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New Mcdonalds At Thapae Gate

Ulysses G.

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So, how's the coffee? A mild drug, but a good cup of coffee is super! Shall we have a poll, UG?

Coffee is a another poison and it destroys the environment because of all the chemical fertilizers, as

well as a range of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides that are used to grow it. Let's ban coffee too.

Meat is murder man! :)

From the October 2000 Idaho Observer:

Coffee: pure poison to our digestive tract

by Ingri Harkins

People complain to me of a variety of health problems. Most of them are aggavated by their daily coffee habit. This has come up so much lately that I simply must share how important it is for all of you out there who still drink coffee to do yourselves a favor: Quit -- -- particularly when you are sick! Have you ever had heartburn, excess gas, bloating ulcers or just plain poor digestion of your food? If you answered “yes,” and drink excessive amounts of coffee, you owe it to yourself to continue reading.

¨The caffeine, oils and acids in coffee irritate the stomach lining, which can cause excessive production of hydrochloric acid leading to a variety of digestive ailments. Decaf, which contains the same oils and acids as regular coffee as well as traces of methylene chloride, brings on the same increase in stomach acid.

¨ Drinking coffee on an empty stomach produces an even greater increase in stomach acid, and can cause stomach pain almost immediately in some people.

¨ Research has shown a definite link between coffee drinking and ulcers. One study of 25,000 men showed that those who drink coffee have about a 72 percent higher risk of developing ulcers than those who don't.

¨ Coffee affects the lower esophageal sphincter which controls the opening between the stomach and the throat. When there is a change in the pressure of this esophageal sphincter, a reflux of stomach acid comes up into the throat causing “heartburn.” Some people already have an abnormality in this sphincter which coffee exacerbates.

¨ Coffee tends to slow down the passage of waste through the small intestine and speed it up in the large intestine.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Shouldn't "Chiang Mai" and "femi fan" be posting on the "best burger" thread? I thought this was about coffee??!!

And once we close down McDonald's do we have to close Duke's, Mad Dog, and Chiang Mai Saloon too?

No. They're single businesses, and they're not burger joints.

In other words, once we get rid of the burger joints, they will be next. :)

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You are right, caffine isn't great for anyone either. But it is a relatively mild in small pumps for most people. So are hamburgers, too, if you only ingest about 10% (latest generally agreed percentage) of animal fat in your diet. THAT IS HARD TO DO IF YOU LIKE A BIG MAC !!!! My apologies for shouting !

Otherwise, one of our moderators wants us to stick to the quality of MacD's coffee. So,responding to that request, I suggest that you don't drink more than one cup of the coffee unless you want to stain your khaki shorts the next time you visit the toilet !!

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

I'll wager there are some pretty murderous vegetarians around. And trecheous, coniving vegans too.

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The problem isn't McDonald's per se but our inablility to live in moderation. Over eating is an example.

My grandfather, a school teacher who continued teaching into his seventies, once told me: before sitting down to a meal, I should ask myself how many chapatties I feel like eating—and then proceed to eat two less than that.

A Mcdonald's in historic Thapae Gate would be unsightly, as would a Starbucks or girly bar. But since there are no zoning laws, the property owners are entitled to rent out to the highest bidder.

McDonalds may be guilty of a lot of things, but it only succeeds because of our propensity towards overindulgence.

Moderation is the cure for all our ills.

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

I'll wager there are some pretty murderous vegetarians around. And trecheous, coniving vegans too.

Probably! But I am not one of them! Still, I suspect that they have a line on the right thing! But give me my lamb, man!

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The problem isn't McDonald's per se but our inablility to live in moderation. Over eating is an example.

My grandfather, a school teacher who continued teaching into his seventies, once told me: before sitting down to a meal, I should ask myself how many chapatties I feel like eating—and then proceed to eat two less than that.

A Mcdonald's in historic Thapae Gate would be unsightly, as would a Starbucks or girly bar. But since there are no zoning laws, the property owners are entitled to rent out to the highest bidder.

McDonalds may be guilty of a lot of things, but it only succeeds because of our propensity towards overindulgence.

Moderation is the cure for all our ills.

Well said.

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We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

To which we give the very fundamental answer: "Because those others are so tremendously tasty. Especially when served medium-rare and with a dash of Lea & Perrins"

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to answer your question: The coffee at McDonalds is really good...and to all the people worried about McDonalds health concerns...

