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Foreigner Attacked In Parking Lot At Local Golf Course

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Today myself and a friend went golfing at Thanont Golf course. We finished just after 14:00 and went through the club house on our way to the car park. As we were approaching the row where our cars were parked, I noticed a couple of Thai males coming over from the main road, crossing the grass entering the car park, one had an axe, I didn't think anything about it. My friend got to his pickup first and I continued on down the row to my car, my caddy gets there and then I start hearing repeated mother f#cker, mother f#cker, mother f#cker, I turn around and see my friend nowhere near his vehicle, his face is bloodied and he's in the process of throwing swings on some people, then 3 Thai males make a break for it, runaway to 2 motorbikes on the road and flee at speed.

I go back down the row of cars to his pickup and he's made is way there, bleeding from his mouth, right arm, left arm and there's a welt on the right side of his forehead. His bag of golf clubs is laying on the ground, as well as a wooden club about 2 feet long and a broken golf club.

He said that as he was about to open the back door of the pickup in preparation to put the clubs in after taking care of the caddy, these 3 thai males ran at him between the cars and started attacking him, he tossed 2 to the ground and made a run through the next row of cars, tripping in

the process, and then turned to face his attackers (when I saw him).

The security guard saw it all, as well as a bunch of caddies and some other golfers as well. The security guard was on the phone to the security at the front gate. The police were called.

While waiting on the police to come, other golfers come and say they noticed those guys sitting there on the side of the road under the trees since 11:00.

Police come, then a security guard from the main gate comes and says as the 2 motorbikes approached the front gate, one of the attackers produced a pistol and fired 2 shots in the air, and so the security guards let them pass. A Thai gal comes forth and states she saw a female inside the clubhouse near the reception on her hand phone and say something to the effect "he's coming out now."

My friend's wife arrives, then the ambulance arrives and takes him to the hospital although he doesn't want it, but it has to be done for the police report. At the hospital he gets 3 stitches, bandaged up, a tetanus shot and an xray of his back as he had a big welt across his right shoulder blade.

2 BMWs and a Honda had some damages as a result from this attack. My friend also lost a 5 metal wood, 5 iron, and 2 wedges out of this ordeal. After his visit to the hospital, he went to the police station for the report and saw the owners of the 3 damaged cars there, no hard feelings from them over this. There is a security camera at the front gate, but, it wasn't working.

We have been golfing at this course for going on 10 years now and have never made any problems there, the staff know us and treat us well. My friend hasn't been to this golf course for 5 months, has just returned from work in Indonesia. We think it was a case of mistaken identity. Needless to say we won't be going there anymore.

Wow, nasty story. I hope your friend recovers quickly.

He's still got his sense of humor after the fact. Let me tell you though, both of us have been here for more than 24 years, and we've never seen anything like this before.

Moved to Bangkok Forum.

1. You are in the same row of the parking lot

2. You are close enough to hear your voices swearing, yet never heard him getting beaten up? After all he was already bloody when you saw him

3. You saw him throwing swings while you just stood there watching

4. Your caddy is there with you

5. It is obvious if your caddy is still there less than a minute elapsed when he was dropped at his vehicle

6. Where is your friends caddy? Don't tell me he had time to pay her, have his clubs cleaned and ready to load all in the time if took you to move down the parking lot and still stay within earshot?

7. Your friend is throwing swings yet he has already been bloodied

8. You go back down the row to his pickup and your friend has made his way backk. Well first off he was already there when he supposedly was putting his clubs away.

9. A wooden club is laying on the ground yet you claim when you saw them all they had was an axe?

10. If he had already tossed 2 out of 3 to the ground that easy, why would he run from a one on one?

11. How did he get all bloodied if he tossed the first 2 to the ground?

12. He said blah, blah, blah even though you were close enough to hear them swearing you surely were close enough to see the attackers?

13. This whole time, you did not give chase or apparently do anything to help even though you were still in earshot of your friend watching this unfold

14. The security guard from the front gate arrives and says XXXXXX because we know they dont speak English. So who translated what he was saying directly to you?

