If they're not killing each other, then they're off around the world on their latest war.

There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

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It's always deeply ironical when the american state issues warnings to its citizens about possible violence in other countries. Surely the US is the most violent nation in the world? If they're not killing each other, then they're off around the world on their latest war.

There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

The US is the most violent nation in the world? Killing each other? Burma comes to mind.

You must be on drugs.

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It's always deeply ironical when the american state issues warnings to its citizens about possible violence in other countries. Surely the US is the most violent nation in the world? If they're not killing each other, then they're off around the world on their latest war.

There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

What a stupid statement ,and i am not from the US.

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It's always deeply ironical when the american state issues warnings to its citizens about possible violence in other countries. Surely the US is the most violent nation in the world? If they're not killing each other, then they're off around the world on their latest war.

There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

What a stupid statement ,and i am not from the US.

Go back threw femi fan's posted atricals and it does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It takes all kinds to make this form. No clue.

Edited by gotlost
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There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

Let us look back into history and see who holds high marks for violence, genocide and such. Americans are relative newcomers!

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When you consider those 'Americans" are a mish mash of people from most, if not all countries of the world, the bashers may be talking about a distant relative. As mentioned the 'relative newcomer' describes the America's since Christianity and civilization was intoduced there eventually the system will be perfected or it too will fall by the wayside.

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This is going to get closed real soon.. The original question though has merit: What makes the US consulate think that an urgent and dangerous situation existed, when clearly (I think amongst ourselves) we agree that it's already covered by the standing common-sense recommendation to avoid any protests about anything?

Indeed other embassies and consulates, even the ones that are usually at the front of the line to start yelling 'shark, shark!' (you know who you are. :) ) didn't issue a warming in this case.

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This is going to get closed real soon.. The original question though has merit: What makes the US consulate think that an urgent and dangerous situation existed, when clearly (I think amongst ourselves) we agree that it's already covered by the standing common-sense recommendation to avoid any protests about anything?

Indeed other embassies and consulates, even the ones that are usually at the front of the line to start yelling 'shark, shark!' (you know who you are. :) ) didn't issue a warming in this case.

I totally agree with you WTH. As a yank I fell that US Consulate was totally out of line for their issuing this waining. All they had to due was wait 24 hours. Someone showed very bad judgment.

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This is going to get closed real soon.. The original question though has merit: What makes the US consulate think that an urgent and dangerous situation existed, when clearly (I think amongst ourselves) we agree that it's already covered by the standing common-sense recommendation to avoid any protests about anything?

Indeed other embassies and consulates, even the ones that are usually at the front of the line to start yelling 'shark, shark!' (you know who you are. :) ) didn't issue a warming in this case.

I totally agree with you WTH. As a yank I fell that US Consulate was totally out of line for their issuing this waining. All they had to due was wait 24 hours. Someone showed very bad judgment.

To be for-warned is to be for-armed. When a PM cannot travel in his own country for fear of his safety is a sign of things to come. The consulate would be negligent of responsibility for not warning its citizens of possible danger.

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This is going to get closed real soon.. The original question though has merit: What makes the US consulate think that an urgent and dangerous situation existed, when clearly (I think amongst ourselves) we agree that it's already covered by the standing common-sense recommendation to avoid any protests about anything?

Indeed other embassies and consulates, even the ones that are usually at the front of the line to start yelling 'shark, shark!' (you know who you are. :D ) didn't issue a warming in this case.

Who cares :) ?

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There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

Let us look back into history and see who holds high marks for violence, genocide and such. Americans are relative newcomers!

Relative newcomers they may be, but quite the achievers, as we all know. By coincidence, I've been interested lately in the question of which nations have been most responsible for genocides in the last few hundred years. My research continues and I don't yet have a good handle on the number of Indian nations they wiped out, but the Americans are still very much in contention for taking the top crown.

My own belief is that every tribe, nation, call it what you like, of people commits as much violence against others as it feels, in its wisdom, necessary or important to its survival, peace and prosperity. They all do it, or would, in the right circumstances.

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The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.

By James Slack

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...l#ixzz0Y77TYwKw


Here is another view and how about going back a couple of centuries? :)

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Early USA was colonized by violent Brits who revolted against Britain. The longest experiment with absolute Christian-pacifist government ended when violence-loving British took over William Penn's colony and started wars with the natives.

US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

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Let's see. America has been in the driver seat since the early 1900's. What has happenend since then?

Population has exploded because of modern medicine, vaccines, increase in food production techniques and a large decrease in deaths per capita from world conflicts. Greatly decrease the world death rate and the population greatly increases.

Since 1900 the average lifespan has nearly doubled.

If anything it's been too safe a world and the population is getting way too large. If this global warming hypothesis come true and the earth is destroyed then the US deserves the credit. Until then it's a much safer and more civilized world as evidenced by the 6 billion flourishing inhabitants of planet earth.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Early USA was colonized by violent Brits who revolted against Britain. The longest experiment with absolute Christian-pacifist government ended when violence-loving British took over William Penn's colony and started wars with the natives.

US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

What makes you think we are "not far from a Thai civil war"? I would say tensions now are much lower than last year with support for either faction ebbing.

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Early USA was colonized by violent Brits who revolted against Britain. The longest experiment with absolute Christian-pacifist government ended when violence-loving British took over William Penn's colony and started wars with the natives.

