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Halex ?


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The shop has been closed for some days now and someone on the local forum actually reported that a lorry pulled up the other day and loaded all inventories. The owner, Alex, has not been seen since.

It is a pity that Halex has closed down as it was a very good shop with a good wine selection and excellent service.

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One of his long time friends and customers told me that the owner just vanished a little over a week ago. As the shop owed money to it's distributors, the authorities confiscated the stock and the place was closed down. The accounts are being sorted out now and unless the owner turns up I guess it's gone for good.

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One of his long time friends and customers told me that the owner just vanished a little over a week ago. As the shop owed money to it's distributors, the authorities confiscated the stock and the place was closed down. The accounts are being sorted out now and unless the owner turns up I guess it's gone for good.

What a great pity! The business 'seemed' to be booming and as you rightly said the service was excellent.

Oh well, will just have to buy the booze from somewhere else. Pity for all the nice people who worked for them - another group of Thais who have lost their jobs - sad.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
another group of Thais who have lost their jobs - sad.

Yes, that is one of the worst things about it. He had a lot of long time, loyal, hard working Thai employees...

They will think all Foriegners the same, unfortunately. Always thought he was a slimey fat Austrian/German <deleted>.

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