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Most Famous Friends In Thailand?


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Actually I've just remembered. I ran into the whole England cricket team in Heathrow as they were flying out for the World Cup in Sri Lanka. Glad I met them on the way out and not on the way back. Still I got all their autographs on the inside covers of a book I was reading at the time.

Another time back in the 70'sor early 80's I was at a party with the Kent County Cricket Team and the West Indian Touring Team. It was held in a barn in Minster near Ramsgate(the village I come from) What a p1ss-up. I remember collecting all the West Indies autographs on a pound note. All that is except for Andy Roberts.

He told me

'I never sign anything that has already been signed on behalf of our Queen''

To which I retorted in my inebriated state,

'Denis Lillee's faster than you anyway'

Then he chased me all over the farm.

It is still talked about in the village to this day.

Edited by lampard10
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Oh, well if you're going to start listing famous people you've met or seen, that'd be a long list for me.  I've bumped in to tons of people, from Evander Holyfield shopping in a Rich's department store in Atlanta (right after his first heavyweight win, he was buying every TV in the place) to hanging out with Brett Favre and Mark Chmura at Denny's one night after a big win against the Rams (of course, there were the weekly sundae-eating contests I used to have with the offensive line guys at brunch too, I made one guy miss practice because he had to eat 11 sundaes to beat me, heheh) to working backstage security for Metallica to getting breakfast with Test, Kurt Angle and Albert at Wrestlemania 17 in Texas (used to work for the WWE).  Geesh, I could go on for ages.

But perhaps the funniest "brush-with-fame" episode came when I was living in Florida.  My friends and I used to chill at the crappy little underground club that was literally beneath a freeway overpass and in a genuinely unpleasant neighborhood.  Anyway, on Wednesday nights, they had this crappy little goth-wannabe house band that we all hated (after all, how good could a WEDNESDAY-night house band be, right?).  They used to make a lot of noise and burn some lunch boxes, but other than that, they were terrible.  Anyway, my girlfriend at the time had a big crush on the lead singer of the band.  Whenever we went over to the band's apartment for the afterhours party they threw every week, she'd always be trying to chat up that coked-out loser, kinda sucked especially since I introduced her to the skinny jerk.  So after a few weeks, she dumps me for him, and of course, he bangs her and dumps her just like the dozens of other girls who were throwing themselves at this guy for some unknown reason.  Serves her right too, the skank.

The name of the band?

Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids

Yep, that's right, Marilyn Manson stole my girlfriend.  Ugh, how humiliating  :o .

Is it age, class, education, culture or this cheap whisky, but the more I read this thread, the less I recognise anyone?

You could be writing in a foreign language here – I’ve heard of no-one in this posting!

“Nurse, bring me a new bottle”

(Still havn’t seen anyone to beat G*d and JC, yet – watch out for the lightning bolts, especially if you’re upcountry, I do)

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Thomas - you're just yakking for the sake of yakking now.

How dare you, sir.

Don’t you know my junior school teacher was Cynthia Powell’s (later Cynthia Lennon’s) father.

So show some respect were it is deserved.

Also talking this way to a man who has also seen Jimi Hendrix’s dinga-ling in a motorway service’s loo off the M1.

Whatever is the world coming to!

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Thomas - you're just yakking for the sake of yakking now.

How dare you, sir.

Don’t you know my junior school teacher was Cynthia Powell’s (later Cynthia Lennon’s) father.

So show some respect were it is deserved.

Also talking this way to a man who has also seen Jimi Hendrix’s dinga-ling in a motorway service’s loo off the M1.

Whatever is the world coming to!

Not bad from someone who confesses he doesn't know who Evander Holyfield is :o

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Thomas - you're just yakking for the sake of yakking now.

How dare you, sir.

Don’t you know my junior school teacher was Cynthia Powell’s (later Cynthia Lennon’s) father.

So show some respect were it is deserved.

Also talking this way to a man who has also seen Jimi Hendrix’s dinga-ling in a motorway service’s loo off the M1.

Whatever is the world coming to!

Not bad from someone who confesses he doesn't know who Evander Holyfield is :o

I am reliably informed that Evander Holyfield practises the art of fisticuffs.

Then you must appreciate that this sport reached its ultimate for all Jimi Henrix’ dinga-ling watchers, with the “Rumble in the Jungle”.

There has never been a fight like it, nor will there ever be one again.

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I met a bloke in a bar in Pattaya once, said he was Jesus, checking the place out. He advised me to get in my car in the morning, leave Pattaya and dont look back, or I would be turned into a pillar of salt.

I was going anyway but as nothing happened I think he was full of sh1t

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I met a bloke in a bar in Pattaya once, said he was Jesus, checking the place out. He advised me to get in my car in the morning, leave Pattaya and dont look back, or I would be turned into a pillar of salt.

