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Tiger Woods Gate Reminded Me Why I Hate The Western World And Love Thailand

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:) You see in the West the elite employ a divide and conquer strategy where groups are played against each other by ethnicity, sex, etc. and the idea is to disunite as many as possible so no one group can challenge the elite. And of course all of this is made to appear as equality and justice for all.
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So...if Thai-ger Woods is at least 37% Thai, if he'd grown up in Thailand with his Thai mother, he would still be a virgin, or a faithful Thai husband?


at least thats what i was just told by TGF

Yes Thailand is a much better place for low class whoremongering men, congrats on finding nirvana. :) However FYI there are also plenty of Thais and Farangs in Thailand that have higher moral standards than that.

Ugh. When will this tired, hypocritical, hateful ancient Middle Eastern "morality" die already?

You want "family values"? Go live in Saudi Arabia, because the only way to have that kind of "morality" is to enforce it with a reign of terror, thuggish religious police and cruel and unusual punishments, the likes of which you find in the torah, bible and koran (each largely a plagiarization of the previous). Of course, then you'll have to live with the ugly consequences of severe sexual repression as frustrated men commit horrendous acts of violence against wives, daughters, servants, homosexuals, etc., etc., etc. But at least violence isn't immoral, right? Funny how you never hear this kind of outrage directed against the epidemic of violence caused by alcohol, drugs, gangs and religion... no, it's always reserved for sex between consenting adults. (The horror!).

Thank yaweh the East Asians never bought our so-called "moral standards".

Yes Thailand is a much better place for low class whoremongering men, congrats on finding nirvana. :D However FYI there are also plenty of Thais and Farangs in Thailand that have higher moral standards than that.

:) Want to bet?


There's a very funny article about this incident on the spoof news website TheOnion.com. I understand I can't post links to it...so just go to the website and search for it. Worth a chuckle.

Edit: They've taken it off the main page, but you can find it if you google the following:

the onion tiger woods investigators clues

The best quote: "...along with the fact that when we arrived on the scene the world's No.1 golfer had suffered facial lacerations not necessarily caused by a car accident, had been slipping in and out of consciousness for nearly five minutes, and lay on the ground as his wife stood over his bloody body holding a 7-iron..."

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