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Massive Elbow Pain

Wrong Turn

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As member know I have a history of gout and have kept it at bay for several months.

But I have a massive pain in my elbow that slow got worse over the last 3 days.

It feels warm. Hot.

My tendon/tissue near the elbow is swollen and well as something connecting to it.

Is this gout? Can anybody try to help with info?

I did NOT fall, pull, push, lift, or anything.

This is why I'm so perplexed.


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sounds more like a bursa sac inflamation.


An infection, arthritis, gout, thyroid disease, and diabetes can also bring about inflammation of a bursa or tendon.

Treatment focuses on healing the injured bursa or tendon. The first step in treating both of these conditions is to reduce pain and inflammation with rest, compression, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin, naproxen (Naprosyn1, Aleve), or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, or Nuprin). Ice may also be used in acute injuries, but most cases of bursitis or tendinitis are considered chronic, and ice is not helpful. When ice is needed, an ice pack can be applied to the affected area for 15-20 minutes every 4-6 hours for 3-5 days. Longer use of ice and a stretching program may be recommended by a health care provider.

Activity involving the affected joint is also restricted to encourage healing and prevent further injury.

In some cases (e.g., in tennis elbow), elbow bands may be used to compress the forearm muscle to provide some pain relief, limiting the pull of the tendon on the bone. Other protective devices, such as foot orthoses for the ankle and foot or splints for the knee or hand, may temporarily reduce stress to the affected tendon or bursa and facilitate quicker healing times, while allowing general activity levels to continue as usual.

The doctor or therapist may use ultrasound (gentle sound-wave vibrations) to warm deep tissues and improve blood flow. Iontophoresis may also be used. This involves using an electrical current to push a corticosteroid medication through the skin directly over the inflamed bursa or tendon. Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises are added gradually. Massage of the soft tissue may be helpful. These may be preceded or followed by use of an ice pack. The type of exercises recommended may vary depending on the location of the affected bursa or tendon.

If there is no improvement, the doctor may inject a corticosteroid medicine into the area surrounding the inflamed bursa or tendon. While corticosteroid injections are a common treatment, they must be used with caution because they may lead to weakening or rupture of the tendon (especially weight-bearing tendons such as the Achilles [ankle], posterior tibial [arch of the foot], and patellar [knee] tendons). If there is still no improvement after 6-12 months, the doctor may perform either arthroscopic or open surgery to repair damage and relieve pressure on the tendons and bursae.

If the bursitis is caused by an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

If a tendon is completely torn, surgery may be needed to repair the damage. After surgery on a quadriceps or patellar tendon, for example, the patient will wear a cast for 3-6 weeks and use crutches. For a partial tear, the doctor might apply a cast without performing surgery.

Rehabilitating a partial or complete tear of a tendon requires an exercise program to restore the ability to bend and straighten the knee and to strengthen the leg to prevent repeat injury. A rehabilitation program may last 6 months, although the patient can return to many activities before then.

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It could be gout. But also need to exclude septic arthritis (joint infection), which can happen when bacteria get into the bloodstream -- from any point of entry -- and travel to the joint.

You need to see a doctor, and they should aspirate fluid from the area (using needle and syringe) for examination. This will tell them if it is an infection, in which case antibiotics -- usually by IV at least at first -- will be indicated.

If the fluid aspirate is sterile then = gout and it can be managed with rest and antinflamaotroy medication (NSAIDs or colchicine).

Applications of heat (heating pad or hot compresses) may also be helpful.

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cobrasnake thank you.

Sheryl thank you.

Last night after the post the pain increased a lot. I went to bed and it has improved (less pain) now, but I cannot move my elbow & arm. But it still hurts.

I will go to the doctor tomorrow to get a test to see if it's an infection or find out if it's gout.

Thank you for your help. I'm grateful to both of you.

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cobrasnake thank you.

Sheryl thank you.

Last night after the post the pain increased a lot. I went to bed and it has improved (less pain) now, but I cannot move my elbow & arm. But it still hurts.