I was going anyway but as nothing happened I think he was full of sh1t

This is serious now: did you know in Jerualem's mental hospital, there are over 100 of these guys. All of them, what we would call, farang. The medical authorities call their sickness "the Jesus Syndrom".

Just think how many farang in BKK would be locked up, if it was an offence to pretend to be someone other than yourself?

Perhaps there is meat for another thread: tell us about your meetings with farangs with the "BKK syndrom"?

(no offense intended to bkkmadness)

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Whilst in a betting shop in the centre of Edinburgh the guy next to me gave me a tip on the next dog race, I never bet on it and the outsider won. The guy went up to collect his winnings, must have been over a thousand quid, Alex(Hurricane Higgins).

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You guys crack me up.

People who are really connected will never brag around on who they know.

Thats how it works.

Bragging here or elsewhere on who you know or met just shows how small you are.

IMO anyway.

just my 2 satang

I get the feeling that you are saying by not posting anything, you know famous people, totally contradicting yourself.

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You guys crack me up.

People who are really connected will never brag around on who they know.

Thats how it works.

Bragging here or elsewhere on who you know or met just shows how small you are.

IMO anyway.

just my 2 satang

I get the feeling that you are saying by not posting anything, you know famous people, totally contradicting yourself.

I see that 2 posters needed to start with insults :o and another one quoted above fancies his own (wrong) conclusion.

Very funny guys.

I posted my opinion, but I can see that the truth hurts, right ?

Just keep on bragging, it leads nowhere.

just my 2 satang

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You guys crack me up.

People who are really connected will never brag around on who they know.

Thats how it works.

Bragging here or elsewhere on who you know or met just shows how small you are.

IMO anyway.

just my 2 satang

I get the feeling that you are saying by not posting anything, you know famous people, totally contradicting yourself.

I see that 2 posters needed to start with insults :D and another one quoted above fancies his own (wrong) conclusion.

Very funny guys.

I posted my opinion, but I can see that the truth hurts, right ?

Just keep on bragging, it leads nowhere.

just my 2 satang

theres always one miserable sod aint there. :o

its just a fun thread 2 satang, if you dont like it, and cant or dont want to answer the question then dont.

nobodys bragging about big connections, just having a chat about who we know and have seen on our travels, lighten up dude. :D

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You guys crack me up.

People who are really connected will never brag around on who they know.

Thats how it works.

Bragging here or elsewhere on who you know or met just shows how small you are.

IMO anyway.

just my 2 satang

I get the feeling that you are saying by not posting anything, you know famous people, totally contradicting yourself.

I see that 2 posters needed to start with insults :D and another one quoted above fancies his own (wrong) conclusion.

Very funny guys.

I posted my opinion, but I can see that the truth hurts, right ?

Just keep on bragging, it leads nowhere.

just my 2 satang

theres always one miserable sod aint there. :o

its just a fun thread 2 satang, if you dont like it, and cant or dont want to answer the question then dont.

nobodys bragging about big connections, just having a chat about who we know and have seen on our travels, lighten up dude. :D

Maybe you missed the graemlin I posted ? :D

So, who cares I shared a flight with Roger Moore and played bridge against Omar Sharif and was at a statedinner with HM in BKK ?

But I'll never name any bigshots I know, I need them for my business.

As for being a miserable sod, I'll leave the name callings to all of you, you all seem to be good at this on this board :D

just my 2 satang

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My greatgandfather was a regular at the palace. Willy Mcintosh was my bro's buddy. Hung out time with Kathleeya English, Cindy Burbridge, and quite a few more I can't mention here.....Anyway, almost became famous myself, but passed up the opportunity...now I am sulking over bad economy... :o just for fun la

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#63 at Suzy Wong in Soi Cowboy. She's the one with the big, soft (real), gorgeous

t!ts that does the 'Cowboy Show' most nights. A real looker and nice too. :D

But can she blow darts out of her chuff? :o


I'll just say she's top notch in her chosen profession and knows the 'ins and outs'

of show business like nobody else. I even pried an autograph out of her one night.


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I personally know Leo Sayers and Adam Faith (ever heard of them?).

As a matter of fact I have or I have heard of Leo Sayer and as for old Terry Nolan aka Adam Faith, how well do you know him as he is dead.

Sill have a chat with him on the ouija board do you ?

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I personally know Leo Sayers and Adam Faith (ever heard of them?).

As a matter of fact I have or I have heard of Leo Sayer and as for old Terry Nolan aka Adam Faith, how well do you know him as he is dead.

Sill have a chat with him on the ouija board do you ? 


Oh my God! admitting to knowing old Leo!

I didn't know Adam Faith had died, but he wasn't a 'personal friend'.

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I personally know Leo Sayers and Adam Faith (ever heard of them?).

As a matter of fact I have or I have heard of Leo Sayer and as for old Terry Nolan aka Adam Faith, how well do you know him as he is dead.

Sill have a chat with him on the ouija board do you ? 


Oh my God! admitting to knowing old Leo!

you make me feel like dancing :o

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