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Avatar Psychology

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I have often wondered about the 'psychology' behind the Avatars. I think there must be some psychological influence in there somewhere? Something of how we perceive ourselves maybe? Perhaps people who change their avatars are not happy with 'who they are' and are still searching for themselves? Those that keep the same one maybe people who are happy with who they are, and have found themselves?

An interesting subject... I remember when choosing mine, I thought an avatar was a sort of 'mask' and I happen to like masks... bought a few in Italy a couple of years back... So, I looked for pictures of masks, and chose one that I liked. Maybe I like to 'hide' behind a mask of who I really am...? It would be interesting to know??

I nod to Ravisher for the inspiration behind this topic as it's been mentioned a few times over time and it was recently mentioned on the 'Sweet Revenge' topic, (see Rav's above quote.)

I don't know if I've started this in the right place, I couldn't decide between 'General Topics' and 'HKK' so I'll leave it up to the powers that be to move if required.

Anyway, some say avatars are a mask to hide behind who you really are but I disagree, it's no more than it is hiding behind a username or the moniter itself is it?

Obviously cndvic and Ravisher are focal points for this topic because their avatars are masks - I have often fulled this question about 'are those who change their avatars happy with themselves', probably, I believe, because 1: I've changed my avatar a lot and 2: I've a very honest poster who's quite open, so for startes I'm not hiding behind anything and for the first time I've actually got my own image up there on the left.

Many, if not most avatar's are just a photo relating to a members life in some way, some avatars have been wives and girlfriends or work related imagary - Random Chances's cow for example, and some are just clever animations, amusing images or even stills from faverourite TV shows (Dave Thailand?) - so, maybe those who change theirs on a regular basis are easily bored or find something better.

If my avatar relates to my life in anyway then it's the fact that it , like my life, it is always changing and for the most part, is intriguing.

I like Georges new 'silver cheetah' avatar and noticed that it is running faster than it was - what does that mean or say about the man?

Nothing.. All it says to me is that he came across it, thought - "That beats the burning sun and the blinking eye" and went with it.

Same goes with Boo's new avatar which is another eye pleaser.

The Doc has had his so long he couldn't change the image as it's now a trademark, but it would be good to see his image dance about a bit, or something. :o

So is that settled then? ...All this waffle about avatar promiscuity relating to self doubt and contentment is a valid question but there's really nothing in it.

An avatar is no different to an item of clothing, a fridge magnet or a car sticker.

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I like my current avatar, not just because of the unique look, but because of how it amuses me when I think of the origin.

The mask comes from the Haida indians on Canada's west coast. It's a "Secret Society" mask.

Now is it just me or does anyone else here think that the best way to keep a society secret is to maybe not wear colourful wooden masks on their faces. This reminds me of the old Batman show where the bad guys would wear clothes with "Henchmen" written across the back. I don't know who The Joker's lawyer was, but he really should have advised them against that as it can be very incriminating. :o


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Just curious, since we're on the subject of avatar psychology: Do you think your perception of a TV member is influenced by the avatar he/she uses?

For example, mine - do you somehow feel that I'm a sexy, beautiful lady as suggested by my avatar? Even though the logical part of your brain could argue that just because I use this avatar doesn't necessarily mean that I look like this, but does it rub off onto your mental image of me anyway? And what about when I was using my cute little dancing cat avatar?

I'll admit that even though I know DJ Pat's avatar is of a stand-up comedian, I just can't help but feel that he looks like that (as illogical as such reasoning is). (No offense, mr.DJ :o)

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Just curious, since we're on the subject of avatar psychology: Do you think your perception of a TV member is influenced by the avatar he/she uses?

For example, mine - do you somehow feel that I'm a sexy, beautiful lady as suggested by my avatar? Even though the logical part of your brain could argue that just because I use this avatar doesn't necessarily mean that I look like this, but does it rub off onto your mental image of me anyway? And what about when I was using my cute little dancing cat avatar?

I'll admit that even though I know DJ Pat's avatar is of a stand-up comedian, I just can't help but feel that he looks like that (as illogical as such reasoning is). (No offense, mr.DJ :D)

I think it can influence your perception of a member, and I must admit, I did prefer the little dancing cat.

