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Beware When Riding A Motor Bike ?


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If there was skill in the majority of Thai driving the amount of deaths per year would not be so staggeringly high.

And the 42.000 people that are killed in traffic accidents in the USA is because of a high skill level ?

The reason so many people die in traffic accidents here in Thailand is because of the ammount of motorcycles on the roads.

If you had the same ratio of motorcycles in the USA the death toll would also be staggering, even more staggering than it already is, you talk about Thai people as though they are a sub species, did you marry one ?

Do you see only what you want to see? Where on earth can commenting on horrific accident statistics be classifying a nation as sub human? You sound slightly paranoid with statements like that.

The accident rate in Thailand is staggering, not because they are subhuman but because of a lack of driving education and enforcement of traffic rules and regulations.

As for my wife she is Thai and I love her more than I can say. She lost one of her brothers in a road accident and knows more than most what the heartbreak this can bring to a family.

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[quote name='Maigo6' date='2009-12-19 09:41:33' post='3212705'

The reason so many people die in traffic accidents here in Thailand is because of the ammount of motorcycles on the roads.

Magoo has entered the debate, case closed again. Its all because of there being too many mo-cys on the road.

Absolutely nothing to do with no head protection of rider and pillion, as many folk as you can get on the seat, using a mobile phone while driving one handed, carry the baby in one hand while riding one handed (again), no knowledge of road signs, ride on any part of the road you like, underage kids on errands for Mum/Dad - especially at night!, oh I am going to stop now, its all been said before.!.

Cue usual reply from Planet M -"I suppose it does not happen in your own country then"


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If there was skill in the majority of Thai driving the amount of deaths per year would not be so staggeringly high.

And the 42.000 people that are killed in traffic accidents in the USA is because of a high skill level ?

The reason so many people die in traffic accidents here in Thailand is because of the ammount of motorcycles on the roads.

If you had the same ratio of motorcycles in the USA the death toll would also be staggering, even more staggering than it already is, you talk about Thai people as though they are a sub species, did you marry one ?

Do you see only what you want to see? Where on earth can commenting on horrific accident statistics be classifying a nation as sub human? You sound slightly paranoid with statements like that.

The accident rate in Thailand is staggering, not because they are subhuman but because of a lack of driving education and enforcement of traffic rules and regulations.

As for my wife she is Thai and I love her more than I can say. She lost one of her brothers in a road accident and knows more than most what the heartbreak this can bring to a family.

bad unskilled drivers always get mad when they see somebody drive fast because they dont realize how much better a good driver is then them. I am a safer driver doing 150 kmh then my x girlfriend is at 70 kph and Micheal Schumacher is probably safer then me at 230 kph.

If you don't think Thai taxi drivers have skill then try keeping up with them through traffic when they are in a hurry,

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If there was skill in the majority of Thai driving the amount of deaths per year would not be so staggeringly high.

And the 42.000 people that are killed in traffic accidents in the USA is because of a high skill level ?

The reason so many people die in traffic accidents here in Thailand is because of the ammount of motorcycles on the roads.

If you had the same ratio of motorcycles in the USA the death toll would also be staggering, even more staggering than it already is, you talk about Thai people as though they are a sub species, did you marry one ?

Do you see only what you want to see? Where on earth can commenting on horrific accident statistics be classifying a nation as sub human? You sound slightly paranoid with statements like that.

The accident rate in Thailand is staggering, not because they are subhuman but because of a lack of driving education and enforcement of traffic rules and regulations.

As for my wife she is Thai and I love her more than I can say. She lost one of her brothers in a road accident and knows more than most what the heartbreak this can bring to a family.

bad unskilled drivers always get mad when they see somebody drive fast because they dont realize how much better a good driver is then them. I am a safer driver doing 150 kmh then my x girlfriend is at 70 kph and Micheal Schumacher is probably safer then me at 230 kph.

If you don't think Thai taxi drivers have skill then try keeping up with them through traffic when they are in a hurry,

I wonder if stray dogs or young kids playing on the roadside would agree with you?

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Did the dreaded run down towards Big C again today and on the plus side of things, noted that the new work thats been going on at the junction I refer to in the OP, is now almost complete.

Hopefully when they fit the new traffic light constructions and signs, it will greatly improve the safety side of things.

When they did similar work in the town, they installed digital timers as well and yes, it has improved things. IMHO

If they can do it at this junction, I feel it will greatly improve matters, big time.