15. A Thai girl just happens out of no where and becomes a witness to something another Thai girl said inside the clubhouse? When do Thai people ever get involved like this? And how did the girl inside have a clue what she heard inside was directly related to what has happening outside that she had no idea about?

16. You were so observant as to not help your friend but you can remember exactly how many cars got banged up?

17. He had time to go to the hospital and get stiched up blah blah blah and still arrive at the police station exactly when the other 3 people that had their cars banged up were there? How did you remember who the three car owners were?

18. Did you count all the clubs he lost, was that an important thing to do with everything else going on?

This story has at least 18 holes in it.

Sure something might have happened but what ever it was, it was not as you were telling it.

If the story happened at all, I am sure it was not the way you sensationalized it

3 stitches? Give me a break.

He threw 2 out of 3 to the ground and he was able to do this

Thais with a gun and not pulling it out on the person they were after? Only firing shots in the air come on man

Sorry this is a little far fetched to believe

The result of you knowing how many cars and how many clubs were lost is very odd

Where did the clubs go because you never mentioned that when the Thai's drove off on their motorbikes

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1. You are in the same row of the parking lot

2. You are close enough to hear your voices swearing, yet never heard him getting beaten up? After all he was already bloody when you saw him

3. You saw him throwing swings while you just stood there watching

This happened very quickly, I was about 100 feet away.

4. Your caddy is there with you

5. It is obvious if your caddy is still there less than a minute elapsed when he was dropped at his vehicle

6. Where is your friends caddy? Don't tell me he had time to pay her, have his clubs cleaned and ready to load all in the time if took you to move down the parking lot and still stay within earshot?

He had just taken his golf bag off of the trolley when the attack started and his caddy witnessed it all as well

7. Your friend is throwing swings yet he has already been bloodied

8. You go back down the row to his pickup and your friend has made his way backk. Well first off he was already there when he supposedly was putting his clubs away.

9. A wooden club is laying on the ground yet you claim when you saw them all they had was an axe?

The attackers also used one of those digging tools, for like gardening work, about 2 foot long. I did not take a mental inventory of what the attackers were carrying. originally.

10. If he had already tossed 2 out of 3 to the ground that easy, why would he run from a one on one?

11. How did he get all bloodied if he tossed the first 2 to the ground?

The other 2 got back on their feet and rejoined the confrontation.

12. He said blah, blah, blah even though you were close enough to hear them swearing you surely were close enough to see the attackers?

They were behind me, the calls were not real loud, they were about 30 meters away from me.

13. This whole time, you did not give chase or apparently do anything to help even though you were still in earshot of your friend watching this unfold

By the time I turned around the attack was basically over.

14. The security guard from the front gate arrives and says XXXXXX because we know they dont speak English. So who translated what he was saying directly to you?

15. A Thai girl just happens out of no where and becomes a witness to something another Thai girl said inside the clubhouse? When do Thai people ever get involved like this? And how did the girl inside have a clue what she heard inside was directly related to what has happening outside that she had no idea about?

16. You were so observant as to not help your friend but you can remember exactly how many cars got banged up?

The attack was over by then, and in the followup these damaged vehicles were pointed out.

17. He had time to go to the hospital and get stiched up blah blah blah and still arrive at the police station exactly when the other 3 people that had their cars banged up were there? How did you remember who the three car owners were?

The security guard likely told them of the fracas that ensued previously.

18. Did you count all the clubs he lost, was that an important thing to do with everything else going on?

This story has at least 18 holes in it.

Sure something might have happened but what ever it was, it was not as you were telling it.

If the story happened at all, I am sure it was not the way you sensationalized it

3 stitches? Give me a break.

He threw 2 out of 3 to the ground and he was able to do this

Thais with a gun and not pulling it out on the person they were after? Only firing shots in the air come on man

Sorry this is a little far fetched to believe

The result of you knowing how many cars and how many clubs were lost is very odd

Where did the clubs go because you never mentioned that when the Thai's drove off on their motorbikes

The attackers took the clubs.

