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Happy Howling Dogs


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i just did a search on howling dogs and one site was the only one that said there are many reasons and one might be happiness

so i want to relate a story

there are some free wandering beach dogs i know and love

2 of them really like me protect me and take care of me when i see them

sometimes they are so excited to see me that they will greet me with happy whines, huge backside wagging and wiggling and sometimes even jumping

the last time, the pair, i think sisters, were joined by a couple of other dogs and after they first saw me they started to howl like crazy, all four of them

it was not aggressive at all

they were constantly looking at me

waiting for my cue

where to go or what to do next

i didnt understand this but after a search, it is now clear they were very happy to see me and were announcing my presence i believe

really fascinating experience if a bit strange

anyone else experience anything like this?

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Once I came back from the pub with my girlfriend and we had had a good time in the pub and I felt happy and, inexplicably, I felt like howling like a dog because I was happy and it felt good.

My girlfriend told me to shut up.

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these two are like angels

for one they will bark away strangers (they dont bark at anyone, just ones they dont feel comfortable with)

usually when we walk, they will be far ahead or far behind

but recently they were walking really slowly right behind me, then i realized we were in new territory and they probalby never go up that way

when they pratically stopped i realize we were in another dogs territory

one intimidating dog approached them aggressively but despite it all they faced their fear and continued their walk with me

it was really interesting to see how they dealt with the aggression

the best story is this:

again, they often walk far ahead or behind me

but when it is dark and i come to some rocks and cant see well, one of the dogs will slow down and look behind to see if i am ok

she will actually walk slowly head of me to help me find the path

or will not go ahead until i find my way while she watches me

really amazing and very sensitive and caring

these are pretty complex creatures if they have the ability to express empathy, compassion and care like that

i usually consider myself a cat person but these dogs have won my heart and have made up for all the trouble dogs have given me in some thai villages

hope to have more good dog stories to share in the future

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah.. tell that to my Thai neighbours when my dogs begin to howl at 2-4 am because their dogs are howling and the the chorus begins.. Now, to stop them I had to buy those black muzzles from the pet shop (a Bok Dok #2 and 3) and put them on every dog before I retire to prevent them from howling at night.. Especially tonight being a FULL MOON...

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They are actually howling to attract more of their mates, they can see that you trust them and they are just waiting until there are enough of them around to overpower and eat you!! Be afraid, verrrry afraid! :):D

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