At the very least the re positioning of the lights themselves would certainly improve matters, sighting wise.

On a negative side of things, the usual no brainers continued to ride and drive as if they are the only ones on the road.

At one set of lights that were on red, the traffic on the whole waited patiently for them to change.

Sadly several motorbike riders didn,t and decided they couldn,t wait any longer and did a fast getaway from there standing position, thankfully potential carnage was avoided.....................this time.

They went not in anticipation of them changing, but as traffic from the left junction were about to have their right of way and had someone done a similar thing from their side.... Crash Bang Wallop, ect. ect.

Also we had the usual idiots on the drivers side of the cars and pickups of which I was one of them ( drivers ), at the set of lights before you turn right then proceeded to cut across 2 lanes of traffic to get into the turn off for Big C. W T hel_l

The rate of speed, be it slow or fast here in Thailand is just one aspect of danger, when added to the complete lack of common sense, robotic riders / driver mentality ect. ect. the outcome is always going to be a tragic one.

Then as the previous poster BBK rightly mentions there is the alcohol ect. ect.

Sadly the innocent 3rd parties are usually the ones who suffer most.

I could have easily run over several if I,d had the same one track mind set, but fortunately I was taught how to use consideration and be prepared for the unexpected and it has up until now kept me in control, well as near as is possible.

May I long continue to avoid the ones who have not, add to the list the no brain farang who subscribe to doing as they do, even when they should know / have been taught better.

It really bothers me that I could finish up with a serious accident scenario as the law of averages could maybe work against my better judgement and serious injury or fatality will happen, please god, don,t let it be my family.

marshbags :D:)

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I think the billboard thing is a good idea. I also agree with proper clothing. The first thing an instructer tells

you before taking your driving course is come along with ankle high footwear, full lenght trousers, long

sleeved shirt, eye protection and of course a helmet.

Stay alert, anything can happen on these crazy roads.

All good and sound advice, but last I heard Thailand is still a 3rd world country- the masses ride scooters because they can't afford cars. Do you think these same folks have the money to invest in proper gear? I fear it's pretty low on their list of priorities...

Happy Trails!

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You'll probably find that if someone is an idiot on the road they'll be an idiot whether riding a motorbike, skateboard or pushbike, driving a car, truck or bus, or pushing a shopping trolley around Tescos. Yet, everytime a thread like this comes along, the "idiots on motorbikes" rants begin, and everyone on two wheels is lumped into the same basket. So, here's my counter rant. If you don't like riding a motorbike then don't do it. What's the point of preaching about how dangerous you perceive it to be? It almost takes on a religious fervour. Those of us who ride them know the risks. We have made the choice and are not going to be influenced by some busybody telling us they think it's dangerous. I don't care about your motive. Whether you have a genuine concern for my skin, or are just jealous that I can ride past, and move to the front of the queue when you're stuck in traffic. You're not going to change my mind.

A common mistake running through these type of threads also seems to be that non bikers are of the opinion that all bike riders fall into one large group, and all ride like idiots, and all defend one another from criticism. Not so. I have ridden bikes all around Thailand for close to 20 years, but I drive a car far more often. No matter what I happen to be riding or driving at the time, if I see someone jumping a red light, or behaving like an idiot, whether on a bike or in a car, I will classify him / her as a moron. If they happen to be in a car, I'm not going to then extend that classification to every car driver around me. - Why, today I saw a Toyota Vigo weaving all over the road, overtaking on blind corners and cutting off other traffic. I can't understand why anyone would drive a Toyota Vigo. They're dangerous to other road users - would just be an idiotic response to an idiot driver. Yet many of the holier than thou car driving only brigade seem to have no problem doing the same to motorbike riders. Why?

Finally, one of the saddest things people say to me, and it's been said to me many many times, is "I would never ride a motorbike, I don't trust myself and would probably end up killing myself". Sad because they have no trouble trusting themselves with 2 tonnes of steel, taking up more of the road and being a far bigger danger to others. They don't trust themselves when it's their life at risk, but given the illusion of being safe in a car, where they'll probably come out okay, but may injure or kill others should something go wrong, they have no such qualms. Now, that's the sort of idiot that shouldn't be allowed to drive, ride or push along the public highways.

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new traffic lights?

Thais dont use them, they go whenever they please


Why would they read signs, when they can press the car and hear VROOM VROOM VROOOOOOOOOOOM much more fun no?

Whats the big fuss, we chose to live in a third world country, we have to live with dangerous road conditions/infected water/high HIV/high level of drunkess.