I was there, sorry if you find it hard to believe, I knew the nay sayers were out there, you.



Your friend was lucky to get off so lightly, sounds like they intended to inflict more damage than they managed. Sounds like he's upset someone, mistaken identity or just some crazies....

Sure something might have happened but what ever it was, it was not as you were telling it.

If the story happened at all, I am sure it was not the way you sensationalized it

The OP has been a member for over 3 years and reviewing his posting history shows no indication of trolling. You on the other hand, a member of a few months, have a less then stellar history. Calling the OP a liar and as such flaming will not be tolerated. This is a warning to not continue with your "interrogation" of the OP.


Nio a story with 18 holes !! :)

The attackers have just done him a huge favour and improved his game......by stealing the useless 5 iron...tell him to invest in a rescue hybrid club now...

Sounds like the attackers were a few clubs short of a full set... :D

Bad story... and would make me boycott Thailand immediately...

Moved to Bangkok Forum.

1. You are in the same row of the parking lot

2. You are close enough to hear your voices swearing, yet never heard him getting beaten up? After all he was already bloody when you saw him

3. You saw him throwing swings while you just stood there watching

4. Your caddy is there with you

5. It is obvious if your caddy is still there less than a minute elapsed when he was dropped at his vehicle

6. Where is your friends caddy? Don't tell me he had time to pay her, have his clubs cleaned and ready to load all in the time if took you to move down the parking lot and still stay within earshot?

7. Your friend is throwing swings yet he has already been bloodied

8. You go back down the row to his pickup and your friend has made his way backk. Well first off he was already there when he supposedly was putting his clubs away.

9. A wooden club is laying on the ground yet you claim when you saw them all they had was an axe?

10. If he had already tossed 2 out of 3 to the ground that easy, why would he run from a one on one?

11. How did he get all bloodied if he tossed the first 2 to the ground?

12. He said blah, blah, blah even though you were close enough to hear them swearing you surely were close enough to see the attackers?

13. This whole time, you did not give chase or apparently do anything to help even though you were still in earshot of your friend watching this unfold

14. The security guard from the front gate arrives and says XXXXXX because we know they dont speak English. So who translated what he was saying directly to you?

15. A Thai girl just happens out of no where and becomes a witness to something another Thai girl said inside the clubhouse? When do Thai people ever get involved like this? And how did the girl inside have a clue what she heard inside was directly related to what has happening outside that she had no idea about?

16. You were so observant as to not help your friend but you can remember exactly how many cars got banged up?

17. He had time to go to the hospital and get stiched up blah blah blah and still arrive at the police station exactly when the other 3 people that had their cars banged up were there? How did you remember who the three car owners were?

18. Did you count all the clubs he lost, was that an important thing to do with everything else going on?

This story has at least 18 holes in it.

Sure something might have happened but what ever it was, it was not as you were telling it.

If the story happened at all, I am sure it was not the way you sensationalized it

3 stitches? Give me a break.

He threw 2 out of 3 to the ground and he was able to do this

Thais with a gun and not pulling it out on the person they were after? Only firing shots in the air come on man

Sorry this is a little far fetched to believe

The result of you knowing how many cars and how many clubs were lost is very odd

Where did the clubs go because you never mentioned that when the Thai's drove off on their motorbikes

OMG you are an ass.....

Someone gets beat up and you try and discredit the whole thing? The OP is giving us as much details as he can from what he remembers. he never said it happed exactly like this or exactly like that, but did a great job to give us as much details he can recall of what happened.

You said who translated what the guard said, well unlike you allot of us that live here for a long period of time took the time to learn the language so we can function on our own and not always having to ask other people what was said or how to read something.

Who are you to question?


Sorry I was so pissed about Noi comments, I forgot tell say, I'm sorry to hear this happened to your friend.

I do hope he gets well soon. Just in case this is not a mistaken identity he might want to try and start to think about who might be upset with him. The thing is, if it was a mistake then someone else at the club that day was to get this beating.