First of all...if you ever look inside a McDonalds in Thailand, and actually pay attention you will see most of the Thai people in there are kids that are doing their homework. They prob only buy like a coke or something at the most...

I don't think McDonalds is ruining peoples health as they have their own minds to do as they please. If they can make money there, why are you against them? It will actually help the economy in that area because tourist will probably spend a lot of money in there. Besides, if you go to Starbucks or any other farang place it is the same as going to McDonalds anyways...

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"Allowed" to operate? Should only British pubs, Starbucks and Go Go Bars be allowed in that area? :)

Of course not, but how's about something in keeping with the spirit of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand and it's associated heritage, unless of course the good wardens of CM are happy to allow that type of encroachment on their history and to promote poor quality and unhealthy food.

While you, me, and a host of foreign tourists might prefer ancient cultures and traditions be maintained, local folk are more interested in feeding their families. I revel in my memories of Koh Tao before telephones and electricity came to the island, before there were paved roads and 7-Elevens. It was a genuine tropical paradise. Today, for me, it's hel_l with palm trees. But the local folk are much happier. Their businesses are flourishing and money is pouring into the island. Many old time visitors have stopped going there since 'they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.' But many more new visitors return time and again because it has what they want; car rental agencies, bar girls, loud music on the beach at night, neon colored drinks with little umbrellas in them, etc. And the local folk make money now. And it's their island, right?

We can say that the Thais shouldn't sell off their heritage, shouldn't modernize, should keep cultural values, etc. Perhaps they shouldn't have modernized Thapae Gate several years ago. It was more 'authentic' with the cracked pavement. But we say that with full bellies. Frankly, I'd like to see all motorized vehicular traffic kept out of the Old City. Trishaws only! Keep the Old City the way it was 100 years ago! Wouldn't that be lovely for the people who only want to see, photograph and experience Old Siam! The reality is that the people who have lived and worked there all this time would prefer to make a living. It would be nice to be able to do it without changes, but the fact is, in nature an entity either grows and flourishes or stagnates and dies. There is no standing still.

So people will continue to pave paradise, move to extinction hundreds of species of plants and animals every week, pollute the air and water, and do it in the name of progress and making a living. And 50 years down the road a group of Thai people (who then have their bellies full and their kids educated) will get together to try to create a heritage site that still looks the way it did back in the day.

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

Both Adolph Hitler and Pol Pot were vegetarians who particularly hated hamburgers. Food Fascists lie!

Momma, why can't I have a cheeseburger?Vegetarianism Forced Upon Helpless Child Victimschildabuse2.jpgaggression.jpgNAZIS LOVED ANIMALS TOO!In April 1933, soon after they had come to power, the Nazis passed laws regulating the slaughter of animals. goering.jpgLater that year Herman Goering announced an end to the 'unbearable torture and suffering in animal experiments'and-in an extremely unusual admission of the existence of such institutions, threatened to 'commit to concentration camps those who still think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property.' Bans on vivisection were issued in Bavaria and Prussia. Horses, cats and apes were singled out for special protection.

In 1936, a special law was passed regarding the correct way of dispatching lobsters and crabs and thus mitigating their terminal agonies. Crustaceans were to be thrown into rapidly boiling water. Bureaucrats at the Nazi Ministry of the Interior had produced learned research papers on the kindest method of killing.

goebbels.jpgGoebbels said, famously, 'The only real friend one has in the end is the dog. . .The more I get to know the human species, the more I care for my Benno.' Goebbels also agreed with Hitler that 'meat eating is a perversion in our human nature,' and that Christianity was a 'symptom of decay', since it did not urge vegetarianism. Rudolf Hess was another affectionate pet owner.

hitlerdog.jpgNazi leaders harboured affection towards animals but antipathy to humans. Hitler was given films by a maharaja which displayed animals killing people. The Fuehrer watched with equanimity. Another film showed humans killing animals. Hitler covered his eyes and begged to be told when the slaughter was over.

In the same passage in his diary from the 1920s quoted above, Goebbels wrote, 'As soon as I am with a person for three days, I don't like him any longer. . .I have learned to despise the human being from the bottom of my soul.'