Only way to fix this is making the police arrest everyone who does an infraction and giving them an expensive bill whoever they are. like in the west.. i tell you after spending over 1000$ in seat belt infraction, i don't think twice about it now, i put it right away even in the middle of nowhere.

Fear of a ticket is the only reason drivers are a little more civilized in the west.

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new traffic lights?

Thais dont use them, they go whenever they please


Why would they read signs, when they can press the car and hear VROOM VROOM VROOOOOOOOOOOM much more fun no?

Whats the big fuss, we chose to live in a third world country, we have to live with dangerous road conditions/infected water/high HIV/high level of drunkess.

Only way to fix this is making the police arrest everyone who does an infraction and giving them an expensive bill whoever they are. like in the west.. i tell you after spending over 1000$ in seat belt infraction, i don't think twice about it now, i put it right away even in the middle of nowhere.

Fear of a ticket is the only reason drivers are a little more civilized in the west.

North America is by far the wussiest place on earth to drive. The first time I traveled over seas I noticed that people drive faster and more efficiently. I took a cab when landed in Auckland NZ and the driver just floored it. Same with Europe, people drive allot faster there too. North American drivers are pathetic and I don't think it is because of fear of ticket, they just have no skill.

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You'll probably find that if someone is an idiot on the road they'll be an idiot whether riding a motorbike, skateboard or pushbike, driving a car, truck or bus, or pushing a shopping trolley around Tescos. Yet, everytime a thread like this comes along, the "idiots on motorbikes" rants begin, and everyone on two wheels is lumped into the same basket. So, here's my counter rant. If you don't like riding a motorbike then don't do it. What's the point of preaching about how dangerous you perceive it to be? It almost takes on a religious fervour. Those of us who ride them know the risks. We have made the choice and are not going to be influenced by some busybody telling us they think it's dangerous. I don't care about your motive. Whether you have a genuine concern for my skin, or are just jealous that I can ride past, and move to the front of the queue when you're stuck in traffic. You're not going to change my mind.

A common mistake running through these type of threads also seems to be that non bikers are of the opinion that all bike riders fall into one large group, and all ride like idiots, and all defend one another from criticism. Not so. I have ridden bikes all around Thailand for close to 20 years, but I drive a car far more often. No matter what I happen to be riding or driving at the time, if I see someone jumping a red light, or behaving like an idiot, whether on a bike or in a car, I will classify him / her as a moron. If they happen to be in a car, I'm not going to then extend that classification to every car driver around me. - Why, today I saw a Toyota Vigo weaving all over the road, overtaking on blind corners and cutting off other traffic. I can't understand why anyone would drive a Toyota Vigo. They're dangerous to other road users - would just be an idiotic response to an idiot driver. Yet many of the holier than thou car driving only brigade seem to have no problem doing the same to motorbike riders. Why?

Finally, one of the saddest things people say to me, and it's been said to me many many times, is "I would never ride a motorbike, I don't trust myself and would probably end up killing myself". Sad because they have no trouble trusting themselves with 2 tonnes of steel, taking up more of the road and being a far bigger danger to others. They don't trust themselves when it's their life at risk, but given the illusion of being safe in a car, where they'll probably come out okay, but may injure or kill others should something go wrong, they have no such qualms. Now, that's the sort of idiot that shouldn't be allowed to drive, ride or push along the public highways.

EXCELLENT POST! Perfectly said BP.

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You'll probably find that if someone is an idiot on the road they'll be an idiot whether riding a motorbike, skateboard or pushbike, driving a car, truck or bus, or pushing a shopping trolley around Tescos. Yet, everytime a thread like this comes along, the "idiots on motorbikes" rants begin, and everyone on two wheels is lumped into the same basket. So, here's my counter rant. If you don't like riding a motorbike then don't do it. What's the point of preaching about how dangerous you perceive it to be? It almost takes on a religious fervour. Those of us who ride them know the risks. We have made the choice and are not going to be influenced by some busybody telling us they think it's dangerous. I don't care about your motive. Whether you have a genuine concern for my skin, or are just jealous that I can ride past, and move to the front of the queue when you're stuck in traffic. You're not going to change my mind.