I was actually relieved to hear it wasn't you in your avatar, it looks like transvestite giving the camera the come on; maybe that's just me, I like you as a poster and I hope you accept my honesty but there I certainly don't judge you by your avatar or any other members who have avatars I don't find eye pleasing as we are all judged by what we write, but like you said about DJ pat, if there's a HUMAN in the avatar - one can't help but put the words to the face. :o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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I changed my avtar, because too many people complained about the big,fat,bastid depicted in it. :D I CAN'T HELP IT. :o And I put it back on as protest to Scamps mind boggling spiral. :D Mind you,I might change back again now Scamps changed his. :D

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When I look at someone's Avitar I can't help but thinking of them as looking like that,(although that does not apply to anyone who uses a non-human avitar, I just do't think of them at all, when I see postd of yours Scamp I see YOU as you posted your pic last year.

Some add a sense of mystery, like Ravisher's & Darknight's and a few others. If I see a posts from Lamps I immediatley think of him as Frank.

Kat as Kat fom Eastenders and Dave Thailand as Michael Caine (can't explain why?).... George I thought of as an Elderly educated Gentleman Because of the Blinking Eye, and although he has changed his Avitar I cannot get the old image I had of him out of my head.

When I see Thai Flyer's I think I have a twin brother!!

I find it really strange as to my thinking on this matter, and I had never given it a thought before now, and I think it would be better if I did'nt do it again or I will spend all my time looking at Avatars instead of reading posts

It's weird!!

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I have often wondered about the 'psychology' behind the Avatars. I think there must be some psychological influence in there somewhere? Something of how we perceive ourselves maybe? Perhaps people who change their avatars are not happy with 'who they are' and are still searching for themselves? Those that keep the same one maybe people who are happy with who they are, and have found themselves?

An interesting subject... I remember when choosing mine, I thought an avatar was a sort of 'mask' and I happen to like masks... bought a few in Italy a couple of years back... So, I looked for pictures of masks, and chose one that I liked. Maybe I like to 'hide' behind a mask of who I really am...? It would be interesting to know??

I nod to Ravisher for the inspiration behind this topic as it's been mentioned a few times over time and it was recently mentioned on the 'Sweet Revenge' topic, (see Rav's above quote.)

I don't know if I've started this in the right place, I couldn't decide between 'General Topics' and 'HKK' so I'll leave it up to the powers that be to move if required.

Anyway, some say avatars are a mask to hide behind who you really are but I disagree, it's no more than it is hiding behind a username or the moniter itself is it?

Obviously cndvic and Ravisher are focal points for this topic because their avatars are masks - I have often fulled this question about 'are those who change their avatars happy with themselves', probably, I believe, because 1: I've changed my avatar a lot and 2: I've a very honest poster who's quite open, so for startes I'm not hiding behind anything and for the first time I've actually got my own image up there on the left.

Many, if not most avatar's are just a photo relating to a members life in some way, some avatars have been wives and girlfriends or work related imagary - Random Chances's cow for example, and some are just clever animations, amusing images or even stills from faverourite TV shows (Dave Thailand?) - so, maybe those who change theirs on a regular basis are easily bored or find something better.

If my avatar relates to my life in anyway then it's the fact that it , like my life, it is always changing and for the most part, is intriguing.

I like Georges new 'silver cheetah' avatar and noticed that it is running faster than it was - what does that mean or say about the man?

Nothing.. All it says to me is that he came across it, thought - "That beats the burning sun and the blinking eye" and went with it.

Same goes with Boo's new avatar which is another eye pleaser.

The Doc has had his so long he couldn't change the image as it's now a trademark, but it would be good to see his image dance about a bit, or something. :D

So is that settled then? ...All this waffle about avatar promiscuity relating to self doubt and contentment is a valid question but there's really nothing in it.

An avatar is no different to an item of clothing, a fridge magnet or a car sticker.

I yam what I yam and that'a all I yam!!!! :o

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my avatar reminds me of where I came from, and where I am now. it reminds me of the kid that I once was, and that still exists in me. remembering how your mind worked when you were a kid helps you to be patient with people around you when you are older.

comic books, frogs, tree houses, bb guns, beef jerky, etc.

...sometimes, I wonder how I survived for so long?????

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I think it can influence your perception of a member, and I must admit, I did prefer the little dancing cat.