Could have been allot worse since they had a gun. Tell him to count his blessings he is still alive.


This isn't another Tiger Wood joke, is it?

"My friend also lost a 5 metal wood, 5 iron, and 2 wedges"

At least both you and your friend know what's important in life: a matched set of golf clubs.

The story reminds me of an old yuppie joke. Driving his new Porsche, a yuppie was broadsided while driving through an intersection. The yuppie jumped out screamed about how much he loved his car. A passerby asked the guy why he was so distraught about the car, because the car crash amputated his left arm. "Oh no", moaned the yuppie, "there goes my new Rolex!"


Sorry to hear about your incident. Fortunately seems like your friend will recover.

Just speculating whether the perpetrators were after your friend or after his golf clubs. Four golf clubs of good quality would be worth a lot even if sold 2nd hand.

A bag of Taylor made or Ping golf clubs certainly would bring a good price to any seller.


I certainly hope that they get to the bottom of this. It seems someone is very upset with your friend--I doubt it would be mistaken identity, especially if they were waiting around for him. He might want to take an inventory of people who might be upset with him. This was no random attack. They had a gun. It's also unlikely to be a theft. A little too much violence for that.

Remember that it's easy for Thais to lose face and sometimes it's a seemingly small or insignificant thing that causes someone to harbor a grudge for a long time.

Best to both of you and I hope your friend makes a full recovery.


No way mistaken Identity....

Thai's will not go to that extreme in a public place especially coming into a private golf course unless they have been paid well to do so or your friend as really upset them directly.


I would think they were trying to steal your car. I have heard of this thing happing but normally at night. They like to hit people when they are coming out of bars. Their has been a lot of motorcycle thefts and robberies in my area and we even have working cameras.

Sorry about your friend hope he gets well soon.


hope this isnt par for the course sounds to me like a mistaken identity wrong place wrong time or your friend was in with the wrong crowd could happen anywhere like you said 24 years no problem

I would think they were trying to steal your car.

Don't be daft. If they are trying to steal a car you think they would risk getting past front security, into a busy golfing parking area in the middle of the afternoon wielding a Axe. Think about it for a second out of all the cars available to steal why would they pick the most risky target??? and wait for him to come back from 11:00 until 14:00 before attempting the theft. :)


Sorry to hear about your friend, wish him a speedy recovery and get the matter solved ASAP.

A Thai gal comes forth and states she saw a female inside the clubhouse near the reception on her hand phone and say something to the effect "he's coming out now."

Normally there would be a security camera at the reception or even camera as people enters the building. Try to see if your friend recognize the mysterious lady that gave the cue for the attack. For one, she sound like she "knows" your friend.



She may have only had her eye on his golf clubs, or his car. Cars can be stolen "to order", even here in Thailand.

The story does appear to have a few holes, but probably only because the OP is only human, and has an imperfect way of describing things.

But the question does arise : When he says "the police were called", when did this happen ? Was it by the security guard immediately after the 2 shots were fired ?

And why didn't the guard phone the clubhouse to warn them some guys were coming with a gun ?? Or if he did, why were people not warned ? How much time elapsed between the thugs' arrival and the assault ?


Thanks everybody.

There was a new BMW with red plates next to his pickup, one of the cars that got damaged.

He's only just got back from Indonesia after 2 months of work.

Yes, he's been doing a lot of thinking, didn't piss anybody off on his way to the golf course, hasn't pissed anybody off at the golf course.

Also, while he was at the police station, the police alluded to other muggings at this golf course as well.

Both of us have been coming to Thailand for more than 24 years, neither of us or my other friends have experienced anything of this nature ever.


Like falling off a horse! You have to get back on straight away.

Go back for another round and forget it even happened. I you don't they win you lose. Shame about the clubs especially if they were favourite ones.


Quote from NIO :)

12. He said blah, blah, blah

Sorry to hear about your friends misfortune. Maybe it was a case of mistaken identity. Fortunately he only required a few stitches. The clubs can be replaced. Best of luck!

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