A common mistake running through these type of threads also seems to be that non bikers are of the opinion that all bike riders fall into one large group, and all ride like idiots, and all defend one another from criticism. Not so. I have ridden bikes all around Thailand for close to 20 years, but I drive a car far more often. No matter what I happen to be riding or driving at the time, if I see someone jumping a red light, or behaving like an idiot, whether on a bike or in a car, I will classify him / her as a moron. If they happen to be in a car, I'm not going to then extend that classification to every car driver around me. - Why, today I saw a Toyota Vigo weaving all over the road, overtaking on blind corners and cutting off other traffic. I can't understand why anyone would drive a Toyota Vigo. They're dangerous to other road users - would just be an idiotic response to an idiot driver. Yet many of the holier than thou car driving only brigade seem to have no problem doing the same to motorbike riders. Why?

Finally, one of the saddest things people say to me, and it's been said to me many many times, is "I would never ride a motorbike, I don't trust myself and would probably end up killing myself". Sad because they have no trouble trusting themselves with 2 tonnes of steel, taking up more of the road and being a far bigger danger to others. They don't trust themselves when it's their life at risk, but given the illusion of being safe in a car, where they'll probably come out okay, but may injure or kill others should something go wrong, they have no such qualms. Now, that's the sort of idiot that shouldn't be allowed to drive, ride or push along the public highways.

No one says that ALL M.Bike riders are idiots and stupid.

You under estimate how many posters are / have been M.Bike riders.

Probably like myself they prefer due to past, actual experiences they choose wisely to stay well clear of them.

This thread if you read the OP is about just one instance were a M.Bike rider has sadly paid the ultimate price for being reckless and not applying the common sense he would have normally used back home.

Well in most places anyway.

So it surely goes that the debate on the thread is mostly about M.BIke riders.

Reference your last paragraph, again many chose this terminology and in many cases this translates to witnessing and possibly being involved at some time or another in one of the many horrific statistical accidents caused by M.Bike riders.

For anyone to say suggest that 2 tons of steel or whatever is an illusion of being safe in a car or whatever beggars belief in reality terms and again statisically this can be proven to be just the opposite.

It has not been mentioned yet , but how many pedestians are in constant danger on the walkways by once again the idiots on the M.Bikes who think they can ride anywhere they like and in any state they wish to do so.

I don,t recall in all my years in Thailand, having to get out of the way of a none M.Bike / vehicle being driven on the walkways.

Others refer to the no brainers as idiots, while you prefer to refer to them as morons.

Take a look at the meaning of both words and you will find they describe and have similar descriptive meanings

Excellent post my armhole.

This is a very dangerous miss interpretation of reality and is posted in total ignorance of the proven statistical information that is repeatatively published year, after year, after year.

Should anyone wish to do so, and this includes yourself, you can always start another thread up and dedicate it to other road users.

Honestly, rant doesn,t even start to describe my thoughts on these sort of distrubing, misleading and misinformed comments your post contains.

marshbags :)

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Clothing: I wear a jacket I brought from the UK (Heinrick Gerick - I think - spelling?) it is reinforced, padded and has kevlar and foam panels and scrape pads. I wear jeans and a pair of proper motorbike boots (also HG also from the UK). I didn't skimp of the skid-lid either - some of the plastic cr@p they sell for head proitection is unbelievable! (probably do more damage to you if you did land on it!).

The one thing that amazes me here is the life-savers (quick glances over the shoulder when turning, pulling out, monouvering, etc) - thisd was drummed into me when IU did my biker training and again on the UIK police advanced bikers course (which is brilliant!). I can't ride without doing it almost constantly, I know where cars are behind and to the side of me and other bikes too. Most Thais don't seem to even use their mirrors (which should never be completely relied apon), let alone actually looking!

About idiot drivers - I prefer idiot drivers on bikes rathere than cars - at least its more likely themselves they kill rather than plowing into poor sods on step throughs with no power to get out of their way! Of course I'd like it more if they were denied their bottom-of-a-cornflake-packet-licenses anyway, but I'd also like to be 30lbs lighter, six inches taller and ten years younger too

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In reply to Marshbags...

If you'd bothered to read my post without the blood rushing to your head you'd have seen that I wasn't commenting on the OP so much as on those posters who then extrapolate that all motorbike riders are idiots from one incident. However, as you have just jumped on the same bandwagon, let's take a look:

No one says that ALL M.Bike riders are idiots and stupid.

You under estimate how many posters are / have been M.Bike riders.

Probably like myself they prefer due to past, actual experiences they choose wisely to stay well clear of them.

By saying staying away from them is choosing wisely, you are saying anyone going near one is unwise? Sounds to me you are lumping us all into the same basket. You're contradicting yourself there.

