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Glitterman Speaks About Alchohol


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i am surprised that only one of you bothered to send a photo of me directly to my e mail hotmail , dont worry about trying to get them on the triggerhappy forum, its not easy transferring them from the forum to my hotmail .

what i am going to talk about is alchohol ,they say 'money is the root of all evil' i say 'alchohol is'. i have not touched a single drop of alchohol for twenty years, i could if i wanted to , there is nothing wrong with my body and all this exercise through cycling and swimming means im fitter than all of you, [ i also have never smoked and never taken any form of drugs in my life ] i dont drink because im rebelling against alchohol and the social structure of it and the damage it does. it always amuses me how a man can drink down his pint of beer and then slam his empty glass on the table with a growling ''aaaaahhhh'', as if to say 'look im a real man, ive drunk all this liquid'. RUBBISH the only thing manly about that is that you were brave enough to drink a liquid that was exactly the same colour and shade as urine [which is possibly how the term pissheads came about]. or to look at it in another way; if an alien from another planet were to land on earth and see all these peolple drinking alchohol then the alien would believe that humans needed to drink alchohol to survive and without it the humans would die . i dont need alchohol to have a good time , and i believe the world would be a much better place without it, its an obvious fact that more people would be still alive today if it were not for that liquid. i come from Wimbledon in London ,England ,where an old friend of mine the movie star actor Oliver Reed was also born and raised and lived a few houses away, died from alchohol a decade ago, and more recently a girlfriend of mine died in a road accident with a drunk driver, and only yesterday an english drunkard [yes they have arrived again] tried to attempt to get on board my show bike, despite the fact the ex-passenger seat has a large cassette player on it.

im not going to change anyones point of view with this, but i do say this christmass be carefull as you could be the next one in an accident. i immagine that seeing alot of my audience are located in bars that i wont get the cheerfull reception i am used to anymore when i do my round, but thats okay,even if i save just one life this christmass then its worth it. after all, im supposed to be a superhero , or so you all say . glitterman.

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I think I get your message but your cr@p punctuation, cr@p grammar and the almost total absence of capitals at the beginning of sentences reduces it to:-

Blah blah alcohol blah blah Xmas blah blah.............glitterman.

Happy Christmas anyhow, I'll not be back in Pattaya this year but keep pedalling anyway at least it puts some smiles on some faces.

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Have to agree with you on this one. So many lives ruined due to this legal deadly drug. I wish i could give it a miss but being a brit means i have been weaned on larger and find it hard to have a night out without the aid of this amber stuff. Also dont know anyone worth talking to that doesnt partake. :)

PS the 2nd most dangerous thing to alcohol is riding a push bike around Pattaya - especialy with the current amount of drunken scum everywhere.

take care

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I think I get your message but your cr@p punctuation, cr@p grammar and the almost total absence of capitals at the beginning of sentences reduces it to:-

Blah blah alcohol blah blah Xmas blah blah.............glitterman.

Happy Christmas anyhow, I'll not be back in Pattaya this year but keep pedalling anyway at least it puts some smiles on some faces.

all negative replies will be from big drinkers.


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