I will go to the doctor tomorrow to get a test to see if it's an infection or find out if it's gout.

Thank you for your help. I'm grateful to both of you.

How much are you using the computer ? could also be RSI

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sounds more like a bursa sac inflamation.

Go and see a doctor.

If you have a temperature you could have an infected bursa - it can get quite serious. I had one in my left knee and was in hospital for a week, on crutches for over a month and still have the (very large) scar!


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This is most probably "Olecranon Bursitis" as suggested in post #2 above.

Can be primarily gout but also with a secondary infection. In this case, a course of antibiotics is given but then surgery to remove the bursa is indicated about 6 weeks after the condition has settled down.

In the procedure the bursa is removed as it tends to become recurrent.

Septic arthritis of the elbow joint must be excluded; don't delay, go and see an orthopedic surgeon asap.

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Two months ago my elbow swelled with fluid. Went to Pattaya Memorial where it was drained. Three days later it filled back up so I returned to the hospital for another aspiration. Prescribed antibiotics were not working. The third visit resulted in a one night stay and surgery to remove the bursa sac. Stitched up and sent home everthing was fine for one month when the elbow turned red and slightly swollen and yellowish substance leaking. Infection for sure but went back to the doctor and he performed another incision under local anesthetics, opened the elbow, aspirated and restitched the elbow. Now a month later everything seems fine except for the arthritic pain that I was told would be there for the rest of my life. Getting older is tough.

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Two months ago my elbow swelled with fluid. Went to Pattaya Memorial where it was drained. Three days later it filled back up so I returned to the hospital for another aspiration. Prescribed antibiotics were not working. The third visit resulted in a one night stay and surgery to remove the bursa sac. Stitched up and sent home everthing was fine for one month when the elbow turned red and slightly swollen and yellowish substance leaking. Infection for sure but went back to the doctor and he performed another incision under local anesthetics, opened the elbow, aspirated and restitched the elbow. Now a month later everything seems fine except for the arthritic pain that I was told would be there for the rest of my life. Getting older is tough.

Sounds like bursitis, i had the very same, with elbow like a balloon for weeks..just kept getting it drained and it eventually went away...maybe lucky , no surgery req`d..hd

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cobrasnake thank you.

Sheryl thank you.

Last night after the post the pain increased a lot. I went to bed and it has improved (less pain) now, but I cannot move my elbow & arm. But it still hurts.

I will go to the doctor tomorrow to get a test to see if it's an infection or find out if it's gout.

Thank you for your help. I'm grateful to both of you.

How much are you using the computer ? could also be RSI

I'm on the computer a lot. Laptop on coffee table. Note* typing is very painful and leads to excruciating pain. I am typing w/ left hand and "pecking" with right, hurt hand.

My fingers also feel tight.

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sounds more like a bursa sac inflamation.

Go and see a doctor.

If you have a temperature you could have an infected bursa - it can get quite serious. I had one in my left knee and was in hospital for a week, on crutches for over a month and still have the (very large) scar!

thanks for reply.

Do you mean temperature in the painful area? The painful area is "hot." Very warm. But I don't think I have a body temperature.

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This is most probably "Olecranon Bursitis" as suggested in post #2 above.

Can be primarily gout but also with a secondary infection. In this case, a course of antibiotics is given but then surgery to remove the bursa is indicated about 6 weeks after the condition has settled down.

In the procedure the bursa is removed as it tends to become recurrent.

Septic arthritis of the elbow joint must be excluded; don't delay, go and see an orthopedic surgeon asap.

I'll go to hospital on Thursday in 1 1/2 because of work. thanks.

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A brief update, and more information about this pain.

My elbow was never swollen.

The pain was not actually on the tip of the elbow, bone (my mistake in OP posting). The pain is on the muscle/tendon/tissue near the elbow, on the top part of my arm.


a couple of years ago I had similar pain, two times in the same, right elbow:

one time the pain was caused by picking up a 5 Liter bottle by gripping it with my fingers, every day about 15 times a day. When I elbow started hurting I stopped lifting this 5 liter bottle in the same way, and the pain went away.