This thread if you read the OP is about just one instance were a M.Bike rider has sadly paid the ultimate price for being reckless and not applying the common sense he would have normally used back home.

Now you're a mind reader? How do you know he wouldn't have done that "back home", where ever home may be? As I said, it's far more likely that if someone's an idiot on the road he'll be an idiot whatever he's driving / riding and where ever he is.

Reference your last paragraph, again many chose this terminology and in many cases this translates to witnessing and possibly being involved at some time or another in one of the many horrific statistical accidents caused by M.Bike riders.

For anyone to say suggest that 2 tons of steel or whatever is an illusion of being safe in a car or whatever beggars belief in reality terms and again statisically this can be proven to be just the opposite.

Now you're trying to read my mind. I know what I wrote, and I know what I meant, unlike the second sentence in your quote which I'm still trying to figure out. Here's some free commas for you, please use them in your next post.,,,,,,,,,,,, Anyway, I said "... I don't trust myself..." NOT "... I don't trust others on the road..." If someone can't ride a motorbike for fear that they'll act like an idiot and kill themselves, then they should not be allowed on the road in control of any vehicle. And what's with the "horrific statistical accidents caused by M.Bike riders"? At it again eh?

It has not been mentioned yet , but how many pedestians are in constant danger on the walkways by once again the idiots on the M.Bikes who think they can ride anywhere they like and in any state they wish to do so.

I don,t recall in all my years in Thailand, having to get out of the way of a none M.Bike / vehicle being driven on the walkways.

Others refer to the no brainers as idiots, while you prefer to refer to them as morons.

Take a look at the meaning of both words and you will find they describe and have similar descriptive meanings

I don't know, how many pedestrians are in CONSTANT danger on the walkways? You're not doing a very good job of rebutting my post. One of the things I said went along the lines of non bikers being of the mistaken opinion that all bikers think that other bikers can do no wrong. And there you go again, proving my point for me. I fully agree, the idiots who ride on the footpaths are indeed idiots. From what I've seen though, the vast majority of bikers do not ride on the footpath. So, what's your point? Where are you trying to lead by pointing out that a few idiots ride motorbikes on the footpath?

Yes, idiots, morons, imbeciles, so what? Someone riding dangerously on a motorbike is mentally no different to someone driving dangerously in a car. Whereas I can distinguish between the moron in the car or motorbike in question, and the rest of the road users, it seems others are incapable of doing so.

I seem to have exceeded the allowable number of quotes. You then said:

"Excellent post my armhole.

This is a very dangerous miss interpretation of reality and is posted in total ignorance of the proven statistical information that is repeatatively published year, after year, after year.

Should anyone wish to do so, and this includes yourself, you can always start another thread up and dedicate it to other road users.

Honestly, rant doesn,t even start to describe my thoughts on these sort of distrubing, misleading and misinformed comments your post contains.

marshbags :) "

Sorry, I didn't realise you'd had your arm ripped out at the socket. Did a motorbike do it? Maybe that would explain your bikers under the beds paranoia.

Please, what's "dangerous" about my post? It may be summarised as:

1. An idiot will likely be an idiot, no matter what s/he is riding or driving.

2. Some people feel the need to go on and on about how dangerous riding a motorbike is.

3. Those same people will then often look for examples of bad riding and use them to class all bikers as the same.

4. Contrary to non bike rider belief, bikers are not some uniform brainless mass, who see each other as doing no wrong and car drivers as "the enemy".

5. People do idiotic things in every type of vehicle. That's no reason to then state that every one in charge of a vehicle of any sort is an idiot.

6. Anyone who doesn't trust THEMSELVES to ride a motorbike should not be allowed to drive a car.

I'd have said it seems a mixture of truisms and common sense, but you're saying these are distrubing (sic), misleading and misinformed?

So, you're effectively saying:

1. Idiots are selective in their behaviour, and will be quite rational in one vehicle, but revert to idiocy in another.

2. No one has ever said anything about how dangerous motorbikes are.

3. No one ever tries to classify all bikers as idiots.

4. Bikers are a uniform, brainless mass who won't accept criticism of any other biker. And they all hate car drivers.

5. Either everyone in charge of a vehicle is in fact an idiot, or there's something about motorbikes that makes this broad catagorisation applicable only to them.

6. Anyone fearing for their safety on a motorbike, because they can't trust their own actions or judgement, should be welcomed on the roads.