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So, how's the coffee? A mild drug, but a good cup of coffee is super! Shall we have a poll, UG?

Coffee is a another poison and it destroys the environment because of all the chemical fertilizers, as

well as a range of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides that are used to grow it. Let's ban coffee too.

Meat is murder man! :)

From the October 2000 Idaho Observer:

Coffee: pure poison to our digestive tract

by Ingri Harkins

People complain to me of a variety of health problems. Most of them are aggavated by their daily coffee habit. This has come up so much lately that I simply must share how important it is for all of you out there who still drink coffee to do yourselves a favor: Quit -- -- particularly when you are sick! Have you ever had heartburn, excess gas, bloating ulcers or just plain poor digestion of your food? If you answered “yes,” and drink excessive amounts of coffee, you owe it to yourself to continue reading.

¨The caffeine, oils and acids in coffee irritate the stomach lining, which can cause excessive production of hydrochloric acid leading to a variety of digestive ailments. Decaf, which contains the same oils and acids as regular coffee as well as traces of methylene chloride, brings on the same increase in stomach acid.

¨ Drinking coffee on an empty stomach produces an even greater increase in stomach acid, and can cause stomach pain almost immediately in some people.

¨ Research has shown a definite link between coffee drinking and ulcers. One study of 25,000 men showed that those who drink coffee have about a 72 percent higher risk of developing ulcers than those who don't.

¨ Coffee affects the lower esophageal sphincter which controls the opening between the stomach and the throat. When there is a change in the pressure of this esophageal sphincter, a reflux of stomach acid comes up into the throat causing “heartburn.” Some people already have an abnormality in this sphincter which coffee exacerbates.

¨ Coffee tends to slow down the passage of waste through the small intestine and speed it up in the large intestine.


Surgeon General reports " Living will cause death "

We are all going to die boys and girls. So if drinking coffee rushes your death, but it makes you happy and content,,,,, MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.

Live longer but miserably


Be happy while you're here and maybe go faster.

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The place will be packed with foreigners who complain about McDonalds destroying the universe. Look at the one in the night market. When I go there it's mainly tourists who have come to Chiang Mai to get a taste of Lanna culture.

I like the coffee, burgers and ice cream they sell. I won't be visiting that branch because there's nowhere to park my car. I suspect the place will be full of drunk foreigners staggering from the bars of Tha Pae Gate. Another reason for me to avoid this branch.

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

I'll wager there are some pretty murderous vegetarians around. And trecheous, coniving vegans too.

WHERE are those coniving virgins ????

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

Both Adolph Hitler and Pol Pot were vegetarians who particularly hated hamburgers. Food Fascists lie!

Then on the other side was Idi Amin, a well known virgin and coffee eater


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Maybe human beings should stop settling our differences by killing each other instead of blaming all of our problems on McDonalds. :)
Indeed. There was at least one destructive war before Ray Kroc started McDonalds. Minced beef wasn't invented in the USA (although pemmican was). A British Earl invented the sandwich.


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They say that soy products are destroying the planet too. Should we get rid of them after milk?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun UG,

Why not follow this to its logical conclusion, and focus on the real problem : the infestation of insane vermin called "humanity" that is destroying the planet at exponentially increasing velocity ?

best, ~o:37;

Hi o:37,

Our own health and well being provides us with one incentive; the increased lightness of being. I'm trying to take it one step

further, to become a fruitarian. I do amite it has been tough but I feel fantastic.

I'm not here to remind anyone how important your health is, there are the animals to consider yes, and there's also a wider, more spiritual dimension....

So. Yer makes yer choice and pays the price. Some call it the Law of Karma! Now where's my cup of coffee.:))

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I just can't imagine why so many people get worked up over cups of coffee and burgers.

Personally I don't eat burgers because they smell and taste like crap whoever makes them. If you live in Thailand there is no excuse for eating them as there are so many better tasting alternatives.

As for coffee; well, has there ever been a more over hyped drink apart from coke on this planet? Most of it is expensive rubbish and everyone knows it's really bad for us. I prefer a nice cup of tea myself but, no doubt that will be wrong because I should be thinking about the poorly paid workers who pick the leaves. Oh! and I take milk with it too so that's bad because the poor old cows are eating too much grass to make it. Perhaps I should drink more water but it would be a crime to put more profit into the water delivery mans pocket.