US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

If the US Consulate had waited 24 hours for the PM to announce that he was NOT coming to Chiang Mai then this thread in all probability would not be happening. 24 hours was not going to put any American in harm.

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US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

I'm afraid that PeaceBlondie is correct.

Let us hope that the King, Buddhism and the Thai people's love of peace and well known willingness to compromise can avert this possible disaster. :)

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Early USA was colonized by violent Brits who revolted against Britain. The longest experiment with absolute Christian-pacifist government ended when violence-loving British took over William Penn's colony and started wars with the natives.

US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

If the US Consulate had waited 24 hours for the PM to announce that he was NOT coming to Chiang Mai then this thread in all probability would not be happening. 24 hours was not going to put any American in harm.

How would they know what he was going to do in 24 hours?


A Gypsy Woman Holding A Crystal Ball

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The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.

By James Slack

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...l#ixzz0Y77TYwKw


Here is another view and how about going back a couple of centuries? :)

I wouldn't trust the Daily Mail or its statistics, its a real middle-class, middle England newspaper that likes to run scare stories that normally don't have much substance. Saying that though I'm a Brit and I find the in the UK the threat of violence is much more of a reality than any other countries I have spent time in.

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Early USA was colonized by violent Brits who revolted against Britain. The longest experiment with absolute Christian-pacifist government ended when violence-loving British took over William Penn's colony and started wars with the natives.

US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

If the US Consulate had waited 24 hours for the PM to announce that he was NOT coming to Chiang Mai then this thread in all probability would not be happening. 24 hours was not going to put any American in harm.

Remember, if you can Gotlost , that hindsight is 20/20.

Also try and remember , " its better to be safe than sorry" .... There is enough static in the air to cause serious demonstrations and even conflict. Your posting history on this forum would indicate to me that you would be one of the first to jump on the bandwagon to lambaste the US Consulate, should something and there had not been a caution alert from the consulate.

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Early USA was colonized by violent Brits who revolted against Britain. The longest experiment with absolute Christian-pacifist government ended when violence-loving British took over William Penn's colony and started wars with the natives.

US consulate was prudent to advise its citizens. We are not far from a Thai civil war.

If the US Consulate had waited 24 hours for the PM to announce that he was NOT coming to Chiang Mai then this thread in all probability would not be happening. 24 hours was not going to put any American in harm.

The Consulate gave the sound advise one would give to a family member. The PM said he was coming. The Red shirts said they would greet him. People makes plans in advance. They Consulate passed the information when they had it. They should have waited???

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It's always deeply ironical when the american state issues warnings to its citizens about possible violence in other countries. Surely the US is the most violent nation in the world? If they're not killing each other, then they're off around the world on their latest war.

There again, with their history and skillful record of violence, perhaps they are best placed to recognise when it might burst out into the open...

How many blogging here would have grown up in the Hitler Youth if not for American violence?

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I wouldn't trust the Daily Mail or its statistics, its a real middle-class, middle England newspaper that likes to run scare stories that normally don't have much substance. Saying that though I'm a Brit and I find the in the UK the threat of violence is much more of a reality than any other countries I have spent time in.

Can that newspaper be trusted on anything apart from the date?

Well, the UK certainly is a violent country. One can quite easily get caught up in, or witness, violence in britain. They also consistently join the US in that country's foreign adventures, not to mention the history of their long empire where they ruled the waves of brutal crimes against other peoples. Neither look clean at all. Both economies are in large part funded by promoting war all over the world, but primarily in non-developed nations. They are deeply involved in violence, more so than most nations, but no other nation has the cheek to tell the rest of the world how they should live.

This is why i find it ironic when it's nearly always the american or british embassy to warn its nationals. There's loads of other nationalities in thailand, in chiang mai, so how come their embassies don't provide any warnings?

And to the poster who decided i must be on drugs. Wrong. Just different ideas to yours it seems.

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The Consulate gave the sound advise one would give to a family member. The PM said he was coming. The Red shirts said they would greet him. People makes plans in advance. They Consulate passed the information when they had it. They should have waited???

Why only the american consulate coming out with a warning? Are they the only country that cares about its citizens? What about the rest of us not from america, why haven't our embassies warned us? Who is likely to be acting most improperly, the US embassy, or every single other nation in the world?

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The Consulate gave the sound advise one would give to a family member. The PM said he was coming. The Red shirts said they would greet him. People makes plans in advance. They Consulate passed the information when they had it. They should have waited???

Why only the american consulate coming out with a warning? Are they the only country that cares about its citizens? What about the rest of us not from america, why haven't our embassies warned us? Who is likely to be acting most improperly, the US embassy, or every single other nation in the world?

Femi fan what is your problem any way?

So you're not American. Well I am, and proud of it, but I still do not go around blowing my horn about America r Americans.

there is a lot my country's gov't does that I do not agree with..... but that is life.

Your apparent dislike or Americans, or anything American is blatently obvious. So obvious, in fact that it seems to be blinding your common sense, of which I hope you have some.

This warning by the US Consulate is good. If you as a non American wish to following along with the warning, please do so. If you do not , so be it ,,,,, thats your choice. As to why the US Consulate is the only one who cares about their citizens, you would have to ask all the other consulates...... yours in particular, why ....

If this thread and its coverage bothers you sooooo much...... go to another thread. If all hel_l breaks loose, then it was a good and timely warning...... if it doesn't ........so what ????? Its not costing me anything or you.....

Maybe go and read the thread about the Brit couple being attacked in Ko Chang.

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