Yes, I could have started my own thread, but I was commenting on posts made in this one. If everyone started a new thread to comment on an existing one then I'm sure the place would be a lot messier and confusing for us all.

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Excellent post ballpoint.

I like the part a lot where you point out about people who fear they will kill themselves with a bike but will drive here in a car and put others at risk.

Like you said there are a idiot drivers.. motorbike and car alike and you should not tar everyone with the same brush. Its refreshing to see someone use some nuance.

I like driving a motorbike but i am aware that in an accident i would probably come out less fortunate then a car, it just makes me drive more careful. The best thing about a motorcycle and probably the reason why many car owners hate motorcycles is that you can go past traffic jams. It must be real anoying to watch ppl move while your stuck in a car so they vent the anger here.

About driving in a traffic jam i won't drive there like an idiot and zoom past the cars i keep my speed higher then theirs.. but not too high. Unlike some motorcycles who zoom past.

Like people have said before there are good motorcyle and car drivers.

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Quite a spin you,ve put on my last post.

I stand by what I posted and how you interpet is is your choice.

No further comment.

Stay safe, and don,t become a statistic.


:) when the next horrific and un necessary accident will occur, but it won,t be long in comming, I,m sad to say.

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you guys realise that on a motorbike even if you go slow, you won't have any cars around you if you start in front of them at the redlight?

They start up so slow they wont catch up to you even if you drive at 60. Those who do catch up will be driving in the wrong lane, against the upcoming traffic anyways because they're drunk or angry.

If you put yourself in front of my truck you will quickly realize your bike is not quick enough! So do not, for your own safety, take for granted that you will be ahead at all times.

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Excellent post ballpoint.

I like the part a lot where you point out about people who fear they will kill themselves with a bike but will drive here in a car and put others at risk.

Like you said there are a idiot drivers.. motorbike and car alike and you should not tar everyone with the same brush. Its refreshing to see someone use some nuance.

I like driving a motorbike but i am aware that in an accident i would probably come out less fortunate then a car, it just makes me drive more careful. The best thing about a motorcycle and probably the reason why many car owners hate motorcycles is that you can go past traffic jams. It must be real anoying to watch ppl move while your stuck in a car so they vent the anger here.

About driving in a traffic jam i won't drive there like an idiot and zoom past the cars i keep my speed higher then theirs.. but not too high. Unlike some motorcycles who zoom past.

Like people have said before there are good motorcyle and car drivers.

Yes, I agree with you & especially what ballpoint said, his post was spot on. :)

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If you drive like you believe EVERYONE is an idiot trying to kill you then you MIGHT have a better chance of surviving Thai traffic. Everyone should ALWAYS be aware that there are many drivers and riders who don't have a clue about being careful and either don't give a dam_n or just don't believe in cause and effect. Fore warned is fore armed. You are much safer in a truck or car then on a bike, but you can't get through traffic as easily and it's 10 times as hard to find some place to park. It's all about compromise.

Only yesterday I had a woman in a car hit me on my bike. She decided to turn left without signaling and crossed into my lane. Fortunately, I was stopped at the time and the accident didn't cause any damage. She was more worried about her car than me on my motorbike.

The vans are often the worst and very often drive like nobody else on the road deserves any space. I've had more near misses by vans than any other vehicles.

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Reference my O.P. and the identity of the victim.

I,ve finally managed to locate and get a certified photocopy of the accident report and was given permission to pass on the following information relating to him.

Mr. Seherer Guido Watter.

Age:- 44 years old.

Nationality:- Swiss.

They are still waiting for a relative to contact them ( a cousin )

I have also been given the name of the reporting police officer, along with his contact number should it be needed.

Just maybe someone may recognise the above and can provide further useful info for the police and the related Swiss Embassy.

The accident report itself is limited in regards to the actual accident, but confirms via several witnesses that it was his own faullt and as with my O.P. describes the basics on what occured.

It was also confirmed an eighteen wheeled vehicle was involved, were the accident happened and includes both licenced number plates,

( Lorry and M.Bike )

Photo,s where taken at the scene to accompany the report, but I had no desire nor interest in wanting to see them.

There is no other information and no references to alchohol and drugs ect. being the cause, or part of this tragic event.

Should anyone personally connected with the victim want to contact the reporting officer, I will let them have his personal details / telephone number via PM, should they wish to do so.

May you once again RIP Mr. Seherer Guido Watter

marshbags :)

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