I am fast coming to the conclusion that the best way to stay sane is stop reading most of the tripe on this forum!

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Moderation is the cure for all our ills.

You're treading a fine line there. I'm surprised a moderator or admin hasn't picked up on this yet. From the forum rules:

21) Not to discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy

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I was subjected to pictures of the Nazi leadership, cats, cows, the evils of meat, discussion of animal cruelty, vegetarian diet, hamburgers; one of the worlds great menaces, zoning and lack thereof, health hazards of diet and drink, etc just to find out MacDonalds serve a decent cup of coffee. Hate to miss a day of TV discussion.

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"Allowed" to operate? Should only British pubs, Starbucks and Go Go Bars be allowed in that area? :)

Of course not, but how's about something in keeping with the spirit of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand and it's associated heritage, unless of course the good wardens of CM are happy to allow that type of encroachment on their history and to promote poor quality and unhealthy food.

While you, me, and a host of foreign tourists might prefer ancient cultures and traditions be maintained, local folk are more interested in feeding their families. I revel in my memories of Koh Tao before telephones and electricity came to the island, before there were paved roads and 7-Elevens. It was a genuine tropical paradise. Today, for me, it's hel_l with palm trees. But the local folk are much happier. Their businesses are flourishing and money is pouring into the island. Many old time visitors have stopped going there since 'they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.' But many more new visitors return time and again because it has what they want; car rental agencies, bar girls, loud music on the beach at night, neon colored drinks with little umbrellas in them, etc. And the local folk make money now. And it's their island, right?

We can say that the Thais shouldn't sell off their heritage, shouldn't modernize, should keep cultural values, etc. Perhaps they shouldn't have modernized Thapae Gate several years ago. It was more 'authentic' with the cracked pavement. But we say that with full bellies. Frankly, I'd like to see all motorized vehicular traffic kept out of the Old City. Trishaws only! Keep the Old City the way it was 100 years ago! Wouldn't that be lovely for the people who only want to see, photograph and experience Old Siam! The reality is that the people who have lived and worked there all this time would prefer to make a living. It would be nice to be able to do it without changes, but the fact is, in nature an entity either grows and flourishes or stagnates and dies. There is no standing still.

So people will continue to pave paradise, move to extinction hundreds of species of plants and animals every week, pollute the air and water, and do it in the name of progress and making a living. And 50 years down the road a group of Thai people (who then have their bellies full and their kids educated) will get together to try to create a heritage site that still looks the way it did back in the day.

Words of wisdom from Folk Guitar, the most excited I've seen the wife in a while was last week when the new Tesco Lotus Express opened in Doi Saket.

Personally I can't stand Mc D's food, anyone tried the coffee?

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But the fact remains that we slaughter billions of acres of forest land to feed billions of cows which we fatten and keep alive with millions of tonnes of hormones and antibiotics, and then we slaughter those billions of cows in order to make billions of hamburgers to feed millions of rich people. All able to be done having resorted to the power of advertising. The damage done to those who eat thousands of hamburgers in their lifetime (not one a week say at the mad dog or dukes), and the damage done to our planet to sustain this hamburger industry created by the likes of mcdonalds is undeniable.

Food fascist, emotional, adding in strawmen arguments, putting words into people's mouths that weren't there, whatever, it's an easy jibe to help one refuse to accept the reality behind the industry.

The hamburger industry stinks, and probably causes more global warming than oil. I don't know the figures, but it's probably odds on to be the case.

Pipedown with your ranting. No-one gives a smeg. If you want to make a difference, lobby for McD's to change their murderous, unhealthy, excessive ways. There's no point in trying to educate the masses with elaborate facts and figures as all it does is end up making you a nitwit... and besides, if we leave the cows alone, it won't be fair on the chickens.

It's probably a shame one is going up there but at least it's not within Chiang Mai city of old. I expect you also had a hard time accepting the one going up in the Night Bazaar. At the end of the day, time moves along and this'll happen more and more in a developing country, and anyway, they can do what they like on their turf. :)

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

I'll wager there are some pretty murderous vegetarians around. And trecheous, coniving vegans too.

WHERE are those coniving virgins ????

They're so brilliantly conniving, you didn't even know they weren't virgins, did you?

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