I was actually relieved to hear it wasn't you in your avatar, it looks like transvestite giving the camera the come on

LOL :o ... oh.. didn't realize that.. :D

Okay, was planning to bring dancing kitty back anyway, just giving her a rest. Let my lovely transvestite hang around and stare at all you guys for a bit longer... :D (Hmm, does this selection of avatar this reflect anything about me, I wonder? hehehe.. :D)

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I only worked out how to use the avtar thingy the other day.

Neverthless, I like driving to the beach on a hot Australian summer day in my old beat up car, windows down, playing the album - Head Injuries - that is on my avtar.

Edited by samran
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Spent a number of years in central Africa and was lucky enough to be stationed close to the area where a group of gorillas was roaming. My houseboy was a great admirerer of these magnificent animals and took me took me out for many hours to observe them. Despite their size and power I've rarely seen a more gentle and intelligent animal.

This pic, I thought, gives a good impression of that. :o

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Isn't your 'transvestite' none other than Vampirella, Kitty? Reminds me a Wonder woman a bit too.

Now I feel I have to make a real effort to get my own personal avatar and put a lot of thought behind it - it's like a school project! Oh no! It'll be a last-minute rush job though :o.

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Isn't your 'transvestite' none other than Vampirella, Kitty? Reminds me a Wonder woman a bit too.

Now I feel I have to make a real effort to get my own personal avatar and put a lot of thought behind it - it's like a school project! Oh no! It'll be a last-minute rush job though :D.


How about a quick shave then :o for your Avatar. :D

Those fur balls must be giving you a “meow attack” :D

Looking at your other post about "Shaving" that is. :D

Or better still, keep eating your "Whisker” as you show yourself, me think. :D

Back to the Fred:- :D

Mine is as I show it. It’s all up to my mood how and when I change it, i.e. now it is Songkran, next who knows, perrr-haps Rainy Days ???? coming soon me think.



Edited by Kan Win
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If the "psychology" of my avatar means anything at all, I guess it's just a simple reflection on the daft sod I can be at times.

For those who don't know, It's a characterture of the British eccentric Jimmy Saville from the Spitting Image series, 1980's-90's.

(Taken from 80snostalgia.com)

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My avatar is the reflection of a picture I took of myself in front of a mirror, on a night when the lights were out, the full moon was eclipsed, Haley's Comet was lighting up the night sky and the UFO's that hide behind Venus were scanning the earth with pervert-seeking lasers !

Either that or it was just about the only thing I had on my computer that I could put up ! :o

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Just curious, since we're on the subject of avatar psychology: Do you think your perception of a TV member is influenced by the avatar he/she uses?

For example, mine - do you somehow feel that I'm a sexy, beautiful lady as suggested by my avatar? Even though the logical part of your brain could argue that just because I use this avatar doesn't necessarily mean that I look like this, but does it rub off onto your mental image of me anyway? And what about when I was using my cute little dancing cat avatar?

I'll admit that even though I know DJ Pat's avatar is of a stand-up comedian, I just can't help but feel that he looks like that (as illogical as such reasoning is). (No offense, mr.DJ :D)

I think it can influence your perception of a member, and I must admit, I did prefer the little dancing cat.

I was actually relieved to hear it wasn't you in your avatar, it looks like transvestite giving the camera the come on; maybe that's just me, I like you as a poster and I hope you accept my honesty but there I certainly don't judge you by your avatar or any other members who have avatars I don't find eye pleasing as we are all judged by what we write, but like you said about DJ pat, if there's a HUMAN in the avatar - one can't help but put the words to the face. :o


I think you should go back to the fish.

This present avatar "fire" projects elements of aggression, as did your previous one.

The fish, apart from being aesthetically more pleasing, with its predominantly blue colour, projected freshness, virility and independence.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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An interesting topic, and I must admit I haven't really thought about my own reasons for my choice of avatar.

I've made a change once only... and have just reverted to my original.

What do you think that says about me? :o

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I think you should go back to the fish.

This present avatar "fire" projects elements of aggression, as did your previous one.

The fish, apart from being aesthetically more pleasing, with its predominantly blue colour, projected freshness, virility and independence.

Yes, I liked the fish but today I was back to the red square one for some unexplained reason... I love salmon which is how the fish came about and your right, it was more pleasing to the eye.

I have yet to see the one with me with my head ablaze, i'll probably keep it a couple of days until I see it, then go back to the salmon.

Does anybody know where the word 'Avatar' derives from?

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