The second time pain was caused by picking up my motorbike by my right arm, and pushing the stand-up kick stand. I noticed this pain was from this. When I stopped lifting the motobrbike the pain went away.

I think this pain may be from lifting the bike again, because in my new apartment, space is limited, and I have been improperly using my right arm (again) to life the bike.

My point: I have a history of this pain.

Also, as there is no swelling, it is still warm, and a mild coloration of red on the part that hurts.

Note* I have not gone to the doctor because the pains is subsiding. I have just not been "using" my elbow. I can type on the laptop again.

The motion in my elbow (arm) is returning, although I cannot straighten my arm, 100%.

I'll keep things, posted. Thanks for the help. I have learned a lot. And yes, I am not ruling out Bursitis.

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Still confusing but closer to "Tennis Elbow" now it seems..

Tennis elbow is caused by....movements, correct?

I think this situation was caused by my awkward one-armed lifting (due to limited space).

Still, I'll watch it closely. Many thanks again to Sheryl, Cobra, FBN, and others. But why would there be a read mark on the tissue if I didn't hit it, or bank it?

I'll wait and see.

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Still confusing but closer to "Tennis Elbow" now it seems..

Tennis elbow is caused by....movements, correct?

I think this situation was caused by my awkward one-armed lifting (due to limited space).

Still, I'll watch it closely. Many thanks again to Sheryl, Cobra, FBN, and others. But why would there be a read mark on the tissue if I didn't hit it, or bank it?

I'll wait and see.

Top side of the elbow is tennis elbow

Bottom side of elbow is golfers elbow

Both forms of RSI, I mentioned computer usage as I had/have "golfers" elbow from the using the computer...

Othopedic surgeon in BPH gave a cortisone injection saying it was tennis elbow, never helped and went to see a othopedic surgeon for a second opinon and he said golfers elbow and that cortisone wouldnt work and suggested a golfer's strap that goes on your forearm and isolates the tendons, used over a period of 6 months and it worked...

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Still confusing but closer to "Tennis Elbow" now it seems..

Tennis elbow is caused by....movements, correct?

I think this situation was caused by my awkward one-armed lifting (due to limited space).

Still, I'll watch it closely. Many thanks again to Sheryl, Cobra, FBN, and others. But why would there be a read mark on the tissue if I didn't hit it, or bank it?

I'll wait and see.

Top side of the elbow is tennis elbow

Bottom side of elbow is golfers elbow

Both forms of RSI, I mentioned computer usage as I had/have "golfers" elbow from the using the computer...

Othopedic surgeon in BPH gave a cortisone injection saying it was tennis elbow, never helped and went to see a othopedic surgeon for a second opinon and he said golfers elbow and that cortisone wouldnt work and suggested a golfer's strap that goes on your forearm and isolates the tendons, used over a period of 6 months and it worked...

thanks, Soutpeel,

What is RSI?


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Interesting to come accross this as i too have suffered similar over the past week. The OP's case does sound a bit more like tennis elbow, but i still think you should see a Doc. & get it checked over.

My left elbow became very painful on the 17th, just 4 days after yours. By evening it was so painful i was unable to concentrate on some online work & i felt nauseous.

Difficulty sleeping that night but 2 Ibuprofen helped.

Next day i had to go into town so called in at the Docs. (I'm currently in the UK) Very luckily i got to see a Doc later that day. Before the appointment i'd already had a look around on the 'net about painful elbows. It was very hot, red, swollen, & if i touched it just at the back of the funny bone, i almost shot through the ceiling.

Never heard of a bursa before, but on a very brief meeting with the Doc. we both agreed it was indeed an infected bursa. A weeks course of Flucloxacillin and its now much improved.

One poster said he'd had his drained & it had filled up again. I had read on the 'net that can happen, so now the normal treatment course its anti-biotics first, then drain it later if if necessary.

The only cause i think of is that its possible my elbow rubs lightly but constantly on the hard plastic arm of my computer chair.

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